
335 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import hashlib
import struct
import hmac
import base58
except ValueError:
# No native implementation
from . import _ripemd
def ripemd160(*args):
# Use OpenSSL
def ripemd160(*args):
return"ripemd160", *args)
class ECC:
"secp112r1": 704,
"secp112r2": 705,
"secp128r1": 706,
"secp128r2": 707,
"secp160k1": 708,
"secp160r1": 709,
"secp160r2": 710,
"secp192k1": 711,
"prime192v1": 409,
"secp224k1": 712,
"secp224r1": 713,
"secp256k1": 714,
"prime256v1": 415,
"secp384r1": 715,
"secp521r1": 716
def __init__(self, backend, aes):
self._backend = backend
self._aes = aes
def get_curve(self, name):
if name not in self.CURVES:
raise ValueError("Unknown curve {}".format(name))
nid = self.CURVES[name]
return EllipticCurve(self._backend(nid), self._aes, nid)
def get_backend(self):
return self._backend.get_backend()
class EllipticCurve:
def __init__(self, backend, aes, nid):
self._backend = backend
self._aes = aes
self.nid = nid
def _encode_public_key(self, x, y, is_compressed=True, raw=True):
if raw:
if is_compressed:
return bytes([0x02 + (y[-1] % 2)]) + x
return bytes([0x04]) + x + y
return struct.pack("!HH", self.nid, len(x)) + x + struct.pack("!H", len(y)) + y
def _decode_public_key(self, public_key, partial=False):
if not public_key:
raise ValueError("No public key")
if public_key[0] == 0x04:
# Uncompressed
expected_length = 1 + 2 * self._backend.public_key_length
if partial:
if len(public_key) < expected_length:
raise ValueError("Invalid uncompressed public key length")
if len(public_key) != expected_length:
raise ValueError("Invalid uncompressed public key length")
x = public_key[1:1 + self._backend.public_key_length]
y = public_key[1 + self._backend.public_key_length:expected_length]
if partial:
return (x, y), expected_length
return x, y
elif public_key[0] in (0x02, 0x03):
# Compressed
expected_length = 1 + self._backend.public_key_length
if partial:
if len(public_key) < expected_length:
raise ValueError("Invalid compressed public key length")
if len(public_key) != expected_length:
raise ValueError("Invalid compressed public key length")
x, y = self._backend.decompress_point(public_key[:expected_length])
# Sanity check
if x != public_key[1:expected_length]:
raise ValueError("Incorrect compressed public key")
if partial:
return (x, y), expected_length
return x, y
raise ValueError("Invalid public key prefix")
def _decode_public_key_openssl(self, public_key, partial=False):
if not public_key:
raise ValueError("No public key")
i = 0
nid, = struct.unpack("!H", public_key[i:i + 2])
i += 2
if nid != self.nid:
raise ValueError("Wrong curve")
xlen, = struct.unpack("!H", public_key[i:i + 2])
i += 2
if len(public_key) - i < xlen:
raise ValueError("Too short public key")
x = public_key[i:i + xlen]
i += xlen
ylen, = struct.unpack("!H", public_key[i:i + 2])
i += 2
if len(public_key) - i < ylen:
raise ValueError("Too short public key")
y = public_key[i:i + ylen]
i += ylen
if partial:
return (x, y), i
if i < len(public_key):
raise ValueError("Too long public key")
return x, y
def new_private_key(self):
return self._backend.new_private_key()
def private_to_public(self, private_key, is_compressed=True):
x, y = self._backend.private_to_public(private_key)
return self._encode_public_key(x, y, is_compressed=is_compressed)
def private_to_wif(self, private_key):
return base58.b58encode_check(b"\x80" + private_key)
def wif_to_private(self, wif):
dec = base58.b58decode_check(wif)
if dec[0] != 0x80:
raise ValueError("Invalid network (expected mainnet)")
return dec[1:]
def public_to_address(self, public_key):
h = hashlib.sha256(public_key).digest()
hash160 = ripemd160(h).digest()
return base58.b58encode_check(b"\x00" + hash160)
def private_to_address(self, private_key, is_compressed=True):
# Kinda useless but left for quick migration from pybitcointools
return self.public_to_address(self.private_to_public(private_key, is_compressed=is_compressed))
def derive(self, private_key, public_key):
if not isinstance(public_key, tuple):
public_key = self._decode_public_key(public_key)
return self._backend.ecdh(private_key, public_key)
def _digest(self, data, hash):
if hash is None:
return data
elif callable(hash):
return hash(data)
elif hash == "sha1":
return hashlib.sha1(data).digest()
elif hash == "sha256":
return hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
elif hash == "sha512":
return hashlib.sha512(data).digest()
raise ValueError("Unknown hash/derivation method")
# High-level functions
def encrypt(self, data, public_key, algo="aes-256-cbc", derivation="sha256", mac="hmac-sha256", return_aes_key=False):
# Generate ephemeral private key
private_key = self.new_private_key()
# Derive key
ecdh = self.derive(private_key, public_key)
key = self._digest(ecdh, derivation)
k_enc_len = self._aes.get_algo_key_length(algo)
if len(key) < k_enc_len:
raise ValueError("Too short digest")
k_enc, k_mac = key[:k_enc_len], key[k_enc_len:]
# Encrypt
ciphertext, iv = self._aes.encrypt(data, k_enc, algo=algo)
ephem_public_key = self.private_to_public(private_key)
ephem_public_key = self._decode_public_key(ephem_public_key)
ephem_public_key = self._encode_public_key(*ephem_public_key, raw=False)
ciphertext = iv + ephem_public_key + ciphertext
# Add MAC tag
if callable(mac):
tag = mac(k_mac, ciphertext)
elif mac == "hmac-sha256":
h =, digestmod="sha256")
tag = h.digest()
elif mac == "hmac-sha512":
h =, digestmod="sha512")
tag = h.digest()
elif mac is None:
tag = b""
raise ValueError("Unsupported MAC")
if return_aes_key:
return ciphertext + tag, k_enc
return ciphertext + tag
def decrypt(self, ciphertext, private_key, algo="aes-256-cbc", derivation="sha256", mac="hmac-sha256"):
# Get MAC tag
if callable(mac):
tag_length = mac.digest_size
elif mac == "hmac-sha256":
tag_length ="", digestmod="sha256").digest_size
elif mac == "hmac-sha512":
tag_length ="", digestmod="sha512").digest_size
elif mac is None:
tag_length = 0
raise ValueError("Unsupported MAC")
if len(ciphertext) < tag_length:
raise ValueError("Ciphertext is too small to contain MAC tag")
if tag_length == 0:
tag = b""
ciphertext, tag = ciphertext[:-tag_length], ciphertext[-tag_length:]
orig_ciphertext = ciphertext
if len(ciphertext) < 16:
raise ValueError("Ciphertext is too small to contain IV")
iv, ciphertext = ciphertext[:16], ciphertext[16:]
public_key, pos = self._decode_public_key_openssl(ciphertext, partial=True)
ciphertext = ciphertext[pos:]
# Derive key
ecdh = self.derive(private_key, public_key)
key = self._digest(ecdh, derivation)
k_enc_len = self._aes.get_algo_key_length(algo)
if len(key) < k_enc_len:
raise ValueError("Too short digest")
k_enc, k_mac = key[:k_enc_len], key[k_enc_len:]
# Verify MAC tag
if callable(mac):
expected_tag = mac(k_mac, orig_ciphertext)
elif mac == "hmac-sha256":
h =, digestmod="sha256")
expected_tag = h.digest()
elif mac == "hmac-sha512":
h =, digestmod="sha512")
expected_tag = h.digest()
elif mac is None:
expected_tag = b""
if not hmac.compare_digest(tag, expected_tag):
raise ValueError("Invalid MAC tag")
return self._aes.decrypt(ciphertext, iv, k_enc, algo=algo)
def sign(self, data, private_key, hash="sha256", recoverable=False, is_compressed=True, entropy=None):
data = self._digest(data, hash)
if not entropy:
v = b"\x01" * len(data)
k = b"\x00" * len(data)
k =, v + b"\x00" + private_key + data, "sha256").digest()
v =, v, "sha256").digest()
k =, v + b"\x01" + private_key + data, "sha256").digest()
v =, v, "sha256").digest()
entropy =, v, "sha256").digest()
return self._backend.sign(data, private_key, recoverable, is_compressed, entropy=entropy)
def recover(self, signature, data, hash="sha256"):
# Sanity check: is this signature recoverable?
if len(signature) != 1 + 2 * self._backend.public_key_length:
raise ValueError("Cannot recover an unrecoverable signature")
x, y = self._backend.recover(signature, self._digest(data, hash))
is_compressed = signature[0] >= 31
return self._encode_public_key(x, y, is_compressed=is_compressed)
def verify(self, signature, data, public_key, hash="sha256"):
if len(signature) == 1 + 2 * self._backend.public_key_length:
# Recoverable signature
signature = signature[1:]
if len(signature) != 2 * self._backend.public_key_length:
raise ValueError("Invalid signature format")
if not isinstance(public_key, tuple):
public_key = self._decode_public_key(public_key)
return self._backend.verify(signature, self._digest(data, hash), public_key)
def derive_child(self, seed, child):
# Based on BIP32
if not 0 <= child < 2 ** 31:
raise ValueError("Invalid child index")
return self._backend.derive_child(seed, child)