Use Lacre logging and configuration in

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Piotr F. Mieszkowski 2022-04-12 21:43:52 +02:00
parent 99cb07b015
commit 945f774cad
1 changed files with 30 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -28,44 +28,41 @@ import syslog
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
def appendLog(msg):
if 'logging' in cfg and 'file' in cfg['logging']:
if cfg['logging'].get('file') == "syslog":
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO | syslog.LOG_MAIL, msg)
logfile = open(cfg['logging']['file'], 'a')
logfile.write(msg + "\n")
import logging
import lacre
import lacre.config as conf
def send_msg( mailsubject, messagefile, recipients = None ):
mailbody = file( cfg['cron']['mail_templates'] + "/" + messagefile).read()
mailbody = file( conf.get_item('cron', 'mail_templates') + "/" + messagefile).read()
msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
msg["From"] = cfg['cron']['notification_email']
msg["From"] = conf.get_item('cron', 'notification_email')
msg["To"] = recipients
msg["Subject"] = mailsubject
msg.attach(MIMEText(mailbody, 'plain'))
msg.attach(MIMEText(markdown.markdown(mailbody), 'html'))
if 'relay' in cfg and 'host' in cfg['relay'] and 'enc_port' in cfg['relay']:
relay = (cfg['relay']['host'], int(cfg['relay']['enc_port']))
if conf.config_item_set('relay', 'host') and conf.config_item_set('relay', 'enc_port'):
relay = (conf.get_item('relay', 'host'), int(conf.get_item('relay', 'enc_port')))
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(relay[0], relay[1])
smtp.sendmail( cfg['cron']['notification_email'], recipients, msg.as_string() )
smtp.sendmail( conf.get_item('cron', 'notification_email'), recipients, msg.as_string() )
appendLog("Could not send mail due to wrong configuration")"Could not send mail due to wrong configuration")
# Read configuration from /etc/gpg-mailgate.conf
_cfg = RawConfigParser()'/etc/gpg-mailgate.conf')
cfg = dict()
for sect in _cfg.sections():
cfg[sect] = dict()
for (name, value) in _cfg.items(sect):
cfg[sect][name] = value
if 'database' in cfg and 'enabled' in cfg['database'] and cfg['database']['enabled'] == 'yes' and 'name' in cfg['database'] and 'host' in cfg['database'] and 'username' in cfg['database'] and 'password' in cfg['database']:
connection = MySQLdb.connect(host = cfg['database']['host'], user = cfg['database']['username'], passwd = cfg['database']['password'], db = cfg['database']['name'], port = 3306)
lacre.init_logging(conf.get_item('logging', 'config'))
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if conf.config_item_equals('database', 'enabled', 'yes') and conf.config_item_set('database', 'name') and conf.config_item_set('database', 'host') and conf.config_item_set('database', 'username') and conf.config_item_set('password', 'database'):
connection = MySQLdb.connect(host = conf.get_item('database', 'host'),
user = conf.get_item('database', 'username'),
passwd = conf.get_item('database', 'password'),
db = conf.get_item('database', 'name'),
port = 3306)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# import keys
@ -75,25 +72,25 @@ if 'database' in cfg and 'enabled' in cfg['database'] and cfg['database']['enabl
for row in result_set:
# delete any other public keys associated with this confirmed email address
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM gpgmw_keys WHERE email = %s AND id != %s", (row[2], row[1],))
GnuPG.delete_key(cfg['gpg']['keyhome'], row[2])
appendLog('Deleted key for <' + row[2] + '> via import request')
GnuPG.delete_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[2])'Deleted key for <' + row[2] + '> via import request')
if row[0].strip(): # we have this so that user can submit blank key to remove any encryption
if GnuPG.confirm_key(row[0], row[2]):
GnuPG.add_key(cfg['gpg']['keyhome'], row[0]) # import the key to gpg
GnuPG.add_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[0]) # import the key to gpg
cursor.execute("UPDATE gpgmw_keys SET status = 1 WHERE id = %s", (row[1],)) # mark key as accepted
appendLog('Imported key from <' + row[2] + '>')
if 'send_email' in cfg['cron'] and cfg['cron']['send_email'] == 'yes':'Imported key from <' + row[2] + '>')
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key registration successful", "", row[2] )
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM gpgmw_keys WHERE id = %s", (row[1],)) # delete key
appendLog('Import confirmation failed for <' + row[2] + '>')
if 'send_email' in cfg['cron'] and cfg['cron']['send_email'] == 'yes':'Import confirmation failed for <' + row[2] + '>')
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key registration failed", "", row[2] )
# delete key so we don't continue processing it
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM gpgmw_keys WHERE id = %s", (row[1],))
if 'send_email' in cfg['cron'] and cfg['cron']['send_email'] == 'yes':
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key deleted", "", row[2])
@ -103,9 +100,9 @@ if 'database' in cfg and 'enabled' in cfg['database'] and cfg['database']['enabl
result_set = cursor.fetchall()
for row in result_set:
GnuPG.delete_key(cfg['gpg']['keyhome'], row[0])
GnuPG.delete_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[0])
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM gpgmw_keys WHERE id = %s", (row[1],))
appendLog('Deleted key for <' + row[0] + '>')'Deleted key for <' + row[0] + '>')
print("Warning: doing nothing since database settings are not configured!")