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First tests have been set up to cover GPG Mailgate with at least basic test that would be easy to run. The tests are called "end-to-end", meaning that we feed some input to GPG Mailgate and inspect the output.

Running tests

To run tests, use command make test.

There are 3 types of tests:

  • make e2etest -- they cover a complete Lacre flow, from feeding it with an email to accepting its encrypted form;
  • make unittest -- just small tests of small units of code;
  • make crontest -- execute cron job with a SQLite database.

E2E tests (make e2etest) should produce some helpful logs, so inspect contents of test/logs directory if something goes wrong.

If your system's Python binary isn't found in your $PATH or you want to use a specific binary, use make's macro overriding: make test PYTHON=/path/to/python.

Key building blocks

  • Test Script (test/ that orchestrates the other components. It performs test cases described in the Test Configuration. It spawns Test Mail Relay and GPG Mailgate in appropriate order.
  • Test Mail Relay (test/, a simplistic mail daemon that only supports the happy path. It accepts a mail message and prints it to stdandard output.
  • Test Configuration (test/e2e.ini) specifies test cases: their input, expected results and helpful documentation. It also specifies the port that the Test Mail Relay should listen on.


Currently tests only check if the message has been encrypted, without verifying that the correct key has been used. That's because we don't know (yet) how to have a reproducible encrypted message. Option --faked-system-time wasn't enough to produce identical output.


When things go wrong, be sure to study test/logs/e2e.log and test/logs/gpg-mailgate.log files -- they contain some useful information.