{ description = "BSc LinAlg2 Mitschrift"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { system="x86_64-linux"; }; tex = (pkgs.texlive.combine { inherit (pkgs.texlive) scheme-medium latexmk# My favorite tool for compiling babel-german booktabs eso-pic faktor koma-script listings marvosym mathdots mathpunctspace mathtools metafont cancel# Cancelling out stuff cleveref# References with automatic names collection-fontsextra# additional fonts enumitem# fancier enumeration environ# Needed for hiding proofs forloop# Basically what the name says, repeated code framed# Frames around envs gitinfo2# Including commit hash in compiled PDF etoolbox harpoon# "Vector" arrow above glyphs import# Used for importing svgs in LaTeX lettrine# Fancy letters in the beginning of a paragraph lipsum# lorem ipsum text listingsutf8# Importing code files minifp# Fixed point calculations, dependency for something else ntheorem# Fancy theorem environments pdfjam# Resize PDFs to other paper sizes pgfplots# Easy graphs of functions tcolorbox# colored boxes for pretty environments tikzmark# markings in tikz images verse# Prettier verse spacing xstring# String manipulation etc, dependency for something else ; }); in { defaultPackage."x86_64-linux" = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec { src = self; name = "LinAlg2"; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ gawk gnuplot tex coreutils findutils ]; buildPhase = '' export HOME=. export PATH="${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath buildInputs}"; mkdir -p .cache/texmf-var env TEXMFHOME=.cache TEXMFVAR=.cache/texmfvar \ latexmk -pdf -f ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out cp LinAlg2.pdf $out/ ''; }; }; }