3 For Developers
M M Arif edited this page 2022-07-31 07:49:05 +02:00

We welcome you to contribute to GitNex. If you want to be part of the team, basic score of 7 is needed to be assigned as Collaborator.

Here is how to get them:

Each pull request under Feature and Enhancement grants you 1 scoring point. Means 7 PRs with quality code can grant you access as Collaborator(you have to ask for the role though).

Every other label on a PR grants you .5 scoring point.

At the end all will be counted and when reach 7, you will be able to ask for a role in the repository and discord maintainers group. Approval is at the discretion of the GitNex team.

You can then assign labels to issues/prs. Accept code changes, review code, approve code, approval count towards merge etc.