zabbix_export: version: '6.4' template_groups: - uuid: 7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338 name: Templates templates: - uuid: edc9f0a5a5d54797bf68e37364743831 template: 'Template OS Linux' name: 'Template OS Linux' templates: - name: 'Template App Zabbix Agent' groups: - name: Templates items: - uuid: 6f0d30b413f746f1857c142a7d4ab2dc name: 'Maximum number of opened files' key: kernel.maxfiles delay: 1h history: 1w description: 'It could be increased by using sysctrl utility or modifying file /etc/sysctl.conf.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: d56828a661f9498a99cfb645cd8f30fa expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/kernel.maxfiles)<1024' name: 'Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME}' priority: INFO - uuid: 679313e0039c461a8f34badfb9390545 name: 'Maximum number of processes' key: kernel.maxproc delay: 1h history: 1w description: 'It could be increased by using sysctrl utility or modifying file /etc/sysctl.conf.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: b9c6644db41a49fbaf84b22c30f72dc4 expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/kernel.maxproc)<256' name: 'Configured max number of processes is too low on {HOST.NAME}' priority: INFO - uuid: 2bb3314953be4cd290cce97926ad6276 name: 'Number of running processes' key: 'proc.num[,,run]' history: 1w description: 'Number of processes in running state.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Processes triggers: - uuid: aae64f9f597a437da98726646f970f9b expression: 'avg(/Template OS Linux/proc.num[,,run],5m)>30' name: 'Too many processes running on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 160ccce412104e75be08bcedd30c8d29 name: 'Number of processes' key: 'proc.num[]' history: 1w description: 'Total number of processes in any state.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Processes triggers: - uuid: 4da0d3f0571f4ea6be35fb5224e319c4 expression: 'avg(/Template OS Linux/proc.num[],5m)>300' name: 'Too many processes on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: dbe46edd97724bb6bcad126dcfc21098 name: 'Host boot time' key: system.boottime delay: 10m history: 1w units: unixtime request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: General - tag: Application value: OS - uuid: 4cead1ac32c142958f93fe4c1b17b0f8 name: 'Interrupts per second' key: system.cpu.intr history: 1w units: ips preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 1cd6d414685a4ccbacf2b0d35b15c815 name: 'Processor load (1 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance triggers: - uuid: 7b8def10fd044d9e881eb0611dcb8fa0 expression: 'avg(/Template OS Linux/system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1],5m)>5' name: 'Processor load is too high on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 8cf7c02cf20e461e8cd2ece183a3549e name: 'Processor load (5 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: a8aa7983c18f4788855ff8cd9ec4c926 name: 'Processor load (15 min average per core)' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg15]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT description: 'The processor load is calculated as system CPU load divided by number of CPU cores.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 4e9dc5be89a04b53a3c51bfa757f24c1 name: 'Context switches per second' key: system.cpu.switches history: 1w units: sps preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 3f2ae412e35e4e77913c42bcb4ffbde2 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,idle]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: e2e95d5be1084c9c86543d4096047b03 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,interrupt]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 46c5c8d4c6a54730a2e2f787a20c5b96 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,iowait]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance triggers: - uuid: ec27ff72fd4d43c48aa062bf086328a5 expression: 'avg(/Template OS Linux/system.cpu.util[,iowait],5m)>20' name: 'Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'OS spends significant time waiting for I/O (input/output) operations. It could be indicator of performance issues with storage system.' - uuid: 33c3075263ca4eff8ca6e2482e109986 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,nice]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running users'' processes that have been niced.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 685a286f36b84e1d835f660b045b9798 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,softirq]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The amount of time the CPU has been servicing software interrupts.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: fe3b012c9c0c4a948053ab21f8c9eea0 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,steal]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The amount of CPU ''stolen'' from this virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks (such as running another virtual machine).' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 1128787dc4fa4b97af14f048f00c373e name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,system]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: c8122476f16649ef950a23fe9f6c1e38 name: 'CPU $2 time' key: 'system.cpu.util[,user]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' description: 'The time the CPU has spent running users'' processes that are not niced.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: CPU - tag: Application value: Performance - uuid: 9e656b572c3840fc9289df61b8011bd6 name: 'Host name' key: system.hostname delay: 1h history: 1w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'System host name.' inventory_link: NAME request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: General - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: 5f1c31b67601425c90fb98f4992317d7 expression: '(last(/Template OS Linux/system.hostname,#1)<>last(/Template OS Linux/system.hostname,#2))>0' name: 'Hostname was changed on {HOST.NAME}' priority: INFO - uuid: b8a5f879099f4f33adc12e83097bf2c9 name: 'Host local time' key: system.localtime history: 1w units: unixtime request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: General - tag: Application value: OS - uuid: 25164c261b274ea786dd87524196929b name: 'Free swap space' key: 'system.swap.size[,free]' history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Memory - uuid: c42386b5947247e3a73bcdbffda72b30 name: 'Free swap space in %' key: 'system.swap.size[,pfree]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Memory triggers: - uuid: 8895f11bcf214f69aa2b9a86f732a182 expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/system.swap.size[,pfree])<50' name: 'Lack of free swap space on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING description: 'It probably means that the systems requires more physical memory.' - uuid: 4801328922504974a936f6585a0c696c name: 'Total swap space' key: 'system.swap.size[,total]' delay: 1h history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Memory - uuid: e87dcaa3544e453dbc78a762627fe974 name: 'System information' key: system.uname delay: 1h history: 1w trends: '0' value_type: CHAR description: 'The information as normally returned by ''uname -a''.' inventory_link: OS request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: General - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: fa85891b0e6947f58e42dae3d212234e expression: '(last(/Template OS Linux/system.uname,#1)<>last(/Template OS Linux/system.uname,#2))>0' name: 'Host information was changed on {HOST.NAME}' priority: INFO - uuid: 22214fa5dd054ff2b2d059693d454cb0 name: 'System uptime' key: system.uptime delay: 10m history: 1w units: uptime request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: General - tag: Application value: OS triggers: - uuid: 517678f9284c43429c67bd81d5090c54 expression: 'change(/Template OS Linux/system.uptime)<0' name: '{HOST.NAME} has just been restarted' priority: INFO - uuid: 455f53504e424fd08c91b1c64354c1d1 name: 'Number of logged in users' key: system.users.num history: 1w description: 'Number of users who are currently logged in.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: OS - tag: Application value: Security - uuid: f37e2658e2764108aea57bf3277618d3 name: 'Checksum of $1' key: 'vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd]' delay: 1h history: 1w request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Security triggers: - uuid: abc4e5489e8e4fad83868d5eab177963 expression: '(last(/Template OS Linux/vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd],#1)<>last(/Template OS Linux/vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd],#2))>0' name: '/etc/passwd has been changed on {HOST.NAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 21e695f785f9449696dfd4c0266866c2 name: 'Available memory' key: 'vm.memory.size[available]' history: 1w units: B description: 'Available memory is defined as free+cached+buffers memory.' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Memory triggers: - uuid: 3dacd2129863462b843b032902ef85b3 expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/vm.memory.size[available])<20M' name: 'Lack of available memory on server {HOST.NAME}' priority: AVERAGE - uuid: 29d122c53a1c471e9b5e7f083cd94a93 name: 'Total memory' key: 'vm.memory.size[total]' delay: 1h history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Memory discovery_rules: - uuid: b61ebb5701344b7c84d2b86217e954bd name: 'Network interface discovery' key: net.if.discovery delay: 1h filter: conditions: - macro: '{#IFNAME}' value: '@Network interfaces for discovery' formulaid: A description: 'Discovery of network interfaces as defined in global regular expression "Network interfaces for discovery".' item_prototypes: - uuid: 9dfcdcb258004c769b9c1d730f5552ac name: 'Incoming network traffic on $1' key: '[{#IFNAME}]' history: 1w units: bps preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: 'Network interfaces' - uuid: 0c3dd4e928de40eea133d2e376961f9b name: 'Outgoing network traffic on $1' key: 'net.if.out[{#IFNAME}]' history: 1w units: bps preprocessing: - type: CHANGE_PER_SECOND parameters: - '' - type: MULTIPLIER parameters: - '8' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: 'Network interfaces' graph_prototypes: - uuid: aa9f75260fc74786aed342426869c276 name: 'Network traffic on {#IFNAME}' ymin_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 00AA00 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: '[{#IFNAME}]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 3333FF item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'net.if.out[{#IFNAME}]' request_method: POST - uuid: d99e64a41e6b4e57bb9126f761e235fe name: 'Mounted filesystem discovery' key: vfs.fs.discovery delay: 1h filter: conditions: - macro: '{#FSTYPE}' value: '@File systems for discovery' formulaid: A description: 'Discovery of file systems of different types as defined in global regular expression "File systems for discovery".' item_prototypes: - uuid: 3fd5f0e4403f411986ed98dc911f9f5d name: 'Free inodes on $1 (percentage)' key: 'vfs.fs.inode[{#FSNAME},pfree]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Filesystems trigger_prototypes: - uuid: d364415d4f754401b8413d0971f06100 expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/vfs.fs.inode[{#FSNAME},pfree])<20' name: 'Free inodes is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 8d0f848e29ef482c9ff4329fbbe47dab name: 'Free disk space on $1' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},free]' history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Filesystems - uuid: 959519ac683e49579cd63bdbd22b2748 name: 'Free disk space on $1 (percentage)' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree]' history: 1w value_type: FLOAT units: '%' request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Filesystems trigger_prototypes: - uuid: c39ed468d32a48f1a87e40183e9570f4 expression: 'last(/Template OS Linux/vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},pfree])<20' name: 'Free disk space is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME}' priority: WARNING - uuid: 244717e2a2814e7b9ef511e15874678a name: 'Total disk space on $1' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},total]' delay: 1h history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Filesystems - uuid: 0f1c38fb55b74deabae4db657534be2b name: 'Used disk space on $1' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},used]' history: 1w units: B request_method: POST tags: - tag: Application value: Filesystems graph_prototypes: - uuid: b15c43ed55564882aff4432bcea20d07 name: 'Disk space usage {#FSNAME}' width: '600' height: '340' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' type: PIE show_3d: 'YES' graph_items: - color: C80000 type: GRAPH_SUM item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},total]' - sortorder: '1' color: 00C800 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'vfs.fs.size[{#FSNAME},free]' request_method: POST dashboards: - uuid: facf223bf2dd4fcaa11d3cdacdcb032a name: 'System performance' pages: - widgets: - type: graph width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' name: 'CPU load' - type: graph x: '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' name: 'CPU utilization' - type: graph 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '7' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' name: 'Memory usage' - type: graph x: '12' 'y': '5' width: '12' height: '7' fields: - type: GRAPH name: graphid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' name: 'Swap usage' - type: graph 'y': '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '1' - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'proc.num[]' - type: graph x: '12' 'y': '12' width: '12' height: '5' fields: - type: INTEGER name: source_type value: '1' - type: ITEM name: itemid value: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'proc.num[,,run]' graphs: - uuid: b3df089f2510423499ebf9233b1ddb38 name: 'CPU jumps' graph_items: - color: '009900' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: system.cpu.switches - sortorder: '1' color: '000099' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: system.cpu.intr - uuid: ddbadd2946274c3abb1da2973b847a10 name: 'CPU load' ymin_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - color: '009900' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1]' - sortorder: '1' color: '000099' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]' - sortorder: '2' color: '990000' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg15]' - uuid: 382b0f47048b45c3a81c2b16e014e551 name: 'CPU utilization' show_triggers: 'NO' type: STACKED ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: FIXED graph_items: - drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: FF5555 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,steal]' - sortorder: '1' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: 55FF55 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,softirq]' - sortorder: '2' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '009999' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,interrupt]' - sortorder: '3' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '990099' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,nice]' - sortorder: '4' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '999900' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,iowait]' - sortorder: '5' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '990000' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,system]' - sortorder: '6' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '000099' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,user]' - sortorder: '7' drawtype: FILLED_REGION color: '009900' item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.cpu.util[,idle]' - uuid: 63962d90e11e4ed0992dbc6aed212cde name: 'Memory usage' ymin_type_1: FIXED ymax_type_1: ITEM ymax_item_1: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'vm.memory.size[total]' graph_items: - drawtype: GRADIENT_LINE color: 00C800 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'vm.memory.size[available]' - uuid: 229091297b684721b676add922834065 name: 'Swap usage' width: '600' height: '340' show_work_period: 'NO' show_triggers: 'NO' type: PIE show_3d: 'YES' graph_items: - color: AA0000 type: GRAPH_SUM item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.swap.size[,total]' - sortorder: '1' color: 00AA00 item: host: 'Template OS Linux' key: 'system.swap.size[,free]'