"""Lacre Daemon, the Advanced Mail Filter message dispatcher.""" import logging import lacre import lacre.config as conf import sys from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller from aiosmtpd.smtp import Envelope import asyncio import email import time from watchdog.observers import Observer # Mail status constants. # # These are the only values that our mail handler is allowed to return. RESULT_OK = '250 OK' RESULT_ERROR = '500 Could not process your message' # Load configuration and init logging, in this order. Only then can we load # the last Lacre module, i.e. lacre.mailgate. conf.load_config() lacre.init_logging(conf.get_item("logging", "config")) LOG = logging.getLogger('lacre.daemon') import lacre.core as gate import lacre.keyring as kcache class MailEncryptionProxy: """A mail handler dispatching to appropriate mail operation.""" def __init__(self, keyring: kcache.KeyRing): """Initialise the mail proxy with a reference to the key cache.""" self._keyring = keyring async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope: Envelope): """Accept a message and either encrypt it or forward as-is.""" start = time.process_time() try: keys = await self._keyring.freeze_identities() message = email.message_from_bytes(envelope.content) for operation in gate.delivery_plan(envelope.rcpt_tos, message, keys): LOG.debug(f"Sending mail via {operation!r}") new_message = operation.perform(message) gate.send_msg(new_message, operation.recipients(), envelope.mail_from) except TypeError as te: LOG.exception("Got exception while processing", exc_info=te) return RESULT_ERROR except: LOG.exception('Unexpected exception caught, bouncing message') return RESULT_ERROR ellapsed = (time.process_time() - start) * 1000 LOG.info(f'Message delivered in {ellapsed:.2f} ms') return RESULT_OK def _init_controller(keys: kcache.KeyRing, tout: float = 5): proxy = MailEncryptionProxy(keys) host, port = conf.daemon_params() LOG.info(f"Initialising a mail Controller at {host}:{port}") return Controller(proxy, hostname=host, port=port, ready_timeout=tout) def _init_reloader(keyring_dir: str, reloader) -> kcache.KeyringModificationListener: listener = kcache.KeyringModificationListener(reloader) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(listener, keyring_dir, recursive=False) return observer def _validate_config(): missing = conf.validate_config() if missing: params = ", ".join([_full_param_name(tup) for tup in missing]) LOG.error(f"Following mandatory parameters are missing: {params}") sys.exit(lacre.EX_CONFIG) def _full_param_name(tup): return f"[{tup[0]}]{tup[1]}" async def _sleep(): while True: await asyncio.sleep(360) def _main(): _validate_config() keyring_path = conf.get_item('gpg', 'keyhome') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() keyring = kcache.KeyRing(keyring_path, loop) controller = _init_controller(keyring) reloader = _init_reloader(keyring_path, keyring) LOG.info(f'Watching keyring directory {keyring_path}...') reloader.start() LOG.info('Starting the daemon...') controller.start() try: loop.run_until_complete(_sleep()) except KeyboardInterrupt: LOG.info("Finishing...") except: LOG.exception('Unexpected exception caught, your system may be unstable') finally: LOG.info('Shutting down keyring watcher and the daemon...') reloader.stop() reloader.join() controller.stop() LOG.info("Done") if __name__ == '__main__': _main()