# ZeroNet [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet.svg?branch=py3)](https://travis-ci.org/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-faq-brightgreen.svg)](https://zeronet.io/docs/faq/) [![Help](https://img.shields.io/badge/keep_this_project_alive-donate-yellow.svg)](https://zeronet.io/docs/help_zeronet/donate/) ![tests](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/workflows/tests/badge.svg) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/nofish/zeronet)](https://hub.docker.com/r/nofish/zeronet) Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network - https://zeronet.io / [onion](http://zeronet34m3r5ngdu54uj57dcafpgdjhxsgq5kla5con4qvcmfzpvhad.onion) ## Why? * We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication. * No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it. * No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors. * Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere. * Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable. ## Features * Real-time updated sites * Namecoin .bit domains support * Easy to setup: unpack & run * Clone websites in one click * Password-less [BIP32](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki) based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet * Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times * Anonymity: Full Tor network support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses * TLS encrypted connections * Automatic uPnP port opening * Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) support * Works with any browser/OS ## How does it work? * After starting `zeronet.py` you will be able to visit zeronet sites using `{zeronet_address}` (eg. ``). * When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them. * Each visited site is also served by you. * Every site contains a `content.json` file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash and a signature generated using the site's private key. * If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the site, then he/she signs the new `content.json` and publishes it to the peers. Afterwards, the peers verify the `content.json` integrity (using the signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers. #### [Slideshow about ZeroNet cryptography, site updates, multi-user sites »](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_2qK1IuOKJ51pgBvllZ9Yu7Au2l551t3XBgyTSvilew/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000) #### [Frequently asked questions »](https://zeronet.io/docs/faq/) #### [ZeroNet Developer Documentation »](https://zeronet.io/docs/site_development/getting_started/) ## Screenshots ![Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/H60OAHY.png) ![ZeroTalk](https://zeronet.io/docs/img/zerotalk.png) #### [More screenshots in ZeroNet docs »](https://zeronet.io/docs/using_zeronet/sample_sites/) ## How to join ### Windows - Download [ZeroNet-py3-win64.zip](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet-win/archive/dist-win64/ZeroNet-py3-win64.zip) (18MB) - Unpack anywhere - Run `ZeroNet.exe` ### macOS - Download [ZeroNet-dist-mac.zip](https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet-dist/archive/mac/ZeroNet-dist-mac.zip) (13.2MB) - Unpack anywhere - Run `ZeroNet.app` ### Linux (x86-64bit) - `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet-linux/archive/dist-linux64/ZeroNet-py3-linux64.tar.gz` - `tar xvpfz ZeroNet-py3-linux64.tar.gz` - `cd ZeroNet-linux-dist-linux64/` - Start with: `./ZeroNet.sh` - Open the ZeroHello landing page in your browser by navigating to: __Tip:__ Start with `./ZeroNet.sh --ui_ip '*' --ui_restrict your.ip.address` to allow remote connections on the web interface. ### Android (arm, arm64, x86) - minimum Android version supported 16 (JellyBean) - [Download from Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.canews.zeronetmobile) - APK download: https://github.com/canewsin/zeronet_mobile/releases - XDA Labs: https://labs.xda-developers.com/store/app/in.canews.zeronet #### Docker There is an official image, built from source at: https://hub.docker.com/r/nofish/zeronet/ ### Install from source - `wget https://github.com/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet/archive/py3/ZeroNet-py3.tar.gz` - `tar xvpfz ZeroNet-py3.tar.gz` - `cd ZeroNet-py3` - `sudo apt-get update` - `sudo apt-get install python3-pip` - `sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt` - Start with: `python3 zeronet.py` - Open the ZeroHello landing page in your browser by navigating to: ## Current limitations * ~~No torrent-like file splitting for big file support~~ (big file support added) * ~~No more anonymous than Bittorrent~~ (built-in full Tor support added) * File transactions are not compressed ~~or encrypted yet~~ (TLS encryption added) * No private sites ## How can I create a ZeroNet site? * Click on **⋮** > **"Create new, empty site"** menu item on the site [ZeroHello]( * You will be **redirected** to a completely new site that is only modifiable by you! * You can find and modify your site's content in **data/[yoursiteaddress]** directory * After the modifications open your site, drag the topright "0" button to left, then press **sign** and **publish** buttons on the bottom Next steps: [ZeroNet Developer Documentation](https://zeronet.io/docs/site_development/getting_started/) ## Help keep this project alive - Bitcoin: 1QDhxQ6PraUZa21ET5fYUCPgdrwBomnFgX - Paypal: https://zeronet.io/docs/help_zeronet/donate/ ### Sponsors * Better macOS/Safari compatibility made possible by [BrowserStack.com](https://www.browserstack.com) #### Thank you! * More info, help, changelog, zeronet sites: https://www.reddit.com/r/zeronet/ * Come, chat with us: [#zeronet @ FreeNode](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/zeronet) or on [gitter](https://gitter.im/HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet) * Email: hello@zeronet.io (PGP: [960F FF2D 6C14 5AA6 13E8 491B 5B63 BAE6 CB96 13AE](https://zeronet.io/files/tamas@zeronet.io_pub.asc))