2014-03-17 23:40:40 -05:00

118 lines
3.7 KiB

import random
from .polynomial import polynomialsOver
from .modp import *
# isIrreducible: Polynomial, int -> bool
# determine if the given monic polynomial with coefficients in Z/p is
# irreducible over Z/p where p is the given integer
# Algorithm 4.69 in the Handbook of Applied Cryptography
def isIrreducible(polynomial, p):
ZmodP = IntegersModP(p)
if polynomial.field is not ZmodP:
raise TypeError("Given a polynomial that's not over %s, but instead %r" %
(ZmodP.__name__, polynomial.field.__name__))
poly = polynomialsOver(ZmodP).factory
x = poly([0,1])
powerTerm = x
isUnit = lambda p: p.degree() == 0
for _ in range(int(polynomial.degree() / 2)):
powerTerm = powerTerm.powmod(p, polynomial)
gcdOverZmodp = gcd(polynomial, powerTerm - x)
if not isUnit(gcdOverZmodp):
return False
return True
# generateIrreduciblePolynomial: int, int -> Polynomial
# generate a random irreducible polynomial of a given degree over Z/p, where p
# is given by the integer 'modulus'. This algorithm is expected to terminate
# after 'degree' many irreducilibity tests. By Chernoff bounds the probability
# it deviates from this by very much is exponentially small.
def generateIrreduciblePolynomial(modulus, degree):
Zp = IntegersModP(modulus)
Polynomial = polynomialsOver(Zp)
while True:
coefficients = [Zp(random.randint(0, modulus-1)) for _ in range(degree)]
randomMonicPolynomial = Polynomial(coefficients + [Zp(1)])
if isIrreducible(randomMonicPolynomial, modulus):
return randomMonicPolynomial
# create a type constructor for the finite field of order p^m for p prime, m >= 1
def FiniteField(p, m, polynomialModulus=None):
Zp = IntegersModP(p)
if m == 1:
return Zp
Polynomial = polynomialsOver(Zp)
if polynomialModulus is None:
polynomialModulus = generateIrreduciblePolynomial(modulus=p, degree=m)
class Fq(FieldElement):
fieldSize = int(p ** m)
primeSubfield = Zp
idealGenerator = polynomialModulus
operatorPrecedence = 3
def __init__(self, poly):
if type(poly) is Fq:
self.poly = poly.poly
elif type(poly) is int or type(poly) is Zp:
self.poly = Polynomial([Zp(poly)])
elif isinstance(poly, Polynomial):
self.poly = poly % polynomialModulus
self.poly = Polynomial([Zp(x) for x in poly]) % polynomialModulus
self.field = Fq
def __add__(self, other): return Fq(self.poly + other.poly)
def __sub__(self, other): return Fq(self.poly - other.poly)
def __mul__(self, other): return Fq(self.poly * other.poly)
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Fq) and self.poly == other.poly
def __pow__(self, n): return Fq(pow(self.poly, n))
def __neg__(self): return Fq(-self.poly)
def __abs__(self): return abs(self.poly)
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.poly) + ' \u2208 ' + self.__class__.__name__
def __divmod__(self, divisor):
q,r = divmod(self.poly, divisor.poly)
return (Fq(q), Fq(r))
def inverse(self):
if self == Fq(0):
raise ZeroDivisionError
x,y,d = extendedEuclideanAlgorithm(self.poly, self.idealGenerator)
if d.degree() != 0:
raise Exception('Somehow, this element has no inverse! Maybe intialized with a non-prime?')
return Fq(x) * Fq(d.coefficients[0].inverse())
Fq.__name__ = 'F_{%d^%d}' % (p,m)
return Fq
if __name__ == "__main__":
F23 = FiniteField(2,3)
x = F23([1,1])
F35 = FiniteField(3,5)
y = F35([1,1,2])