
1.1 KiB



  • if you now click on a link outside the disroot domain it opens in a external browser.
  • menu background changed to dark
  • Added all icons


  • Non disroor.org domains open in external browser
  • Fixed blank page on board.disroot.org
  • Long press on mail icon shows info
  • Home button animates dashboard
  • Pad icon redirects to Padland
  • Added link to disroot's state
  • Fixed Blank loading of Taiga board
  • Added link to how to
  • Added exit button
  • Tapping on a disroot domain from external app (such as browser or chat app) opens Disroot app
  • Added reload button
  • Welcome activity added
  • if Pix-art is installed then it will be launched as chat app
  • You can upload files from archive and from camera


  • if Pix-art is installed then it will be launched as chat app
  • Download is possible
  • Upload is possible
  • You can upload files from archive and from camera
  • Added about page
  • Added linkt to fdroid <<<<<<< HEAD
  • First time tapping on icons shows ontime info


  • First time tapping on icons shows ontime info
