
51 lines
2.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<release version="0.9.1" versioncode="6" >
<change>Spanish translation added</change>
<change>Changed some minor content strings</change>
<release version="0.0.5" versioncode="5" >
<change>User choice of chat client whit remember option</change>
<change>All content of dialog box is added, ready for review</change>
<release version="0.0.4" versioncode="4" >
<change>Fixed Download issue when trying to download a file for the first time</change>
<change>Changed layout of the about activity</change>
<change>Floating mail icon makes you send mail to Disroot</change>
<change>Corrected some typos</change>
<change>ProgressBar shows actual progress</change>
<change>Added go bak arrow on the about activity</change>
<change>Added third party libraries in the about activity</change>
<change>Changed the splash logo</change>
<release version="0.0.3" versioncode="3" >
<change>If Pix-art is installed then it will be launched as chat app</change>
<change>Download is possible</change>
<change>You can upload files from archive and from camera</change>
<change>Added about page</change>
<change>Added link to F-Droid</change>
<change>First time tapping on icons shows onetime info</change>
<change>Every icon shows info on long press</change>
<change>added ckChangelog</change>
<release version="0.0.2" versioncode="2" >
<change>Non disroot.org domains open in external browser</change>
<change>Fixed blank page on board.disroot.org</change>
<change>Long press on mail icon shows info</change>
<change>Home button animates dashboard</change>
<change>Pad icon redirects to Padland</change>
<change>Added link to disroot's stat</change>
<change>Fixed Blank loading of Taiga board</change>
<change>Added link to how to</change>
<change>Added exit button</change>
<change>Tapping on a Disroot domain from external app (such as browser or chat app) opens Disroot app</change>
<change>Added reload button</change>
<change>Welcome activity added</change>
<release version="0.0.1" versioncode="1">
<change>Created project starting from Diolinux</change>
<change>if you now click on a link outside the disroot domain it opens in a external browser.</change>
<change>menu background changed to dark</change>
<change>Added all icons</change>