steps: prepare: image: alpine commands: - cp crowdin.example.yml crowdin.yml - sed -i 's/-removed-/'"$CROWDIN_TOKEN"'/' crowdin.yml secrets: [ CROWDIN_TOKEN ] when: event: [ push, tag, cron ] branch: main push: image: crowdin/cli:3.7.8 commands: - crowdin push when: event: [ push, tag ] branch: main path: [ app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml, fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/*.txt, fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/*.txt ] pull: image: crowdin/cli:3.7.8 # we do not need to update the config file again since it persists commands: - crowdin pull when: event: [ push, cron ] branch: main push-git: image: alpine/git environment: # Information that should be used when authoring a commit - GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=gitnexbot - - GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE=Translation updates from Crowdin [CI SKIP] # Basic information concerning the repo that - - GITEA_REPOSITORY=gitnex/GitNex - GITEA_BRANCH=main # Token that should be used to authenticate against the gitea instance # - BOT_TOKEN=secret secrets: [ BOT_TOKEN ] commands: # Setup git credentials and checkout target branch - git config "$${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}" - git config "$${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}" - git checkout "$${GITEA_BRANCH}" # Stage all important files for commit - git add -A . # If files have changed, create a new commit and push it to the branch this pipeline was started on - > if git commit --message "$${GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE}"; then git remote set-url origin "https://$${BOT_TOKEN}@$${GITEA_HOST}/$${GITEA_REPOSITORY}" git push origin "$${GITEA_BRANCH}" fi when: branch: main event: [ push, cron ]