Fix indentation and some warnings

This commit is contained in:
Piotr F. Mieszkowski 2022-10-19 21:04:25 +02:00
parent fe49d985ec
commit a82d9f96b3

View file

@ -19,14 +19,11 @@
# along with gpg-mailgate source code. If not, see <>.
from configparser import RawConfigParser
import GnuPG
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, delete, update, and_
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, delete, and_
import smtplib
import markdown
import syslog
import os
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
@ -34,13 +31,15 @@ import logging
import lacre
import lacre.config as conf
def load_file(name):
def _load_file(name):
f = open(name)
data =
return data
def authenticate_maybe(smtp):
def _authenticate_maybe(smtp):
if conf.config_item_equals('smtp', 'enabled', 'true'):
LOG.debug(f"Connecting to {conf.get_item('smtp', 'host')}:{conf.get_item('smtp', 'port')}")
smtp.connect(conf.get_item('smtp', 'host'), conf.get_item('smtp', 'port'))
@ -51,8 +50,9 @@ def authenticate_maybe(smtp):
smtp.login(conf.get_item('smtp', 'username'), conf.get_item('smtp', 'password'))
def send_msg( mailsubject, messagefile, recipients = None ):
mailbody = load_file( conf.get_item('cron', 'mail_templates') + "/" + messagefile)
def _send_msg(mailsubject, messagefile, recipients = None):
mailbody = _load_file(conf.get_item('cron', 'mail_templates') + "/" + messagefile)
msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
msg["From"] = conf.get_item('cron', 'notification_email')
@ -65,16 +65,18 @@ def send_msg( mailsubject, messagefile, recipients = None ):
if conf.config_item_set('relay', 'host') and conf.config_item_set('relay', 'enc_port'):
relay = (conf.get_item('relay', 'host'), int(conf.get_item('relay', 'enc_port')))
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(relay[0], relay[1])
smtp.sendmail( conf.get_item('cron', 'notification_email'), recipients, msg.as_string() )
smtp.sendmail(conf.get_item('cron', 'notification_email'), recipients, msg.as_string())
else:"Could not send mail due to wrong configuration")
def setup_db_connection(url):
def _setup_db_connection(url):
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url)
return (engine, engine.connect())
def define_db_schema():
def _define_db_schema():
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
gpgmw_keys = sqlalchemy.Table('gpgmw_keys', meta,
@ -96,12 +98,12 @@ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if conf.config_item_equals('database', 'enabled', 'yes') and conf.config_item_set('database', 'url'):
(engine, conn) = setup_db_connection(conf.get_item("database", "url"))
(gpgmw_keys) = define_db_schema()
(engine, conn) = _setup_db_connection(conf.get_item("database", "url"))
(gpgmw_keys) = _define_db_schema()
selq = select(gpgmw_keys.c.publickey,,\
.where(and_(gpgmw_keys.c.status == 0, gpgmw_keys.c.confirm == ""))\
.where(and_(gpgmw_keys.c.status == 0, gpgmw_keys.c.confirm == ""))\
LOG.debug(f"Retrieving keys to be processed: {selq}")
result_set = conn.execute(selq)
@ -113,29 +115,29 @@ if conf.config_item_equals('database', 'enabled', 'yes') and conf.config_item_se
GnuPG.delete_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[2])'Deleted key for <' + row[2] + '> via import request')
if row[0].strip(): # we have this so that user can submit blank key to remove any encryption
if row[0].strip(): # we have this so that user can submit blank key to remove any encryption
if GnuPG.confirm_key(row[0], row[2]):
GnuPG.add_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[0]) # import the key to gpg
modq = gpgmw_keys.update().where( == row[1]).values(status = 1)
GnuPG.add_key(conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome'), row[0]) # import the key to gpg
modq = gpgmw_keys.update().where( == row[1]).values(status=1)
LOG.debug(f"Key imported, updating key: {modq}")
conn.execute(modq) # mark key as accepted
conn.execute(modq) # mark key as accepted
LOG.warning('Imported key from <' + row[2] + '>')
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key registration successful", "", row[2] )
_send_msg("PGP key registration successful", "", row[2])
delq = delete(gpgmw_keys).where( == row[1])
LOG.debug(f"Cannot confirm key, deleting it: {delq}")
conn.execute(delq) # delete key
conn.execute(delq) # delete key
LOG.warning('Import confirmation failed for <' + row[2] + '>')
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key registration failed", "", row[2] )
_send_msg("PGP key registration failed", "", row[2])
# delete key so we don't continue processing it
delq = delete(gpgmw_keys).where( == row[1])
LOG.debug(f"Deleting key: {delq}")
if conf.config_item_equals('cron', 'send_email', 'yes'):
send_msg( "PGP key deleted", "", row[2])
_send_msg("PGP key deleted", "", row[2])
# delete keys
stat2q = select(, == 2).limit(100)
@ -149,4 +151,4 @@ if conf.config_item_equals('database', 'enabled', 'yes') and conf.config_item_se'Deleted key for <' + row[0] + '>')
print("Warning: doing nothing since database settings are not configured!")
LOG.error("Warning: doing nothing since database settings are not configured!")
LOG.error("Warning: doing nothing since database settings are not configured!")