Commit Graph

346 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hoang Nguyen 11e77e3675
Remove `default_browser` variable and go-s config
=> bring back the old searchmenu script ^-^ for simplicity
=> just hardcode xdg-open for web link (need xdg-utils)

- pyradio, alacritty: update config for newer version
- weechat:
  - remove wee-slack (Slack is so terrible using it inside the
    terminal is much worse (blame the API :>))
  - add my nick on OFTC (just hanging out on AlpineLinux's channels)
- scripts: add `fake-lua` script to display Lua version in Starship
  prompt (kudos to
- TODO: remove stuff as I'm working on my new Neovim config right now
2023-04-02 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 62b8d5fc58
flatpak: move stuff around 2023-03-19 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 712b6092be
Add k9s config
- migrate zellij config to the new .kdl format.
- add mopidy-youtube plugin to mopidy config file
2023-03-11 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a468fb814b
git: add gitsign option alongside openpgp and ssh
Upstream some Go packages to AlpineLinux repo.
2023-03-06 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e9e40cd1ee
Add "screenshot" config option with grim and wayshot
Also add config file for swappy + improve screenshot script.
2023-03-04 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 10c1a8e02c
Use flatpak ungoogled-chromium as the default browser
mermaid-cli doesn't end the process nicely though => should investigate more.
Also use CHROMIUM_USER_FLAGS to configure chromium globally.
2023-02-26 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 356d3e6cf7
scripts: swtich directory preview to use lsd instead of exa
Also configure Terraform with env instead of terraform.rc file (cdktf
only takes env var into account).
2023-02-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen c8a611c87e
Add terraform CLI config (so that it is kind of XDG compliant) 2023-02-13 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0e6916b306
Regular update
- scripts: drop mpvpaper from wallpaper script (doesn't support chaining
  outputs yet)
- config: add fcitx5
- fish: disable GOSUMDB, GOTELEMETRY + disable version check/checkpoint
  for Hashicorp's products
2023-02-12 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 48897d684d
git: colorize diff and some more tweaks 2023-01-28 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6533d10ba5
First commit of the New Year's Cat
- Add SSH sign option for Git (Gitlab 15.7 supports this now)
- Clean packages I don't use
- Minor updates to Neovim config
- Fix fish_user_key_bindings
- Fix git-fork script
- Add Python packages (installed with pip)
2023-01-28 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen cd5ba40970
Keep things up to date
- fish: add new syntax on version 3.6.0, use default key bindings as
  much as possible
- refactor Ansible copy module in a couple of places
- add calcurse task (mainly for my job)
- preview scripts:
  - add *lowdown* as an alternative for *glow* and *mdcat*
  - fallback to *bat* to preview JSON file when *jq* and *python* fail
- starship: use blue color for K8s module (cyan is confusing with
  directory module)
- flatpak: drop Whalebird (I use Tokodon now)
- gallery-dl: scanned through configuration docs once in a while
2023-01-08 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen c2b9aeeed0
nvim: final update before moving to lazy.nvim
- Properly calculate colors for headlines.nvim
- Add git-conflict.nvim
- Simplify LSP mappings
- Add a bunch of missing highlights

NOTE: nvim-ts-rainbow is loaded before nvim-treesitter, which will make
the first :PackerCompile errors out, but it fixes
2023-01-02 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f188184737
Updates here and there after a while
- Install fonts
- Update browser's user agent
- Add gopass config file
- Compile some more Go packages
2023-01-02 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 51523f6af9
Replace yarn with pnpm
Because yarn berry (v2) sucks (with standalone JS scripts).

More changes:
- Use git-forgit script instead of forgit fish plugin. Also update
  forgit config (via fish env) along the way.
- mpv:
  - fix ModernX script URL (was MordenX before)
  - set path to alass-cli for autosubsync script
- nvim: use 'case..esac' for lsp install script (a bunch of if..else is
2022-12-05 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ddabd0d266
Mostly neovim stuff
- nvim:
  - Migrate deprecated stuff to 0.8.1 (lsp formatting)
  - load ansiblels on yaml.ansible files only
  - winbar finally looks ok
  - decouple mappings for autocmd
  - add nvim-fundo, ssr.nvim
  - feline: put color config into themes directory
  - add some more LSP servers: awk_ls, astro, tflint
  - nord: add more highlight groups
- swww: remove deprecated --transition-speed argument
- scripts: update URL
- packages: add kubeconform, gophie, oauth2l, d2
2022-12-04 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 74ddc3c8c8
Deal with Python 3.11 update
- mpv:
  - remove ffsubsync (use alass backend for autosubsync instead).
    I'll wait until ffsubsync at least update its dependencies
  - add thumbfast script (compatible with mpv-mordenx)
- anime-downloader: move to animdl
- packages: community.general.packaging.* is deprecated
2022-11-26 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 20d2896c32
fish: reorder PATH
Put user's custom paths behind essential system's ones.
2022-11-22 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen c9543f4e56
fish: remove plugin
Settings sourced from /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d/* is now
replicated within user fish config.

XDG_DATA_DIRS doesn't need to be set as flatpak package provides
/usr/share/fish/vendor_conf.d/ file.
2022-11-22 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a6619123de
fish: add missing border color for fzf 2022-11-19 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 2f60cba375
Add jd package 2022-11-17 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f8383f54ae
mpv: remove pipewire-buffer option 2022-11-16 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 9a15769abe
newsboat: add Hashicorp blog
Also remove texlab and vivid from `packages` role (they exist in Alpine
testing repo).
2022-11-14 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0d4280a892
Update fzf and mpv settings for 0.35.0
- fzf: add label and border config
- mpv: use pipewire audio backend
2022-11-12 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 4d864bb50a
Add on-click events back to waybar modules pulseaudio, mpd
Also use /bin/bash instead of /usr/bin/env bash.
2022-11-10 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0704fd92fa
Change the way to import colors
- All color variables is now nested inside 'colors.' field instead of
  being global.
- fish: avoid update for kopia
- newsboat: add cloudflare and dudemanguy blogs
- preview scripts: indent with tabs
- go-packages: add tfline, kubestr, kubectl-trace, oras-cli; remove fish completions
- flatpak: add whalebird-desktop
- waybar: add workaround for 0.9.15 GtkButton regression
2022-11-06 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f9b8275a1f
superd: fix incorrect environment variable escapes 2022-10-30 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f619d031a9
qutebrowser, gpg, yt-dlp: some tweaks
- gpg: experimenting with cipher algorithms
- qutebrowser: configure external file picker (vifm)
- yt-dlp: set user-agent
2022-10-30 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e5708b6fcd
scripts: improve notification scripts
- Add notifymenu script to execute notification actions
- Add key binding in sway, river for notifymenu script
- Drop unnecessary tostring() call in volumecontrol script
- Fix URLs for sound theme packages ( ->
2022-10-30 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 33603b1d48
scripts: use wpctl directly for volumecontrol script 2022-10-29 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 37436f4eb2
packages: add gcloud task 2022-10-28 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen b225af6853
notification: add transparency for background color 2022-10-27 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 65827bda1e
fuzzel: make fuzzel_run script faster 2022-10-26 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7e5982051c
fuzzel: add configuration
Target fuzzel version >= 1.8.0 (not out yet) with file-based configuration.

Other changes:
- scripts:
  - tweak wofi-calc script to be more generic with launchers
  - simplify clipboard script
  - yank a better sway_window script from Reddit (I forgot the source)
- bash: make a separated task file, create history directory
- superd: again remove dependencies related to pipewire. pipewire-pulse
  and wireplumber can be started fine without order
- terminal: use ui_opacity value (my nvim config kind of works with
  transparency now)
2022-10-25 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d1a6a6c5dd
superd: refactor dependencies
Too many services depended on pipewire.service so some failed to start
along the way (mpDris2, pipewire-pulse).

NOTE: waybar.service has pulseaudio module blank if it is started before
pipewire-pulse.service, but a manual restart is not too bothersome.
2022-10-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 22fe8d4685
Add superd tasks for user services
Other noticeable changes:
- river:
  - clean up init script, use luajit
  - change 'repeat', 'release' keymap options to 'repeated', 'released'
    to avoid colision with Lua's keyword 'repeat'
- sway: update config
- scripts:
  - remove launch scripts covered by superd services
  - replace normal lua with luajit
- group_vars: split into multiple files
- various 'command' tasks: use 'removes' keyword to trick LSP linter
2022-10-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0bc405b6b9
nvim: use nvim_set_hl everywhere
Get rid of `highlight! link`
2022-10-19 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e519a16d46
nvim: update Treesitter highlight groups
2022-10-17 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen badeebcde1
Super long list of changes
- ansible:
  - use "true, false" instead of "yes, no" (yamllint is annoying)
  - use community.general.packaging.? module paths instead of plain
- nvim:
  - lazy-load which-key.nvim
  - add experimental winbar inside feline.nvim
  - replace nvim-colorizer.lua with ccc.nvim
  - load bufferline.nvim stuff conditionally (plugins, keymaps)
  - clean up telescope keymap I rarely use
  - improve path completion for nvim-cmp with nvim-web-devicons
  - refactor plugins.lua files to look cleaner
  - replace close-buffers.nvim with bufdelete.nvim
- alacritty: upgrade config to 0.11.0
- pyradio: use Jinja2 template for theme file
- fish:
  - add environment variables for helmfile, gopass, pulumi, vivid
  - rollback $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX (it is used to set $PATH)
- git:
  - add git-privacy
  - tweak aliases a bit to look nicer
- dotfiles:
  - rename `terminal` variable to `terminal_emulators`
- extend:
  - merge `flatpak` role into `packages`
  - merge `wallpapers` and `soundtheme` roles into `theme`
2022-10-16 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7085637ccd
packages: add yaegi 2022-10-01 21:34:49 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen dfbd5231cb
dotfiles: add pyradio configuration 2022-10-01 11:15:40 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen af264d9552
sway: fix typo in tasks 2022-09-26 14:43:11 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 70e80cbd73
waybar: configure mpd sock address 2022-09-25 16:05:06 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 298956e408
packages: add cabal arguments
Avoid the installation failing in the 2nd run.
2022-09-21 23:13:49 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 730113a3c5
packages: add Haskell packages
Use cabal to build hadolint instead of using a container
2022-09-20 23:16:48 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f9498a3926
newsboat: add Fireship channel 2022-09-18 18:29:24 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 961ef44c90
mpd: use mopidy-local plugin instead of mopidy-file, remove logging.conf
- packages: add dblab
- playbook: use yaml format for inventory file
- tasks: refactor variable check tasks
2022-09-18 16:22:15 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 29d1c6a4c8
scripts: use tab with 4 indents, use case instead of if/else
- nvim: update nvim-colorizer.lua config
- podman/aports-dev: add go, py3-setuptools and cargo to the image
2022-09-16 00:20:04 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d7a6facb9e
nvim: add translate.nvim and vim-rego
- Disable some bloated nvim plugins and update Go-based lsp install scripts.
- Add jsonnet_ls for nvim-lspconfig

And fix generating fish completion for some go packages
2022-09-14 22:32:22 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 15d15f9567
ncmpcpp: fix 'endraw' quote in config template 2022-09-12 16:00:52 +07:00