Update and rename README.zh-cn.md to README.md

This commit is contained in:
rainlime 2016-10-18 03:53:33 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7055bcd9ed
commit 5032854aca
2 changed files with 184 additions and 188 deletions

README.md Normal file
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# ZeroNet [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-faq-brightgreen.svg)](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/) [![Help](https://img.shields.io/badge/keep_this_project_alive-donate-yellow.svg)](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/help_zeronet/donate/)
使用 Bitcoin 加密 BitTorrent 网络的去中心化网站 - https://zeronet.io
## 为什么?
* 我们相信开放,自由,无审查的网络
* 不会受单点故障影响:只要有在线的节点,站点就会保持在线
* 无托管费用: 站点由访问者托管
* 无法关闭: 因为节点无处不在
* 快速并可离线运行: 即使没有互联网链接也可以访问
## 功能
* 实时站点更新
* 支持 Namecoin 的 .bit 域名
* 安装方便: 只需解压并运行
* 一键克隆存在的站点
* 无需密码 基于 [BIP32](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki) 的认证
* 内建 SQL 服务器和 P2P 数据同步: 让开发更简单并提升加载速度
* 匿名性: 完整的 Tor 网络支持和在 IPV4 中的 .onion 隐蔽服务
* TLS 加密连接
* 自动打开 uPnP 端口
* 插件和多用户 (开放式代理) 支持
* 全平台兼容
## 原理
* 在你运行`zeronet.py`后你将可以通过`{zeronet_address}` (比如.
``)。访问 zeronet 中的站点。
* 在你浏览 zeronet 站点时,客户端会尝试通过 BitTorrent 网络来寻找可用的节点,从而下载需要的文件 (html, css, js...)
* 你将会储存每一个浏览过的站点
* 每个站点都包含一个名为 `content.json` ,它储存了其他所有文件的 sha512 hash 值
* 如果站点的所有者 (拥有私钥的那个人) 修改了站点, 并且他/她签名了新的 `content.json` 然后推送至其他节点,
那么所有节点将会在验证 `content.json` 的真实性 (使用签名)后, 下载修改后的文件并推送至其他节点。
#### [有关于 ZeroNet 加密, 站点更新, 多用户站点的幻灯片 »](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2qK1IuOKJ51pgBvllZ9Yu7Au2l551t3XBgyTSvilew/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000)
#### [常见问题 »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/)
#### [ZeroNet开发者文档 »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/site_development/getting_started/)
## 屏幕截图
#### [在 ZeroNet 文档里查看更多的屏幕截图 »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/using_zeronet/sample_sites/)
## 如何加入
* 下载 ZeroBundle 文件包:
* [Microsoft Windows](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-win.zip)
* [Apple OS X](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-mac-osx.zip)
* [Linux 64bit](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz)
* [Linux 32bit](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux32.tar.gz)
* 解压缩
* 运行 `ZeroNet.cmd` (win), `ZeroNet(.app)` (osx), `ZeroNet.sh` (linux)
如果你在 OS X 上遇到了 "classic environment no longer supported" 错误,请打开一个终端然后把 ZeroNet.app 拖进去
在你打开时他将会自动下载最新版本的 ZeroNet 。
### Linux 命令行
* `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz`
* `tar xvpfz ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz`
* `cd ZeroBundle`
* 执行 `./ZeroNet.sh` 来启动
在你打开时他将会自动下载最新版本的 ZeroNet 。
#### 在 Debian Linux 中手动安装
* `sudo apt-get update`
* `sudo apt-get install msgpack-python python-gevent`
* `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/archive/master.tar.gz`
* `tar xvpfz master.tar.gz`
* `cd ZeroNet-master`
* 执行 `python zeronet.py` 来启动
* 在你的浏览器中打开
### [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/)
* `vagrant up`
* 通过 `vagrant ssh` 连接到 VM
* `cd /vagrant`
* 运行 `python zeronet.py --ui_ip`
* 在你的浏览器中打开
### [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)
* `docker run -d -v <local_data_folder>:/root/data -p 15441:15441 -p 43110:43110 nofish/zeronet`
* 这个 Docker 镜像包含了 Tor ,但默认是禁用的,因为一些托管商不允许你在他们的服务器上运行 Tor。如果你希望启用它
设置 `ENABLE_TOR` 环境变量为 `true` (默认: `false`). E.g.:
`docker run -d -e "ENABLE_TOR=true" -v <local_data_folder>:/root/data -p 15441:15441 -p 43110:43110 nofish/zeronet`
* 在你的浏览器中打开
### [Virtualenv](https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
* `virtualenv env`
* `source env/bin/activate`
* `pip install msgpack-python gevent`
* `python zeronet.py`
* 在你的浏览器中打开
## 现有限制
* 没有类似于 Torrent 的文件拆分来支持大文件
* ~~没有比 Bittorrent 更好的匿名性~~ (已添加内置的完整 Tor 支持)
* 传输文件时没有压缩~~和加密~~ (已添加 TLS 支持)
* No private sites
## 如何创建一个 ZeroNet 站点?
如果 zeronet 在运行,把它关掉
$ zeronet.py siteCreate
- Site private key: 23DKQpzxhbVBrAtvLEc2uvk7DZweh4qL3fn3jpM3LgHDczMK2TtYUq
- Site address: 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
- Site created!
$ zeronet.py
你已经完成了! 现在任何人都可以通过
下一步: [ZeroNet 开发者文档](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/site_development/getting_started/)
## 我要如何修改 ZeroNet 站点?
* 修改位于 data/13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2 的目录.
$ zeronet.py siteSign 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
- Signing site: 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2...
Private key (input hidden):
* 输入你在创建站点时获得的私钥
$ zeronet.py sitePublish 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
Site:13DNDk..bhC2 Publishing to 3/10 peers...
Site:13DNDk..bhC2 Successfuly published to 3 peers
- Serving files....
* 就是这样! 你现在已经成功的签名并推送了你的更改。
## 帮助这个项目
- Bitcoin: 1QDhxQ6PraUZa21ET5fYUCPgdrwBomnFgX
- Paypal: https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/help_zeronet/donate/
- Gratipay: https://gratipay.com/zeronet/
### 赞助商
* 在 OSX/Safari 下 [BrowserStack.com](https://www.browserstack.com) 带来更好的兼容性
#### 感谢!
* 更多信息, 帮助, changelog, 和 zeronet 站点: https://www.reddit.com/r/zeronet/
* 在: [#zeronet @ FreeNode](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/zeronet) 和我们聊天,或者使用 [gitter](https://gitter.im/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet)
* Email: hello@noloop.me

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@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
# ZeroNet [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-faq-brightgreen.svg)](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/) [![Help](https://img.shields.io/badge/keep_this_project_alive-donate-yellow.svg)](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/help_zeronet/donate/)
使用 BitTorrent 网络和 Bitcoin 加密的去中心化网站 - https://zeronet.io
## Why?
* We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
* No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is
serving it.
* 没有托管费用: 站点由浏览者保存。
* Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere.
* Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is
## Features
* Real-time updated sites
* Namecoin .bit domains support
* Easy to setup: unpack & run
* Clone websites in one click
* Password-less [BIP32](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki)
based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
* Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times
* Anonymity: Full Tor network support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses
* TLS encrypted connections
* Automatic uPnP port opening
* Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) support
* Works with any browser/OS
## How does it work?
* After starting `zeronet.py` you will be able to visit zeronet sites using
`{zeronet_address}` (eg.
* When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent
network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them.
* Each visited site is also served by you.
* Every site contains a `content.json` file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash
and a signature generated using the site's private key.
* If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the
site, then he/she signs the new `content.json` and publishes it to the peers.
Afterwards, the peers verify the `content.json` integrity (using the
signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to
other peers.
#### [Slideshow about ZeroNet cryptography, site updates, multi-user sites »](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2qK1IuOKJ51pgBvllZ9Yu7Au2l551t3XBgyTSvilew/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000)
#### [Frequently asked questions »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/)
#### [ZeroNet Developer Documentation »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/site_development/getting_started/)
## Screenshots
#### [More screenshots in ZeroNet docs »](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/using_zeronet/sample_sites/)
## How to join
* Download ZeroBundle package:
* [Microsoft Windows](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-win.zip)
* [Apple OS X](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-mac-osx.zip)
* [Linux 64bit](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz)
* [Linux 32bit](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux32.tar.gz)
* Unpack anywhere
* Run `ZeroNet.cmd` (win), `ZeroNet(.app)` (osx), `ZeroNet.sh` (linux)
If you get "classic environment no longer supported" error on OS X: Open a Terminal window and drop ZeroNet.app on it
It downloads the latest version of ZeroNet then starts it automatically.
### Linux terminal
* `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroBundle/raw/master/dist/ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz`
* `tar xvpfz ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz`
* `cd ZeroBundle`
* Start with `./ZeroNet.sh`
It downloads the latest version of ZeroNet then starts it automatically.
#### Manual install for Debian Linux
* `sudo apt-get update`
* `sudo apt-get install msgpack-python python-gevent`
* `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/archive/master.tar.gz`
* `tar xvpfz master.tar.gz`
* `cd ZeroNet-master`
* Start with `python zeronet.py`
* Open in your browser
### [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/)
* `vagrant up`
* Access VM with `vagrant ssh`
* `cd /vagrant`
* Run `python zeronet.py --ui_ip`
* Open in your browser
### [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)
* `docker run -d -v <local_data_folder>:/root/data -p 15441:15441 -p 43110:43110 nofish/zeronet`
* This Docker image includes the Tor proxy, which is disabled by default. Beware that some
hosting providers may not allow you running Tor in their servers. If you want to enable it,
set `ENABLE_TOR` environment variable to `true` (Default: `false`). E.g.:
`docker run -d -e "ENABLE_TOR=true" -v <local_data_folder>:/root/data -p 15441:15441 -p 43110:43110 nofish/zeronet`
* Open in your browser
### [Virtualenv](https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
* `virtualenv env`
* `source env/bin/activate`
* `pip install msgpack-python gevent`
* `python zeronet.py`
* Open in your browser
## Current limitations
* No torrent-like file splitting for big file support
* ~~No more anonymous than Bittorrent~~ (built-in full Tor support added)
* File transactions are not compressed ~~or encrypted yet~~ (TLS encryption added)
* No private sites
## How can I create a ZeroNet site?
Shut down zeronet if you are running it already
$ zeronet.py siteCreate
- Site private key: 23DKQpzxhbVBrAtvLEc2uvk7DZweh4qL3fn3jpM3LgHDczMK2TtYUq
- Site address: 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
- Site created!
$ zeronet.py
Congratulations, you're finished! Now anyone can access your site using
Next steps: [ZeroNet Developer Documentation](https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/site_development/getting_started/)
## How can I modify a ZeroNet site?
* Modify files located in data/13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2 directory.
After you're finished:
$ zeronet.py siteSign 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
- Signing site: 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2...
Private key (input hidden):
* Enter the private key you got when you created the site, then:
$ zeronet.py sitePublish 13DNDkMUExRf9Xa9ogwPKqp7zyHFEqbhC2
Site:13DNDk..bhC2 Publishing to 3/10 peers...
Site:13DNDk..bhC2 Successfuly published to 3 peers
- Serving files....
* That's it! You've successfully signed and published your modifications.
## Help keep this project alive
- Bitcoin: 1QDhxQ6PraUZa21ET5fYUCPgdrwBomnFgX
- Paypal: https://zeronet.readthedocs.org/en/latest/help_zeronet/donate/
- Gratipay: https://gratipay.com/zeronet/
### Sponsors
* Better OSX/Safari compatibility made possible by [BrowserStack.com](https://www.browserstack.com)
#### Thank you!
* More info, help, changelog, zeronet sites: https://www.reddit.com/r/zeronet/
* Come, chat with us: [#zeronet @ FreeNode](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/zeronet) or on [gitter](https://gitter.im/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet)
* Email: hello@noloop.me