import os import sys import atexit from Plugin import PluginManager from Config import config from Translate import Translate allow_reload = False # No source reload supported in this plugin plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if "_" not in locals(): _ = Translate(plugin_dir + "/languages/") @PluginManager.registerTo("Actions") class ActionsPlugin(object): def main(self): global notificationicon, winfolders from .lib import notificationicon, winfolders import gevent.threadpool import main self.main = main icon = notificationicon.NotificationIcon( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'trayicon.ico'), "ZeroNet %s" % config.version ) self.icon = icon self.console = False @atexit.register def hideIcon(): try: icon.die() except Exception as err: print("Error removing trayicon: %s" % err) ui_ip = config.ui_ip if config.ui_ip != "*" else "" if ":" in ui_ip: ui_ip = "[" + ui_ip + "]" icon.items = [ (self.titleIp, False), (self.titleConnections, False), (self.titleTransfer, False), (self.titleConsole, self.toggleConsole), (self.titleAutorun, self.toggleAutorun), "--", (_["ZeroNet Twitter"], lambda: self.opensite("")), (_["ZeroNet Reddit"], lambda: self.opensite("")), (_["ZeroNet Github"], lambda: self.opensite("")), (_["Report bug/request feature"], lambda: self.opensite("")), "--", (_["!Open ZeroNet"], lambda: self.opensite("http://%s:%s/%s" % (ui_ip, config.ui_port, config.homepage))), "--", (_["Quit"], self.quit), ] if not notificationicon.hasConsole(): del icon.items[3] icon.clicked = lambda: self.opensite("http://%s:%s/%s" % (ui_ip, config.ui_port, config.homepage)) self.quit_servers_event = gevent.threadpool.ThreadResult( lambda res: gevent.spawn_later(0.1, self.quitServers), gevent.threadpool.get_hub(), lambda: True ) # Fix gevent thread switch error gevent.threadpool.start_new_thread(icon._run, ()) # Start in real thread (not gevent compatible) super(ActionsPlugin, self).main() icon._die = True def quit(self): self.icon.die() self.quit_servers_event.set(True) def quitServers(self): self.main.ui_server.stop() self.main.file_server.stop() def opensite(self, url): import webbrowser, new=0) def titleIp(self): title = "!IP: %s " % ", ".join(self.main.file_server.ip_external_list) if any(self.main.file_server.port_opened): title += _["(active)"] else: title += _["(passive)"] return title def titleConnections(self): title = _["Connections: %s"] % len(self.main.file_server.connections) return title def titleTransfer(self): title = _["Received: %.2f MB | Sent: %.2f MB"] % ( float(self.main.file_server.bytes_recv) / 1024 / 1024, float(self.main.file_server.bytes_sent) / 1024 / 1024 ) return title def titleConsole(self): translate = _["Show console window"] if self.console: return "+" + translate else: return translate def toggleConsole(self): if self.console: notificationicon.hideConsole() self.console = False else: notificationicon.showConsole() self.console = True def getAutorunPath(self): return "%s\\zeronet.cmd" % winfolders.get(winfolders.STARTUP) def formatAutorun(self): args = sys.argv[:] if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # Not frozen args.insert(0, sys.executable) cwd = os.getcwd() else: cwd = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) ignored_args = [ "--open_browser", "default_browser", "--dist_type", "bundle_win64" ] if sys.platform == 'win32': args = ['"%s"' % arg for arg in args if arg and arg not in ignored_args] cmd = " ".join(args) # Dont open browser on autorun cmd = cmd.replace("", "").strip() cmd += ' --open_browser ""' return "\r\n".join([ '@echo off', 'chcp 65001 > nul', 'set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8', 'cd /D \"%s\"' % cwd, 'start "" %s' % cmd ]) def isAutorunEnabled(self): path = self.getAutorunPath() return os.path.isfile(path) and open(path, "rb").read().decode("utf8") == self.formatAutorun() def titleAutorun(self): translate = _["Start ZeroNet when Windows starts"] if self.isAutorunEnabled(): return "+" + translate else: return translate def toggleAutorun(self): if self.isAutorunEnabled(): os.unlink(self.getAutorunPath()) else: open(self.getAutorunPath(), "wb").write(self.formatAutorun().encode("utf8"))