Migrate daemon E2E tests to unittest framework

This commit is contained in:
Piotr F. Mieszkowski 2023-05-07 00:46:47 +02:00
parent 518b823b5c
commit c08d66ac80
1 changed files with 50 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import logging
import subprocess
import os
import time
import unittest
def _spawn(cmd):
@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ def _spawn(cmd):
def _interrupt(proc):
# proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT)
@ -53,11 +53,14 @@ def _load(name):
def _send(host, port, mail_from, mail_to, message):
logging.debug(f"Sending message to {host}:{port}")
_spawn([os.getenv("PYTHON") or "python",
"-f", mail_from,
"-t", mail_to,
"-m", message])
p = _spawn([os.getenv("PYTHON") or "python",
"-f", mail_from,
"-t", mail_to,
"-m", message])
# Perform subprocess's internal resource management:
def _load_test_config():
@ -86,46 +89,56 @@ def _report_result(message_file, expected, test_output, boolean_func=_identity):
print(message_file.ljust(84, '.'), status)
def _execute_case(config, case_name):
logging.info(f"Executing case {case_name}")
python = os.getenv("PYTHON", "python")
class AdvancedMailFilterE2ETest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.config = _load_test_config()
relay_mock = _spawn([python, "test/utils/relay.py", "2500"])
time.sleep(1) # Wait for the relay to start up.
python = os.getenv("PYTHON", "python")
_send("localhost", 10025, "dave@disposlab",
config.get(case_name, 'to'), config.get(case_name, 'in'))
logging.info('Starting the server...')
cls.server = _spawn([python, '-m', 'lacre.daemon'])
(test_out, _) = relay_mock.communicate()
def tearDownClass(cls):
logging.info('Closing the server (SIGINT): %s', (cls.server))
test_out = test_out.decode('utf-8')
logging.debug(f"Read {len(test_out)} characters of output: '{test_out}'")
def case_range(self):
return range(1, self.config.getint('tests', 'cases') + 1)
if 'out' in config[case_name]:
_report_result(config.get(case_name, "descr"), config.get(case_name, "out"), test_out)
_report_result(config.get(case_name, "descr"), config.get(case_name, "out-not"), test_out, boolean_func=_inversion)
def test_all_cases(self):
for case_no in self.case_range():
with self.subTest(case_no=case_no):
self._execute_case(self.config, case_name=f'case-{case_no}')
def _execute_case(self, config, case_name):
logging.info(f"Executing case {case_name}")
python = os.getenv("PYTHON", "python")
relay_mock = _spawn([python, "test/utils/relay.py", "2500"])
time.sleep(1) # Wait for the relay to start up.
_send("localhost", 10025, "dave@disposlab",
config.get(case_name, 'to'), config.get(case_name, 'in'))
(test_out, _) = relay_mock.communicate()
test_out = test_out.decode('utf-8')
logging.debug(f"Read {len(test_out)} characters of output: '{test_out}'")
if 'out' in config[case_name]:
expected = '\r\n' + self.config.get(case_name, 'out')
self.assertIn(expected, test_out, self.config.get(case_name, 'in'))
unexpected = '\r\n' + self.config.get(case_name, 'out-not')
self.assertNotIn(unexpected, test_out, self.config.get(case_name, 'in'))
def _main():
conf = _load_test_config()
if __name__ == '__main__':
format="%(asctime)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s [%(funcName)s] %(message)s",
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
logging.info("Starting Lacre Daemon tests...")
python = os.getenv("PYTHON", "python")
server = _spawn([python, "-m", "lacre.daemon"])
for case_no in range(1, conf.getint("tests", "cases") + 1):
_execute_case(conf, case_name=f"case-{case_no}")
if __name__ == '__main__':