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import json, time, re, os, gevent, copy
from Debug import Debug
from Crypt import CryptHash
from Config import config
2015-06-18 00:08:45 +02:00
class ContentManager(object):
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
def __init__(self, site): = site
self.log =
self.contents = {} # Known content.json (without files and includes)
self.loadContent(add_bad_files=False)["size"] = self.getTotalSize()
# Load content.json to self.content
# Return: Changed files ["index.html", "data/messages.json"]
def loadContent(self, content_inner_path="content.json", add_bad_files=True, load_includes=True):
content_inner_path = content_inner_path.strip("/") # Remove / from begning
old_content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path)
content_path =
content_path_dir = self.toDir(
content_dir = self.toDir(content_inner_path)
if os.path.isfile(content_path):
new_content = json.load(open(content_path))
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("%s load error: %s" % (content_path, Debug.formatException(err)))
return False
self.log.error("Content.json not exist: %s" % content_path)
return False # Content.json not exist
# Get the files where the sha512 changed
changed = []
for relative_path, info in new_content.get("files", {}).items():
if "sha512" in info:
hash_type = "sha512"
else: # Backward compatiblity
hash_type = "sha1"
new_hash = info[hash_type]
if old_content and old_content["files"].get(relative_path): # We have the file in the old content
old_hash = old_content["files"][relative_path].get(hash_type)
else: # The file is not in the old content
old_hash = None
if old_hash != new_hash: changed.append(content_dir+relative_path)
# Load includes
if load_includes and "includes" in new_content:
for relative_path, info in new_content["includes"].items():
include_inner_path = content_dir+relative_path
if # Content.json exists, load it
success = self.loadContent(include_inner_path, add_bad_files=add_bad_files)
if success: changed += success # Add changed files
else: # Content.json not exist, add to changed files
self.log.debug("Missing include: %s" % include_inner_path)
changed += [include_inner_path]
# Load blind user includes (all subdir)
if load_includes and "user_contents" in new_content:
for relative_dir in os.listdir(content_path_dir):
include_inner_path = content_dir+relative_dir+"/content.json"
if not continue # Content.json not exist
success = self.loadContent(include_inner_path, add_bad_files=add_bad_files, load_includes=False)
if success: changed += success # Add changed files
# Update the content
self.contents[content_inner_path] = new_content
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Content.json parse error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False # Content.json parse error
# Add changed files to bad files
if add_bad_files:
for inner_path in changed:[inner_path] = True
if new_content["modified"] >"modified", 0):["modified"] = min(time.time()+60*10, new_content["modified"]) # Dont store modifications in the far future (more than 10 minute)
return changed
# Get total size of site
# Return: 32819 (size of files in kb)
def getTotalSize(self, ignore=None):
total_size = 0
for inner_path, content in self.contents.iteritems():
if inner_path == ignore: continue
total_size += # Size of content.json
for file, info in content.get("files", {}).iteritems():
total_size += info["size"]
return total_size
# Find the file info line from self.contents
# Return: { "sha512": "c29d73d30ee8c9c1b5600e8a84447a6de15a3c3db6869aca4a2a578c1721f518", "size": 41 , "content_inner_path": "content.json"}
def getFileInfo(self, inner_path):
dirs = inner_path.split("/") # Parent dirs of content.json
inner_path_parts = [dirs.pop()] # Filename relative to content.json
while True:
content_inner_path = "%s/content.json" % "/".join(dirs)
content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path.strip("/"))
if content and "files" in content: # Check if content.json exists
back = content["files"].get("/".join(inner_path_parts))
if back:
back["content_inner_path"] = content_inner_path
return back
if content and "user_contents" in content: # User dir
back = content["user_contents"]
# Content.json is in the users dir
back["content_inner_path"] = re.sub("(.*)/.*?$", "\\1/content.json", inner_path)
return back
# No inner path in this dir, lets try the parent dir
if dirs:
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop())
else: # No more parent dirs
# Not found
return False
# Get rules for the file
# Return: The rules for the file or False if not allowed
def getRules(self, inner_path, content=None):
if not inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # Find the files content.json first
file_info = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)
if not file_info: return False # File not found
inner_path = file_info["content_inner_path"]
dirs = inner_path.split("/") # Parent dirs of content.json
inner_path_parts = [dirs.pop()] # Filename relative to content.json
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop()) # Dont check in self dir
while True:
content_inner_path = "%s/content.json" % "/".join(dirs)
parent_content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path.strip("/"))
if parent_content and "includes" in parent_content:
return parent_content["includes"].get("/".join(inner_path_parts))
elif parent_content and "user_contents" in parent_content:
return self.getUserContentRules(parent_content, inner_path, content)
else: # No inner path in this dir, lets try the parent dir
if dirs:
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop())
else: # No more parent dirs
return False
# Get rules for a user file
# Return: The rules of the file or False if not allowed
def getUserContentRules(self, parent_content, inner_path, content):
user_contents = parent_content["user_contents"]
user_address = re.match(".*/([A-Za-z0-9]*?)/.*?$", inner_path).group(1) # Delivered for directory
if not content: content = # Read the file if no content specified
except (Exception, ): # Content.json not exist
return {"signers": [user_address], "user_address": user_address} # Return information that we know for sure
"""if not "cert_user_name" in content: # New file, unknown user
content["cert_auth_type"] = "unknown"
content["cert_user_name"] = "unknown@unknown"
user_urn = "%s/%s" % (content["cert_auth_type"], content["cert_user_id"]) # web/nofish@zeroid.bit
rules = copy.copy(user_contents["permissions"].get(content["cert_user_id"], {})) # Default rules by username
if rules == False:
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
return False # User banned
if "signers" in rules:
rules["signers"] = rules["signers"][:] # Make copy of the signers
for permission_pattern, permission_rules in user_contents["permission_rules"].items(): # Regexp rules
if not re.match(permission_pattern, user_urn): continue # Rule is not valid for user
# Update rules if its better than current recorded ones
for key, val in permission_rules.iteritems():
if key not in rules:
if type(val) is list:
rules[key] = val[:] # Make copy
rules[key] = val
elif type(val) is int: # Int, update if larger
if val > rules[key]:
rules[key] = val
elif hasattr(val, "startswith"): # String, update if longer
if len(val) > len(rules[key]): rules[key] = val
elif type(val) is list: # List, append
rules[key] += val
rules["cert_signers"] = user_contents["cert_signers"] # Add valid cert signers
if "signers" not in rules: rules["signers"] = []
rules["signers"].append(user_address) # Add user as valid signer
rules["user_address"] = user_address
return rules
# Create and sign a content.json
# Return: The new content if filewrite = False
def sign(self, inner_path="content.json", privatekey=None, filewrite=True, update_changed_files=False, extend=None):
content = self.contents.get(inner_path)
if not content: # Content not exist yet, load default one"File %s not exist yet, loading default values..." % inner_path)
content = {"files": {}, "signs": {}} # Default content.json
if inner_path == "content.json": # It's the root content.json, add some more fields
content["title"] = "%s - ZeroNet_" %
content["description"] = ""
content["signs_required"] = 1
content["ignore"] = ""
if extend: content.update(extend) # Add custom fields
directory = self.toDir("Opening site data directory: %s..." % directory)
hashed_files = {}
changed_files = [inner_path]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file_name in files:
file_path ="%s/%s" % (root.strip("/"), file_name))
file_inner_path = re.sub(re.escape(directory), "", file_path)
if file_name == "content.json": ignored = True
elif content.get("ignore") and re.match(content["ignore"], file_inner_path): ignored = True
elif file_name.startswith("."): ignored = True
else: ignored = False
if ignored: # Ignore content.json, definied regexp and files starting with ."- [SKIPPED] %s" % file_inner_path)
sha512sum = CryptHash.sha512sum(file_path) # Calculate sha512 sum of file"- %s (SHA512: %s)" % (file_inner_path, sha512sum))
hashed_files[file_inner_path] = {"sha512": sha512sum, "size": os.path.getsize(file_path)}
if file_inner_path in content["files"].keys() and hashed_files[file_inner_path]["sha512"] != content["files"][file_inner_path].get("sha512"):
self.log.debug("Changed files: %s" % changed_files)
if update_changed_files:
for file_path in changed_files:
# Generate new content.json"Adding timestamp and sha512sums to new content.json...")
new_content = content.copy() # Create a copy of current content.json
new_content["files"] = hashed_files # Add files sha512 hash
new_content["modified"] = time.time() # Add timestamp
if inner_path == "content.json":
new_content["address"] =
new_content["zeronet_version"] = config.version
new_content["signs_required"] = content.get("signs_required", 1)
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin"Verifying private key...")
privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
valid_signers = self.getValidSigners(inner_path, new_content)
if privatekey_address not in valid_signers:
return self.log.error("Private key invalid! Valid signers: %s, Private key address: %s" % (valid_signers, privatekey_address))"Correct %s in valid signers: %s" % (privatekey_address, valid_signers))
if inner_path == "content.json" and privatekey_address == # If signing using the root key sign the valid signers
new_content["signers_sign"] = CryptBitcoin.sign("%s:%s" % (new_content["signs_required"], ",".join(valid_signers)), privatekey)
if not new_content["signers_sign"]:"Old style address, signers_sign is none")"Signing %s..." % inner_path)
if "signs" in new_content: del(new_content["signs"]) # Delete old signs
if "sign" in new_content: del(new_content["sign"]) # Delete old sign (backward compatibility)
sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(sign_content, privatekey)
#new_content["signs"] = content.get("signs", {}) # TODO: Multisig
if sign: # If signing is successful (not an old address)
new_content["signs"] = {}
new_content["signs"][privatekey_address] = sign
if inner_path == "content.json": # To root content.json add old format sign for backward compatibility
oldsign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
new_content["sign"] = CryptBitcoin.signOld(oldsign_content, privatekey)
if not self.validContent(inner_path, new_content):
self.log.error("Sign failed: Invalid content")
return False
if filewrite:"Saving to %s..." % inner_path), new_content)"File %s signed!" % inner_path)
if filewrite: # Written to file
return True
else: # Return the new content
return new_content
# The valid signers of content.json file
# Return: ["1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6", "13ReyhCsjhpuCVahn1DHdf6eMqqEVev162"]
def getValidSigners(self, inner_path, content=None):
valid_signers = []
if inner_path == "content.json": # Root content.json
if "content.json" in self.contents and "signers" in self.contents["content.json"]:
valid_signers += self.contents["content.json"]["signers"].keys()
rules = self.getRules(inner_path, content)
if rules and "signers" in rules:
valid_signers += rules["signers"]
if not in valid_signers:
valid_signers.append( # Site address always valid
return valid_signers
# Return: The required number of valid signs for the content.json
def getSignsRequired(self, inner_path, content=None):
return 1 # Todo: Multisig
def verifyCert(self, inner_path, content):
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
rules = self.getRules(inner_path, content)
if not rules.get("cert_signers"): return True # Does not need cert
name, domain = content["cert_user_id"].split("@")
cert_address = rules["cert_signers"].get(domain)
if not cert_address: # Cert signer not allowed
self.log.error("Invalid cert signer: %s" % domain)
return False
return CryptBitcoin.verify("%s#%s/%s" % (rules["user_address"], content["cert_auth_type"], name), cert_address, content["cert_sign"])
# Checks if the content.json content is valid
# Return: True or False
def validContent(self, inner_path, content):
content_size = len(json.dumps(content)) + sum([file["size"] for file in content["files"].values()]) # Size of new content
site_size = self.getTotalSize(ignore=inner_path)+content_size # Site size without old content
if site_size >"size", 0):["size"] = site_size # Save to settings if larger
site_size_limit =*1024*1024
# Check total site size limit
if site_size > site_size_limit:
self.log.error("%s: Site too large %s > %s, aborting task..." % (inner_path, site_size, site_size_limit))
task =
if task: # Dont try to download from other peers
return False
if inner_path == "content.json": return True # Root content.json is passed
# Load include details
rules = self.getRules(inner_path, content)
if not rules:
self.log.error("%s: No rules" % inner_path)
return False
# Check include size limit
if rules.get("max_size"): # Include size limit
if content_size > rules["max_size"]:
self.log.error("%s: Include too large %s > %s" % (inner_path, content_size, rules["max_size"]))
return False
# Check if content includes allowed
if rules.get("includes_allowed") == False and content.get("includes"):
self.log.error("%s: Includes not allowed" % inner_path)
return False # Includes not allowed
# Filename limit
if rules.get("files_allowed"):
for file_inner_path in content["files"].keys():
if not re.match("^%s$" % rules["files_allowed"], file_inner_path):
self.log.error("%s: File not allowed" % file_inner_path)
return False
return True # All good
# Verify file validity
# Return: None = Same as before, False = Invalid, True = Valid
def verifyFile(self, inner_path, file, ignore_same = True):
if inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # content.json: Check using sign
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
new_content = json.load(file)
if inner_path in self.contents:
old_content = self.contents.get(inner_path)
# Checks if its newer the ours
if old_content["modified"] == new_content["modified"] and ignore_same: # Ignore, have the same content.json
return None
elif old_content["modified"] > new_content["modified"]: # We have newer
self.log.debug("We have newer %s (Our: %s, Sent: %s)" % (inner_path, old_content["modified"], new_content["modified"]))
gevent.spawn(, inner_path=inner_path) # Try to fix the broken peers
return False
if new_content["modified"] > time.time()+60*60*24: # Content modified in the far future (allow 1 day window)
self.log.error("%s modify is in the future!" % inner_path)
return False
# Check sign
sign = new_content.get("sign")
signs = new_content.get("signs", {})
if "sign" in new_content: del(new_content["sign"]) # The file signed without the sign
if "signs" in new_content: del(new_content["signs"]) # The file signed without the signs
sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True) # Dump the json to string to remove whitepsace
if not self.validContent(inner_path, new_content): return False # Content not valid (files too large, invalid files)
if signs: # New style signing
valid_signers = self.getValidSigners(inner_path, new_content)
signs_required = self.getSignsRequired(inner_path, new_content)
if inner_path == "content.json" and len(valid_signers) > 1: # Check signers_sign on root content.json
if not CryptBitcoin.verify("%s:%s" % (signs_required, ",".join(valid_signers)),, new_content["signers_sign"]):
self.log.error("%s invalid signers_sign!" % inner_path)
return False
if inner_path != "content.json" and not self.verifyCert(inner_path, new_content): # Check if cert valid
self.log.error("%s invalid cert!" % inner_path)
return False
valid_signs = 0
for address in valid_signers:
if address in signs: valid_signs += CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, address, signs[address])
if valid_signs >= signs_required: break # Break if we has enough signs
return valid_signs >= signs_required
else: # Old style signing
return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content,, sign)
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False
else: # Check using sha512 hash
file_info = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)
if file_info:
if "sha512" in file_info:
hash_valid = CryptHash.sha512sum(file) == file_info["sha512"]
elif "sha1" in file_info: # Backward compatibility
hash_valid = CryptHash.sha1sum(file) == file_info["sha1"]
hash_valid = False
if file_info["size"] != file.tell():
self.log.error("%s file size does not match %s <> %s, Hash: %s" % (inner_path, file.tell(),
file_info["size"], hash_valid))
return False
return hash_valid
else: # File not in content.json
self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
return False
# Get dir from file
# Return: data/site/content.json -> data/site
def toDir(self, inner_path):
file_dir = re.sub("[^/]*?$", "", inner_path).strip("/")
if file_dir: file_dir += "/" # Add / at end if its not the root
return file_dir
def testSign():
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
global config
from Config import config
from Site import Site
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
content_manager.sign("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json", "5JCGE6UUruhfmAfcZ2GYjvrswkaiq7uLo6Gmtf2ep2Jh2jtNzWR")
def testVerify():
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
from Config import config
from Site import Site
#site = Site("1EU1tbG9oC1A8jz2ouVwGZyQ5asrNsE4Vr")
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
print "Loaded contents:", content_manager.contents.keys()
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
file = open("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json"))
print "content.json valid:", content_manager.verifyFile("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json", file, ignore_same=False)
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
file = open("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/messages.json"))
print "messages.json valid:", content_manager.verifyFile("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/messages.json", file, ignore_same=False)
def testInfo():
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
from Config import config
from Site import Site
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
print content_manager.contents.keys()
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
print content_manager.getFileInfo("index.html")
print content_manager.getIncludeInfo("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("data/users/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("content.json")
if __name__ == "__main__":
2015-06-17 23:49:47 +02:00
import os, sys, logging
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("src"))
from Debug import Debug
from Crypt import CryptHash