
148 lines
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# gpg-mailgate
# This file is part of the gpg-mailgate source code.
# gpg-mailgate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gpg-mailgate source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gpg-mailgate source code. If not, see <>.
# NOTE: We use <key>:<value> syntax, because some values contain
# colons and that is default ConfigParser key-value separator.
port: 2500
script: test/utils/
keys: test/keyhome
certs: test/certs
# Number of "test-*" sections in this file, describing test cases.
cases: 17
e2e_log: test/logs/e2e.log
e2e_log_format: %(asctime)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d %(levelname)s [%(funcName)s] %(message)s
e2e_log_datefmt: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lacre_log: test/logs/gpg-mailgate.log
log_config: test/gpg-lacre-log.ini
# Email Key Style
# alice@disposlab RSA 3072 PGP/Inline
# bob@disposlab ED25519 PGP/Inline
# carlos@disposlab none PGP/Inline
# evan@disposlab ED25519 PGP/MIME
descr: Clear text message to a user without a key
to: carlos@disposlab
in: test/msgin/clear2clear.msg
out: Body of the message.
descr: Clear text message to a user with an RSA key
to: alice@disposlab
in: test/msgin/clear2rsa.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Clear text message to a user with an Ed25519 key
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/clear2ed.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Encrypted message to a user with an Ed25519 key
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/ed2ed.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Signed message to a user with an Ed25519 key
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/signed.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Multipart encrypted message to a user with an Ed25519 key.
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/multipart2rsa.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Clear text message to a user with an RSA key and PGP/MIME enabled in configuration
to: evan@disposlab
in: test/msgin/clear2rsa2.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Clear text message to address with delimiter and a user with an Ed25519 key
to: bob+foo@disposlab
in: test/msgin/clear2ed-delim.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Clear text message with inline PGP markers to recipient with a key
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/with-markers2clear.msg
out-not: This message includes inline PGP markers.
descr: UTF-8 message (yields Base64)
to: carlos@disposlab
in: test/msgin/utf8.msg
out: xYHEhENaTk/FmsSGLiBaYcW6w7PFgsSHIGfEmcWbbMSFIGphxbrFhC4=
descr: Non-ASCII message (ISO-8859-2; yields quoted-printable)
to: carlos@disposlab
in: test/msgin/nonascii.msg
out: =A3=A1CZNO=A6=C6.
descr: multipart/alternative with UTF-8, not encrypted
to: carlos@disposlab
in: test/msgin/utf8-alternative.msg
out-not: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: multipart/alternative with UTF-8, encrypted
to: evan@disposlab
in: test/msgin/utf8-alternative.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Clear text with UTF-8, PGP/MIME
to: evan@disposlab
in: test/msgin/utf8-plain.msg
out: Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted
descr: Clear text with UTF-8, PGP/Inline
to: bob@disposlab
in: test/msgin/utf8-plain.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
descr: Emoji in HTML, cleartext
to: carlos@disposlab
in: test/msgin/emoji.msg
out: <html>
descr: Emoji in HTML, PGP/MIME
to: evan@disposlab
in: test/msgin/emoji.msg
out: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----