
429 lines
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import os
import time
import io
import math
import hashlib
import re
2019-12-17 14:10:42 +01:00
import sys
from Config import config
from Crypt import CryptHash
from Plugin import PluginManager
from Debug import Debug
from util import helper
plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
benchmark_key = None
class UiRequestPlugin(object):
def actionBenchmark(self):
global benchmark_key
script_nonce = self.getScriptNonce()
if not benchmark_key:
benchmark_key = CryptHash.random(encoding="base64")
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
data = self.render(
plugin_dir + "/media/benchmark.html",
filter=re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", self.get.get("filter", ""))
yield data
def actionBenchmarkResult(self):
global benchmark_key
if self.get.get("benchmark_key", "") != benchmark_key:
return self.error403("Invalid benchmark key")
self.sendHeader(content_type="text/plain", noscript=True)
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
yield " " * 1024 # Head (required for streaming)
import main
s = time.time()
for part in main.actions.testBenchmark(filter=self.get.get("filter", "")):
yield part
yield "\n - Total time: %.3fs" % (time.time() - s)
class ActionsPlugin:
def getMultiplerTitle(self, multipler):
if multipler < 0.3:
multipler_title = "Sloooow"
elif multipler < 0.6:
multipler_title = "Ehh"
elif multipler < 0.8:
multipler_title = "Goodish"
elif multipler < 1.2:
multipler_title = "OK"
elif multipler < 1.7:
multipler_title = "Fine"
elif multipler < 2.5:
multipler_title = "Fast"
elif multipler < 3.5:
multipler_title = "WOW"
multipler_title = "Insane!!"
return multipler_title
def formatResult(self, taken, standard):
if not standard:
return " Done in %.3fs" % taken
if taken > 0:
multipler = standard / taken
multipler = 99
multipler_title = self.getMultiplerTitle(multipler)
return " Done in %.3fs = %s (%.2fx)" % (taken, multipler_title, multipler)
def getBenchmarkTests(self, online=False):
if hasattr(super(), "getBenchmarkTests"):
tests = super().getBenchmarkTests(online)
tests = []
{"func": self.testHdPrivatekey, "num": 50, "time_standard": 0.57},
{"func": self.testSign, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.46},
{"func": self.testVerify, "kwargs": {"lib_verify": "sslcrypto_fallback"}, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.38},
{"func": self.testVerify, "kwargs": {"lib_verify": "sslcrypto"}, "num": 200, "time_standard": 0.30},
{"func": self.testVerify, "kwargs": {"lib_verify": "libsecp256k1"}, "num": 200, "time_standard": 0.10},
{"func": self.testPackMsgpack, "num": 100, "time_standard": 0.35},
{"func": self.testUnpackMsgpackStreaming, "kwargs": {"fallback": False}, "num": 100, "time_standard": 0.35},
{"func": self.testUnpackMsgpackStreaming, "kwargs": {"fallback": True}, "num": 10, "time_standard": 0.5},
{"func": self.testPackZip, "num": 5, "time_standard": 0.065},
{"func": self.testPackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "gz"}, "num": 5, "time_standard": 0.08},
{"func": self.testPackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "bz2"}, "num": 5, "time_standard": 0.68},
{"func": self.testPackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "xz"}, "num": 5, "time_standard": 0.47},
{"func": self.testUnpackZip, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.25},
{"func": self.testUnpackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "gz"}, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.28},
{"func": self.testUnpackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "bz2"}, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.83},
{"func": self.testUnpackArchive, "kwargs": {"archive_type": "xz"}, "num": 20, "time_standard": 0.38},
{"func": self.testCryptHash, "kwargs": {"hash_type": "sha256"}, "num": 10, "time_standard": 0.50},
{"func": self.testCryptHash, "kwargs": {"hash_type": "sha512"}, "num": 10, "time_standard": 0.33},
{"func": self.testCryptHashlib, "kwargs": {"hash_type": "sha3_256"}, "num": 10, "time_standard": 0.33},
{"func": self.testCryptHashlib, "kwargs": {"hash_type": "sha3_512"}, "num": 10, "time_standard": 0.65},
{"func": self.testRandom, "num": 100, "time_standard": 0.08},
if online:
tests += [
{"func": self.testHttps, "num": 1, "time_standard": 2.1}
return tests
def testBenchmark(self, num_multipler=1, online=False, num_run=None, filter=None):
Run benchmark on client functions
tests = self.getBenchmarkTests(online=online)
if filter:
tests = [test for test in tests[:] if filter.lower() in test["func"].__name__.lower()]
yield "\n"
res = {}
res_time_taken = {}
multiplers = []
for test in tests:
s = time.time()
if num_run:
num_run_test = num_run
num_run_test = math.ceil(test["num"] * num_multipler)
func = test["func"]
func_name = func.__name__
kwargs = test.get("kwargs", {})
key = "%s %s" % (func_name, kwargs)
if kwargs:
yield "* Running %s (%s) x %s " % (func_name, kwargs, num_run_test)
yield "* Running %s x %s " % (func_name, num_run_test)
i = 0
for progress in func(num_run_test, **kwargs):
i += 1
if num_run_test > 10:
should_print = i % (num_run_test / 10) == 0 or progress != "."
should_print = True
if should_print:
if num_run_test == 1 and progress == ".":
progress = "..."
yield progress
time_taken = time.time() - s
if num_run:
time_standard = 0
time_standard = test["time_standard"] * num_multipler
yield self.formatResult(time_taken, time_standard)
yield "\n"
res[key] = "ok"
res_time_taken[key] = time_taken
multiplers.append(time_standard / max(time_taken, 0.001))
except Exception as err:
res[key] = err
yield "Failed!\n! Error: %s\n\n" % Debug.formatException(err)
yield "\n== Result ==\n"
# Check verification speed
if "testVerify {'lib_verify': 'sslcrypto'}" in res_time_taken:
speed_order = ["sslcrypto_fallback", "sslcrypto", "libsecp256k1"]
time_taken = {}
for lib_verify in speed_order:
time_taken[lib_verify] = res_time_taken["testVerify {'lib_verify': '%s'}" % lib_verify]
time_taken["sslcrypto_fallback"] *= 10 # fallback benchmark only run 20 times instead of 200
speedup_sslcrypto = time_taken["sslcrypto_fallback"] / time_taken["sslcrypto"]
speedup_libsecp256k1 = time_taken["sslcrypto_fallback"] / time_taken["libsecp256k1"]
yield "\n* Verification speedup:\n"
yield " - OpenSSL: %.1fx (reference: 7.0x)\n" % speedup_sslcrypto
yield " - libsecp256k1: %.1fx (reference: 23.8x)\n" % speedup_libsecp256k1
if speedup_sslcrypto < 2:
res["Verification speed"] = "error: OpenSSL speedup low: %.1fx" % speedup_sslcrypto
if speedup_libsecp256k1 < speedup_sslcrypto:
res["Verification speed"] = "error: libsecp256k1 speedup low: %.1fx" % speedup_libsecp256k1
if not res:
yield "! No tests found"
if config.action == "test":
2019-12-17 14:10:42 +01:00
num_failed = len([res_key for res_key, res_val in res.items() if res_val != "ok"])
num_success = len([res_key for res_key, res_val in res.items() if res_val == "ok"])
yield "\n* Tests:\n"
yield " - Total: %s tests\n" % len(res)
2019-12-17 14:10:42 +01:00
yield " - Success: %s tests\n" % num_success
yield " - Failed: %s tests\n" % num_failed
if any(multiplers):
multipler_avg = sum(multiplers) / len(multiplers)
multipler_title = self.getMultiplerTitle(multipler_avg)
yield " - Average speed factor: %.2fx (%s)\n" % (multipler_avg, multipler_title)
# Display errors
for res_key, res_val in res.items():
if res_val != "ok":
yield " ! %s %s\n" % (res_key, res_val)
2019-12-17 14:10:42 +01:00
if num_failed != 0 and config.action == "test":
def testHttps(self, num_run=1):
Test https connection with valid and invalid certs
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
body = urllib.request.urlopen("").read()
assert len(body) > 100
yield "."
badssl_urls = [
for badssl_url in badssl_urls:
body = urllib.request.urlopen(badssl_url).read()
https_err = None
except urllib.error.URLError as err:
https_err = err
assert https_err
yield "."
def testCryptHash(self, num_run=1, hash_type="sha256"):
Test hashing functions
yield "(5MB) "
from Crypt import CryptHash
hash_types = {
"sha256": {"func": CryptHash.sha256sum, "hash_valid": "8cd629d9d6aff6590da8b80782a5046d2673d5917b99d5603c3dcb4005c45ffa"},
"sha512": {"func": CryptHash.sha512sum, "hash_valid": "9ca7e855d430964d5b55b114e95c6bbb114a6d478f6485df93044d87b108904d"}
hash_func = hash_types[hash_type]["func"]
hash_valid = hash_types[hash_type]["hash_valid"]
data = io.BytesIO(b"Hello" * 1024 * 1024) # 5MB
for i in range(num_run):
hash = hash_func(data)
yield "."
assert hash == hash_valid, "%s != %s" % (hash, hash_valid)
def testCryptHashlib(self, num_run=1, hash_type="sha3_256"):
Test SHA3 hashing functions
yield "x 5MB "
hash_types = {
"sha3_256": {"func": hashlib.sha3_256, "hash_valid": "c8aeb3ef9fe5d6404871c0d2a4410a4d4e23268e06735648c9596f436c495f7e"},
"sha3_512": {"func": hashlib.sha3_512, "hash_valid": "b75dba9472d8af3cc945ce49073f3f8214d7ac12086c0453fb08944823dee1ae83b3ffbc87a53a57cc454521d6a26fe73ff0f3be38dddf3f7de5d7692ebc7f95"},
hash_func = hash_types[hash_type]["func"]
hash_valid = hash_types[hash_type]["hash_valid"]
data = io.BytesIO(b"Hello" * 1024 * 1024) # 5MB
for i in range(num_run):
h = hash_func()
while 1:
buff = * 64)
if not buff:
hash = h.hexdigest()
yield "."
assert hash == hash_valid, "%s != %s" % (hash, hash_valid)
def testRandom(self, num_run=1):
Test generating random data
yield "x 1000 x 256 bytes "
for i in range(num_run):
data_last = None
for y in range(1000):
data = os.urandom(256)
assert data != data_last
assert len(data) == 256
data_last = data
yield "."
def testHdPrivatekey(self, num_run=2):
Test generating deterministic private keys from a master seed
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
seed = "e180efa477c63b0f2757eac7b1cce781877177fe0966be62754ffd4c8592ce38"
privatekeys = []
for i in range(num_run):
privatekeys.append(CryptBitcoin.hdPrivatekey(seed, i * 10))
yield "."
valid = "5JSbeF5PevdrsYjunqpg7kAGbnCVYa1T4APSL3QRu8EoAmXRc7Y"
assert privatekeys[0] == valid, "%s != %s" % (privatekeys[0], valid)
if len(privatekeys) > 1:
assert privatekeys[0] != privatekeys[-1]
def testSign(self, num_run=1):
Test signing data using a private key
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
data = "Hello" * 1024
privatekey = "5JsunC55XGVqFQj5kPGK4MWgTL26jKbnPhjnmchSNPo75XXCwtk"
for i in range(num_run):
yield "."
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(data, privatekey)
valid = "G1GXaDauZ8vX/N9Jn+MRiGm9h+I94zUhDnNYFaqMGuOiBHB+kp4cRPZOL7l1yqK5BHa6J+W97bMjvTXtxzljp6w="
assert sign == valid, "%s != %s" % (sign, valid)
def testVerify(self, num_run=1, lib_verify="sslcrypto"):
Test verification of generated signatures
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
CryptBitcoin.loadLib(lib_verify, silent=True)
data = "Hello" * 1024
privatekey = "5JsunC55XGVqFQj5kPGK4MWgTL26jKbnPhjnmchSNPo75XXCwtk"
address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
sign = "G1GXaDauZ8vX/N9Jn+MRiGm9h+I94zUhDnNYFaqMGuOiBHB+kp4cRPZOL7l1yqK5BHa6J+W97bMjvTXtxzljp6w="
for i in range(num_run):
ok = CryptBitcoin.verify(data, address, sign, lib_verify=lib_verify)
yield "."
assert ok, "does not verify from %s" % address
if lib_verify == "sslcrypto":
yield("(%s)" % CryptBitcoin.sslcrypto.ecc.get_backend())
def testPortCheckers(self):
Test all active open port checker
from Peer import PeerPortchecker
for ip_type, func_names in PeerPortchecker.PeerPortchecker.checker_functions.items():
yield "\n- %s:" % ip_type
for func_name in func_names:
yield "\n - Tracker %s: " % func_name
for res in self.testPortChecker(func_name):
yield res
except Exception as err:
yield Debug.formatException(err)
def testPortChecker(self, func_name):
Test single open port checker
from Peer import PeerPortchecker
peer_portchecker = PeerPortchecker.PeerPortchecker(None)
announce_func = getattr(peer_portchecker, func_name)
res = announce_func(3894)
yield res
def testAll(self):
Run all tests to check system compatibility with ZeroNet functions
for progress in self.testBenchmark(online=not config.offline, num_run=1):
yield progress
class ConfigPlugin(object):
def createArguments(self):
back = super(ConfigPlugin, self).createArguments()
if self.getCmdlineValue("test") == "benchmark":
'--num_multipler', help='Benchmark run time multipler',
default=1.0, type=float, metavar='num'
'--filter', help='Filter running benchmark',
default=None, metavar='test name'
elif self.getCmdlineValue("test") == "portChecker":
'--func_name', help='Name of open port checker function',
default=None, metavar='func_name'
return back