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import logging, json, os, re, sys, time
import gevent
from Plugin import PluginManager
from Config import config
from util import Http
from Debug import Debug
allow_reload = False # No reload supported
log = logging.getLogger("DnschainPlugin")
class SiteManagerPlugin(object):
dns_cache_path = "%s/dns_cache.json" % config.data_dir
dns_cache = None
# Checks if its a valid address
def isAddress(self, address):
if self.isDomain(address):
return True
return super(SiteManagerPlugin, self).isAddress(address)
# Return: True if the address is domain
def isDomain(self, address):
return re.match(r"(.*?)([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)$", address)
# Load dns entries from data/dns_cache.json
def loadDnsCache(self):
if os.path.isfile(self.dns_cache_path):
self.dns_cache = json.load(open(self.dns_cache_path))
self.dns_cache = {}
log.debug("Loaded dns cache, entries: %s" % len(self.dns_cache))
# Save dns entries to data/dns_cache.json
def saveDnsCache(self):
json.dump(self.dns_cache, open(self.dns_cache_path, "wb"), indent=2)
# Resolve domain using
# Return: The address or None
def resolveDomainDnschainNet(self, domain):
match = self.isDomain(domain)
sub_domain =".")
top_domain =
if not sub_domain: sub_domain = "@"
address = None
with gevent.Timeout(5, Exception("Timeout: 5s")):
res = Http.get("" % top_domain).read()
data = json.loads(res)["data"]["value"]
if "zeronet" in data:
2019-03-15 21:06:59 +01:00
for key, val in data["zeronet"].items():
self.dns_cache[key+"."+top_domain] = [val, time.time()+60*60*5] # Cache for 5 hours
return data["zeronet"].get(sub_domain)
# Not found
return address
2017-07-16 22:53:11 +02:00
except Exception as err:
log.debug(" %s resolve error: %s" % (domain, Debug.formatException(err)))
# Resolve domain using
# Return: The address or None
def resolveDomainDnschainInfo(self, domain):
match = self.isDomain(domain)
sub_domain =".")
top_domain =
if not sub_domain: sub_domain = "@"
address = None
with gevent.Timeout(5, Exception("Timeout: 5s")):
res = Http.get("" % re.sub(r"\.bit$", "", top_domain)).read()
data = json.loads(res)["value"]
2019-03-15 21:06:59 +01:00
for key, val in data["zeronet"].items():
self.dns_cache[key+"."+top_domain] = [val, time.time()+60*60*5] # Cache for 5 hours
return data["zeronet"].get(sub_domain)
# Not found
return address
2017-07-16 22:53:11 +02:00
except Exception as err:
log.debug(" %s resolve error: %s" % (domain, Debug.formatException(err)))
# Resolve domain
# Return: The address or None
def resolveDomain(self, domain):
domain = domain.lower()
if self.dns_cache == None:
if domain.count(".") < 2: # Its a topleved request, prepend @. to it
domain = "@."+domain
domain_details = self.dns_cache.get(domain)
if domain_details and time.time() < domain_details[1]: # Found in cache and its not expired
return domain_details[0]
# Resovle dns using dnschain
thread_dnschain_info = gevent.spawn(self.resolveDomainDnschainInfo, domain)
thread_dnschain_net = gevent.spawn(self.resolveDomainDnschainNet, domain)
gevent.joinall([thread_dnschain_net, thread_dnschain_info]) # Wait for finish
if thread_dnschain_info.value and thread_dnschain_net.value: # Booth successfull
if thread_dnschain_info.value == thread_dnschain_net.value: # Same returned value
return thread_dnschain_info.value
log.error("Dns %s missmatch: %s != %s" % (domain, thread_dnschain_info.value, thread_dnschain_net.value))
# Problem during resolve
if domain_details: # Resolve failed, but we have it in the cache
domain_details[1] = time.time()+60*60 # Dont try again for 1 hour
return domain_details[0]
else: # Not found in cache
self.dns_cache[domain] = [None, time.time()+60] # Don't check again for 1 min
return None
# Return or create site and start download site files
# Return: Site or None if dns resolve failed
def need(self, address, all_file=True):
if self.isDomain(address): # Its looks like a domain
address_resolved = self.resolveDomain(address)
if address_resolved:
address = address_resolved
return None
return super(SiteManagerPlugin, self).need(address, all_file)
# Return: Site object or None if not found
def get(self, address):
if self.sites == None: # Not loaded yet
if self.isDomain(address): # Its looks like a domain
address_resolved = self.resolveDomain(address)
if address_resolved: # Domain found
site = self.sites.get(address_resolved)
if site:
site_domain = site.settings.get("domain")
if site_domain != address:
site.settings["domain"] = address
else: # Domain not found
site = self.sites.get(address)
else: # Access by site address
site = self.sites.get(address)
return site