[cleanup] keep removing old coffeescript related bloat

This commit is contained in:
caryoscelus 2022-05-12 01:33:43 +04:00
parent 653efa71ac
commit fee2a4f2c9
2 changed files with 3 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -124,11 +124,6 @@ class Config(object):
"http://tracker.bt4g.com:2095/announce", # Cloudflare
"zero://2602:ffc5::c5b2:5360:26312" # US/ATL
# Platform specific
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
coffeescript = "type %s | tools\\coffee\\coffee.cmd"
coffeescript = None
language, enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()
@ -336,9 +331,6 @@ class Config(object):
self.parser.add_argument("--download_optional", choices=["manual", "auto"], default="manual")
self.parser.add_argument('--coffeescript_compiler', help='Coffeescript compiler for developing', default=coffeescript,
self.parser.add_argument('--tor', help='enable: Use only for Tor peers, always: Use Tor for every connection', choices=["disable", "enable", "always"], default='enable')
self.parser.add_argument('--tor_controller', help='Tor controller address', metavar='ip:port', default='')
self.parser.add_argument('--tor_proxy', help='Tor proxy address', metavar='ip:port', default='')

View File

@ -29,30 +29,13 @@ def findfiles(path, find_ext):
yield file_path.replace("\\", "/")
# Try to find coffeescript compiler in path
def findCoffeescriptCompiler():
coffeescript_compiler = None
import distutils.spawn
coffeescript_compiler = helper.shellquote(distutils.spawn.find_executable("coffee")) + " --no-header -p"
if coffeescript_compiler:
return coffeescript_compiler
return False
# Generates: all.js: merge *.js, compile coffeescript, all.css: merge *.css, vendor prefix features
# Generates: all.js: merge *.js, all.css: merge *.css, vendor prefix features
def merge(merged_path):
merged_path = merged_path.replace("\\", "/")
merge_dir = os.path.dirname(merged_path)
s = time.time()
ext = merged_path.split(".")[-1]
if ext == "js": # If merging .js find .coffee too
find_ext = ["js", "coffee"]
find_ext = [ext]
find_ext = [ext]
# If exist check the other files modification date
if os.path.isfile(merged_path):
@ -80,44 +63,7 @@ def merge(merged_path):
for file_path in findfiles(merge_dir, find_ext):
file_relative_path = file_path.replace(merge_dir + "/", "")
parts.append(b"\n/* ---- %s ---- */\n\n" % file_relative_path.encode("utf8"))
if file_path.endswith(".coffee"): # Compile coffee script
if file_path in changed or file_relative_path not in old_parts: # Only recompile if changed or its not compiled before
if config.coffeescript_compiler is None:
config.coffeescript_compiler = findCoffeescriptCompiler()
if not config.coffeescript_compiler:
logging.error("No coffeescript compiler defined, skipping compiling %s" % merged_path)
return False # No coffeescript compiler, skip this file
# Replace / with os separators and escape it
file_path_escaped = helper.shellquote(file_path.replace("/", os.path.sep))
if "%s" in config.coffeescript_compiler: # Replace %s with coffeescript file
command = config.coffeescript_compiler.replace("%s", file_path_escaped)
else: # Put coffeescript file to end
command = config.coffeescript_compiler + " " + file_path_escaped
# Start compiling
s = time.time()
compiler = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = compiler.stdout.read()
logging.debug("Running: %s (Done in %.2fs)" % (command, time.time() - s))
# Check errors
if out and out.startswith(b"("): # No error found
else: # Put error message in place of source code
error = out
logging.error("%s Compile error: %s" % (file_relative_path, error))
error_escaped = re.escape(error).replace(b"\n", b"\\n").replace(br"\\n", br"\n")
b"alert('%s compile error: %s');" %
(file_relative_path.encode(), error_escaped)
else: # Not changed use the old_part
else: # Add to parts
parts.append(open(file_path, "rb").read())
parts.append(open(file_path, "rb").read())
merged = b"\n".join(parts)
if ext == "css": # Vendor prefix css
@ -131,5 +77,4 @@ def merge(merged_path):
if __name__ == "__main__":
config.coffeescript_compiler = r'type "%s" | tools\coffee-node\bin\node.exe tools\coffee-node\bin\coffee --no-header -s -p'