version 0.2.0, new lib for bitcoin ecc, dont display or track notify errors, dont reload again within 1 sec, null peer ip fix, signingmoved to ContentManager, content.json include support, content.json multisig ready, content.json proper bitcoincore compatible signing, content.json include permissions, multithreaded publish, publish timeout 60s, no exception on invalid bitcoin address, testcase for new lib, bip32 based persite privatekey generation, multiuser ready, simple json database query command, websocket api fileGet, wrapper loading title stuck bugfix

This commit is contained in:
HelloZeroNet 2015-02-09 02:09:02 +01:00
parent cfe2cfaf09
commit 639b9f4961
44 changed files with 4061 additions and 293 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import ConfigParser
class Config(object):
def __init__(self):
self.version = "0.1.6"
self.version = "0.2.0"
self.parser = self.createArguments()
argv = sys.argv[:] # Copy command line arguments
argv = self.parseConfig(argv) # Add arguments from config file
@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ class Config(object):
action = subparsers.add_parser("siteSign", help='Update and sign content.json: address [privatekey]')
action.add_argument('address', help='Site to sign')
action.add_argument('privatekey', help='Private key (default: ask on execute)', nargs='?')
action.add_argument('--inner_path', help='File you want to sign (default: content.json)', default="content.json", metavar="inner_path")
# SitePublish
action = subparsers.add_parser("sitePublish", help='Publish site to other peers: address')
action.add_argument('address', help='Site to publish')
action.add_argument('peer_ip', help='Peer ip to publish (default: random peers ip from tracker)', default=None, nargs='?')
action.add_argument('peer_port', help='Peer port to publish (default: random peer port from tracker)', default=15441, nargs='?')
action.add_argument('--inner_path', help='Content.json you want to publish (default: content.json)', default="content.json", metavar="inner_path")
# SiteVerify
action = subparsers.add_parser("siteVerify", help='Verify site files using sha512: address')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
import json, time, re, os
from Debug import Debug
from Crypt import CryptHash
from Config import config
class ContentManager:
def __init__(self, site): = site
self.log =
self.contents = {} # Known content.json (without files and includes)
self.loadContent(add_bad_files = False)
# Load content.json to self.content
# Return: Changed files ["index.html", "data/messages.json"]
def loadContent(self, content_inner_path = "content.json", add_bad_files = True, load_includes = True):
content_inner_path = content_inner_path.strip("/") # Remove / from begning
old_content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path)
content_path =
content_dir = self.toDir(content_inner_path)
if os.path.isfile(content_path):
new_content = json.load(open(content_path))
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Content.json load error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False
self.log.error("Content.json not exits: %s" % content_path)
return False # Content.json not exits
# Get the files where the sha512 changed
changed = []
for relative_path, info in new_content.get("files", {}).items():
if "sha512" in info:
hash_type = "sha512"
else: # Backward compatiblity
hash_type = "sha1"
new_hash = info[hash_type]
if old_content and old_content["files"].get(relative_path): # We have the file in the old content
old_hash = old_content["files"][relative_path][hash_type]
else: # The file is not in the old content
old_hash = None
if old_hash != new_hash: changed.append(content_dir+relative_path)
# Load includes
if load_includes and "includes" in new_content:
for relative_path, info in new_content["includes"].items():
include_inner_path = content_dir+relative_path
if os.path.isfile( # Content.json exists, load it
success = self.loadContent(include_inner_path, add_bad_files=add_bad_files)
if success: changed += success # Add changed files
else: # Content.json not exits, add to changed files
self.log.debug("Missing include: %s" % include_inner_path)
changed += [include_inner_path]
# Update the content
self.contents[content_inner_path] = new_content
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Content.json parse error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False # Content.json parse error
# Add changed files to bad files
if add_bad_files:
for inner_path in changed:[inner_path] = True
return changed
# Find the file info line from self.contents
# Return: { "sha512": "c29d73d30ee8c9c1b5600e8a84447a6de15a3c3db6869aca4a2a578c1721f518", "size": 41 , "content_inner_path": "content.json"}
def getFileInfo(self, inner_path):
dirs = inner_path.split("/") # Parent dirs of content.json
inner_path_parts = [dirs.pop()] # Filename relative to content.json
while True:
content_inner_path = "%s/content.json" % "/".join(dirs)
content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path.strip("/"))
if content and "files" in content: # Check if content.json exists
back = content["files"].get("/".join(inner_path_parts))
back["content_inner_path"] = content_inner_path
return back
else: # No inner path in this dir, lets try the parent dir
if dirs:
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop())
else: # No more parent dirs
return False # Not found
def getIncludeInfo(self, inner_path):
if not inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # Find the files content.json first
inner_path = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)["content_inner_path"]
dirs = inner_path.split("/") # Parent dirs of content.json
inner_path_parts = [dirs.pop()] # Filename relative to content.json
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop()) # Dont check in self dir
while True:
content_inner_path = "%s/content.json" % "/".join(dirs)
content = self.contents.get(content_inner_path.strip("/"))
if content and "includes" in content:
return content["includes"].get("/".join(inner_path_parts))
else: # No inner path in this dir, lets try the parent dir
if dirs:
inner_path_parts.insert(0, dirs.pop())
else: # No more parent dirs
return False
# Create and sign a content.json
# Return: The new content if filewrite = False
def sign(self, inner_path = "content.json", privatekey=None, filewrite=True):
content = self.contents.get(inner_path)
if not content: # Content not exits yet, load default one"File %s not exits yet, loading default values..." % inner_path)
content = {"files": {}, "signs": {}} # Default content.json
if inner_path == "content.json": # Its the root content.json, add some more fields
content["title"] = "%s - ZeroNet_" %
content["description"] = ""
content["signs_required"] = 1
content["ignore"] = ""
directory = self.toDir("Opening site data directory: %s..." % directory)
hashed_files = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file_name in files:
file_path ="%s/%s" % (root.strip("/"), file_name))
file_inner_path = re.sub(re.escape(directory), "", file_path)
if file_name == "content.json" or (content.get("ignore") and re.match(content["ignore"], file_inner_path)) or file_name.startswith("."): # Ignore content.json, definied regexp and files starting with ."- [SKIPPED] %s" % file_inner_path)
sha512sum = CryptHash.sha512sum(file_path) # Calculate sha512 sum of file"- %s (SHA512: %s)" % (file_inner_path, sha512sum))
hashed_files[file_inner_path] = {"sha512": sha512sum, "size": os.path.getsize(file_path)}
if inner_path == "content.json": # Backward compatibility to root conten.json
hashed_files[file_inner_path]["sha1"] = CryptHash.sha1sum(file_path)
# Generate new content.json"Adding timestamp and sha512sums to new content.json...")
new_content = content.copy() # Create a copy of current content.json
new_content["files"] = hashed_files # Add files sha512 hash
new_content["modified"] = time.time() # Add timestamp
if inner_path == "content.json":
new_content["address"] =
new_content["zeronet_version"] = config.version
new_content["signs_required"] = content.get("signs_required", 1)
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin"Verifying private key...")
privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
valid_signers = self.getValidSigners(inner_path)
if privatekey_address not in valid_signers:
return self.log.error("Private key invalid! Valid signers: %s, Private key address: %s" % (valid_signers, privatekey_address))"Correct %s in valid signers: %s" % (privatekey_address, valid_signers))
if inner_path == "content.json" and privatekey_address == # If signing using the root key sign the valid signers
new_content["signers_sign"] = CryptBitcoin.sign("%s:%s" % (new_content["signs_required"], ",".join(valid_signers)), privatekey)
if not new_content["signers_sign"]:"Old style address, signers_sign is none")"Signing %s..." % inner_path)
if "signs" in new_content: del(new_content["signs"]) # Delete old signs
if "sign" in new_content: del(new_content["sign"]) # Delete old sign (backward compatibility)
sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(sign_content, privatekey)
#new_content["signs"] = content.get("signs", {}) # TODO: Multisig
if sign: # If signing is successful (not an old address)
new_content["signs"] = {}
new_content["signs"][privatekey_address] = sign
if inner_path == "content.json": # To root content.json add old format sign for backward compatibility
oldsign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
new_content["sign"] = CryptBitcoin.signOld(oldsign_content, privatekey)
if filewrite:"Saving to %s..." % inner_path)
json.dump(new_content, open(, "w"), indent=2, sort_keys=True)"File %s signed!" % inner_path)
if filewrite: # Written to file
return True
else: # Return the new content
return new_content
# The valid signers of content.json file
# Return: ["1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6", "13ReyhCsjhpuCVahn1DHdf6eMqqEVev162"]
def getValidSigners(self, inner_path):
valid_signers = []
if inner_path == "content.json": # Root content.json
if "content.json" in self.contents and "signers" in self.contents["content.json"]:
valid_signers += self.contents["content.json"]["signers"].keys()
include_info = self.getIncludeInfo(inner_path)
if include_info and "signers" in include_info:
valid_signers += include_info["signers"]
if not in valid_signers: valid_signers.append( # Site address always valid
return valid_signers
# Return: The required number of valid signs for the content.json
def getSignsRequired(self, inner_path):
return 1 # Todo: Multisig
def validContent(self, inner_path, content):
if inner_path == "content.json": return True # Always ok
include_info = self.getIncludeInfo(inner_path)
if not include_info:
self.log.error("%s: No include info" % inner_path)
return False
if include_info.get("max_size"): # Size limit
total_size = len(json.dumps(content)) + sum([file["size"] for file in content["files"].values()])
if total_size > include_info["max_size"]:
self.log.error("%s: Too large %s > %s" % (inner_path, total_size, include_info["max_size"]))
return False
if include_info.get("includes_allowed") == False and content.get("includes"):
self.log.error("%s: Includes not allowed" % inner_path)
return False # Includes not allowed
if include_info.get("files_allowed"): # Filename limit
for file_inner_path in content["files"].keys():
if not re.match("^%s$" % include_info["files_allowed"], file_inner_path):
self.log.error("%s: File not allowed: " % file_inner_path)
return False
return True
# Verify file validity
# Return: None = Same as before, False = Invalid, True = Valid
def verifyFile(self, inner_path, file, ignore_same = True):
if inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # content.json: Check using sign
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
new_content = json.load(file)
if inner_path in self.contents:
old_content = self.contents.get(inner_path)
# Checks if its newer the ours
if old_content["modified"] == new_content["modified"] and ignore_same: # Ignore, have the same content.json
return None
elif old_content["modified"] > new_content["modified"]: # We have newer
self.log.debug("We have newer %s (Our: %s, Sent: %s)" % (inner_path, old_content["modified"], new_content["modified"]))
return False
if new_content["modified"] > time.time()+60*60*24: # Content modified in the far future (allow 1 day window)
self.log.error("%s modify is in the future!" % inner_path)
return False
# Check sign
sign = new_content.get("sign")
signs = new_content.get("signs", {})
if "sign" in new_content: del(new_content["sign"]) # The file signed without the sign
if "signs" in new_content: del(new_content["signs"]) # The file signed without the signs
sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True) # Dump the json to string to remove whitepsace
if not self.validContent(inner_path, new_content): return False # Content not valid (files too large, invalid files)
if signs: # New style signing
valid_signers = self.getValidSigners(inner_path)
signs_required = self.getSignsRequired(inner_path)
if inner_path == "content.json" and len(valid_signers) > 1: # Check signers_sign on root content.json
if not CryptBitcoin.verify("%s:%s" % (signs_required, ",".join(valid_signers)),, new_content["signers_sign"]):
self.log.error("%s invalid signers_sign!" % inner_path)
return False
valid_signs = 0
for address in valid_signers:
if address in signs: valid_signs += CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, address, signs[address])
if valid_signs >= signs_required: break # Break if we has enough signs
return valid_signs >= signs_required
else: # Old style signing
return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content,, sign)
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False
else: # Check using sha1 hash
file_info = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)
if file_info:
if "sha512" in file_info:
hash_valid = CryptHash.sha512sum(file) == file_info["sha512"]
else: # Backward compatibility
hash_valid = CryptHash.sha1sum(file) == file_info["sha1"]
if file_info["size"] != file.tell():
self.log.error("%s file size does not match %s <> %s, Hash: %s" % (inner_path, file.tell(), file_info["size"], hash_valid))
return False
return hash_valid
else: # File not in content.json
self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
return False
# Get dir from file
# Return: data/site/content.json -> data/site
def toDir(self, inner_path):
file_dir = re.sub("[^/]*?$", "", inner_path).strip("/")
if file_dir: file_dir += "/" # Add / at end if its not the root
return file_dir
def testSign():
global config
from Config import config
from Site import Site
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
content_manager.sign("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json", "5JCGE6UUruhfmAfcZ2GYjvrswkaiq7uLo6Gmtf2ep2Jh2jtNzWR")
def testVerify():
from Config import config
from Site import Site
#site = Site("1EU1tbG9oC1A8jz2ouVwGZyQ5asrNsE4Vr")
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
print "Loaded contents:", content_manager.contents.keys()
file = open(site.getPath("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json"))
print "content.json valid:", content_manager.verifyFile("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json", file, ignore_same=False)
file = open(site.getPath("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/messages.json"))
print "messages.json valid:", content_manager.verifyFile("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/messages.json", file, ignore_same=False)
def testInfo():
from Config import config
from Site import Site
site = Site("12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH")
content_manager = ContentManager(site)
print content_manager.contents.keys()
print content_manager.getFileInfo("index.html")
print content_manager.getIncludeInfo("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("data/users/content.json")
print content_manager.getValidSigners("content.json")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os, sys, logging
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("src"))
from Debug import Debug
from Crypt import CryptHash

src/Content/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from ContentManager import ContentManager

View File

@ -1,21 +1,42 @@
from src.lib.BitcoinECC import BitcoinECC
from src.lib.pybitcointools import bitcoin as btctools
def newPrivatekey(uncompressed=True): # Return new private key
from src.lib.BitcoinECC import newBitcoinECC # Use new lib to generate WIF compatible addresses, but keep using the old yet for backward compatiblility issues
bitcoin = newBitcoinECC.Bitcoin()
d = bitcoin.GenerateD()
bitcoin.AddressFromD(d, uncompressed)
return bitcoin.PrivFromD(d, uncompressed)
privatekey = btctools.encode_privkey(btctools.random_key(), "wif")
return privatekey
def newSeed():
return btctools.random_key()
def hdPrivatekey(seed, child):
masterkey = btctools.bip32_master_key(seed)
childkey = btctools.bip32_ckd(masterkey, child % 100000000) # Too large child id could cause problems
key = btctools.bip32_extract_key(childkey)
return btctools.encode_privkey(key, "wif")
def privatekeyToAddress(privatekey): # Return address from private key
if privatekey.startswith("23") and len(privatekey) > 52: # Backward compatibility to broken lib
bitcoin = BitcoinECC.Bitcoin()
return bitcoin.BitcoinAddresFromPublicKey()
return btctools.privkey_to_address(privatekey)
except Exception, err: # Invalid privatekey
return False
def sign(data, privatekey): # Return sign to data using private key
if privatekey.startswith("23") and len(privatekey) > 52: return None # Old style private key not supported
sign = btctools.ecdsa_sign(data, privatekey)
return sign
def signOld(data, privatekey): # Return sign to data using private key (backward compatible old style)
bitcoin = BitcoinECC.Bitcoin()
sign = bitcoin.SignECDSA(data)
@ -23,5 +44,10 @@ def sign(data, privatekey): # Return sign to data using private key
def verify(data, address, sign): # Verify data using address and sign
if hasattr(sign, "endswith"):
pub = btctools.ecdsa_recover(data, sign)
sign_address = btctools.pubtoaddr(pub)
return sign_address == address
else: # Backward compatible old style
bitcoin = BitcoinECC.Bitcoin()
return bitcoin.VerifyMessageFromBitcoinAddress(address, data, sign)

View File

@ -1,22 +1,36 @@
import gevent, sys
from Config import config
last_error = None
# Store last error, ignore notify, allow manual error logging
def handleError(*args):
global last_error
if not args: # Called explicitly
if not args: # Manual called
args = sys.exc_info()
silent = True
silent = False
print "Error catched", args
last_error = args
if not silent and args[0].__name__ != "Notify": sys.__excepthook__(*args)
if args[0].__name__ != "Notify": last_error = args
if not silent and args[0].__name__ != "Notify":
# Ignore notify errors
def handleErrorNotify(*args):
if args[0].__name__ != "Notify": sys.__excepthook__(*args)
OriginalGreenlet = gevent.Greenlet
class ErrorhookedGreenlet(OriginalGreenlet):
def _report_error(self, exc_info):
handleError(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
sys.excepthook = handleError
if config.debug:
sys.excepthook = handleError
sys.excepthook = handleErrorNotify
gevent.Greenlet = gevent.greenlet.Greenlet = ErrorhookedGreenlet

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ except Exception, err:
class DebugReloader:
def __init__ (self, callback, directory = "/"):
self.last_chaged = 0
if pyfilesystem: = directory
self.callback = callback
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ class DebugReloader:
def changed(self, evt):
if not evt.path or evt.path.endswith("pyc"): return False # Ignore *.pyc changes
if not evt.path or evt.path.endswith("pyc") or time.time()-self.last_chaged < 1: return False # Ignore *.pyc changes and no reload within 1 sec
#logging.debug("Changed: %s" % evt)
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for lock release
self.last_chaged = time.time()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import os, msgpack, shutil
import os, msgpack, shutil, gevent
from Site import SiteManager
from cStringIO import StringIO
from Debug import Debug
@ -39,30 +39,31 @@ class FileRequest:
if not site or not site.settings["serving"]: # Site unknown or not serving
self.send({"error": "Unknown site"})
return False
if site.settings["own"]:
self.log.debug("Someone trying to push a file to own site %s, reload local content.json first" % site.address)
if site.settings["own"] and params["inner_path"].endswith("content.json"):
self.log.debug("Someone trying to push a file to own site %s, reload local %s first" % (site.address, params["inner_path"]))
buff = StringIO(params["body"])
valid = site.verifyFile(params["inner_path"], buff)
valid = site.content_manager.verifyFile(params["inner_path"], buff)
if valid == True: # Valid and changed
self.log.debug("Update for %s looks valid, saving..." % params["inner_path"])
file = open(site.getPath(params["inner_path"]), "wb")
shutil.copyfileobj(buff, file) # Write buff to disk
site.onFileDone(params["inner_path"]) # Trigger filedone
if params["inner_path"] == "content.json": # Download every changed file from peer
changed = site.loadContent() # Get changed files
if params["inner_path"].endswith("content.json"): # Download every changed file from peer
peer = site.addPeer(*params["peer"], return_peer = True) # Add or get peer"%s changed files: %s" % (site.address_short, changed))
for inner_path in changed: # Updated files in content.json
site.needFile(inner_path, peer=peer, update=True, blocking=False) # Download file from peer
site.onComplete.once(lambda: site.publish()) # On complete publish to other peers
site.onComplete.once(lambda: site.publish(inner_path=params["inner_path"])) # On complete publish to other peers
lambda: site.downloadContent(params["inner_path"], peer=peer)
) # Load new content file and download changed files in new thread
self.send({"ok": "Thanks, file %s updated!" % params["inner_path"]})
elif valid == None: # Not changed
peer = site.addPeer(*params["peer"], return_peer = True) # Add or get peer
if peer:
self.log.debug("Same version, adding new peer for locked files: %s, tasks: %s" % (peer.key, len(site.worker_manager.tasks)) )
for task in site.worker_manager.tasks: # New peer add to every ongoing task
if task["peers"]: site.needFile(task["inner_path"], peer=peer, update=True, blocking=False) # Download file from this peer too if its peer locked

View File

@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ class Peer:
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 50000) # Wait for data arrive
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 5000) # Wait for data send
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 500) # Wait for socket close
#self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Enable keepalive
#self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, 4*60) # Send after 4 minute idle
#self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, 15) # Wait 15 sec to response
#self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, 4) # 4 Probes
# self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Enable keepalive
# self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, 4*60) # Send after 4 minute idle
# self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, 15) # Wait 15 sec to response
# self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, 4) # 4 Probes
self.socket.connect('tcp://%s:%s' % (self.ip, self.port))
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Peer:
if not return None
for retry in range(1,3): # Retry 3 times
if config.debug_socket: self.log.debug("sendCmd: %s" % cmd)
if config.debug_socket: self.log.debug("sendCmd: %s %s" % (cmd, params.get("inner_path")))
self.socket.send(msgpack.packb({"cmd": cmd, "params": params}, use_bin_type=True))
if config.debug_socket: self.log.debug("Sent command: %s" % cmd)

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ from Peer import Peer
from Worker import WorkerManager
from Crypt import CryptHash
from Debug import Debug
from Content import ContentManager
import SiteManager
class Site:
def __init__(self, address, allow_create=True):
self.address = re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", address) # Make sure its correct address
self.address_short = "%s..%s" % (self.address[:6], self.address[-4:]) # Short address for logging = "data/%s" % self.address # Site data diretory
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ class Site:
self.notifications = [] # Pending notifications displayed once on page load [error|ok|info, message, timeout]
self.page_requested = False # Page viewed in browser
self.loadContent(init=True) # Load content.json
self.content_manager = ContentManager(self) # Load contents
self.loadSettings() # Load settings from sites.json
if not self.settings.get("auth_key"): # To auth user in site
if not self.settings.get("auth_key"): # To auth user in site (Obsolete, will be removed)
self.settings["auth_key"] = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(24))
self.log.debug("New auth key: %s" % self.settings["auth_key"])
@ -52,39 +52,6 @@ class Site:
# Load content.json to self.content
def loadContent(self, init=False):
old_content = self.content
content_path = "%s/content.json" %
if os.path.isfile(content_path):
new_content = json.load(open(content_path))
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Content.json load error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return None
return None # Content.json not exits
changed = []
for inner_path, details in new_content["files"].items():
new_sha1 = details["sha1"]
if old_content and old_content["files"].get(inner_path):
old_sha1 = old_content["files"][inner_path]["sha1"]
old_sha1 = None
if old_sha1 != new_sha1: changed.append(inner_path)
self.content = new_content
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Content.json parse error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return None # Content.json parse error
# Add to bad files
if not init:
for inner_path in changed:
self.bad_files[inner_path] = True
return changed
# Load site settings from data/sites.json
def loadSettings(self):
sites_settings = json.load(open("data/sites.json"))
@ -103,7 +70,7 @@ class Site:
def saveSettings(self):
sites_settings = json.load(open("data/sites.json"))
sites_settings[self.address] = self.settings
open("data/sites.json", "w").write(json.dumps(sites_settings, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
open("data/sites.json", "w").write(json.dumps(sites_settings, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
@ -118,71 +85,111 @@ class Site:
return file_path
# Start downloading site
# Download all file from content.json
def downloadContent(self, inner_path, download_files=True, peer=None):
s = time.time()
self.log.debug("Downloading %s..." % inner_path)
found = self.needFile(inner_path, update=self.bad_files.get(inner_path))
content_inner_dir = self.content_manager.toDir(inner_path)
if not found: return False # Could not download content.json
self.log.debug("Got %s" % inner_path)
changed = self.content_manager.loadContent(inner_path, load_includes=False)
# Start download files
evts = []
if download_files:
for file_relative_path in self.content_manager.contents[inner_path].get("files", {}).keys():
file_inner_path = content_inner_dir+file_relative_path
res = self.needFile(file_inner_path, blocking=False, update=self.bad_files.get(file_inner_path), peer=peer) # No waiting for finish, return the event
if res != True: # Need downloading
evts.append(res) # Append evt
# Wait for includes download
for file_relative_path in self.content_manager.contents[inner_path].get("includes", {}).keys():
file_inner_path = content_inner_dir+file_relative_path
self.downloadContent(file_inner_path, download_files=download_files, peer=peer)
self.log.debug("%s: Includes downloaded" % inner_path)
self.log.debug("%s: Downloading %s files..." % (inner_path, len(evts)))
self.log.debug("%s: All file downloaded in %.2fs" % (inner_path, time.time()-s))
return True
# Download all files of the site
def download(self):
self.log.debug("Start downloading...%s" % self.bad_files)
found = self.needFile("content.json", update=self.bad_files.get("content.json"))
if not found: return False # Could not download content.json
self.loadContent() # Load the content.json
self.log.debug("Got content.json")
evts = []
self.last_downloads = ["content.json"] # Files downloaded in this run
for inner_path in self.content["files"].keys():
res = self.needFile(inner_path, blocking=False, update=self.bad_files.get(inner_path)) # No waiting for finish, return the event
if res != True: # Need downloading
evts.append(res) # Append evt
self.log.debug("Downloading %s files..." % len(evts))
s = time.time()
self.log.debug("All file downloaded in %.2fs" % (time.time()-s))
self.last_downloads = []
found = self.downloadContent("content.json")
return found
# Update content.json from peers and download changed files
def update(self):
self.loadContent() # Reload content.json
self.content_manager.loadContent("content.json") # Reload content.json
self.content_updated = None
self.needFile("content.json", update=True)
changed_files = self.loadContent()
if changed_files:
for changed_file in changed_files:
# Download all content.json again
for inner_path in self.content_manager.contents.keys():
self.needFile(inner_path, update=True)
changed = self.content_manager.loadContent("content.json")
if changed:
for changed_file in changed:
self.bad_files[changed_file] = True
if not self.settings["own"]: self.checkFiles(quick_check=True) # Quick check files based on file size
if self.bad_files:
return changed_files
return changed
# Update content.json on peers
def publish(self, limit=3): "Publishing to %s/%s peers..." % (limit, len(self.peers)) )
published = 0
for key, peer in self.peers.items(): # Send update command to each peer
def publisher(self,inner_path, peers, published, limit):
while 1:
if not peers or len(published) >= limit: break # All peers done, or published engouht
peer = peers.pop(0)
result = {"exception": "Timeout"}
with gevent.Timeout(1, False): # 1 sec timeout
with gevent.Timeout(60, False): # 60 sec timeout
result = peer.sendCmd("update", {
"site": self.address,
"inner_path": "content.json",
"body": open(self.getPath("content.json")).read(),
"inner_path": inner_path,
"body": open(self.getPath(inner_path), "rb").read(),
"peer": (config.ip_external, config.fileserver_port)
except Exception, err:
result = {"exception": Debug.formatException(err)}
if result and "ok" in result:
published += 1"[OK] %s: %s" % (key, result["ok"]))
published.append(peer)"[OK] %s: %s" % (peer.key, result["ok"]))
else:"[ERROR] %s: %s" % (key, result))"[ERROR] %s: %s" % (peer.key, result))
if published >= limit: break"Successfuly published to %s peers" % published)
return published
# Update content.json on peers
def publish(self, limit=3, inner_path="content.json"): "Publishing to %s/%s peers..." % (limit, len(self.peers)) )
published = [] # Successfuly published (Peer)
publishers = [] # Publisher threads
peers = self.peers.values()
for i in range(limit):
publisher = gevent.spawn(self.publisher, inner_path, peers, published, limit)
gevent.joinall(publishers) # Wait for all publishers"Successfuly published to %s peers" % len(published))
return len(published)
# Check and download if file not exits
@ -192,14 +199,19 @@ class Site:
elif self.settings["serving"] == False: # Site not serving
return False
else: # Wait until file downloaded
if not self.content: # No content.json, download it first!
if not self.content_manager.contents.get("content.json"): # No content.json, download it first!
self.log.debug("Need content.json first")
if inner_path != "content.json": # Prevent double download
task = self.worker_manager.addTask("content.json", peer)
if not self.content: return False
if not self.content_manager.contents.get("content.json"): return False # Content.json download failed
if not inner_path.endswith("content.json") and not self.content_manager.getFileInfo(inner_path): # No info for file, download all content.json first
self.log.debug("No info for %s, waiting for all content.json" % inner_path)
success = self.downloadContent("content.json", download_files=False)
if not success: return False
task = self.worker_manager.addTask(inner_path, peer, priority=priority)
if blocking:
@ -210,6 +222,7 @@ class Site:
# Add or update a peer to site
def addPeer(self, ip, port, return_peer = False):
if not ip: return False
key = "%s:%s" % (ip, port)
if key in self.peers: # Already has this ip
@ -273,8 +286,13 @@ class Site:
def deleteFiles(self):
self.log.debug("Deleting files from content.json...")
files = self.content["files"].keys() # Make a copy
files = [] # Get filenames
for content_inner_path, content in self.content_manager.contents.items():
for file_relative_path in content["files"].keys():
file_inner_path = self.content_manager.toDir(content_inner_path)+file_relative_path # Relative to content.json
for inner_path in files:
path = self.getPath(inner_path)
if os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path)
@ -351,122 +369,30 @@ class Site:
# - Sign and verify -
# Verify fileobj using sha1 in content.json
def verifyFile(self, inner_path, file, force=False):
if inner_path == "content.json": # Check using sign
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
content = json.load(file)
if self.content and not force:
if self.content["modified"] == content["modified"]: # Ignore, have the same content.json
return None
elif self.content["modified"] > content["modified"]: # We have newer
self.log.debug("We have newer content.json (Our: %s, Sent: %s)" % (self.content["modified"], content["modified"]))
return False
if content["modified"] > time.time()+60*60*24: # Content modified in the far future (allow 1 day window)
self.log.error("Content.json modify is in the future!")
return False
# Check sign
sign = content["sign"]
del(content["sign"]) # The file signed without the sign
sign_content = json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True) # Dump the json to string to remove whitepsace
return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, self.address, sign)
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
return False
else: # Check using sha1 hash
if self.content and inner_path in self.content["files"]:
if "sha512" in self.content["files"][inner_path]: # Use sha512 to verify if possible
return CryptHash.sha512sum(file) == self.content["files"][inner_path]["sha512"]
else: # Backward compatiblity
return CryptHash.sha1sum(file) == self.content["files"][inner_path]["sha1"]
else: # File not in content.json
self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
return False
# Verify all files sha512sum using content.json
def verifyFiles(self, quick_check=False): # Fast = using file size
bad_files = []
if not self.content: # No content.json, download it first
if not self.content_manager.contents.get("content.json"): # No content.json, download it first
self.needFile("content.json", update=True) # Force update to fix corrupt file
self.loadContent() # Reload content.json
for inner_path in self.content["files"].keys():
file_path = self.getPath(inner_path)
self.content_manager.loadContent() # Reload content.json
for content_inner_path, content in self.content_manager.contents.items():
for file_relative_path in content["files"].keys():
file_inner_path = self.content_manager.toDir(content_inner_path)+file_relative_path # Relative to content.json
file_inner_path = file_inner_path.strip("/") # Strip leading /
file_path = self.getPath(file_inner_path)
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
self.log.error("[MISSING] %s" % inner_path)
self.log.error("[MISSING] %s" % file_inner_path)
if quick_check:
ok = os.path.getsize(file_path) == self.content["files"][inner_path]["size"]
ok = os.path.getsize(file_path) == content["files"][file_relative_path]["size"]
ok = self.verifyFile(inner_path, open(file_path, "rb"))
ok = self.content_manager.verifyFile(file_inner_path, open(file_path, "rb"))
if not ok:
self.log.error("[ERROR] %s" % inner_path)
self.log.debug("Site verified: %s files, quick_check: %s, bad files: %s" % (len(self.content["files"]), quick_check, bad_files))
self.log.error("[ERROR] %s" % file_inner_path)
self.log.debug("%s verified: %s files, quick_check: %s, bad files: %s" % (content_inner_path, len(content["files"]), quick_check, bad_files))
return bad_files
# Create and sign content.json using private key
def signContent(self, privatekey=None):
if not self.content: # New site"Site not exits yet, loading default content.json values...")
self.content = {"files": {}, "title": "%s - ZeroNet_" % self.address, "sign": "", "modified": 0.0, "description": "", "address": self.address, "ignore": "", "zeronet_version": config.version} # Default content.json"Opening site data directory: %s..." %
hashed_files = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
for file_name in files:
file_path = self.getPath("%s/%s" % (root, file_name))
if file_name == "content.json" or (self.content["ignore"] and re.match(self.content["ignore"], file_path.replace("/", "") )): # Dont add content.json and ignore regexp pattern definied in content.json"- [SKIPPED] %s" % file_path)
sha1sum = CryptHash.sha1sum(file_path) # Calculate sha1 sum of file
sha512sum = CryptHash.sha512sum(file_path) # Calculate sha512 sum of file
inner_path = re.sub("^%s/" % re.escape(, "", file_path)"- %s (SHA512: %s)" % (file_path, sha512sum))
hashed_files[inner_path] = {"sha1": sha1sum, "sha512": sha512sum, "size": os.path.getsize(file_path)}
# Generate new content.json"Adding timestamp and sha512sums to new content.json...")
content = self.content.copy() # Create a copy of current content.json
content["address"] = self.address
content["files"] = hashed_files # Add files sha512 hash
content["modified"] = time.time() # Add timestamp
content["zeronet_version"] = config.version # Signer's zeronet version
del(content["sign"]) # Delete old sign
# Signing content
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin"Verifying private key...")
privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
if self.address != privatekey_address:
return self.log.error("Private key invalid! Site address: %s, Private key address: %s" % (self.address, privatekey_address))"Signing modified content.json...")
sign_content = json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True)
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(sign_content, privatekey)
content["sign"] = sign
# Saving modified content.json"Saving to %s/content.json..." %
open("%s/content.json" %, "w").write(json.dumps(content, indent=4, sort_keys=True))"Site signed!")
return True

View File

@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ import json, logging, time, re, os
import gevent
("udp", "", 2710),
("udp", "", 1337),
("udp", "", 2710),
("udp", "", 80),
("udp", "", 6969),
("udp", "", 2710),
#("udp", "", 6969), Backup trackers
#("udp", "", 80),
#("udp", "", 6969)
# Load all sites from data/sites.json
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ def isAddress(address):
def need(address, all_file=True):
from Site import Site
if address not in sites: # Site not exits yet
if not isAddress(address): raise Exception("Not address: %s" % address)
if not isAddress(address): return False # Not address: %s % address
logging.debug("Added new site: %s" % address)
sites[address] = Site(address)
if not sites[address].settings["serving"]: # Maybe it was deleted before

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn("Forbidden", urllib.urlopen("").read())
def testBitcoinSign(self):
def testBitcoinSignOld(self):
s = time.time()
privatekey = "23DKQpDz7bXM7w5KN5Wnmz7bwRNqNHcdQjb2WwrdB1QtTf5gM3pFdf"
privatekey_bad = "23DKQpDz7bXM7w5KN5Wnmz6bwRNqNHcdQjb2WwrdB1QtTf5gM3pFdf"
@ -30,6 +30,28 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
address_bad = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey_bad)
self.assertNotEqual(address_bad, "12vTsjscg4hYPewUL2onma5pgQmWPMs3ez")
sign = CryptBitcoin.signOld("hello", privatekey)
self.assertTrue(CryptBitcoin.verify("hello", address, sign))
self.assertFalse(CryptBitcoin.verify("not hello", address, sign))
sign_bad = CryptBitcoin.signOld("hello", privatekey_bad)
self.assertFalse(CryptBitcoin.verify("hello", address, sign_bad))
print "Taken: %.3fs, " % (time.time()-s),
def testBitcoinSign(self):
s = time.time()
privatekey = "5K9S6dVpufGnroRgFrT6wsKiz2mJRYsC73eWDmajaHserAp3F1C"
privatekey_bad = "5Jbm9rrusXyApAoM8YoM4Rja337zMMoBUMRJ1uijiguU2aZRnwC"
address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
self.assertEqual(address, "1MpDMxFeDUkiHohxx9tbGLeEGEuR4ZNsJz")
address_bad = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey_bad)
self.assertNotEqual(address_bad, "1MpDMxFeDUkiHohxx9tbGLeEGEuR4ZNsJz")
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign("hello", privatekey)
self.assertTrue(CryptBitcoin.verify("hello", address, sign))
@ -41,7 +63,33 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
print "Taken: %.3fs, " % (time.time()-s),
def testBitcoinSignCompressed(self):
raise unittest.SkipTest("Not working")
s = time.time()
privatekey = "Kwg4YXhL5gsNwarFWtzTKuUiwAhKbZAgWdpFo1UETZSKdgHaNN2J"
privatekey_bad = "Kwg4YXhL5gsNwarFWtzTKuUiwAhKsZAgWdpFo1UETZSKdgHaNN2J"
address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
self.assertEqual(address, "1LSxsKfC9S9TVXGGNSM3vPHjyW82jgCX5f")
address_bad = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey_bad)
self.assertNotEqual(address_bad, "1LSxsKfC9S9TVXGGNSM3vPHjyW82jgCX5f")
sign = CryptBitcoin.sign("hello", privatekey)
print sign
self.assertTrue(CryptBitcoin.verify("hello", address, sign))
self.assertFalse(CryptBitcoin.verify("not hello", address, sign))
sign_bad = CryptBitcoin.sign("hello", privatekey_bad)
self.assertFalse(CryptBitcoin.verify("hello", address, sign_bad))
print "Taken: %.3fs, " % (time.time()-s),
def testTrackers(self):
raise unittest.SkipTest("Notyet")
from Site import SiteManager
from lib.subtl.subtl import UdpTrackerClient
import hashlib
@ -64,7 +112,7 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
if peers != None:
ok += 1
self.assertGreater(ok, 1)
self.assertEqual(ok, len(SiteManager.TRACKERS))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import time, re, os, mimetypes, json
from Config import config
from Site import SiteManager
from User import UserManager
from Ui.UiWebsocket import UiWebsocket
status_texts = {
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ class UiRequest:
self.log = server.log
self.get = {} # Get parameters
self.env = {} # Enviroment settings
self.user = UserManager.getCurrent()
self.start_response = None # Start response function
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ class UiRequest:
# Render a file from media with iframe site wrapper
def actionWrapper(self, path):
if "." in path and not path.endswith(".html"): return self.actionSiteMedia("/media"+path) # Only serve html files with frame
if self.get.get("wrapper") == "False": return self.actionSiteMedia("/media"+path) # Only serve html files with frame
if self.env.get("HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"): return self.error403() # No ajax allowed on wrapper
match = re.match("/(?P<site>[A-Za-z0-9]+)(?P<inner_path>/.*|$)", path)
@ -111,12 +114,12 @@ class UiRequest:
if not inner_path: inner_path = "index.html" # If inner path defaults to index.html
site = self.server.sites.get("site"))
if site and site.content and (not site.bad_files or site.settings["own"]): # Its downloaded or own
title = site.content["title"]
if site and site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json") and (not site.bad_files or site.settings["own"]): # Its downloaded or own
title = site.content_manager.contents["content.json"]["title"]
title = "Loading %s..." %"site")
site = SiteManager.need("site")) # Start download site
if not site: self.error404()
if not site: return self.error404(path)
self.sendHeader(extra_headers=[("X-Frame-Options", "DENY")])
@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ class UiRequest:
query_string = ""
body_style = ""
if site.content and site.content.get("background-color"): body_style += "background-color: "+site.content["background-color"]+";"
if site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json") and site.content_manager.contents["content.json"].get("background-color"): body_style += "background-color: "+site.content_manager.contents["content.json"]["background-color"]+";"
return self.render("src/Ui/template/wrapper.html",
@ -146,6 +149,8 @@ class UiRequest:
# Serve a media for site
def actionSiteMedia(self, path):
path = path.replace("/index.html/", "/") # Base Backward compatibility fix
match = re.match("/media/(?P<site>[A-Za-z0-9]+)/(?P<inner_path>.*)", path)
referer = self.env.get("HTTP_REFERER")
@ -228,7 +233,7 @@ class UiRequest:
if site_check.settings["wrapper_key"] == wrapper_key: site = site_check
if site: # Correct wrapper key
ui_websocket = UiWebsocket(ws, site, self.server)
ui_websocket = UiWebsocket(ws, site, self.server, self.user)
site.websockets.append(ui_websocket) # Add to site websockets to allow notify on events
for site_check in self.server.sites.values(): # Remove websocket from every site (admin sites allowed to join other sites event channels)
@ -297,3 +302,5 @@ class UiRequest:
import imp
global UiWebsocket
UiWebsocket = imp.load_source("UiWebsocket", "src/Ui/").UiWebsocket
self.user = UserManager.getCurrent()

View File

@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ import json, gevent, time, sys, hashlib
from Config import config
from Site import SiteManager
from Debug import Debug
from util import QueryJson
class UiWebsocket:
def __init__(self, ws, site, server):
def __init__(self, ws, site, server, user): = ws = site
self.user = user
self.log = site.log
self.server = server
self.next_message_id = 1
@ -98,6 +101,10 @@ class UiWebsocket:
func = self.actionSitePublish
elif cmd == "fileWrite":
func = self.actionFileWrite
elif cmd == "fileGet":
func = self.actionFileGet
elif cmd == "fileQuery":
func = self.actionFileQuery
# Admin commands
elif cmd == "sitePause" and "ADMIN" in permissions:
func = self.actionSitePause
@ -140,15 +147,18 @@ class UiWebsocket:
# Format site info
def formatSiteInfo(self, site):
content = site.content
if content and "files" in content: # Remove unnecessary data transfer
content = site.content.copy()
content["files"] = len(content["files"])
content = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json")
if content: # Remove unnecessary data transfer
content = content.copy()
content["files"] = len(content.get("files", {}))
content["includes"] = len(content.get("includes", {}))
if "sign" in content: del(content["sign"])
if "signs" in content: del(content["signs"])
ret = {
"auth_key_sha512": hashlib.sha512(["auth_key"]).hexdigest()[0:64],
"auth_key":["auth_key"], # Obsolete, will be removed
"auth_key_sha512": hashlib.sha512(["auth_key"]).hexdigest()[0:64], # Obsolete, will be removed
"auth_address": self.user.getAuthAddress(site.address),
"address": site.address,
"settings": site.settings,
"content_updated": site.content_updated,
@ -158,7 +168,7 @@ class UiWebsocket:
"tasks": len([task["inner_path"] for task in site.worker_manager.tasks]),
"content": content
if site.settings["serving"] and site.content: ret["peers"] += 1 # Add myself if serving
if site.settings["serving"] and content: ret["peers"] += 1 # Add myself if serving
return ret
@ -189,20 +199,26 @@ class UiWebsocket:
self.response(to, ret)
def actionSitePublish(self, to, privatekey):
def actionSitePublish(self, to, privatekey=None, inner_path="content.json"):
site =
if not site.settings["own"]: return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own sites")
if not inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # Find the content.json first
inner_path = site.content_manager.getFileInfo(inner_path)["content_inner_path"]
if not site.settings["own"] and self.user.getAuthAddress( not in
return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own sites")
if not privatekey: # Get privatekey from users.json
privatekey = self.user.getAuthPrivatekey(
# Signing
site.loadContent(True) # Reload content.json, ignore errors to make it up-to-date
signed = site.signContent(privatekey) # Sign using private key sent by user
site.content_manager.loadContent(add_bad_files=False) # Reload content.json, ignore errors to make it up-to-date
signed = site.content_manager.sign(inner_path, privatekey) # Sign using private key sent by user
if signed:
self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Private key correct, site signed!", 5000]) # Display message for 5 sec
if inner_path == "content_json": self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Private key correct, content signed!", 5000]) # Display message for 5 sec
self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Site sign failed: invalid private key."])
self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Content sign failed: invalid private key."])
self.response(to, "Site sign failed")
site.loadContent(True) # Load new content.json, ignore errors
site.content_manager.loadContent(add_bad_files=False) # Load new content.json, ignore errors
# Publishing
if not site.settings["serving"]: # Enable site if paused
@ -210,27 +226,26 @@ class UiWebsocket:
published = site.publish(5) # Publish to 5 peer
published = site.publish(5, inner_path) # Publish to 5 peer
if published>0: # Successfuly published
self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Site published to %s peers." % published, 5000])
self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Content published to %s peers." % published, 5000])
self.response(to, "ok")
site.updateWebsocket() # Send updated site data to local websocket clients
if len(site.peers) == 0:
self.cmd("notification", ["info", "No peers found, but your site is ready to access."])
self.response(to, "No peers found, but your site is ready to access.")
self.cmd("notification", ["info", "No peers found, but your content is ready to access."])
self.response(to, "No peers found, but your content is ready to access.")
self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Site publish failed."])
self.response(to, "Site publish failed.")
self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Content publish failed."])
self.response(to, "Content publish failed.")
# Write a file to disk
def actionFileWrite(self, to, inner_path, content_base64):
if not["own"]: return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own sites")
if not["own"] and self.user.getAuthAddress( not in
return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own files")
import base64
content = base64.b64decode(content_base64)
@ -238,12 +253,27 @@ class UiWebsocket:
except Exception, err:
return self.response(to, "Write error: %s" % err)
if inner_path == "content.json":
if inner_path.endswith("content.json"):, add_bad_files=False)
return self.response(to, "ok")
# Find data in json files
def actionFileQuery(self, to, dir_inner_path, query):
dir_path =
rows = list(QueryJson.query(dir_path, query))
return self.response(to, rows)
# Return file content
def actionFileGet(self, to, inner_path):
try:, priority=1)
body = open(
body = None
return self.response(to, body)
# - Admin actions -
@ -253,7 +283,7 @@ class UiWebsocket:
ret = []
SiteManager.load() # Reload sites
for site in self.server.sites.values():
if not site.content: continue # Broken site
if not site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json"): continue # Broken site
self.response(to, ret)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class Wrapper
window.onload = @onLoad # On iframe loaded
$(window).on "hashchange", => # On hash change
@log "Hashchange", window.location.hash
if window.location.hash
src = $("#inner-iframe").attr("src").replace(/#.*/, "")+window.location.hash
$("#inner-iframe").attr("src", src)
@ -97,7 +98,8 @@ class Wrapper
input = $("<input type='#{type}' class='input button-#{type}'/>") # Add input
input.on "keyup", (e) => # Send on enter
if e.keyCode == 13
@sendInner {"cmd": "response", "to":, "result": input.val()} # Response to confirm
button.trigger "click" # Response to confirm
button = $("<a href='##{caption}' class='button button-#{caption}'>#{caption}</a>") # Add confirm button
@ -149,6 +151,9 @@ class Wrapper
if window.location.hash then $("#inner-iframe")[0].src += window.location.hash # Hash tag
if == 1 and not @site_info # Ws opened
else if @site_info
window.document.title = @site_info.content.title+" - ZeroNet"
@log "Setting title to", window.document.title
# Send message to innerframe

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ a { color: black }
.notification .close { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; font-size: 19px; line-height: 13px; color: #DDD; padding: 7px; text-decoration: none }
.notification .close:hover { color: black }
.notification .close:active, .notification .close:focus { color: #AF3BFF }
.body-white .notification { box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) }
/* Notification types */
.notification-ask .notification-icon { background-color: #f39c12; }

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ a { color: black }
.notification .close { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; font-size: 19px; line-height: 13px; color: #DDD; padding: 7px; text-decoration: none }
.notification .close:hover { color: black }
.notification .close:active, .notification .close:focus { color: #AF3BFF }
.body-white .notification { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) ; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) ; -o-box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) ; -ms-box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) ; box-shadow: 0px 1px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) }
/* Notification types */
.notification-ask .notification-icon { background-color: #f39c12; }

View File

@ -748,8 +748,10 @@ jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing,
return function() {
var src;
_this.log("Hashchange", window.location.hash);
if (window.location.hash) {
src = $("#inner-iframe").attr("src").replace(/#.*/, "") + window.location.hash;
return $("#inner-iframe").attr("src", src);
@ -840,11 +842,7 @@ jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing,
input.on("keyup", (function(_this) {
return function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
return _this.sendInner({
"cmd": "response",
"result": input.val()
return button.trigger("click");
@ -923,6 +921,9 @@ jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing,
if ( === 1 && !this.site_info) {
return this.reloadSiteInfo();
} else if (this.site_info) {
window.document.title = this.site_info.content.title + " - ZeroNet";
return this.log("Setting title to", window.document.title);

src/User/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import logging, json, time
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
class User:
def __init__(self, master_address=None):
if master_address:
self.master_address = master_address
self.master_seed = None
self.master_seed = CryptBitcoin.newSeed()
self.master_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(self.master_seed)
self.sites = {}
self.log = logging.getLogger("User:%s" % self.master_address)
# Save to data/users.json
def save(self):
users = json.load(open("data/users.json"))
if not self.master_address in users: users[self.master_address] = {} # Create if not exits
user_data = users[self.master_address]
if self.master_seed: user_data["master_seed"] = self.master_seed
user_data["sites"] = self.sites
open("data/users.json", "w").write(json.dumps(users, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
# Get BIP32 address from site address
# Return: BIP32 auth address
def getAuthAddress(self, address):
if not address in self.sites: # Genreate new BIP32 child key based on site address
s = time.time()
address_id = int(address.encode("hex"), 16) # Convert site address to int
auth_privatekey = CryptBitcoin.hdPrivatekey(self.master_seed, address_id)
self.sites[address] = {
"auth_address": CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(auth_privatekey),
"auth_privatekey": auth_privatekey
self.log.debug("Added new site: %s in %.3fs" % (address, time.time()-s))
return self.sites[address]["auth_address"]
def getAuthPrivatekey(self, address):
return self.sites[address]["auth_privatekey"]
# Set user attributes from dict
def setData(self, data):
for key, val in data.items():
setattr(self, key, val)

src/User/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import json, logging, os
from User import User
users = None
# Load all user from data/users.json
def load():
global users
if not users: users = {}
user_found = []
added = 0
# Load new users
for master_address, data in json.load(open("data/users.json")).items():
if master_address not in users:
user = User(master_address)
users[master_address] = user
added += 1
# Remove deleted adresses
for master_address in users.keys():
if master_address not in user_found:
logging.debug("Removed user: %s" % master_address)
if added: logging.debug("UserManager added %s users" % added)
# Create new user
# Return: User
def create():
user = User()
logging.debug("Created user: %s" % user.master_address)
users[user.master_address] = user
return user
# List all users from data/users.json
# Return: {"usermasteraddr": User}
def list():
if users == None: # Not loaded yet
return users
# Get current authed user
# Return: User
def getCurrent():
users = list()
if users:
return users.values()[0]
return create()
# Debug: Reload
def reload():
import imp
global users, User
users.clear() # Remove all items
User = imp.load_source("User", "src/User/").User # Reload source

src/User/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from User import User

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Worker:
self.manager.log.debug("%s: No longer needed, returning: %s" % (self.key, task["inner_path"]))
return None
if buff: # Download ok
correct = task["site"].verifyFile(task["inner_path"], buff)
correct = task["site"].content_manager.verifyFile(task["inner_path"], buff)
else: # Download error
correct = False
if correct == True or correct == None: # Hash ok or same file

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class WorkerManager:
peers = None
task = {"evt": evt, "workers_num": 0, "site":, "inner_path": inner_path, "done": False, "time_added": time.time(), "time_started": None, "peers": peers, "priority": priority}
self.log.debug("New task: %s, peer lock: %s" % (task, peers))
self.log.debug("New task: %s, peer lock: %s, priority: %s" % (task["inner_path"], peers, priority))
return evt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
This code is public domain. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want
with it for any purpose.
In case your jurisdiction does not consider the above disclaimer valid or
enforceable, here's an MIT license for you:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Vitalik Buterin
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
include LICENSE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
# Pybitcointools, Python library for Bitcoin signatures and transactions
### Advantages:
* Functions have a simple interface, inputting and outputting in standard formats
* No classes
* Many functions can be taken out and used individually
* Supports binary, hex and base58
* Transaction deserialization format almost compatible with BitcoinJS
* Electrum and BIP0032 support
* Make and publish a transaction all in a single command line instruction
* Includes non-bitcoin-specific conversion and JSON utilities
### Disadvantages:
* Not a full node, has no idea what blocks are
* Relies on centralized service ( for blockchain operations, although operations do have backups (eligius,
### Example usage (best way to learn :) ):
> from bitcoin import *
> priv = sha256('some big long brainwallet password')
> priv
> pub = privtopub(priv)
> pub
> addr = pubtoaddr(pub)
> addr
> h = history(addr)
> h
[{'output': u'97f7c7d8ac85e40c255f8a763b6cd9a68f3a94d2e93e8bfa08f977b92e55465e:0', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}, {'output': u'4cc806bb04f730c445c60b3e0f4f44b54769a1c196ca37d8d4002135e4abd171:1', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}]
> outs = [{'value': 90000, 'address': '16iw1MQ1sy1DtRPYw3ao1bCamoyBJtRB4t'}]
> tx = mktx(h,outs)
> tx
> tx2 = sign(tx,0,priv)
> tx2
> tx3 = sign(tx2,1,priv)
> tx3
> pushtx(tx3)
'Transaction Submitted'
Or using the pybtctool command line interface:
@vub: pybtctool random_electrum_seed
@vub: pybtctool electrum_privkey 484ccb566edb66c65dd0fd2e4d90ef65 0 0
@vub: pybtctool electrum_mpk 484ccb566edb66c65dd0fd2e4d90ef65
@vub: pybtctool bip32_master_key 21456t243rhgtucyadh3wgyrcubw3grydfbng
@vub: pybtctool bip32_ckd xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT 0
@vub: pybtctool bip32_privtopub xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT
The -s option lets you read arguments from the command line
@vub: pybtctool sha256 'some big long brainwallet password' | pybtctool -s privtoaddr | pybtctool -s history
[{'output': u'97f7c7d8ac85e40c255f8a763b6cd9a68f3a94d2e93e8bfa08f977b92e55465e:0', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}, {'output': u'4cc806bb04f730c445c60b3e0f4f44b54769a1c196ca37d8d4002135e4abd171:1', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}]
@vub: pybtctool random_electrum_seed | pybtctool -s electrum_privkey 0 0
The -b option lets you read binary data as an argument
@vub: pybtctool sha256 123 | pybtctool -s changebase 16 256 | pybtctool -b changebase 256 16
The -j option lets you read json from the command line (-J to split a json list into multiple arguments)
@vub: pybtctool unspent 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq | pybtctool -j select 200000001 | pybtctool -j mksend 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P:20000 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq 1000 | pybtctool -s signall 805cd74ca322633372b9bfb857f3be41db0b8de43a3c44353b238c0acff9d523
Fun stuff with json:
@vub: pybtctool history 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j multiaccess value | pybtctool -j sum
@vub: pybtctool history 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j count
### Listing of main commands:
* privkey_to_pubkey : (privkey) -> pubkey
* privtopub : (privkey) -> pubkey
* pubkey_to_address : (pubkey) -> address
* pubtoaddr : (pubkey) -> address
* privkey_to_address : (privkey) -> address
* privtoaddr : (privkey) -> address
* add : (key1, key2) -> key1 + key2 (works on privkeys or pubkeys)
* multiply : (pubkey, privkey) -> returns pubkey * privkey
* ecdsa_sign : (message, privkey) -> sig
* ecdsa_verify : (message, sig, pubkey) -> True/False
* ecdsa_recover : (message, sig) -> pubkey
* random_key : () -> privkey
* random_electrum_seed : () -> electrum seed
* electrum_stretch : (seed) -> secret exponent
* electrum_privkey : (seed or secret exponent, i, type) -> privkey
* electrum_mpk : (seed or secret exponent) -> master public key
* electrum_pubkey : (seed or secexp or mpk) -> pubkey
* bip32_master_key : (seed) -> bip32 master key
* bip32_ckd : (private or public bip32 key, i) -> child key
* bip32_privtopub : (private bip32 key) -> public bip32 key
* bip32_extract_key : (private or public bip32_key) -> privkey or pubkey
* deserialize : (hex or bin transaction) -> JSON tx
* serialize : (JSON tx) -> hex or bin tx
* mktx : (inputs, outputs) -> tx
* mksend : (inputs, outputs, change_addr, fee) -> tx
* sign : (tx, i, privkey) -> tx with index i signed with privkey
* multisign : (tx, i, script, privkey) -> signature
* apply_multisignatures: (tx, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs
* scriptaddr : (script) -> P2SH address
* mk_multisig_script : (pubkeys, k, n) -> k-of-n multisig script from pubkeys
* verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False
* tx_hash : (hex or bin tx) -> hash
* history : (address1, address2, etc) -> outputs to those addresses
* unspent : (address1, address2, etc) -> unspent outputs to those addresses
* fetchtx : (txash) -> tx if present
* pushtx : (hex or bin tx) -> tries to push to
* access : (json list/object, prop) -> desired property of that json object
* multiaccess : (json list, prop) -> like access, but mapped across each list element
* slice : (json list, start, end) -> given slice of the list
* count : (json list) -> number of elements
* sum : (json list) -> sum of all values

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from .py2specials import *
from .py3specials import *
from .main import *
from .transaction import *
from .deterministic import *
from .bci import *
from .composite import *
from .stealth import *
from .blocks import *

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
import json, re
import random
import sys
from urllib.request import build_opener
from urllib2 import build_opener
# Makes a request to a given URL (first arg) and optional params (second arg)
def make_request(*args):
opener = build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent',
except Exception as e:
p =
p = e
raise Exception(p)
# Gets the unspent outputs of one or more addresses
def unspent(*args):
# Valid input formats: unspent([addr1, addr2,addr3])
# unspent(addr1, addr2, addr3)
if len(args) == 0:
return []
elif isinstance(args[0], list):
addrs = args[0]
addrs = args
u = []
for a in addrs:
data = make_request(''+a)
except Exception as e:
if str(e) == 'No free outputs to spend':
raise Exception(e)
jsonobj = json.loads(data)
for o in jsonobj["unspent_outputs"]:
h = o['tx_hash'].decode('hex')[::-1].encode('hex')
"output": h+':'+str(o['tx_output_n']),
"value": o['value']
raise Exception("Failed to decode data: "+data)
return u
def blockr_unspent(*args):
# Valid input formats: blockr_unspent([addr1, addr2,addr3])
# blockr_unspent(addr1, addr2, addr3)
# blockr_unspent([addr1, addr2, addr3], network)
# blockr_unspent(addr1, addr2, addr3, network)
# Where network is 'btc' or 'testnet'
network = 'btc'
addr_args = args
if len(args) >= 1 and args[-1] in ('testnet', 'btc'):
network = args[-1]
addr_args = args[:-1]
if network == 'testnet':
blockr_url = ''
elif network == 'btc':
blockr_url = ''
raise Exception(
'Unsupported network {0} for blockr_unspent'.format(network))
if len(addr_args) == 0:
return []
elif isinstance(addr_args[0], list):
addrs = addr_args[0]
addrs = addr_args
res = make_request(blockr_url+','.join(addrs))
data = json.loads(res)['data']
o = []
if 'unspent' in data:
data = [data]
for dat in data:
for u in dat['unspent']:
"output": u['tx']+':'+str(u['n']),
"value": int(u['amount'].replace('.', ''))
return o
# Gets the transaction output history of a given set of addresses,
# including whether or not they have been spent
def history(*args):
# Valid input formats: history([addr1, addr2,addr3])
# history(addr1, addr2, addr3)
if len(args) == 0:
return []
elif isinstance(args[0], list):
addrs = args[0]
addrs = args
txs = []
for addr in addrs:
offset = 0
while 1:
data = make_request(
'' %
(addr, offset))
jsonobj = json.loads(data)
raise Exception("Failed to decode data: "+data)
if len(jsonobj["txs"]) < 50:
offset += 50
sys.stderr.write("Fetching more transactions... "+str(offset)+'\n')
outs = {}
for tx in txs:
for o in tx["out"]:
if o['addr'] in addrs:
key = str(tx["tx_index"])+':'+str(o["n"])
outs[key] = {
"address": o["addr"],
"value": o["value"],
"output": tx["hash"]+':'+str(o["n"]),
"block_height": tx.get("block_height", None)
for tx in txs:
for i, inp in enumerate(tx["inputs"]):
if inp["prev_out"]["addr"] in addrs:
key = str(inp["prev_out"]["tx_index"]) + \
if outs.get(key):
outs[key]["spend"] = tx["hash"]+':'+str(i)
return [outs[k] for k in outs]
# Pushes a transaction to the network using
def pushtx(tx):
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = tx.encode('hex')
return make_request('', 'tx='+tx)
def eligius_pushtx(tx):
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = tx.encode('hex')
s = make_request(
strings = re.findall('string[^"]*"[^"]*"', s)
for string in strings:
quote = re.findall('"[^"]*"', string)[0]
if len(quote) >= 5:
return quote[1:-1]
def blockr_pushtx(tx, network='btc'):
if network == 'testnet':
blockr_url = ''
elif network == 'btc':
blockr_url = ''
raise Exception(
'Unsupported network {0} for blockr_pushtx'.format(network))
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = tx.encode('hex')
return make_request(blockr_url, '{"hex":"%s"}' % tx)
def helloblock_pushtx(tx):
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = tx.encode('hex')
return make_request('',
def last_block_height():
data = make_request('')
jsonobj = json.loads(data)
return jsonobj["height"]
# Gets a specific transaction
def bci_fetchtx(txhash):
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', txhash):
txhash = txhash.encode('hex')
data = make_request(''+txhash+'?format=hex')
return data
def blockr_fetchtx(txhash, network='btc'):
if network == 'testnet':
blockr_url = ''
elif network == 'btc':
blockr_url = ''
raise Exception(
'Unsupported network {0} for blockr_fetchtx'.format(network))
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', txhash):
txhash = txhash.encode('hex')
jsondata = json.loads(make_request(blockr_url+txhash))
return jsondata['data']['tx']['hex']
def fetchtx(txhash):
return bci_fetchtx(txhash)
return blockr_fetchtx(txhash)
def firstbits(address):
if len(address) >= 25:
return make_request(''+address)
return make_request(
def get_block_at_height(height):
j = json.loads(make_request("" +
for b in j['blocks']:
if b['main_chain'] is True:
return b
raise Exception("Block at this height not found")
def _get_block(inp):
if len(str(inp)) < 64:
return get_block_at_height(inp)
return json.loads(make_request(
def get_block_header_data(inp):
j = _get_block(inp)
return {
'version': j['ver'],
'hash': j['hash'],
'prevhash': j['prev_block'],
'timestamp': j['time'],
'merkle_root': j['mrkl_root'],
'bits': j['bits'],
'nonce': j['nonce'],
def get_txs_in_block(inp):
j = _get_block(inp)
hashes = [t['hash'] for t in j['tx']]
return hashes
def get_block_height(txhash):
j = json.loads(make_request(''+txhash))
return j['block_height']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from .main import *
def serialize_header(inp):
o = encode(inp['version'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
inp['prevhash'].decode('hex')[::-1] + \
inp['merkle_root'].decode('hex')[::-1] + \
encode(inp['timestamp'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
encode(inp['bits'], 256, 4)[::-1] + \
encode(inp['nonce'], 256, 4)[::-1]
h = bin_sha256(bin_sha256(o))[::-1].encode('hex')
assert h == inp['hash'], (sha256(o), inp['hash'])
return o.encode('hex')
def deserialize_header(inp):
inp = inp.decode('hex')
return {
"version": decode(inp[:4][::-1], 256),
"prevhash": inp[4:36][::-1].encode('hex'),
"merkle_root": inp[36:68][::-1].encode('hex'),
"timestamp": decode(inp[68:72][::-1], 256),
"bits": decode(inp[72:76][::-1], 256),
"nonce": decode(inp[76:80][::-1], 256),
"hash": bin_sha256(bin_sha256(inp))[::-1].encode('hex')
def mk_merkle_proof(header, hashes, index):
nodes = [h.decode('hex')[::-1] for h in hashes]
layers = [nodes]
while len(nodes) > 1:
newnodes = []
for i in range(0, len(nodes) - 1, 2):
newnodes.append(bin_sha256(bin_sha256(nodes[i] + nodes[i+1])))
if len(nodes) % 2:
newnodes.append(bin_sha256(bin_sha256(nodes[-1] + nodes[-1])))
nodes = newnodes
# Sanity check, make sure merkle root is valid
assert nodes[0][::-1].encode('hex') == header['merkle_root']
merkle_siblings = \
[layers[i][(index >> i) ^ 1] for i in range(len(layers)-1)]
return {
"hash": hashes[index],
"siblings": [x[::-1].encode('hex') for x in merkle_siblings],
"header": header

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
from .main import *
from .transaction import *
from .bci import *
from .deterministic import *
from .blocks import *
# Takes privkey, address, value (satoshis), fee (satoshis)
def send(frm, to, value, fee=10000):
return sendmultitx(frm, to + ":" + str(value), fee)
# Takes privkey, "address1:value1,address2:value2" (satoshis), fee (satoshis)
def sendmultitx(frm, tovalues, fee=10000):
outs = []
outvalue = 0
tv = tovalues.split(",")
for a in tv:
outvalue += int(a.split(":")[1])
u = unspent(privtoaddr(frm))
u2 = select(u, int(outvalue)+int(fee))
argz = u2 + outs + [frm, fee]
tx = mksend(*argz)
tx2 = signall(tx, frm)
return pushtx(tx2)
# Takes address, address, value (satoshis), fee(satoshis)
def preparetx(frm, to, value, fee=10000):
tovalues = to + ":" + str(value)
return preparemultitx(frm, tovalues, fee)
# Takes address, address:value, address:value ... (satoshis), fee(satoshis)
def preparemultitx(frm, *args):
tv, fee = args[:-1], int(args[-1])
outs = []
outvalue = 0
for a in tv:
outvalue += int(a.split(":")[1])
u = unspent(frm)
u2 = select(u, int(outvalue)+int(fee))
argz = u2 + outs + [frm, fee]
return mksend(*argz)
# BIP32 hierarchical deterministic multisig script
def bip32_hdm_script(*args):
if len(args) == 3:
keys, req, path = args
i, keys, path = 0, [], []
while len(args[i]) > 40:
i += 1
req = int(args[i])
path = map(int, args[i+1:])
pubs = sorted(map(lambda x: bip32_descend(x, path), keys))
return mk_multisig_script(pubs, req)
# BIP32 hierarchical deterministic multisig address
def bip32_hdm_addr(*args):
return scriptaddr(bip32_hdm_script(*args))
# Setup a coinvault transaction
def setup_coinvault_tx(tx, script):
txobj = deserialize(tx)
N = deserialize_script(script)[-2]
for inp in txobj["ins"]:
inp["script"] = serialize_script([None] * (N+1) + [script])
return serialize(txobj)
# Sign a coinvault transaction
def sign_coinvault_tx(tx, priv):
pub = privtopub(priv)
txobj = deserialize(tx)
subscript = deserialize_script(txobj['ins'][0]['script'])
oscript = deserialize_script(subscript[-1])
k, pubs = oscript[0], oscript[1:-2]
for j in range(len(txobj['ins'])):
scr = deserialize_script(txobj['ins'][j]['script'])
for i, p in enumerate(pubs):
if p == pub:
scr[i+1] = multisign(tx, j, subscript[-1], priv)
if len(filter(lambda x: x, scr[1:-1])) >= k:
scr = [None] + filter(lambda x: x, scr[1:-1])[:k] + [scr[-1]]
txobj['ins'][j]['script'] = serialize_script(scr)
return serialize(txobj)
# Inspects a transaction
def inspect(tx):
d = deserialize(tx)
isum = 0
ins = {}
for _in in d['ins']:
h = _in['outpoint']['hash']
i = _in['outpoint']['index']
prevout = deserialize(fetchtx(h))['outs'][i]
isum += prevout['value']
a = script_to_address(prevout['script'])
ins[a] = ins.get(a, 0) + prevout['value']
outs = []
osum = 0
for _out in d['outs']:
outs.append({'address': script_to_address(_out['script']),
'value': _out['value']})
osum += _out['value']
return {
'fee': isum - osum,
'outs': outs,
'ins': ins
def merkle_prove(txhash):
blocknum = str(get_block_height(txhash))
header = get_block_header_data(blocknum)
hashes = get_txs_in_block(blocknum)
i = hashes.index(txhash)
return mk_merkle_proof(header, hashes, i)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
from .main import *
import hmac
import hashlib
from binascii import hexlify
# Electrum wallets
def electrum_stretch(seed):
return slowsha(seed)
# Accepts seed or stretched seed, returns master public key
def electrum_mpk(seed):
if len(seed) == 32:
seed = electrum_stretch(seed)
return privkey_to_pubkey(seed)[2:]
# Accepts (seed or stretched seed), index and secondary index
# (conventionally 0 for ordinary addresses, 1 for change) , returns privkey
def electrum_privkey(seed, n, for_change=0):
if len(seed) == 32:
seed = electrum_stretch(seed)
mpk = electrum_mpk(seed)
offset = dbl_sha256(from_int_representation_to_bytes(n)+b':'+from_int_representation_to_bytes(for_change)+b':'+binascii.unhexlify(mpk))
return add_privkeys(seed, offset)
# Accepts (seed or stretched seed or master pubkey), index and secondary index
# (conventionally 0 for ordinary addresses, 1 for change) , returns pubkey
def electrum_pubkey(masterkey, n, for_change=0):
if len(masterkey) == 32:
mpk = electrum_mpk(electrum_stretch(masterkey))
elif len(masterkey) == 64:
mpk = electrum_mpk(masterkey)
mpk = masterkey
bin_mpk = encode_pubkey(mpk, 'bin_electrum')
offset = bin_dbl_sha256(from_int_representation_to_bytes(n)+b':'+from_int_representation_to_bytes(for_change)+b':'+bin_mpk)
return add_pubkeys('04'+mpk, privtopub(offset))
# seed/stretched seed/pubkey -> address (convenience method)
def electrum_address(masterkey, n, for_change=0, version=0):
return pubkey_to_address(electrum_pubkey(masterkey, n, for_change), version)
# Given a master public key, a private key from that wallet and its index,
# cracks the secret exponent which can be used to generate all other private
# keys in the wallet
def crack_electrum_wallet(mpk, pk, n, for_change=0):
bin_mpk = encode_pubkey(mpk, 'bin_electrum')
offset = dbl_sha256(str(n)+':'+str(for_change)+':'+bin_mpk)
return subtract_privkeys(pk, offset)
# Below code ASSUMES binary inputs and compressed pubkeys
PRIVATE = b'\x04\x88\xAD\xE4'
PUBLIC = b'\x04\x88\xB2\x1E'
# BIP32 child key derivation
def raw_bip32_ckd(rawtuple, i):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, oldi, chaincode, key = rawtuple
i = int(i)
if vbytes == PRIVATE:
priv = key
pub = privtopub(key)
pub = key
if i >= 2**31:
if vbytes == PUBLIC:
raise Exception("Can't do private derivation on public key!")
I =, b'\x00'+priv[:32]+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
I =, pub+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
if vbytes == PRIVATE:
newkey = add_privkeys(I[:32]+b'\x01', priv)
fingerprint = bin_hash160(privtopub(key))[:4]
if vbytes == PUBLIC:
newkey = add_pubkeys(compress(privtopub(I[:32])), key)
fingerprint = bin_hash160(key)[:4]
return (vbytes, depth + 1, fingerprint, i, I[32:], newkey)
def bip32_serialize(rawtuple):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = rawtuple
i = encode(i, 256, 4)
chaincode = encode(hash_to_int(chaincode), 256, 32)
keydata = b'\x00'+key[:-1] if vbytes == PRIVATE else key
bindata = vbytes + from_int_to_byte(depth % 256) + fingerprint + i + chaincode + keydata
return changebase(bindata+bin_dbl_sha256(bindata)[:4], 256, 58)
def bip32_deserialize(data):
dbin = changebase(data, 58, 256)
if bin_dbl_sha256(dbin[:-4])[:4] != dbin[-4:]:
raise Exception("Invalid checksum")
vbytes = dbin[0:4]
depth = from_byte_to_int(dbin[4])
fingerprint = dbin[5:9]
i = decode(dbin[9:13], 256)
chaincode = dbin[13:45]
key = dbin[46:78]+b'\x01' if vbytes == PRIVATE else dbin[45:78]
return (vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key)
def raw_bip32_privtopub(rawtuple):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = rawtuple
return (PUBLIC, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, privtopub(key))
def bip32_privtopub(data):
return bip32_serialize(raw_bip32_privtopub(bip32_deserialize(data)))
def bip32_ckd(data, i):
return bip32_serialize(raw_bip32_ckd(bip32_deserialize(data), i))
def bip32_master_key(seed):
I ="Bitcoin seed"), seed, hashlib.sha512).digest()
return bip32_serialize((PRIVATE, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I[32:], I[:32]+b'\x01'))
def bip32_bin_extract_key(data):
return bip32_deserialize(data)[-1]
def bip32_extract_key(data):
return safe_hexlify(bip32_deserialize(data)[-1])
# Exploits the same vulnerability as above in Electrum wallets
# Takes a BIP32 pubkey and one of the child privkeys of its corresponding
# privkey and returns the BIP32 privkey associated with that pubkey
def raw_crack_bip32_privkey(parent_pub, priv):
vbytes, depth, fingerprint, i, chaincode, key = priv
pvbytes, pdepth, pfingerprint, pi, pchaincode, pkey = parent_pub
i = int(i)
if i >= 2**31:
raise Exception("Can't crack private derivation!")
I =, pkey+encode(i, 256, 4), hashlib.sha512).digest()
pprivkey = subtract_privkeys(key, I[:32]+b'\x01')
return (PRIVATE, pdepth, pfingerprint, pi, pchaincode, pprivkey)
def crack_bip32_privkey(parent_pub, priv):
dsppub = bip32_deserialize(parent_pub)
dspriv = bip32_deserialize(priv)
return bip32_serialize(raw_crack_bip32_privkey(dsppub, dspriv))
def coinvault_pub_to_bip32(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0].split(' ')
vals = map(int, args[34:])
I1 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[:33]))
I2 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[35:67]))
return bip32_serialize((PUBLIC, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I2, I1))
def coinvault_priv_to_bip32(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0].split(' ')
vals = map(int, args[34:])
I2 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[35:67]))
I3 = ''.join(map(chr, vals[72:104]))
return bip32_serialize((PRIVATE, 0, b'\x00'*4, 0, I2, I3+b'\x01'))
def bip32_descend(*args):
if len(args) == 2:
key, path = args
key, path = args[0], map(int, args[1:])
for p in path:
key = bip32_ckd(key, p)
return bip32_extract_key(key)

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@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
from .py2specials import *
from .py3specials import *
import binascii
import hashlib
import re
import sys
import os
import base64
import time
import random
import hmac
from .ripemd import *
# Elliptic curve parameters (secp256k1)
P = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977
N = 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
A = 0
B = 7
Gx = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
Gy = 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
G = (Gx, Gy)
def change_curve(p, n, a, b, gx, gy):
global P, N, A, B, Gx, Gy, G
P, N, A, B, Gx, Gy = p, n, a, b, gx, gy
G = (Gx, Gy)
def getG():
return G
# Extended Euclidean Algorithm
def inv(a, n):
lm, hm = 1, 0
low, high = a % n, n
while low > 1:
r = high//low
nm, new = hm-lm*r, high-low*r
lm, low, hm, high = nm, new, lm, low
return lm % n
# JSON access (for pybtctool convenience)
def access(obj, prop):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
if prop in obj:
return obj[prop]
elif '.' in prop:
return obj[float(prop)]
return obj[int(prop)]
return obj[int(prop)]
def multiaccess(obj, prop):
return [access(o, prop) for o in obj]
def slice(obj, start=0, end=2**200):
return obj[int(start):int(end)]
def count(obj):
return len(obj)
_sum = sum
def sum(obj):
return _sum(obj)
# Elliptic curve Jordan form functions
# P = (m, n, p, q) where m/n = x, p/q = y
def isinf(p):
return p[0] == 0 and p[1] == 0
def jordan_isinf(p):
return p[0][0] == 0 and p[1][0] == 0
def mulcoords(c1, c2):
return (c1[0] * c2[0] % P, c1[1] * c2[1] % P)
def mul_by_const(c, v):
return (c[0] * v % P, c[1])
def addcoords(c1, c2):
return ((c1[0] * c2[1] + c2[0] * c1[1]) % P, c1[1] * c2[1] % P)
def subcoords(c1, c2):
return ((c1[0] * c2[1] - c2[0] * c1[1]) % P, c1[1] * c2[1] % P)
def invcoords(c):
return (c[1], c[0])
def jordan_add(a, b):
if jordan_isinf(a):
return b
if jordan_isinf(b):
return a
if (a[0][0] * b[0][1] - b[0][0] * a[0][1]) % P == 0:
if (a[1][0] * b[1][1] - b[1][0] * a[1][1]) % P == 0:
return jordan_double(a)
return ((0, 1), (0, 1))
xdiff = subcoords(b[0], a[0])
ydiff = subcoords(b[1], a[1])
m = mulcoords(ydiff, invcoords(xdiff))
x = subcoords(subcoords(mulcoords(m, m), a[0]), b[0])
y = subcoords(mulcoords(m, subcoords(a[0], x)), a[1])
return (x, y)
def jordan_double(a):
if jordan_isinf(a):
return ((0, 1), (0, 1))
num = addcoords(mul_by_const(mulcoords(a[0], a[0]), 3), (A, 1))
den = mul_by_const(a[1], 2)
m = mulcoords(num, invcoords(den))
x = subcoords(mulcoords(m, m), mul_by_const(a[0], 2))
y = subcoords(mulcoords(m, subcoords(a[0], x)), a[1])
return (x, y)
def jordan_multiply(a, n):
if jordan_isinf(a) or n == 0:
return ((0, 0), (0, 0))
if n == 1:
return a
if n < 0 or n >= N:
return jordan_multiply(a, n % N)
if (n % 2) == 0:
return jordan_double(jordan_multiply(a, n//2))
if (n % 2) == 1:
return jordan_add(jordan_double(jordan_multiply(a, n//2)), a)
def to_jordan(p):
return ((p[0], 1), (p[1], 1))
def from_jordan(p):
return (p[0][0] * inv(p[0][1], P) % P, p[1][0] * inv(p[1][1], P) % P)
return (p[0][0] * inv(p[0][1], P) % P, p[1][0] * inv(p[1][1], P) % P)
def fast_multiply(a, n):
return from_jordan(jordan_multiply(to_jordan(a), n))
def fast_add(a, b):
return from_jordan(jordan_add(to_jordan(a), to_jordan(b)))
# Functions for handling pubkey and privkey formats
def get_pubkey_format(pub):
if is_python2:
two = '\x02'
three = '\x03'
four = '\x04'
two = 2
three = 3
four = 4
if isinstance(pub, (tuple, list)): return 'decimal'
elif len(pub) == 65 and pub[0] == four: return 'bin'
elif len(pub) == 130 and pub[0:2] == '04': return 'hex'
elif len(pub) == 33 and pub[0] in [two, three]: return 'bin_compressed'
elif len(pub) == 66 and pub[0:2] in ['02', '03']: return 'hex_compressed'
elif len(pub) == 64: return 'bin_electrum'
elif len(pub) == 128: return 'hex_electrum'
else: raise Exception("Pubkey not in recognized format")
def encode_pubkey(pub, formt):
if not isinstance(pub, (tuple, list)):
pub = decode_pubkey(pub)
if formt == 'decimal': return pub
elif formt == 'bin': return b'\x04' + encode(pub[0], 256, 32) + encode(pub[1], 256, 32)
elif formt == 'bin_compressed':
return from_int_to_byte(2+(pub[1] % 2)) + encode(pub[0], 256, 32)
elif formt == 'hex': return '04' + encode(pub[0], 16, 64) + encode(pub[1], 16, 64)
elif formt == 'hex_compressed':
return '0'+str(2+(pub[1] % 2)) + encode(pub[0], 16, 64)
elif formt == 'bin_electrum': return encode(pub[0], 256, 32) + encode(pub[1], 256, 32)
elif formt == 'hex_electrum': return encode(pub[0], 16, 64) + encode(pub[1], 16, 64)
else: raise Exception("Invalid format!")
def decode_pubkey(pub, formt=None):
if not formt: formt = get_pubkey_format(pub)
if formt == 'decimal': return pub
elif formt == 'bin': return (decode(pub[1:33], 256), decode(pub[33:65], 256))
elif formt == 'bin_compressed':
x = decode(pub[1:33], 256)
beta = pow(int(x*x*x+A*x+B), int((P+1)//4), int(P))
y = (P-beta) if ((beta + from_byte_to_int(pub[0])) % 2) else beta
return (x, y)
elif formt == 'hex': return (decode(pub[2:66], 16), decode(pub[66:130], 16))
elif formt == 'hex_compressed':
return decode_pubkey(safe_from_hex(pub), 'bin_compressed')
elif formt == 'bin_electrum':
return (decode(pub[:32], 256), decode(pub[32:64], 256))
elif formt == 'hex_electrum':
return (decode(pub[:64], 16), decode(pub[64:128], 16))
else: raise Exception("Invalid format!")
def get_privkey_format(priv):
if isinstance(priv, int_types): return 'decimal'
elif len(priv) == 32: return 'bin'
elif len(priv) == 33: return 'bin_compressed'
elif len(priv) == 64: return 'hex'
elif len(priv) == 66: return 'hex_compressed'
bin_p = b58check_to_bin(priv)
if len(bin_p) == 32: return 'wif'
elif len(bin_p) == 33: return 'wif_compressed'
else: raise Exception("WIF does not represent privkey")
def encode_privkey(priv, formt, vbyte=0):
if not isinstance(priv, int_types):
return encode_privkey(decode_privkey(priv), formt, vbyte)
if formt == 'decimal': return priv
elif formt == 'bin': return encode(priv, 256, 32)
elif formt == 'bin_compressed': return encode(priv, 256, 32)+b'\x01'
elif formt == 'hex': return encode(priv, 16, 64)
elif formt == 'hex_compressed': return encode(priv, 16, 64)+'01'
elif formt == 'wif':
return bin_to_b58check(encode(priv, 256, 32), 128+int(vbyte))
elif formt == 'wif_compressed':
return bin_to_b58check(encode(priv, 256, 32)+b'\x01', 128+int(vbyte))
else: raise Exception("Invalid format!")
def decode_privkey(priv,formt=None):
if not formt: formt = get_privkey_format(priv)
if formt == 'decimal': return priv
elif formt == 'bin': return decode(priv, 256)
elif formt == 'bin_compressed': return decode(priv[:32], 256)
elif formt == 'hex': return decode(priv, 16)
elif formt == 'hex_compressed': return decode(priv[:64], 16)
elif formt == 'wif': return decode(b58check_to_bin(priv),256)
elif formt == 'wif_compressed':
return decode(b58check_to_bin(priv)[:32],256)
else: raise Exception("WIF does not represent privkey")
def add_pubkeys(p1, p2):
f1, f2 = get_pubkey_format(p1), get_pubkey_format(p2)
return encode_pubkey(fast_add(decode_pubkey(p1, f1), decode_pubkey(p2, f2)), f1)
def add_privkeys(p1, p2):
f1, f2 = get_privkey_format(p1), get_privkey_format(p2)
return encode_privkey((decode_privkey(p1, f1) + decode_privkey(p2, f2)) % N, f1)
def multiply(pubkey, privkey):
f1, f2 = get_pubkey_format(pubkey), get_privkey_format(privkey)
pubkey, privkey = decode_pubkey(pubkey, f1), decode_privkey(privkey, f2)
if not isinf(pubkey) and (pubkey[0]**3+B-pubkey[1]*pubkey[1]) % P != 0:
raise Exception("Point not on curve")
return encode_pubkey(fast_multiply(pubkey, privkey), f1)
def divide(pubkey, privkey):
factor = inv(decode_privkey(privkey), N)
return multiply(pubkey, factor)
def compress(pubkey):
f = get_pubkey_format(pubkey)
if 'compressed' in f: return pubkey
elif f == 'bin': return encode_pubkey(decode_pubkey(pubkey, f), 'bin_compressed')
elif f == 'hex' or f == 'decimal':
return encode_pubkey(decode_pubkey(pubkey, f), 'hex_compressed')
def decompress(pubkey):
f = get_pubkey_format(pubkey)
if 'compressed' not in f: return pubkey
elif f == 'bin_compressed': return encode_pubkey(decode_pubkey(pubkey, f), 'bin')
elif f == 'hex_compressed' or f == 'decimal':
return encode_pubkey(decode_pubkey(pubkey, f), 'hex')
def privkey_to_pubkey(privkey):
f = get_privkey_format(privkey)
privkey = decode_privkey(privkey, f)
if privkey >= N:
raise Exception("Invalid privkey")
if f in ['bin', 'bin_compressed', 'hex', 'hex_compressed', 'decimal']:
return encode_pubkey(fast_multiply(G, privkey), f)
return encode_pubkey(fast_multiply(G, privkey), f.replace('wif', 'hex'))
privtopub = privkey_to_pubkey
def privkey_to_address(priv, magicbyte=0):
return pubkey_to_address(privkey_to_pubkey(priv), magicbyte)
privtoaddr = privkey_to_address
def neg_pubkey(pubkey):
f = get_pubkey_format(pubkey)
pubkey = decode_pubkey(pubkey, f)
return encode_pubkey((pubkey[0], (P-pubkey[1]) % P), f)
def neg_privkey(privkey):
f = get_privkey_format(privkey)
privkey = decode_privkey(privkey, f)
return encode_privkey((N - privkey) % N, f)
def subtract_pubkeys(p1, p2):
f1, f2 = get_pubkey_format(p1), get_pubkey_format(p2)
k2 = decode_pubkey(p2, f2)
return encode_pubkey(fast_add(decode_pubkey(p1, f1), (k2[0], (P - k2[1]) % P)), f1)
def subtract_privkeys(p1, p2):
f1, f2 = get_privkey_format(p1), get_privkey_format(p2)
k2 = decode_privkey(p2, f2)
return encode_privkey((decode_privkey(p1, f1) - k2) % N, f1)
# Hashes
def bin_hash160(string):
intermed = hashlib.sha256(string).digest()
digest = ''
digest ='ripemd160', intermed).digest()
digest = RIPEMD160(intermed).digest()
return digest
def hash160(string):
return safe_hexlify(bin_hash160(string))
def bin_sha256(string):
binary_data = string if isinstance(string, bytes) else bytes(string, 'utf-8')
return hashlib.sha256(binary_data).digest()
def sha256(string):
return bytes_to_hex_string(bin_sha256(string))
def bin_ripemd160(string):
digest ='ripemd160', string).digest()
digest = RIPEMD160(string).digest()
return digest
def ripemd160(string):
return safe_hexlify(bin_ripemd160(string))
def bin_dbl_sha256(s):
bytes_to_hash = from_string_to_bytes(s)
return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(bytes_to_hash).digest()).digest()
def dbl_sha256(string):
return safe_hexlify(bin_dbl_sha256(string))
def bin_slowsha(string):
string = from_string_to_bytes(string)
orig_input = string
for i in range(100000):
string = hashlib.sha256(string + orig_input).digest()
return string
def slowsha(string):
return safe_hexlify(bin_slowsha(string))
def hash_to_int(x):
if len(x) in [40, 64]:
return decode(x, 16)
return decode(x, 256)
def num_to_var_int(x):
x = int(x)
if x < 253: return from_int_to_byte(x)
elif x < 65536: return from_int_to_byte(253)+encode(x, 256, 2)[::-1]
elif x < 4294967296: return from_int_to_byte(254) + encode(x, 256, 4)[::-1]
else: return from_int_to_byte(255) + encode(x, 256, 8)[::-1]
# WTF, Electrum?
def electrum_sig_hash(message):
padded = b"\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" + num_to_var_int(len(message)) + from_string_to_bytes(message)
return bin_dbl_sha256(padded)
def random_key():
# Gotta be secure after that java.SecureRandom fiasco...
entropy = random_string(32) \
+ str(random.randrange(2**256)) \
+ str(int(time.time() * 1000000))
return sha256(entropy)
def random_electrum_seed():
entropy = os.urandom(32) \
+ str(random.randrange(2**256)) \
+ str(int(time.time() * 1000000))
return sha256(entropy)[:32]
# Encodings
def b58check_to_bin(inp):
leadingzbytes = len(re.match('^1*', inp).group(0))
data = b'\x00' * leadingzbytes + changebase(inp, 58, 256)
assert bin_dbl_sha256(data[:-4])[:4] == data[-4:]
return data[1:-4]
def get_version_byte(inp):
leadingzbytes = len(re.match('^1*', inp).group(0))
data = b'\x00' * leadingzbytes + changebase(inp, 58, 256)
assert bin_dbl_sha256(data[:-4])[:4] == data[-4:]
return ord(data[0])
def hex_to_b58check(inp, magicbyte=0):
return bin_to_b58check(binascii.unhexlify(inp), magicbyte)
def b58check_to_hex(inp):
return safe_hexlify(b58check_to_bin(inp))
def pubkey_to_address(pubkey, magicbyte=0):
if isinstance(pubkey, (list, tuple)):
pubkey = encode_pubkey(pubkey, 'bin')
if len(pubkey) in [66, 130]:
return bin_to_b58check(
bin_hash160(binascii.unhexlify(pubkey)), magicbyte)
return bin_to_b58check(bin_hash160(pubkey), magicbyte)
pubtoaddr = pubkey_to_address
def encode_sig(v, r, s):
vb, rb, sb = from_int_to_byte(v), encode(r, 256), encode(s, 256)
result = base64.b64encode(vb+b'\x00'*(32-len(rb))+rb+b'\x00'*(32-len(sb))+sb)
return result if is_python2 else str(result, 'utf-8')
def decode_sig(sig):
bytez = base64.b64decode(sig)
return from_byte_to_int(bytez[0]), decode(bytez[1:33], 256), decode(bytez[33:], 256)
def deterministic_generate_k(msghash, priv):
v = b'\x01' * 32
k = b'\x00' * 32
priv = encode_privkey(priv, 'bin')
msghash = encode(hash_to_int(msghash), 256, 32)
k =, v+b'\x00'+priv+msghash, hashlib.sha256).digest()
v =, v, hashlib.sha256).digest()
k =, v+b'\x01'+priv+msghash, hashlib.sha256).digest()
v =, v, hashlib.sha256).digest()
return decode(, v, hashlib.sha256).digest(), 256)
def ecdsa_raw_sign(msghash, priv):
z = hash_to_int(msghash)
k = deterministic_generate_k(msghash, priv)
r, y = fast_multiply(G, k)
s = inv(k, N) * (z + r*decode_privkey(priv)) % N
return 27+(y % 2), r, s
def ecdsa_sign(msg, priv):
return encode_sig(*ecdsa_raw_sign(electrum_sig_hash(msg), priv))
def ecdsa_raw_verify(msghash, vrs, pub):
v, r, s = vrs
w = inv(s, N)
z = hash_to_int(msghash)
u1, u2 = z*w % N, r*w % N
x, y = fast_add(fast_multiply(G, u1), fast_multiply(decode_pubkey(pub), u2))
return r == x
def ecdsa_verify(msg, sig, pub):
return ecdsa_raw_verify(electrum_sig_hash(msg), decode_sig(sig), pub)
def ecdsa_raw_recover(msghash, vrs):
v, r, s = vrs
x = r
beta = pow(x*x*x+A*x+B, (P+1)//4, P)
y = beta if v % 2 ^ beta % 2 else (P - beta)
z = hash_to_int(msghash)
Gz = jordan_multiply(((Gx, 1), (Gy, 1)), (N - z) % N)
XY = jordan_multiply(((x, 1), (y, 1)), s)
Qr = jordan_add(Gz, XY)
Q = jordan_multiply(Qr, inv(r, N))
Q = from_jordan(Q)
if ecdsa_raw_verify(msghash, vrs, Q):
return Q
return False
def ecdsa_recover(msg, sig):
return encode_pubkey(ecdsa_raw_recover(electrum_sig_hash(msg), decode_sig(sig)), 'hex')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import sys, re
import binascii
import os
import hashlib
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
string_types = (str, unicode)
string_or_bytes_types = string_types
int_types = (int, float, long)
# Base switching
code_strings = {
2: '01',
10: '0123456789',
16: '0123456789abcdef',
32: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567',
58: '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
256: ''.join([chr(x) for x in range(256)])
def bin_dbl_sha256(s):
bytes_to_hash = from_string_to_bytes(s)
return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(bytes_to_hash).digest()).digest()
def lpad(msg, symbol, length):
if len(msg) >= length:
return msg
return symbol * (length - len(msg)) + msg
def get_code_string(base):
if base in code_strings:
return code_strings[base]
raise ValueError("Invalid base!")
def changebase(string, frm, to, minlen=0):
if frm == to:
return lpad(string, get_code_string(frm)[0], minlen)
return encode(decode(string, frm), to, minlen)
def bin_to_b58check(inp, magicbyte=0):
inp_fmtd = chr(int(magicbyte)) + inp
leadingzbytes = len(re.match('^\x00*', inp_fmtd).group(0))
checksum = bin_dbl_sha256(inp_fmtd)[:4]
return '1' * leadingzbytes + changebase(inp_fmtd+checksum, 256, 58)
def bytes_to_hex_string(b):
return b.encode('hex')
def safe_from_hex(s):
return s.decode('hex')
def from_int_representation_to_bytes(a):
return str(a)
def from_int_to_byte(a):
return chr(a)
def from_byte_to_int(a):
return ord(a)
def from_byes_to_string(s):
return s
def from_string_to_bytes(a):
return a
def safe_hexlify(a):
return binascii.hexlify(a)
def encode(val, base, minlen=0):
base, minlen = int(base), int(minlen)
code_string = get_code_string(base)
result = ""
while val > 0:
result = code_string[val % base] + result
val //= base
return code_string[0] * max(minlen - len(result), 0) + result
def decode(string, base):
base = int(base)
code_string = get_code_string(base)
result = 0
if base == 16:
string = string.lower()
while len(string) > 0:
result *= base
result += code_string.find(string[0])
string = string[1:]
return result
def random_string(x):
return os.urandom(x)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import sys, os
import binascii
import hashlib
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
string_types = (str)
string_or_bytes_types = (str, bytes)
int_types = (int, float)
# Base switching
code_strings = {
2: '01',
10: '0123456789',
16: '0123456789abcdef',
32: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567',
58: '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
256: ''.join([chr(x) for x in range(256)])
def bin_dbl_sha256(s):
bytes_to_hash = from_string_to_bytes(s)
return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(bytes_to_hash).digest()).digest()
def lpad(msg, symbol, length):
if len(msg) >= length:
return msg
return symbol * (length - len(msg)) + msg
def get_code_string(base):
if base in code_strings:
return code_strings[base]
raise ValueError("Invalid base!")
def changebase(string, frm, to, minlen=0):
if frm == to:
return lpad(string, get_code_string(frm)[0], minlen)
return encode(decode(string, frm), to, minlen)
def bin_to_b58check(inp, magicbyte=0):
inp_fmtd = from_int_to_byte(magicbyte)+inp
leadingzbytes = 0
for x in inp_fmtd:
if x != 0:
leadingzbytes += 1
checksum = bin_dbl_sha256(inp_fmtd)[:4]
return '1' * leadingzbytes + changebase(inp_fmtd+checksum, 256, 58)
def bytes_to_hex_string(b):
if isinstance(b, str):
return b
return ''.join('{:02x}'.format(y) for y in b)
def safe_from_hex(s):
return bytes.fromhex(s)
def from_int_representation_to_bytes(a):
return bytes(str(a), 'utf-8')
def from_int_to_byte(a):
return bytes([a])
def from_byte_to_int(a):
return a
def from_string_to_bytes(a):
return a if isinstance(a, bytes) else bytes(a, 'utf-8')
def safe_hexlify(a):
return str(binascii.hexlify(a), 'utf-8')
def encode(val, base, minlen=0):
base, minlen = int(base), int(minlen)
code_string = get_code_string(base)
result_bytes = bytes()
while val > 0:
curcode = code_string[val % base]
result_bytes = bytes([ord(curcode)]) + result_bytes
val //= base
pad_size = minlen - len(result_bytes)
padding_element = b'\x00' if base == 256 else b'0'
if (pad_size > 0):
result_bytes = padding_element*pad_size + result_bytes
result_string = ''.join([chr(y) for y in result_bytes])
result = result_bytes if base == 256 else result_string
return result
def decode(string, base):
if base == 256 and isinstance(string, str):
string = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(string))
base = int(base)
code_string = get_code_string(base)
result = 0
if base == 256:
def extract(d, cs):
return d
def extract(d, cs):
return cs.find(d if isinstance(d, str) else chr(d))
if base == 16:
string = string.lower()
while len(string) > 0:
result *= base
result += extract(string[0], code_string)
string = string[1:]
return result
def random_string(x):
return str(os.urandom(x))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
## - pure Python implementation of the RIPEMD-160 algorithm.
## Bjorn Edstrom <> 16 december 2007.
## Copyrights
## ==========
## This code is a derived from an implementation by Markus Friedl which is
## subject to the following license. This Python implementation is not
## subject to any other license.
## * Copyright (c) 2001 Markus Friedl. All rights reserved.
## *
## * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
## * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
## * are met:
## * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
## * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
## * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
## * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
## * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
## *
## */
## * Preneel, Bosselaers, Dobbertin, "The Cryptographic Hash Function RIPEMD-160",
## * RSA Laboratories, CryptoBytes, Volume 3, Number 2, Autumn 1997,
## *
## */
import psyco
except ImportError:
import sys
is_python2 = sys.version_info.major == 2
#block_size = 1
digest_size = 20
digestsize = 20
range = xrange
class RIPEMD160:
"""Return a new RIPEMD160 object. An optional string argument
may be provided; if present, this string will be automatically
def __init__(self, arg=None):
self.ctx = RMDContext()
if arg:
self.dig = None
def update(self, arg):
RMD160Update(self.ctx, arg, len(arg))
self.dig = None
def digest(self):
if self.dig:
return self.dig
ctx = self.ctx.copy()
self.dig = RMD160Final(self.ctx)
self.ctx = ctx
return self.dig
def hexdigest(self):
dig = self.digest()
hex_digest = ''
for d in dig:
if (is_python2):
hex_digest += '%02x' % ord(d)
hex_digest += '%02x' % d
return hex_digest
def copy(self):
import copy
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def new(arg=None):
"""Return a new RIPEMD160 object. An optional string argument
may be provided; if present, this string will be automatically
return RIPEMD160(arg)
# Private.
class RMDContext:
def __init__(self):
self.state = [0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE,
0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0] # uint32
self.count = 0 # uint64
self.buffer = [0]*64 # uchar
def copy(self):
ctx = RMDContext()
ctx.state = self.state[:]
ctx.count = self.count
ctx.buffer = self.buffer[:]
return ctx
K0 = 0x00000000
K1 = 0x5A827999
K2 = 0x6ED9EBA1
K3 = 0x8F1BBCDC
K4 = 0xA953FD4E
KK0 = 0x50A28BE6
KK1 = 0x5C4DD124
KK2 = 0x6D703EF3
KK3 = 0x7A6D76E9
KK4 = 0x00000000
def ROL(n, x):
return ((x << n) & 0xffffffff) | (x >> (32 - n))
def F0(x, y, z):
return x ^ y ^ z
def F1(x, y, z):
return (x & y) | (((~x) % 0x100000000) & z)
def F2(x, y, z):
return (x | ((~y) % 0x100000000)) ^ z
def F3(x, y, z):
return (x & z) | (((~z) % 0x100000000) & y)
def F4(x, y, z):
return x ^ (y | ((~z) % 0x100000000))
def R(a, b, c, d, e, Fj, Kj, sj, rj, X):
a = ROL(sj, (a + Fj(b, c, d) + X[rj] + Kj) % 0x100000000) + e
c = ROL(10, c)
return a % 0x100000000, c
PADDING = [0x80] + [0]*63
import sys
import struct
def RMD160Transform(state, block): #uint32 state[5], uchar block[64]
x = [0]*16
if sys.byteorder == 'little':
if is_python2:
x = struct.unpack('<16L', ''.join([chr(x) for x in block[0:64]]))
x = struct.unpack('<16L', bytes(block[0:64]))
raise "Error!!"
a = state[0]
b = state[1]
c = state[2]
d = state[3]
e = state[4]
#/* Round 1 */
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 11, 0, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 14, 1, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 15, 2, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 12, 3, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 5, 4, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 8, 5, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 7, 6, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 9, 7, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 11, 8, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 13, 9, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 14, 10, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, K0, 15, 11, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, K0, 6, 12, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, K0, 7, 13, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, K0, 9, 14, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, K0, 8, 15, x); #/* #15 */
#/* Round 2 */
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 7, 7, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 6, 4, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 8, 13, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 13, 1, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 11, 10, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 9, 6, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 7, 15, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 15, 3, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 7, 12, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 12, 0, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 15, 9, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, K1, 9, 5, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, K1, 11, 2, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, K1, 7, 14, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, K1, 13, 11, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, K1, 12, 8, x); #/* #31 */
#/* Round 3 */
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 11, 3, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 13, 10, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 6, 14, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 7, 4, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 14, 9, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 9, 15, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 13, 8, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 15, 1, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 14, 2, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 8, 7, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 13, 0, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, K2, 6, 6, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, K2, 5, 13, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, K2, 12, 11, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, K2, 7, 5, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, K2, 5, 12, x); #/* #47 */
#/* Round 4 */
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 11, 1, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 12, 9, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 14, 11, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 15, 10, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 14, 0, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 15, 8, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 9, 12, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 8, 4, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 9, 13, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 14, 3, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 5, 7, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, K3, 6, 15, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, K3, 8, 14, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, K3, 6, 5, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, K3, 5, 6, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, K3, 12, 2, x); #/* #63 */
#/* Round 5 */
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 9, 4, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 15, 0, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 5, 5, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 11, 9, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 6, 7, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 8, 12, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 13, 2, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 12, 10, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 5, 14, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 12, 1, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 13, 3, x);
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, K4, 14, 8, x);
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, K4, 11, 11, x);
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, K4, 8, 6, x);
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, K4, 5, 15, x);
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, K4, 6, 13, x); #/* #79 */
aa = a;
bb = b;
cc = c;
dd = d;
ee = e;
a = state[0]
b = state[1]
c = state[2]
d = state[3]
e = state[4]
#/* Parallel round 1 */
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 8, 5, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 9, 14, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 9, 7, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 11, 0, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 13, 9, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 15, 2, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 15, 11, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 5, 4, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 7, 13, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 7, 6, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 8, 15, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F4, KK0, 11, 8, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F4, KK0, 14, 1, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F4, KK0, 14, 10, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F4, KK0, 12, 3, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F4, KK0, 6, 12, x) #/* #15 */
#/* Parallel round 2 */
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 9, 6, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 13, 11, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 15, 3, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 7, 7, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 12, 0, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 8, 13, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 9, 5, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 11, 10, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 7, 14, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 7, 15, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 12, 8, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F3, KK1, 7, 12, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F3, KK1, 6, 4, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F3, KK1, 15, 9, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F3, KK1, 13, 1, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F3, KK1, 11, 2, x) #/* #31 */
#/* Parallel round 3 */
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 9, 15, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 7, 5, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 15, 1, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 11, 3, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 8, 7, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 6, 14, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 6, 6, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 14, 9, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 12, 11, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 13, 8, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 5, 12, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F2, KK2, 14, 2, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F2, KK2, 13, 10, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F2, KK2, 13, 0, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F2, KK2, 7, 4, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F2, KK2, 5, 13, x) #/* #47 */
#/* Parallel round 4 */
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 15, 8, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 5, 6, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 8, 4, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 11, 1, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 14, 3, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 14, 11, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 6, 15, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 14, 0, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 6, 5, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 9, 12, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 12, 2, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F1, KK3, 9, 13, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F1, KK3, 12, 9, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F1, KK3, 5, 7, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F1, KK3, 15, 10, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F1, KK3, 8, 14, x) #/* #63 */
#/* Parallel round 5 */
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 8, 12, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 5, 15, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 12, 10, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 9, 4, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 12, 1, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 5, 5, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 14, 8, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 6, 7, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 8, 6, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 13, 2, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 6, 13, x)
a, c = R(a, b, c, d, e, F0, KK4, 5, 14, x)
e, b = R(e, a, b, c, d, F0, KK4, 15, 0, x)
d, a = R(d, e, a, b, c, F0, KK4, 13, 3, x)
c, e = R(c, d, e, a, b, F0, KK4, 11, 9, x)
b, d = R(b, c, d, e, a, F0, KK4, 11, 11, x) #/* #79 */
t = (state[1] + cc + d) % 0x100000000;
state[1] = (state[2] + dd + e) % 0x100000000;
state[2] = (state[3] + ee + a) % 0x100000000;
state[3] = (state[4] + aa + b) % 0x100000000;
state[4] = (state[0] + bb + c) % 0x100000000;
state[0] = t % 0x100000000;
def RMD160Update(ctx, inp, inplen):
if type(inp) == str:
inp = [ord(i)&0xff for i in inp]
have = int((ctx.count // 8) % 64)
inplen = int(inplen)
need = 64 - have
ctx.count += 8 * inplen
off = 0
if inplen >= need:
if have:
for i in range(need):
ctx.buffer[have+i] = inp[i]
RMD160Transform(ctx.state, ctx.buffer)
off = need
have = 0
while off + 64 <= inplen:
RMD160Transform(ctx.state, inp[off:]) #<---
off += 64
if off < inplen:
# memcpy(ctx->buffer + have, input+off, len-off);
for i in range(inplen - off):
ctx.buffer[have+i] = inp[off+i]
def RMD160Final(ctx):
size = struct.pack("<Q", ctx.count)
padlen = 64 - ((ctx.count // 8) % 64)
if padlen < 1+8:
padlen += 64
RMD160Update(ctx, PADDING, padlen-8)
RMD160Update(ctx, size, 8)
return struct.pack("<5L", *ctx.state)
assert '37f332f68db77bd9d7edd4969571ad671cf9dd3b' == \
new('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog').hexdigest()
assert '132072df690933835eb8b6ad0b77e7b6f14acad7' == \
new('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog').hexdigest()
assert '9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31' == \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import main as main
import transaction as tx
# Shared secrets and uncovering pay keys
def shared_secret_sender(scan_pubkey, ephem_privkey):
shared_point = main.multiply(scan_pubkey, ephem_privkey)
shared_secret = main.sha256(main.encode_pubkey(shared_point, 'bin_compressed'))
return shared_secret
def shared_secret_receiver(ephem_pubkey, scan_privkey):
shared_point = main.multiply(ephem_pubkey, scan_privkey)
shared_secret = main.sha256(main.encode_pubkey(shared_point, 'bin_compressed'))
return shared_secret
def uncover_pay_pubkey_sender(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, ephem_privkey):
shared_secret = shared_secret_sender(scan_pubkey, ephem_privkey)
return main.add_pubkeys(spend_pubkey, main.privtopub(shared_secret))
def uncover_pay_pubkey_receiver(scan_privkey, spend_pubkey, ephem_pubkey):
shared_secret = shared_secret_receiver(ephem_pubkey, scan_privkey)
return main.add_pubkeys(spend_pubkey, main.privtopub(shared_secret))
def uncover_pay_privkey(scan_privkey, spend_privkey, ephem_pubkey):
shared_secret = shared_secret_receiver(ephem_pubkey, scan_privkey)
return main.add_privkeys(spend_privkey, shared_secret)
# Address encoding
# Functions for basic stealth addresses,
# i.e. one scan key, one spend key, no prefix
def pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, magic_byte=42):
# magic_byte = 42 for mainnet, 43 for testnet.
hex_scankey = main.encode_pubkey(scan_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
hex_spendkey = main.encode_pubkey(spend_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
hex_data = '00{0:066x}01{1:066x}0100'.format(int(hex_scankey, 16), int(hex_spendkey, 16))
addr = main.hex_to_b58check(hex_data, magic_byte)
return addr
def basic_stealth_address_to_pubkeys(stealth_address):
hex_data = main.b58check_to_hex(stealth_address)
if len(hex_data) != 140:
raise Exception('Stealth address is not of basic type (one scan key, one spend key, no prefix)')
scan_pubkey = hex_data[2:68]
spend_pubkey = hex_data[70:136]
return scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey
# Sending stealth payments
def mk_stealth_metadata_script(ephem_pubkey, nonce):
op_return = '6a'
msg_size = '26'
version = '06'
return op_return + msg_size + version + '{0:08x}'.format(nonce) + main.encode_pubkey(ephem_pubkey, 'hex_compressed')
def mk_stealth_tx_outputs(stealth_addr, value, ephem_privkey, nonce, network='btc'):
scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey = basic_stealth_address_to_pubkeys(stealth_addr)
if network == 'btc':
btc_magic_byte = 42
if stealth_addr != pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, btc_magic_byte):
raise Exception('Invalid btc mainnet stealth address: ' + stealth_addr)
magic_byte_addr = 0
elif network == 'testnet':
testnet_magic_byte = 43
if stealth_addr != pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, testnet_magic_byte):
raise Exception('Invalid testnet stealth address: ' + stealth_addr)
magic_byte_addr = 111
ephem_pubkey = main.privkey_to_pubkey(ephem_privkey)
output0 = {'script': mk_stealth_metadata_script(ephem_pubkey, nonce),
'value': 0}
pay_pubkey = uncover_pay_pubkey_sender(scan_pubkey, spend_pubkey, ephem_privkey)
pay_addr = main.pubkey_to_address(pay_pubkey, magic_byte_addr)
output1 = {'address': pay_addr,
'value': value}
return [output0, output1]
# Receiving stealth payments
def ephem_pubkey_from_tx_script(stealth_tx_script):
if len(stealth_tx_script) != 80:
raise Exception('Wrong format for stealth tx output')
return stealth_tx_script[14:]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
import binascii, re, json, copy, sys
from .main import *
from _functools import reduce
### Hex to bin converter and vice versa for objects
def json_is_base(obj, base):
if not is_python2 and isinstance(obj, bytes):
return False
alpha = get_code_string(base)
if isinstance(obj, string_types):
for i in range(len(obj)):
if alpha.find(obj[i]) == -1:
return False
return True
elif isinstance(obj, int_types) or obj is None:
return True
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for i in range(len(obj)):
if not json_is_base(obj[i], base):
return False
return True
for x in obj:
if not json_is_base(obj[x], base):
return False
return True
def json_changebase(obj, changer):
if isinstance(obj, string_or_bytes_types):
return changer(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, int_types) or obj is None:
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [json_changebase(x, changer) for x in obj]
return dict((x, json_changebase(obj[x], changer)) for x in obj)
# Transaction serialization and deserialization
def deserialize(tx):
if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
#tx = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(tx))
return json_changebase(deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(tx)),
lambda x: safe_hexlify(x))
# Python's scoping rules are demented, requiring me to make pos an object
# so that it is call-by-reference
pos = [0]
def read_as_int(bytez):
pos[0] += bytez
return decode(tx[pos[0]-bytez:pos[0]][::-1], 256)
def read_var_int():
pos[0] += 1
val = from_byte_to_int(tx[pos[0]-1])
if val < 253:
return val
return read_as_int(pow(2, val - 252))
def read_bytes(bytez):
pos[0] += bytez
return tx[pos[0]-bytez:pos[0]]
def read_var_string():
size = read_var_int()
return read_bytes(size)
obj = {"ins": [], "outs": []}
obj["version"] = read_as_int(4)
ins = read_var_int()
for i in range(ins):
"outpoint": {
"hash": read_bytes(32)[::-1],
"index": read_as_int(4)
"script": read_var_string(),
"sequence": read_as_int(4)
outs = read_var_int()
for i in range(outs):
"value": read_as_int(8),
"script": read_var_string()
obj["locktime"] = read_as_int(4)
return obj
def serialize(txobj):
#if isinstance(txobj, bytes):
# txobj = bytes_to_hex_string(txobj)
o = []
if json_is_base(txobj, 16):
json_changedbase = json_changebase(txobj, lambda x: binascii.unhexlify(x))
hexlified = safe_hexlify(serialize(json_changedbase))
return hexlified
o.append(encode(txobj["version"], 256, 4)[::-1])
for inp in txobj["ins"]:
o.append(encode(inp["outpoint"]["index"], 256, 4)[::-1])
o.append(num_to_var_int(len(inp["script"]))+(inp["script"] if inp["script"] or is_python2 else bytes()))
o.append(encode(inp["sequence"], 256, 4)[::-1])
for out in txobj["outs"]:
o.append(encode(out["value"], 256, 8)[::-1])
o.append(encode(txobj["locktime"], 256, 4)[::-1])
return ''.join(o) if is_python2 else reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, o, bytes())
# Hashing transactions for signing
# this works like SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY | SIGHASH_ALL, might as well make it explicit while
# we fix the constant
def signature_form(tx, i, script, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
i, hashcode = int(i), int(hashcode)
if isinstance(tx, string_or_bytes_types):
return serialize(signature_form(deserialize(tx), i, script, hashcode))
newtx = copy.deepcopy(tx)
for inp in newtx["ins"]:
inp["script"] = ""
newtx["ins"][i]["script"] = script
if hashcode == SIGHASH_NONE:
newtx["outs"] = []
elif hashcode == SIGHASH_SINGLE:
newtx["outs"] = newtx["outs"][:len(newtx["ins"])]
for out in range(len(newtx["ins"]) - 1):
out.value = 2**64 - 1
out.script = ""
elif hashcode == SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY:
newtx["ins"] = [newtx["ins"][i]]
return newtx
# Making the actual signatures
def der_encode_sig(v, r, s):
b1, b2 = safe_hexlify(encode(r, 256)), safe_hexlify(encode(s, 256))
if r >= 2**255:
b1 = '00' + b1
if s >= 2**255:
b2 = '00' + b2
left = '02'+encode(len(b1)//2, 16, 2)+b1
right = '02'+encode(len(b2)//2, 16, 2)+b2
return '30'+encode(len(left+right)//2, 16, 2)+left+right
def der_decode_sig(sig):
leftlen = decode(sig[6:8], 16)*2
left = sig[8:8+leftlen]
rightlen = decode(sig[10+leftlen:12+leftlen], 16)*2
right = sig[12+leftlen:12+leftlen+rightlen]
return (None, decode(left, 16), decode(right, 16))
def txhash(tx, hashcode=None):
if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = changebase(tx, 16, 256)
if hashcode:
return dbl_sha256(from_string_to_bytes(tx) + encode(int(hashcode), 256, 4)[::-1])
return safe_hexlify(bin_dbl_sha256(tx)[::-1])
def bin_txhash(tx, hashcode=None):
return binascii.unhexlify(txhash(tx, hashcode))
def ecdsa_tx_sign(tx, priv, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
rawsig = ecdsa_raw_sign(bin_txhash(tx, hashcode), priv)
return der_encode_sig(*rawsig)+encode(hashcode, 16, 2)
def ecdsa_tx_verify(tx, sig, pub, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
return ecdsa_raw_verify(bin_txhash(tx, hashcode), der_decode_sig(sig), pub)
def ecdsa_tx_recover(tx, sig, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
z = bin_txhash(tx, hashcode)
_, r, s = der_decode_sig(sig)
left = ecdsa_raw_recover(z, (0, r, s))
right = ecdsa_raw_recover(z, (1, r, s))
return (encode_pubkey(left, 'hex'), encode_pubkey(right, 'hex'))
# Scripts
def mk_pubkey_script(addr):
# Keep the auxiliary functions around for altcoins' sake
return '76a914' + b58check_to_hex(addr) + '88ac'
def mk_scripthash_script(addr):
return 'a914' + b58check_to_hex(addr) + '87'
# Address representation to output script
def address_to_script(addr):
if addr[0] == '3' or addr[0] == '2':
return mk_scripthash_script(addr)
return mk_pubkey_script(addr)
# Output script to address representation
def script_to_address(script, vbyte=0):
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
if script[:3] == b'\x76\xa9\x14' and script[-2:] == b'\x88\xac' and len(script) == 25:
return bin_to_b58check(script[3:-2], vbyte) # pubkey hash addresses
if vbyte == 111:
# Testnet
scripthash_byte = 196
scripthash_byte = 5
# BIP0016 scripthash addresses
return bin_to_b58check(script[2:-1], scripthash_byte)
def p2sh_scriptaddr(script, magicbyte=5):
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
return hex_to_b58check(hash160(script), magicbyte)
scriptaddr = p2sh_scriptaddr
def deserialize_script(script):
if isinstance(script, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
return json_changebase(deserialize_script(binascii.unhexlify(script)),
lambda x: safe_hexlify(x))
out, pos = [], 0
while pos < len(script):
code = from_byte_to_int(script[pos])
if code == 0:
pos += 1
elif code <= 75:
pos += 1 + code
elif code <= 78:
szsz = pow(2, code - 76)
sz = decode(script[pos+szsz: pos:-1], 256)
out.append(script[pos + 1 + szsz:pos + 1 + szsz + sz])
pos += 1 + szsz + sz
elif code <= 96:
out.append(code - 80)
pos += 1
pos += 1
return out
def serialize_script_unit(unit):
if isinstance(unit, int):
if unit < 16:
return from_int_to_byte(unit + 80)
return bytes([unit])
elif unit is None:
return b'\x00'
if len(unit) <= 75:
return from_int_to_byte(len(unit))+unit
elif len(unit) < 256:
return from_int_to_byte(76)+from_int_to_byte(len(unit))+unit
elif len(unit) < 65536:
return from_int_to_byte(77)+encode(len(unit), 256, 2)[::-1]+unit
return from_int_to_byte(78)+encode(len(unit), 256, 4)[::-1]+unit
if is_python2:
def serialize_script(script):
if json_is_base(script, 16):
return binascii.hexlify(serialize_script(json_changebase(script,
lambda x: binascii.unhexlify(x))))
return ''.join(map(serialize_script_unit, script))
def serialize_script(script):
if json_is_base(script, 16):
return safe_hexlify(serialize_script(json_changebase(script,
lambda x: binascii.unhexlify(x))))
result = bytes()
for b in map(serialize_script_unit, script):
result += b if isinstance(b, bytes) else bytes(b, 'utf-8')
return result
def mk_multisig_script(*args): # [pubs],k or pub1,[n],k
if isinstance(args[0], list):
pubs, k = args[0], int(args[1])
pubs = list(filter(lambda x: len(str(x)) >= 32, args))
k = int(args[len(pubs)])
return serialize_script([k]+pubs+[len(pubs), 174])
# Signing and verifying
def verify_tx_input(tx, i, script, sig, pub):
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = binascii.unhexlify(tx)
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
if not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', sig):
sig = safe_hexlify(sig)
hashcode = decode(sig[-2:], 16)
modtx = signature_form(tx, int(i), script, hashcode)
return ecdsa_tx_verify(modtx, sig, pub, hashcode)
def sign(tx, i, priv, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
i = int(i)
if (not is_python2 and isinstance(re, bytes)) or not re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
return binascii.unhexlify(sign(safe_hexlify(tx), i, priv))
if len(priv) <= 33:
priv = safe_hexlify(priv)
pub = privkey_to_pubkey(priv)
address = pubkey_to_address(pub)
signing_tx = signature_form(tx, i, mk_pubkey_script(address), hashcode)
sig = ecdsa_tx_sign(signing_tx, priv, hashcode)
txobj = deserialize(tx)
txobj["ins"][i]["script"] = serialize_script([sig, pub])
return serialize(txobj)
def signall(tx, priv):
# if priv is a dictionary, assume format is
# { 'txinhash:txinidx' : privkey }
if isinstance(priv, dict):
for e, i in enumerate(deserialize(tx)["ins"]):
k = priv["%s:%d" % (i["outpoint"]["hash"], i["outpoint"]["index"])]
tx = sign(tx, e, k)
for i in range(len(deserialize(tx)["ins"])):
tx = sign(tx, i, priv)
return tx
def multisign(tx, i, script, pk, hashcode=SIGHASH_ALL):
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
tx = binascii.unhexlify(tx)
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
modtx = signature_form(tx, i, script, hashcode)
return ecdsa_tx_sign(modtx, pk, hashcode)
def apply_multisignatures(*args):
# tx,i,script,sigs OR tx,i,script,sig1,sig2...,sig[n]
tx, i, script = args[0], int(args[1]), args[2]
sigs = args[3] if isinstance(args[3], list) else list(args[3:])
if isinstance(script, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', script):
script = binascii.unhexlify(script)
sigs = [binascii.unhexlify(x) if x[:2] == '30' else x for x in sigs]
if isinstance(tx, str) and re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', tx):
return safe_hexlify(apply_multisignatures(binascii.unhexlify(tx), i, script, sigs))
txobj = deserialize(tx)
txobj["ins"][i]["script"] = serialize_script([None]+sigs+[script])
return serialize(txobj)
def is_inp(arg):
return len(arg) > 64 or "output" in arg or "outpoint" in arg
def mktx(*args):
# [in0, in1...],[out0, out1...] or in0, in1 ... out0 out1 ...
ins, outs = [], []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, list):
for a in arg: (ins if is_inp(a) else outs).append(a)
(ins if is_inp(arg) else outs).append(arg)
txobj = {"locktime": 0, "version": 1, "ins": [], "outs": []}
for i in ins:
if isinstance(i, dict) and "outpoint" in i:
if isinstance(i, dict) and "output" in i:
i = i["output"]
"outpoint": {"hash": i[:64], "index": int(i[65:])},
"script": "",
"sequence": 4294967295
for o in outs:
if isinstance(o, string_or_bytes_types):
addr = o[:o.find(':')]
val = int(o[o.find(':')+1:])
o = {}
if re.match('^[0-9a-fA-F]*$', addr):
o["script"] = addr
o["address"] = addr
o["value"] = val
outobj = {}
if "address" in o:
outobj["script"] = address_to_script(o["address"])
elif "script" in o:
outobj["script"] = o["script"]
raise Exception("Could not find 'address' or 'script' in output.")
outobj["value"] = o["value"]
return serialize(txobj)
def select(unspent, value):
value = int(value)
high = [u for u in unspent if u["value"] >= value]
high.sort(key=lambda u: u["value"])
low = [u for u in unspent if u["value"] < value]
low.sort(key=lambda u: -u["value"])
if len(high):
return [high[0]]
i, tv = 0, 0
while tv < value and i < len(low):
tv += low[i]["value"]
i += 1
if tv < value:
raise Exception("Not enough funds")
return low[:i]
# Only takes inputs of the form { "output": blah, "value": foo }
def mksend(*args):
argz, change, fee = args[:-2], args[-2], int(args[-1])
ins, outs = [], []
for arg in argz:
if isinstance(arg, list):
for a in arg:
(ins if is_inp(a) else outs).append(a)
(ins if is_inp(arg) else outs).append(arg)
isum = sum([i["value"] for i in ins])
osum, outputs2 = 0, []
for o in outs:
if isinstance(o, string_types):
o2 = {
"address": o[:o.find(':')],
"value": int(o[o.find(':')+1:])
o2 = o
osum += o2["value"]
if isum < osum+fee:
raise Exception("Not enough money")
elif isum > osum+fee+5430:
outputs2 += [{"address": change, "value": isum-osum-fee}]
return mktx(ins, outputs2)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import sys, json, re
from bitcoin import *
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print "pybtctool <command> <arg1> <arg2> ..."
cmd = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[1][0] == '-' else sys.argv[1]
if sys.argv[1] == '-s':
args = re.findall(r'\S\S*',[3:]
elif sys.argv[1] == '-B':
args = []+sys.argv[3:]
elif sys.argv[1] == '-b':
args = [[:-1]]+sys.argv[3:] # remove trailing \n
elif sys.argv[1] == '-j':
args = [json.loads(]+sys.argv[3:]
elif sys.argv[1] == '-J':
args = json.loads([3:]
cmd = sys.argv[1]
args = sys.argv[2:]
o = vars()[cmd](*args)
if isinstance(o,(list,dict)): print json.dumps(o)
else: print o

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup
except ImportError:
from distutils.core import setup
description='Python Bitcoin Tools',
author='Vitalik Buterin',
data_files=[("", ["LICENSE"])],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
import json
import os
import random
import unittest
import bitcoin.ripemd as ripemd
from bitcoin import *
class TestECCArithmetic(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print('Starting ECC arithmetic tests')
def test_all(self):
for i in range(8):
print('### Round %d' % (i+1))
x, y = random.randrange(2**256), random.randrange(2**256)
multiply(multiply(G, x), y)[0],
multiply(multiply(G, y), x)[0]
add_pubkeys(multiply(G, x), multiply(G, y))[0],
multiply(G, add_privkeys(x, y))[0]
hx, hy = encode(x % N, 16, 64), encode(y % N, 16, 64)
multiply(multiply(G, hx), hy)[0],
multiply(multiply(G, hy), hx)[0]
add_pubkeys(multiply(G, hx), multiply(G, hy))[0],
multiply(G, add_privkeys(hx, hy))[0]
b58check_to_hex(pubtoaddr(multiply(G, hx), 23))
p = privtopub(sha256(str(x)))
if i % 2 == 1:
p = changebase(p, 16, 256)
self.assertEqual(p, decompress(compress(p)))
self.assertEqual(G[0], multiply(divide(G, x), x)[0])
class TestBases(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print('Starting base change tests')
def test_all(self):
data = [
[10, '65535', 16, 'ffff'],
[16, 'deadbeef', 10, '3735928559'],
[10, '0', 16, ''],
[256, b'34567', 10, '219919234615'],
[10, '444', 16, '1bc'],
[256, b'\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07', 10, '12952339975'],
[16, '3132333435', 256, b'12345']
for prebase, preval, postbase, postval in data:
self.assertEqual(changebase(preval, prebase, postbase), postval)
for i in range(100):
x = random.randrange(1, 9999999999999999)
frm = random.choice([2, 10, 16, 58, 256])
to = random.choice([2, 10, 16, 58, 256])
self.assertEqual(decode(encode(x, to), to), x)
self.assertEqual(changebase(encode(x, frm), frm, to), encode(x, to))
self.assertEqual(decode(changebase(encode(x, frm), frm, to), to), x)
class TestElectrumWalletInternalConsistency(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print('Starting Electrum wallet internal consistency tests')
def test_all(self):
for i in range(3):
seed = sha256(str(random.randrange(2**40)))[:32]
mpk = electrum_mpk(seed)
for i in range(5):
pk = electrum_privkey(seed, i)
pub = electrum_pubkey((mpk, seed)[i % 2], i)
pub2 = privtopub(pk)
'Does not match! Details:\nseed: %s\nmpk: %s\npriv: %s\npub: %s\npub2: %s' % (
seed, mpk, pk, pub, pub2
class TestElectrumSignVerify(unittest.TestCase):
"""Requires Electrum."""
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.wallet = "/tmp/tempwallet_" + str(random.randrange(2**40))
print("Starting wallet tests with: " + cls.wallet)
os.popen('echo "\n\n\n\n\n\n" | electrum -w %s create' % cls.wallet).read()
cls.seed = str(json.loads(os.popen("electrum -w %s getseed" % cls.wallet).read())['seed'])
cls.addies = json.loads(os.popen("electrum -w %s listaddresses" % cls.wallet).read())
def test_address(self):
for i in range(5):
electrum_address(self.seed, i, 0),
"Address does not match! Details:\nseed %s, i: %d" % (self.seed, i)
def test_sign_verify(self):
print("Electrum-style signing and verification tests, against actual Electrum")
alphabet = "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
for i in range(8):
msg = ''.join([random.choice(alphabet) for i in range(random.randrange(20, 200))])
addy = random.choice(self.addies)
wif = os.popen('electrum -w %s dumpprivkey %s' % (self.wallet, addy)).readlines()[-2].replace('"', '').strip()
priv = b58check_to_hex(wif)
pub = privtopub(priv)
sig = os.popen('electrum -w %s signmessage %s %s' % (self.wallet, addy, msg)).readlines()[-1].strip()
ecdsa_verify(msg, sig, pub),
"Verification error. Details:\nmsg: %s\nsig: %s\npriv: %s\naddy: %s\npub: %s" % (
msg, sig, priv, addy, pub
rec = ecdsa_recover(msg, sig)
"Recovery error. Details:\nmsg: %s\nsig: %s\npriv: %s\naddy: %s\noriginal pub: %s, %s\nrecovered pub: %s" % (
msg, sig, priv, addy, pub, decode_pubkey(pub, 'hex')[1], rec
mysig = ecdsa_sign(msg, priv)
os.popen('electrum -w %s verifymessage %s %s %s' % (self.wallet, addy, mysig, msg)).read().strip(),
"Electrum verify message does not match"
class TestTransactionSignVerify(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Transaction-style signing and verification tests")
def test_all(self):
alphabet = "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
for i in range(10):
msg = ''.join([random.choice(alphabet) for i in range(random.randrange(20, 200))])
priv = sha256(str(random.randrange(2**256)))
pub = privtopub(priv)
sig = ecdsa_tx_sign(msg, priv)
ecdsa_tx_verify(msg, sig, pub),
"Verification error"
ecdsa_tx_recover(msg, sig),
"Recovery failed"
class TestSerialize(unittest.TestCase):
def test_serialize(self):
tx = '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'
"Serialize roundtrip failed"
def test_serialize_script(self):
script = '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'
"Script serialize roundtrip failed"
class TestTransaction(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Attempting transaction creation")
# FIXME: I don't know how to write this as a unit test.
# What should be asserted?
def test_all(self):
privs = [sha256(str(random.randrange(2**256))) for x in range(4)]
pubs = [privtopub(priv) for priv in privs]
addresses = [pubtoaddr(pub) for pub in pubs]
mscript = mk_multisig_script(pubs[1:], 2, 3)
msigaddr = p2sh_scriptaddr(mscript)
tx = mktx(['01'*32+':1', '23'*32+':2'], [msigaddr+':20202', addresses[0]+':40404'])
tx1 = sign(tx, 1, privs[0])
sig1 = multisign(tx, 0, mscript, privs[1])
self.assertTrue(verify_tx_input(tx1, 0, mscript, sig1, pubs[1]), "Verification Error")
sig3 = multisign(tx, 0, mscript, privs[3])
self.assertTrue(verify_tx_input(tx1, 0, mscript, sig3, pubs[3]), "Verification Error")
tx2 = apply_multisignatures(tx1, 0, mscript, [sig1, sig3])
print("Outputting transaction: ", tx2)
class TestDeterministicGenerate(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Beginning RFC6979 deterministic signing tests")
def test_all(self):
# Created with python-ecdsa 0.9
# Code to make your own vectors:
# class gen:
# def order(self): return 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
# dummy = gen()
# for i in range(10): ecdsa.rfc6979.generate_k(dummy, i, hashlib.sha256, hashlib.sha256(str(i)).digest())
test_vectors = [
for i, ti in enumerate(test_vectors):
mine = deterministic_generate_k(bin_sha256(str(i)), encode(i, 256, 32))
"Test vector does not match. Details:\n%s\n%s" % (
class TestBIP0032(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Beginning BIP0032 tests")
def _full_derive(self, key, chain):
if len(chain) == 0:
return key
elif chain[0] == 'pub':
return self._full_derive(bip32_privtopub(key), chain[1:])
return self._full_derive(bip32_ckd(key, chain[0]), chain[1:])
def test_all(self):
test_vectors = [
[[], 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi'],
[['pub'], 'xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8'],
[[2**31], 'xprv9uHRZZhk6KAJC1avXpDAp4MDc3sQKNxDiPvvkX8Br5ngLNv1TxvUxt4cV1rGL5hj6KCesnDYUhd7oWgT11eZG7XnxHrnYeSvkzY7d2bhkJ7'],
[[2**31, 1], 'xprv9wTYmMFdV23N2TdNG573QoEsfRrWKQgWeibmLntzniatZvR9BmLnvSxqu53Kw1UmYPxLgboyZQaXwTCg8MSY3H2EU4pWcQDnRnrVA1xe8fs'],
[[2**31, 1, 2**31 + 2], 'xprv9z4pot5VBttmtdRTWfWQmoH1taj2axGVzFqSb8C9xaxKymcFzXBDptWmT7FwuEzG3ryjH4ktypQSAewRiNMjANTtpgP4mLTj34bhnZX7UiM'],
[[2**31, 1, 2**31 + 2, 'pub', 2, 1000000000], 'xpub6H1LXWLaKsWFhvm6RVpEL9P4KfRZSW7abD2ttkWP3SSQvnyA8FSVqNTEcYFgJS2UaFcxupHiYkro49S8yGasTvXEYBVPamhGW6cFJodrTHy']
mk = bip32_master_key(safe_from_hex('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f'))
for tv in test_vectors:
left, right = self._full_derive(mk, tv[0]), tv[1]
"Test vector does not match. Details: \n%s\n%s\n\%s" % (
[x.encode('hex') if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in bip32_deserialize(left)],
[x.encode('hex') if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in bip32_deserialize(right)],
class TestStartingAddressAndScriptGenerationConsistency(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print("Starting address and script generation consistency tests")
def test_all(self):
for i in range(5):
a = privtoaddr(random_key())
self.assertEqual(a, script_to_address(address_to_script(a)))
b = privtoaddr(random_key(), 5)
self.assertEqual(b, script_to_address(address_to_script(b)))
class TestRipeMD160PythonBackup(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print('Testing the pure python backup for ripemd160')
def test_all(self):
strvec = [
'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog',
'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog',
'Nobody inspects the spammish repetition'
target = [
hash160target = [
for i, s in enumerate(strvec):
digest = ripemd.RIPEMD160(s).digest()
hash160digest = ripemd.RIPEMD160(bin_sha256(s)).digest()
self.assertEqual(bytes_to_hex_string(digest), target[i])
self.assertEqual(bytes_to_hex_string(hash160digest), hash160target[i])
self.assertEqual(bytes_to_hex_string(bin_hash160(from_string_to_bytes(s))), hash160target[i])
self.assertEqual(hash160(from_string_to_bytes(s)), hash160target[i])
class TestScriptVsAddressOutputs(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
print('Testing script vs address outputs')
def test_all(self):
addr0 = '1Lqgj1ThNfwLgHMp5qJUerYsuUEm8vHmVG'
script0 = '76a914d99f84267d1f90f3e870a5e9d2399918140be61d88ac'
addr1 = '31oSGBBNrpCiENH3XMZpiP6GTC4tad4bMy'
script1 = 'a9140136d001619faba572df2ef3d193a57ad29122d987'
inputs = [{
'output': 'cd6219ea108119dc62fce09698b649efde56eca7ce223a3315e8b431f6280ce7:0',
'value': 158000
outputs = [
[{'address': addr0, 'value': 1000}, {'address': addr1, 'value': 2000}],
[{'script': script0, 'value': 1000}, {'address': addr1, 'value': 2000}],
[{'address': addr0, 'value': 1000}, {'script': script1, 'value': 2000}],
[{'script': script0, 'value': 1000}, {'script': script1, 'value': 2000}],
[addr0 + ':1000', addr1 + ':2000'],
[script0 + ':1000', addr1 + ':2000'],
[addr0 + ':1000', script1 + ':2000'],
[script0 + ':1000', script1 + ':2000']
for outs in outputs:
tx_struct = deserialize(mktx(inputs, outs))
self.assertEqual(tx_struct['outs'], outputs[3])
class TestConversions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.privkey_hex = (
cls.privkey_bin = (
b"\xe9\x87=y\xc6\xd8}\xc0\xfbjWxc3\x89\xf4E2\x130=\xa6\x1f \xbdg\xfc#:\xa32b"
cls.pubkey_hex = (
cls.pubkey_bin = (
b"\x04X\x8d *\xfc\xc1\xeeJ\xb5%LxG\xec%\xb9\xa15\xbb\xda\x0f+\xc6\x9e\xe1\xa7\x14t\x9f\xd7}\xc9\xf8\x8f\xf2\xa0\r~u-D\xcb\xe1n\x1e\xbc\xf0\x89\x0bv\xec|x\x88a\t\xde\xe7l\xcf\xc8DT$"
def test_privkey_to_pubkey(self):
pubkey_hex = privkey_to_pubkey(self.privkey_hex)
self.assertEqual(pubkey_hex, self.pubkey_hex)
def test_changebase(self):
self.pubkey_hex, 16, 256, minlen=len(self.pubkey_bin)
self.pubkey_bin, 256, 16, minlen=len(self.pubkey_hex)
self.privkey_hex, 16, 256, minlen=len(self.privkey_bin)
self.privkey_bin, 256, 16, minlen=len(self.privkey_hex)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import bitcoin as bc
import sys
import unittest
class TestStealth(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
if sys.getrecursionlimit() < 1000:
self.addr = 'vJmtjxSDxNPXL4RNapp9ARdqKz3uJyf1EDGjr1Fgqs9c8mYsVH82h8wvnA4i5rtJ57mr3kor1EVJrd4e5upACJd588xe52yXtzumxj'
self.scan_pub = '025e58a31122b38c86abc119b9379fe247410aee87a533f9c07b189aef6c3c1f52'
self.scan_priv = '3e49e7257cb31db997edb1cf8299af0f37e2663e2260e4b8033e49d39a6d02f2'
self.spend_pub = '03616562c98e7d7b74be409a787cec3a912122f3fb331a9bee9b0b73ce7b9f50af'
self.spend_priv = 'aa3db0cfb3edc94de4d10f873f8190843f2a17484f6021a95a7742302c744748'
self.ephem_pub = '03403d306ec35238384c7e340393335f9bc9bb4a2e574eb4e419452c4ea19f14b0'
self.ephem_priv = '9e63abaf8dcd5ea3919e6de0b6c544e00bf51bf92496113a01d6e369944dc091'
self.shared_secret = 'a4047ee231f4121e3a99a3a3378542e34a384b865a9917789920e1f13ffd91c6'
self.pay_pub = '02726112ad39cb6bf848b1b1ef30b88e35286bf99f746c2be575f96c0e02a9357c'
self.pay_priv = '4e422fb1e5e1db6c1f6ab32a7706d368ceb385e7fab098e633c5c5949c3b97cd'
self.testnet_addr = 'waPUuLLykSnY3itzf1AyrQZm42F7KyB7SR5zpfqmnzPXWhx9kXLzV3EcyqzDdpTwngiyCCMUqztS9S1d7XJs3JMt3MsHPDpBCudvx9'
def test_address_encoding(self):
sc_pub, sp_pub = bc.basic_stealth_address_to_pubkeys(self.addr)
self.assertEqual(sc_pub, self.scan_pub)
self.assertEqual(sp_pub, self.spend_pub)
stealth_addr2 = bc.pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(sc_pub, sp_pub)
self.assertEqual(stealth_addr2, self.addr)
magic_byte_testnet = 43
sc_pub, sp_pub = bc.basic_stealth_address_to_pubkeys(self.testnet_addr)
self.assertEqual(sc_pub, self.scan_pub)
self.assertEqual(sp_pub, self.spend_pub)
stealth_addr2 = bc.pubkeys_to_basic_stealth_address(sc_pub, sp_pub, magic_byte_testnet)
self.assertEqual(stealth_addr2, self.testnet_addr)
def test_shared_secret(self):
sh_sec = bc.shared_secret_sender(self.scan_pub, self.ephem_priv)
self.assertEqual(sh_sec, self.shared_secret)
sh_sec2 = bc.shared_secret_receiver(self.ephem_pub, self.scan_priv)
self.assertEqual(sh_sec2, self.shared_secret)
def test_uncover_pay_keys(self):
pub = bc.uncover_pay_pubkey_sender(self.scan_pub, self.spend_pub, self.ephem_priv)
pub2 = bc.uncover_pay_pubkey_receiver(self.scan_priv, self.spend_pub, self.ephem_pub)
self.assertEqual(pub, self.pay_pub)
self.assertEqual(pub2, self.pay_pub)
priv = bc.uncover_pay_privkey(self.scan_priv, self.spend_priv, self.ephem_pub)
self.assertEqual(priv, self.pay_priv)
def test_stealth_metadata_script(self):
nonce = int('deadbeef', 16)
script = bc.mk_stealth_metadata_script(self.ephem_pub, nonce)
self.assertEqual(script[6:], 'deadbeef' + self.ephem_pub)
eph_pub = bc.ephem_pubkey_from_tx_script(script)
self.assertEqual(eph_pub, self.ephem_pub)
def test_stealth_tx_outputs(self):
nonce = int('deadbeef', 16)
value = 10**8
outputs = bc.mk_stealth_tx_outputs(self.addr, value, self.ephem_priv, nonce)
self.assertEqual(outputs[0]['value'], 0)
self.assertEqual(outputs[0]['script'], '6a2606deadbeef' + self.ephem_pub)
self.assertEqual(outputs[1]['address'], bc.pubkey_to_address(self.pay_pub))
self.assertEqual(outputs[1]['value'], value)
outputs = bc.mk_stealth_tx_outputs(self.testnet_addr, value, self.ephem_priv, nonce, 'testnet')
self.assertEqual(outputs[0]['value'], 0)
self.assertEqual(outputs[0]['script'], '6a2606deadbeef' + self.ephem_pub)
self.assertEqual(outputs[1]['address'], bc.pubkey_to_address(self.pay_pub, 111))
self.assertEqual(outputs[1]['value'], value)
self.assertRaises(Exception, bc.mk_stealth_tx_outputs, self.testnet_addr, value, self.ephem_priv, nonce, 'btc')
self.assertRaises(Exception, bc.mk_stealth_tx_outputs, self.addr, value, self.ephem_priv, nonce, 'testnet')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Imports relative to
if not os.path.isdir("log"): os.mkdir("log")
if not os.path.isdir("data"): os.mkdir("data")
if not os.path.isfile("data/sites.json"): open("data/sites.json", "w").write("{}")
if not os.path.isfile("data/users.json"): open("data/users.json", "w").write("{}")
# Load config
from Config import config
@ -31,9 +32,9 @@ logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console_log) # Add console logger
logging.getLogger('').name = "-" # Remove root prefix
# Debug dependent configuration
from Debug import DebugHook
if config.debug:
from Debug import DebugHook
from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all(thread=False) # thread=False because of pyfilesystem
@ -91,14 +92,14 @@ def siteCreate():"Creating content.json...")
site = Site(address)
site.settings["own"] = True
site.saveSettings()"Site created!")
def siteSign(address, privatekey=None):
def siteSign(address, privatekey=None, inner_path="content.json"):
from Site import Site"Signing site: %s..." % address)
site = Site(address, allow_create = False)
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ def siteSign(address, privatekey=None):
if not privatekey: # If no privatekey in args then ask it now
import getpass
privatekey = getpass.getpass("Private key (input hidden):")
site.content_manager.sign(inner_path=inner_path, privatekey=privatekey)
def siteVerify(address):
@ -114,11 +115,12 @@ def siteVerify(address):"Verifing site: %s..." % address)
site = Site(address)"Verifing content.json signature...")
if site.verifyFile("content.json", open(site.getPath("content.json"), "rb"), force=True) != False: # Force check the sign"[OK] content.json signed by address %s!" % address)
for content_inner_path in site.content_manager.contents:"Verifing %s signature..." % content_inner_path)
if site.content_manager.verifyFile(content_inner_path, open(site.getPath(content_inner_path), "rb"), ignore_same=False) == True:"[OK] %s signed by address %s!" % (content_inner_path, address))
logging.error("[ERROR] Content.json not signed by address %s!" % address)
logging.error("[ERROR] %s not signed by address %s!" % (content_inner_path, address))"Verifying site files...")
bad_files = site.verifyFiles()
@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ def siteNeedFile(address, inner_path):
print site.needFile(inner_path, update=True)
def sitePublish(address, peer_ip=None, peer_port=15441):
def sitePublish(address, peer_ip=None, peer_port=15441, inner_path="content.json"):
from Site import Site
from File import FileServer # We need fileserver to handle incoming file requests"Creating FileServer....")
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ def sitePublish(address, peer_ip=None, peer_port=15441):
else: # Just ask the tracker"Gathering peers from tracker")
site.announce() # Gather peers
site.publish(20) # Push to 20 peers
site.publish(20, inner_path) # Push to 20 peers"Serving files....")

src/util/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import json, re, os
def queryFile(file_path, filter_path, filter_key = None, filter_val = None):
back = []
data = json.load(open(file_path))
for key in filter_path: # Get to the point
data = data.get(key)
if not data: return
for row in data:
if filter_val: # Filter by value
if row[filter_key] == filter_val: back.append(row)
return back
# Find in json files
# Return: [{u'body': u'Hello Topic 1!!', 'inner_path': '1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6', u'added': 1422740732, u'message_id': 1},...]
def query(path_pattern, filter):
if "=" in filter: # Filter by value
filter_path, filter_val = filter.split("=")
filter_path = filter_path.split(".")
filter_key = filter_path.pop() # Last element is the key
filter_val = int(filter_val)
else: # No filter
filter_path = filter
filter_path = filter_path.split(".")
filter_key = None
filter_val = None
if "/*/" in path_pattern: # Wildcard search
root_dir, file_pattern = path_pattern.replace("\\", "/").split("/*/")
else: # No wildcard
root_dir, file_pattern = re.match("(.*)/(.*?)$", path_pattern.replace("\\", "/")).groups()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir, topdown=False):
root = root.replace("\\", "/")
inner_path = root.replace(root_dir, "").strip("/")
for file_name in files:
if file_pattern != file_name: continue
res = queryFile(root+"/"+file_name, filter_path, filter_key, filter_val)
if not res: continue
except Exception, err: # Json load error
# print file_name, filter, err
for row in res:
row["inner_path"] = inner_path
yield row
if __name__ == "__main__":
for row in list(query("../../data/12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH/data/users/*/data.json", "topics")):
print row
for row in list(query("../../data/12Hw8rTgzrNo4DSh2AkqwPRqDyTticwJyH/data/users/1KRxE1s3oDyNDawuYWpzbLUwNm8oDbeEp6/data.json", "topics.topic_id=1")):
print row