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Email Alias #FFF #555

Email Aliases
and Domain Linking

Request Aliases Link Own Domain

An email alias is simply a forwarding email address. All Disrooters are automaticaly given one alias

More aliases are available for our regular supporters. By regular supporters we think of those who contribute the equivalent of at least one cup of coffee a month. It is not that we are promoting coffee, on the contrary - coffee is actually quite the symbol for exploitation and inequality and inequality so we thought that it is a good way to let people measure themselves how much they can give. We found this list of coffee cup prices around the world, it might not be very accurate, but it gives a good indication of the different fares. Please take time to consider your contribution. If you can 'buy' us one cup of Rio De Janeiro coffee a month that's OK, but If you can afford a Double Decaf Soy Frappuccino With An Extra Shot And Cream a month, then you can really help us keep the Disroot platform running and make sure it is available for free for other people with less means.

To request aliases you need to fill in this form.
If you would like to use your own domain use this form.

For information on howto to setup your new email aliases check our howto section