class Menu constructor: -> @visible = false @items = [] @node = null @height = 0 @direction = "bottom" show: => window.visible_menu?.hide() @visible = true window.visible_menu = @ @direction = @getDirection() hide: => @visible = false toggle: => if @visible @hide() else @show() Page.projector.scheduleRender() addItem: (title, cb, selected=false) -> @items.push([title, cb, selected]) storeNode: (node) => @node = node # Animate visible if @visible node.className = node.className.replace("visible", "") setTimeout (=> node.className += " visible" = @getStyle() ), 20 = "none" @height = node.offsetHeight = "0px" @direction = @getDirection() getDirection: => if @node and @node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top + @height + 60 > document.body.clientHeight and @node.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top - @height > 0 return "top" else return "bottom" handleClick: (e) => keep_menu = false for item in @items [title, cb, selected] = item if title == e.currentTarget.textContent or e.currentTarget["data-title"] == title keep_menu = cb?(item) break if keep_menu != true and cb != null @hide() return false renderItem: (item) => [title, cb, selected] = item if typeof(selected) == "function" selected = selected() if title == "---" return h("", {key: Time.timestamp()}) else if cb == null href = undefined onclick = @handleClick else if typeof(cb) == "string" # Url href = cb onclick = true else # Callback href = "#"+title onclick = @handleClick classes = { "selected": selected, "noaction": (cb == null) } return h("", {href: href, onclick: onclick, "data-title": title, key: title, classes: classes}, title) getStyle: => if @visible max_height = @height else max_height = 0 style = "max-height: #{max_height}px" if @direction == "top" style += ";margin-top: #{0 - @height - 50}px" else style += ";margin-top: 0px" return style render: (class_name="") => if @visible or @node h("{class_name}", {classes: {"visible": @visible}, style: @getStyle(), afterCreate: @storeNode}, window.Menu = Menu # Hide menu on outside click document.body.addEventListener "mouseup", (e) -> if not window.visible_menu or not window.visible_menu.node return false menu_node = window.visible_menu.node menu_parents = [menu_node, menu_node.parentNode] if not in menu_parents and not in menu_parents window.visible_menu.hide() Page.projector.scheduleRender()