import io import os import json import shutil import time from Plugin import PluginManager from Config import config from Debug import Debug from Translate import Translate from util.Flag import flag plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if "_" not in locals(): _ = Translate(plugin_dir + "/languages/") # Convert non-str,int,float values to str in a dict def restrictDictValues(input_dict): allowed_types = (int, str, float) return { key: val if type(val) in allowed_types else str(val) for key, val in input_dict.items() } @PluginManager.registerTo("UiRequest") class UiRequestPlugin(object): def actionWrapper(self, path, extra_headers=None): if path.strip("/") != "Plugins": return super(UiRequestPlugin, self).actionWrapper(path, extra_headers) if not extra_headers: extra_headers = {} script_nonce = self.getScriptNonce() self.sendHeader(extra_headers=extra_headers, script_nonce=script_nonce) site = self.server.site_manager.get(config.homepage) return iter([super(UiRequestPlugin, self).renderWrapper( site, path, "uimedia/plugins/plugin_manager/plugin_manager.html", "Plugin Manager", extra_headers, show_loadingscreen=False, script_nonce=script_nonce )]) def actionUiMedia(self, path, *args, **kwargs): if path.startswith("/uimedia/plugins/plugin_manager/"): file_path = path.replace("/uimedia/plugins/plugin_manager/", plugin_dir + "/media/") if config.debug and (file_path.endswith("all.js") or file_path.endswith("all.css")): # If debugging merge *.css to all.css and *.js to all.js from Debug import DebugMedia DebugMedia.merge(file_path) if file_path.endswith("js"): data = _.translateData(open(file_path).read(), mode="js").encode("utf8") elif file_path.endswith("html"): data = _.translateData(open(file_path).read(), mode="html").encode("utf8") else: data = open(file_path, "rb").read() return self.actionFile(file_path, file_obj=io.BytesIO(data), file_size=len(data)) else: return super(UiRequestPlugin, self).actionUiMedia(path) @PluginManager.registerTo("UiWebsocket") class UiWebsocketPlugin(object): @flag.admin def actionPluginList(self, to): plugins = [] for plugin in PluginManager.plugin_manager.listPlugins(list_disabled=True): plugin_info_path = plugin["dir_path"] + "/plugin_info.json" plugin_info = {} if os.path.isfile(plugin_info_path): try: plugin_info = json.load(open(plugin_info_path)) except Exception as err: self.log.error( "Error loading plugin info for %s: %s" % (plugin["name"], Debug.formatException(err)) ) if plugin_info: plugin_info = restrictDictValues(plugin_info) # For security reasons don't allow complex values plugin["info"] = plugin_info if plugin["source"] != "builtin": plugin_site = self.server.sites.get(plugin["source"]) if plugin_site: try: plugin_site_info =["inner_path"] + "/plugin_info.json") plugin_site_info = restrictDictValues(plugin_site_info) plugin["site_info"] = plugin_site_info plugin["site_title"] = plugin_site.content_manager.contents["content.json"].get("title") plugin_key = "%s/%s" % (plugin["source"], plugin["inner_path"]) plugin["updated"] = plugin_key in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugins_updated except Exception: pass plugins.append(plugin) return {"plugins": plugins} @flag.admin @flag.no_multiuser def actionPluginConfigSet(self, to, source, inner_path, key, value): plugin_manager = PluginManager.plugin_manager plugins = plugin_manager.listPlugins(list_disabled=True) plugin = None for item in plugins: if item["source"] == source and item["inner_path"] in (inner_path, "disabled-" + inner_path): plugin = item break if not plugin: return {"error": "Plugin not found"} config_source = plugin_manager.config.setdefault(source, {}) config_plugin = config_source.setdefault(inner_path, {}) if key in config_plugin and value is None: del config_plugin[key] else: config_plugin[key] = value plugin_manager.saveConfig() return "ok" def pluginAction(self, action, address, inner_path): site = self.server.sites.get(address) plugin_manager = PluginManager.plugin_manager # Install/update path should exists if action in ("add", "update", "add_request"): if not site: raise Exception("Site not found") if not raise Exception("Directory not found on the site") try: plugin_info = + "/plugin_info.json") plugin_data = (plugin_info["rev"], plugin_info["description"], plugin_info["name"]) except Exception as err: raise Exception("Invalid plugin_info.json: %s" % Debug.formatExceptionMessage(err)) source_path = target_path = plugin_manager.path_installed_plugins + "/" + address + "/" + inner_path plugin_config = plugin_manager.config.setdefault(site.address, {}).setdefault(inner_path, {}) # Make sure plugin (not)installed if action in ("add", "add_request") and os.path.isdir(target_path): raise Exception("Plugin already installed") if action in ("update", "remove") and not os.path.isdir(target_path): raise Exception("Plugin not installed") # Do actions if action == "add": shutil.copytree(source_path, target_path) plugin_config["date_added"] = int(time.time()) plugin_config["rev"] = plugin_info["rev"] plugin_config["enabled"] = True if action == "update": shutil.rmtree(target_path) shutil.copytree(source_path, target_path) plugin_config["rev"] = plugin_info["rev"] plugin_config["date_updated"] = time.time() if action == "remove": del plugin_manager.config[address][inner_path] shutil.rmtree(target_path) def doPluginAdd(self, to, inner_path, res): if not res: return None self.pluginAction("add",, inner_path) PluginManager.plugin_manager.saveConfig() self.cmd( "confirm", ["Plugin installed!
You have to restart the client to load the plugin", "Restart"], lambda res: self.actionServerShutdown(to, restart=True) ) self.response(to, "ok") @flag.no_multiuser def actionPluginAddRequest(self, to, inner_path): self.pluginAction("add_request",, inner_path) plugin_info = + "/plugin_info.json") warning = "Warning!
Plugins has the same permissions as the ZeroNet client.
" warning += "Do not install it if you don't trust the developer.
" self.cmd( "confirm", ["Install new plugin: %s?
%s" % (plugin_info["name"], warning), "Trust & Install"], lambda res: self.doPluginAdd(to, inner_path, res) ) @flag.admin @flag.no_multiuser def actionPluginRemove(self, to, address, inner_path): self.pluginAction("remove", address, inner_path) PluginManager.plugin_manager.saveConfig() return "ok" @flag.admin @flag.no_multiuser def actionPluginUpdate(self, to, address, inner_path): self.pluginAction("update", address, inner_path) PluginManager.plugin_manager.saveConfig() PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugins_updated["%s/%s" % (address, inner_path)] = True return "ok"