added additional/optional S/MIME encryption

This commit is contained in:
kflux 2014-02-26 01:49:29 +01:00
parent 73f22775a5
commit fc4dcb55fe

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@ -28,6 +28,13 @@ import GnuPG
import smtplib
import sys
import syslog
import traceback
import email.utils
import os
# imports for S/MIME
from M2Crypto import BIO, Rand, SMIME, X509
from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage
# Read configuration from /etc/gpg-mailgate.conf
_cfg = RawConfigParser()
@ -49,6 +56,10 @@ def log(msg):
verbose=cfg.has_key('logging') and cfg['logging'].has_key('verbose') and cfg['logging']['verbose'] == 'yes'
passthrough_emails = file("/etc/postfix/").read().split()
CERT_PATH = cfg['smime']['cert_path']+"/"
# Read e-mail from stdin
raw =
raw_message = email.message_from_string( raw )
@ -61,7 +72,7 @@ def send_msg( message, recipients = None ):
log("Sending email to: <%s>" % '> <'.join( recipients ))
relay = (cfg['relay']['host'], int(cfg['relay']['port']))
smtp = smtplib.SMTP(relay[0], relay[1])
smtp.sendmail( from_addr, recipients, message.as_string() )
smtp.sendmail( from_addr, recipients, message )
def encrypt_payload( payload, gpg_to_cmdline ):
raw_payload = payload.get_payload(decode=True)
@ -105,6 +116,17 @@ def get_msg( message ):
if not message.is_multipart():
return message.get_payload()
return '\n\n'.join( [str(m) for m in message.get_payload()] )
def get_cert_for_email(to_addr):
simple_path = os.path.join(CERT_PATH, to_addr)
if os.path.exists(simple_path): return (simple_path, to_addr)
# support ->
multi_email = re.match('^([^\+]+)\+([^@]+)@(.*)$', to_addr)
if multi_email:
fixed_up_email = "%s@%s"%(,
log("Multi-email %s converted to %s"%(to_addr, fixed_up_email))
return get_cert_for_email(fixed_up_email)
return None
keys = GnuPG.public_keys( cfg['gpg']['keyhome'] )
gpg_to = list()
@ -125,11 +147,11 @@ if gpg_to == list():
raw_message['X-GPG-Mailgate'] = 'Not encrypted, public key not found'
if verbose:
log("No encrypted recipients.")
send_msg( raw_message )
send_msg( raw_message.as_string() )
if ungpg_to != list():
send_msg( raw_message, ungpg_to )
send_msg( raw_message.as_string(), ungpg_to )
log("Encrypting email to: %s" % ' '.join( map(lambda x: x[0], gpg_to) ))
@ -145,4 +167,47 @@ for rcpt in gpg_to:
encrypted_payloads = encrypt_all_payloads( raw_message, gpg_to_cmdline )
raw_message.set_payload( encrypted_payloads )
send_msg( raw_message, gpg_to_smtp )
did_passthru = False
if len(to_addrs) == 1:
for pt_email in passthrough_emails:
if pt_email.lower() == email.utils.parseaddr(to_addrs[0])[1].lower():
did_passthru = True
send_msg(raw_message.as_string(), gpg_to_smtp)
if not did_passthru:
sk = X509.X509_Stack()
normalized_recipient = []
for addr in to_addrs:
addr_addr = email.utils.parseaddr(addr)[1].lower()
cert_and_email = get_cert_for_email(addr_addr)
if cert_and_email:
(to_cert, normal_email) = cert_and_email
log("Found cert "+to_cert+" for "+addr+": "+normal_email)
normalized_recipient.append((email.utils.parseaddr(addr)[0], normal_email))
x509 = X509.load_cert(to_cert, format=X509.FORMAT_PEM)
if len(normalized_recipient):
p7 = s.encrypt( BIO.MemoryBuffer(raw_message.as_string()) )
# Output p7 in mail-friendly format.
out = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
out.write('From: '+from_addr+'\n')
to_list = ",".join([email.utils.formataddr(x) for x in normalized_recipient])
out.write('To: '+to_list+'\n')
if raw_message['Subject']:
out.write('Subject: '+raw_message['Subject']+'\n')
s.write(out, p7)
log("Sending message from "+from_addr+" to "+str(to_addrs))
raw_msg =
send_msg(raw_msg, gpg_to_smtp)
log("Unable to find valid S/MIME recipient")
send_msg( raw_message.as_string(), gpg_to_smtp )