- Introduce exceptions to be raised upon transient and permanent delivery failures, as specified by SMTP RFC. Depending on type of failure, return either 451 or 554 reply code. - When serialising a message, treat ValueError as a serialisation issue (and try again to deliver in cleartext).
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"""Lacre configuration.
Routines defined here are responsible for processing and validating
from enum import Enum, auto
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from collections import namedtuple
import os
# Environment variable name we read to retrieve configuration path. This is to
# enable non-root users to set up and run Lacre and to make the software
# testable.
# List of mandatory configuration parameters. Each item on this list should be
# a pair: a section name and a parameter name.
MANDATORY_CONFIG_ITEMS = [("relay", "host"),
("relay", "port"),
("daemon", "host"),
("daemon", "port"),
("gpg", "keyhome"),
('database', 'enabled'),
('database', 'url'),
('database', 'pooling_mode')]
CRON_REQUIRED = [('cron', 'mail_templates')]
# Global dict to keep configuration parameters. It's hidden behind several
# utility functions to make it easy to replace it with ConfigParser object in
# the future.
cfg = dict()
def load_config() -> dict:
"""Parse configuration file.
If environment variable identified by CONFIG_PATH_ENV
variable is set, its value is taken as a configuration file
path. Otherwise, the default is taken
config_file = config_source()
parser = _read_config(config_file)
# XXX: Global variable. It is a left-over from old GPG-Mailgate code. We
# should drop it and probably use ConfigParser instance where configuration
# parameters are needed.
global cfg
cfg = _copy_to_dict(parser)
return cfg
def config_source() -> str:
"""Return path of configuration file.
Taken from LACRE_CONFIG environment variable, and if it's not
set, defaults to /etc/lacre.conf."""
return os.getenv(CONFIG_PATH_ENV, '/etc/lacre.conf')
def _read_config(fileName) -> RawConfigParser:
cp = RawConfigParser()
return cp
def _copy_to_dict(confParser) -> dict:
config = dict()
for sect in confParser.sections():
config[sect] = dict()
for (name, value) in confParser.items(sect):
config[sect][name] = value
return config
def get_item(section, key, empty_value=None):
global cfg
if config_item_set(section, key):
return cfg[section][key]
return empty_value
def has_section(section) -> bool:
return section in cfg
def config_item_set(section, key) -> bool:
return section in cfg and (key in cfg[section]) and not (cfg[section][key] is None)
def config_item_equals(section, key, value) -> bool:
return section in cfg and key in cfg[section] and cfg[section][key] == value
def flag_enabled(section, key) -> bool:
return config_item_equals(section, key, 'yes')
def validate_config(*, additional=None):
"""Check if configuration is complete.
Returns a list of missing parameters, so an empty list means
configuration is complete.
If 'additional' parameter is specified, it should be a list of
tuples (section, param).
missing = []
for (section, param) in MANDATORY_CONFIG_ITEMS:
if not config_item_set(section, param):
missing.append((section, param))
if additional:
for (section, param) in additional:
if not config_item_set(section, param):
missing.append((section, param))
return missing
# High level access to configuration.
Host = namedtuple('Host', ['name', 'port'])
def relay_params() -> Host:
"""Return a Host named tuple identifying the mail relay."""
return Host(name = cfg["relay"]["host"], port = int(cfg["relay"]["port"]))
def daemon_params():
"""Return a (HOST, PORT) tuple to setup a server socket for Lacre daemon."""
return (cfg["daemon"]["host"], int(cfg["daemon"]["port"]))
def strict_mode():
"""Check if Lacre is configured to support only a fixed list of keys."""
return ("default" in cfg and cfg["default"]["enc_keymap_only"] == "yes")
def should_log_headers() -> bool:
"""Check if Lacre should log message headers."""
return flag_enabled('daemon', 'log_headers')
class FromStrMixin:
"""Additional operations for configuration enums."""
def from_str(cls, name, *, required=False):
if name is None:
return None
name = name.upper()
if name in cls.__members__:
return cls.__members__[name]
if required:
raise NameError('Unsupported or missing value')
return None
def from_config(cls, section, key, *, required=False):
param = get_item(section, key)
return cls.from_str(param, required=required)
class PGPStyle(FromStrMixin, Enum):
"""PGP message structure: PGP/Inline or PGP/MIME."""
MIME = auto()
INLINE = auto()
class PoolingMode(FromStrMixin, Enum):
"""Database connection pool behaviour.
- Optimistic - recycles connections.
- Pessimistic - checks connection before usage.