
2.3 KiB
Executable File

<html lang="{{ $.Site.LanguageCode | default "en" }}"> <head> {{/* NOTE: the Site's title, and if there is a page title, that is set too */}} {{ .Hugo.Generator }} {{/* NOTE: For Production make sure you add `HUGO_ENV="production"` before your build command */}} {{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production") }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ $stylesheet := .Site.Data.webpack_assets.app }} {{ with $stylesheet.css }} {{ end }} {{ block "favicon" . }} {{ partial "site-favicon.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ if .RSSLink }} {{ end }} {{/* NOTE: These Hugo Internal Templates can be found starting at https://github.com/spf13/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/template_embedded.go#L158 */}} {{- template "_internal/opengraph.html" . -}} {{- template "_internal/google_news.html" . -}} {{- template "_internal/schema.html" . -}} {{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}} {{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production") }} {{ template "_internal/google_analytics_async.html" . }} {{ end }} </head> {{ block "header" . }}{{ partial "site-header.html" .}}{{ end }} {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }} {{ block "footer" . }}{{ partial "site-footer.html" . }}{{ end }} {{ block "scripts" . }}{{ partial "site-scripts.html" . }}{{ end }} </html>