# Example configuration for Lacre logging. If you don't intend to change the # log format, you can just keep this file unchanged. # HANDLERS: # # Two main targets for log entries are defined here: syslog and a plain text # log file. They are available as "handlers" named "syslog" and "lacrelog" # respectively. [loggers] keys=root [logger_root] level=NOTSET # Comma-separated handler names, see HANDLERS note at the top. handlers=syslog [handlers] # Comma-separated handler names, see HANDLERS note at the top. keys=syslog [formatters] keys=postfixfmt # # By default, include messages from all log levels up to DEBUG. # However, productive systems may use something less verbose, like # WARN or even ERROR. # [handler_lacrelog] class=FileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=postfixfmt args=('test/logs/lacre.log', 'a+') # You may want to change the second argument (handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_MAIL) # to change the syslog facility used to record messages from Lacre. # # Options you can consider are "localX" facilities, available under names from # handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL0 to handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL7. # # Please refer to your syslog configuration for details on how to separate # records from different facilities. [handler_syslog] class=handlers.SysLogHandler level=INFO formatter=postfixfmt args=('/dev/log', handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_MAIL) # # Default Postfix log format. # [formatter_postfixfmt] format=%(asctime)s %(name)s[%(process)d]: %(message)s datefmt=%b %e %H:%M:%S style=% validate=True