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import hashlib
import time
from Plugin import PluginManager
from util import helper
from Crypt import CryptRsa
allow_reload = False # No source reload supported in this plugin
time_full_announced = {} # Tracker address: Last announced all site to tracker
connection_pool = {} # Tracker address: Peer object
2017-10-03 14:58:47 +02:00
# We can only import plugin host clases after the plugins are loaded
def importErrors():
global Peer
from Peer import Peer
# Process result got back from tracker
def processPeerRes(site, peers):
added = 0
# Ip4
found_ip4 = 0
for packed_address in peers["ip4"]:
found_ip4 += 1
peer_ip, peer_port = helper.unpackAddress(packed_address)
if site.addPeer(peer_ip, peer_port):
added += 1
# Onion
found_onion = 0
for packed_address in peers["onion"]:
found_onion += 1
peer_onion, peer_port = helper.unpackOnionAddress(packed_address)
if site.addPeer(peer_onion, peer_port):
added += 1
if added:
site.log.debug("Found %s ip4, %s onion peers, new: %s" % (found_ip4, found_onion, added))
class SitePlugin(object):
def announceTracker(self, tracker_protocol, tracker_address, fileserver_port=0, add_types=[], my_peer_id="", mode="start"):
if tracker_protocol != "zero":
return super(SitePlugin, self).announceTracker(
tracker_protocol, tracker_address, fileserver_port, add_types, my_peer_id, mode
s = time.time()
need_types = ["ip4"]
if self.connection_server and self.connection_server.tor_manager and self.connection_server.tor_manager.enabled:
if mode == "start" or mode == "more": # Single: Announce only this site
sites = [self]
full_announce = False
else: # Multi: Announce all currently serving site
full_announce = True
if time.time() - time_full_announced.get(tracker_address, 0) < 60 * 5: # No reannounce all sites within 5 minute
return True
time_full_announced[tracker_address] = time.time()
from Site import SiteManager
sites = [site for site in SiteManager.site_manager.sites.values() if site.settings["serving"]]
# Create request
request = {
"hashes": [], "onions": [], "port": fileserver_port, "need_types": need_types, "need_num": 20, "add": add_types
for site in sites:
if "onion" in add_types:
onion = self.connection_server.tor_manager.getOnion(site.address)
# Tracker can remove sites that we don't announce
if full_announce:
request["delete"] = True
# Sent request to tracker
tracker = connection_pool.get(tracker_address) # Re-use tracker connection if possible
if not tracker:
tracker_ip, tracker_port = tracker_address.split(":")
tracker = Peer(tracker_ip, tracker_port, connection_server=self.connection_server)
connection_pool[tracker_address] = tracker
res = tracker.request("announce", request)
if not res or "peers" not in res:
self.log.debug("Announce to %s failed: %s" % (tracker_address, res))
if full_announce:
time_full_announced[tracker_address] = 0
return False
# Add peers from response to site
site_index = 0
for site_res in res["peers"]:
site = sites[site_index]
processPeerRes(site, site_res)
site_index += 1
# Check if we need to sign prove the onion addresses
if "onion_sign_this" in res:
self.log.debug("Signing %s for %s to add %s onions" % (res["onion_sign_this"], tracker_address, len(sites)))
request["onion_signs"] = {}
request["onion_sign_this"] = res["onion_sign_this"]
request["need_num"] = 0
for site in sites:
onion = self.connection_server.tor_manager.getOnion(site.address)
publickey = self.connection_server.tor_manager.getPublickey(onion)
if publickey not in request["onion_signs"]:
sign = CryptRsa.sign(res["onion_sign_this"], self.connection_server.tor_manager.getPrivatekey(onion))
request["onion_signs"][publickey] = sign
res = tracker.request("announce", request)
if not res or "onion_sign_this" in res:
self.log.debug("Announce onion address to %s failed: %s" % (tracker_address, res))
if full_announce:
time_full_announced[tracker_address] = 0
return False
if full_announce:
tracker.remove() # Close connection, we don't need it in next 5 minute
return time.time() - s