- Provide a new reuqired parameter: [database]pooling_mode and use it during
SQLAlchemy engine initialisation.
- Update tests and configuration (including sample configuration).
- Adjust repository unit test to load config during setup.
- Pass an engine instance to repository constructors instead of connections.
Engine keeps a connection pool and we rely on it.
Provide 3 new configuration parameters in database section:
- max_connection_age --- number of seconds before an idle connection is
"recycled", i.e. replaced with a new one;
- pool_size --- number of simultaneous connections kept in the pool;
- max_overflow --- maximum number of simultaneous connections we could make to
the database.
Update sample config, including links to documentation.
- Introduce '[daemon]bounce_on_keys_missing' option to let the admin decide if
they want Lacre to deliver cleartext message when identity database is
unreachable or throws exceptions. It defaults to 'no'.
- In IdentityRepository, use option mentioned above to decide what to do when
an exception is caught.
- Let the user specify a directory, using the one from configuration by
- If user requested identity list without a specific email, list all. Drop
support for '-a' option.
- Don't pass table definitions to repository constructors.
- Keep an internal reference to Engine in lacre.repository.
- Implement KeyConfirmationQueue.count_keys.
- Keep only one class to provide access to identities stored in the database.
- Remove old code and its tests.
- Align KeyRing and IdentityRepository APIs.
- Implement a (very) simple unit test for IdentityRepository.
Introduce new Python modules:
- lacre.notify -- to send notifications from the cron script;
- lacre.dbschema -- to keep database schema definition as code (SQLAlchemy);
- lacre.repositories -- to define key and identity repositories with high
level APIs that we can then use elsewhere.
- rework GnuPG.add_key to return fingerprint so we can use it in the cron
- rename cron-job's logger name, replacing dash with an underscore as logging
module doesn't like dashes.
- ContentManager sets default Content-Type even if it was missing in the
original message.
- Make sure that when Content-Type is missing, copying parameters doesn't
raise an error.
- Add a unit-test to check that.