
51 lines
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2019-03-16 03:01:50 +01:00
from .main import *
def serialize_header(inp):
o = encode(inp['version'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
inp['prevhash'].decode('hex')[::-1] + \
inp['merkle_root'].decode('hex')[::-1] + \
encode(inp['timestamp'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
encode(inp['bits'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
encode(inp['nonce'], 256, 4)[::-1]
h = bin_sha256(bin_sha256(o))[::-1].encode('hex')
assert h == inp['hash'], (sha256(o), inp['hash'])
return o.encode('hex')
def deserialize_header(inp):
inp = inp.decode('hex')
return {
"version": decode(inp[:4][::-1], 256),
"prevhash": inp[4:36][::-1].encode('hex'),
"merkle_root": inp[36:68][::-1].encode('hex'),
"timestamp": decode(inp[68:72][::-1], 256),
"bits": decode(inp[72:76][::-1], 256),
"nonce": decode(inp[76:80][::-1], 256),
"hash": bin_sha256(bin_sha256(inp))[::-1].encode('hex')
def mk_merkle_proof(header, hashes, index):
nodes = [h.decode('hex')[::-1] for h in hashes]
if len(nodes) % 2 and len(nodes) > 2:
layers = [nodes]
while len(nodes) > 1:
newnodes = []
for i in range(0, len(nodes) - 1, 2):
newnodes.append(bin_sha256(bin_sha256(nodes[i] + nodes[i+1])))
if len(newnodes) % 2 and len(newnodes) > 2:
nodes = newnodes
# Sanity check, make sure merkle root is valid
assert nodes[0][::-1].encode('hex') == header['merkle_root']
merkle_siblings = \
[layers[i][(index >> i) ^ 1] for i in range(len(layers)-1)]
return {
"hash": hashes[index],
"siblings": [x[::-1].encode('hex') for x in merkle_siblings],
"header": header