(Grav GitSync) Automatic Commit from disroot_user

This commit is contained in:
disroot_user 2017-11-09 15:38:24 -05:00 committed by GitSync
parent f44b08657c
commit a4a540b550
1 changed files with 27 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -12,13 +12,33 @@ taxonomy:
body_classes: 'single single-post'
Some weeks ago the open source community around ownCloud was surprised to hear many of the core developers, including one of the founders have decided to part ways with ownCloud inc. Frank Karlitschek announced it first on his blog ([http://karlitschek.de/2016/04/big-changes-i-am-leaving-owncloud-inc-today/](http://karlitschek.de/2016/04/big-changes-i-am-leaving-owncloud-inc-today/)). Naturally, this action left a lot of question marks regarding the future of the project. Many were concerned ownCloud will now focus more on the enterprise product and will therefor neglect the communitys open source version. Soon after Karlitcheks announcement, ownCloud Inc. announced their “ownCloud Foundation” project which intended to address such concerns. However, as pointed by several people in the community, this move did not address the issues that were the cause of staffs exodus (Contribution licensing among others) and rather it was seen by big part of the community as a move to keep things as they are while saving face.
First we'd like to start with the big news: As of 3rd November Disroot is an official foundation! This is an important milestone in Disroot's timeline and a validation of our commitment to the project.
This last month was extremely busy, perhaps our busiest so far, as we were preparing the system for these new features:
Aliases are now available for our regular supporters. By regular supporters we think of those who contribute the equivalent of at least one cup of coffee a month.
It is not that we are promoting coffee, on the contrary - coffee is actually quite the symbol for [exploitation](http://thesourcefilm.com/) and [inequality](http://www.foodispower.org/coffee/) so we thought that it is a good way to let people measure themselves how much they can give.
We found this [list](https://www.caffesociety.co.uk/blog/the-cheapest-cities-in-the-world-for-a-cup-of-coffee) of coffee cup prices around the world, it might not be very accurate, but it gives a good indication of the different fares.
Please take time to consider your contribution. If you can 'buy' us one cup of Rio De Janeiro coffee a month that's OK, but If you can afford a Double Decaf Soy Frappuccino With An Extra Shot And Cream a month, then you can really help us keep the Disroot platform running and make sure it is available for free for other people with less means.
To request aliases you need to fill in this [form](https://disroot.org/forms/alias-request-form).
*If you already donated to Disroot in the past and would still like to get aliases please get in contact with us.*
For information on howto to setup your new email aliases check our [howto section](https://howto.disroot.org/email/identities)
Extra shorter email address
A little something to all Disrooters - our new short domain **disr.it** is now available to all. Each account has now a *username*@disr.it alias by default, that can be used as an extra email address. Follow the link above to learn how to set it up on your device or in the setting of the webmail.
Testing new conferencing system
As some of you know developers at matrix.org recently decided to utilize "meet jitsi" service to handle video conferences. As a preperation to later serving our own selfhosted solution for matrix users on our server, we have also deployed jitsi on Disroot. You can find it via https://calls.disroot.org. It's a very simple yet powerful video conference system that supports audio/video, chat and screen sharing without the need to create any account. We haven't officially added it to the list of the services but we are curious to read what you think about it and at the same time to test its resource footprint on our platform when widely used. So check it out, play with it and remember to let us know what you think about it.
Since Liberapay does not allow rewarding for donations - which means we are unfortunately unable to give out email aliases to people who support Disroot through Librepay - we have also started a Patreon page. You can find the information on that and other contribution options at https://disroot.org/donate .
We are also waiting to get the details of our new bank account, we will add the information to the donation page once we have it.
We didnt have to wait long to hear a new fork of ownCloud has been created under the name Nextcloud, and to no surprise, Frank Karlitschek and all the core developers that previously left ownCloud inc. were behind it. Nextcloud in contrary to ownCloud wants to be community oriented. With no restrictions in licensing (link to what CLA is) and with no enterprise version. They want to remain as transparent as possible and to base their business model on enterprise hosting and support rather than premium functionalities, just like many open source projects do these days.
Upcoming sprint.
The coming sprint will be our last sprint this year. Apart from releasing more cloud space and domain linking features we want to focus on our tutorial section. Lots of tutorials need updating and even more are waiting to be written. We therefor need help from all of you to contribute to tutorials and/or their translations. One of the first things we'll do is create a tutorial on how to submit contributions. We are also planning a major hardware upgrade in the coming weeks. We're going to migrate to a dedicated database server which should improve the overall performance of the platform.
This reassuring words from the guys at Nextcloud ([http://karlitschek.de/2016/06/nextcloud/](http://karlitschek.de/2016/06/nextcloud/)) made us decide to jump ship and enjoy more freedom. Therefor we would like to announce we have begun testing Nextcloud for disroot. As soon as we make sure all the applications hosted on our platform are compatible with Nextcloud, we will announce the exact date we would like to switch.
For all you Disrooters out there, there will be no significant difference in the short run. The Nextcloud release at the moment is no different to ownCloud, and everything should work out of the box. Even though Nextcloud has already released their mobile versions of the apps and the desktop sync client (which of course we would recommend you to move to once we make the switch), the ownCloud mobile apps are currently compatible. We do expect significant improvement to the user experience in the long run. The community around Nextcloud has grown like mushrooms over the last few weeks and we are very positive it will keep on growing. That will naturally result in better user experience, more apps, more integrations and all the goodies you would expect form your personal cloud.