BINARY_EXTENSIONS = ["3dm", "3ds", "3g2", "3gp", "7z", "a", "aac", "adp", "ai", "aif", "aiff", "alz", "ape", "apk", "appimage", "ar", "arj", "asc", "asf", "au", "avi", "bak", "baml", "bh", "bin", "bk", "bmp", "btif", "bz2", "bzip2", "cab", "caf", "cgm", "class", "cmx", "cpio", "cr2", "cur", "dat", "dcm", "deb", "dex", "djvu", "dll", "dmg", "dng", "doc", "docm", "docx", "dot", "dotm", "dra", "DS_Store", "dsk", "dts", "dtshd", "dvb", "dwg", "dxf", "ecelp4800", "ecelp7470", "ecelp9600", "egg", "eol", "eot", "epub", "exe", "f4v", "fbs", "fh", "fla", "flac", "flatpak", "fli", "flv", "fpx", "fst", "fvt", "g3", "gh", "gif", "gpg", "graffle", "gz", "gzip", "h261", "h263", "h264", "icns", "ico", "ief", "img", "ipa", "iso", "jar", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpgv", "jpm", "jxr", "key", "ktx", "lha", "lib", "lvp", "lz", "lzh", "lzma", "lzo", "m3u", "m4a", "m4v", "mar", "mdi", "mht", "mid", "midi", "mj2", "mka", "mkv", "mmr", "mng", "mobi", "mov", "movie", "mp3", "mp4", "mp4a", "mpeg", "mpg", "mpga", "msgpack", "mxu", "nef", "npx", "numbers", "nupkg", "o", "oga", "ogg", "ogv", "otf", "pages", "pbm", "pcx", "pdb", "pdf", "pea", "pgm", "pic", "png", "pnm", "pot", "potm", "potx", "ppa", "ppam", "ppm", "pps", "ppsm", "ppsx", "ppt", "pptm", "pptx", "psd", "pya", "pyc", "pyo", "pyv", "qt", "rar", "ras", "raw", "resources", "rgb", "rip", "rlc", "rmf", "rmvb", "rpm", "rtf", "rz", "s3m", "s7z", "scpt", "sgi", "shar", "sig" "sil", "sketch", "slk", "smv", "snap", "snk", "so", "stl", "sub", "suo", "swf", "tar", "tbz2", "tbz", "tga", "tgz", "thmx", "tif", "tiff", "tlz", "ttc", "ttf", "txz", "udf", "uvh", "uvi", "uvm", "uvp", "uvs", "uvu", "viv", "vob", "war", "wav", "wax", "wbmp", "wdp", "weba", "webm", "webp", "whl", "wim", "wm", "wma", "wmv", "wmx", "woff2", "woff", "wrm", "wvx", "xbm", "xif", "xla", "xlam", "xls", "xlsb", "xlsm", "xlsx", "xlt", "xltm", "xltx", "xm", "xmind", "xpi", "xpm", "xwd", "xz", "z", "zip", "zipx"] class FileList extends Class constructor: (@site, @inner_path, @is_owner=false) -> @need_update = true @error = null @url_root = "/list/" + @site + "/" if @inner_path @inner_path += "/" @url_root += @inner_path @log("inited", @url_root) @item_list = new FileItemList(@inner_path) @item_list.items = @item_list.items @menu_create = new Menu() @select_action = null @selected = {} @selected_items_num = 0 @selected_items_size = 0 @selected_optional_empty_num = 0 isSelectedAll: -> false update: => @item_list.update => document.body.classList.add("loaded") getHref: (inner_path) => return "/" + @site + "/" + inner_path getListHref: (inner_path) => return "/list/" + @site + "/" + inner_path getEditHref: (inner_path, mode=null) => href = @url_root + "?file=" + inner_path if mode href += "&edit_mode=#{mode}" return href checkSelectedItems: => @selected_items_num = 0 @selected_items_size = 0 @selected_optional_empty_num = 0 for item in @item_list.items if @selected[item.inner_path] @selected_items_num += 1 @selected_items_size += item.size optional_info = @item_list.getOptionalInfo(item.inner_path) if optional_info and not optional_info.downloaded_percent > 0 @selected_optional_empty_num += 1 handleMenuCreateClick: => @menu_create.items = [] @menu_create.items.push ["File", @handleNewFileClick] @menu_create.items.push ["Directory", @handleNewDirectoryClick] @menu_create.toggle() return false handleNewFileClick: => Page.cmd "wrapperPrompt", "New file name:", (file_name) => = @getEditHref(@inner_path + file_name, "new") return false handleNewDirectoryClick: => Page.cmd "wrapperPrompt", "New directory name:", (res) => alert("directory name #{res}") return false handleSelectClick: (e) => return false handleSelectEnd: (e) => document.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', @handleSelectEnd) @select_action = null handleSelectMousedown: (e) => inner_path = e.currentTarget.attributes.inner_path.value if @selected[inner_path] delete @selected[inner_path] @select_action = "deselect" else @selected[inner_path] = true @select_action = "select" @checkSelectedItems() document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', @handleSelectEnd) e.stopPropagation() Page.projector.scheduleRender() return false handleRowMouseenter: (e) => if e.buttons and @select_action inner_path = if @select_action == "select" @selected[inner_path] = true else delete @selected[inner_path] @checkSelectedItems() Page.projector.scheduleRender() return false handleSelectbarCancel: => @selected = {} @checkSelectedItems() Page.projector.scheduleRender() return false handleSelectbarDelete: (e, remove_optional=false) => for inner_path of @selected optional_info = @item_list.getOptionalInfo(inner_path) delete @selected[inner_path] if optional_info and not remove_optional Page.cmd "optionalFileDelete", inner_path else Page.cmd "fileDelete", inner_path @need_update = true Page.projector.scheduleRender() @checkSelectedItems() return false handleSelectbarRemoveOptional: (e) => return @handleSelectbarDelete(e, true) renderSelectbar: => h("div.selectbar", {classes: {visible: @selected_items_num > 0}}, [ "Selected:", h("", [ h("span.num", "#{@selected_items_num} files"), h("span.size", "(#{Text.formatSize(@selected_items_size)})"), ]) h("div.actions", [ if @selected_optional_empty_num > 0 h("a.action.delete.remove_optional", {href: "#", onclick: @handleSelectbarRemoveOptional}, "Delete and remove optional") else h("a.action.delete", {href: "#", onclick: @handleSelectbarDelete}, "Delete") ]) h("", {href: "#", onclick: @handleSelectbarCancel}, "Cancel") ]) renderHead: => parent_links = [] inner_path_parent = "" for parent_dir in @inner_path.split("/") if not parent_dir continue if inner_path_parent inner_path_parent += "/" inner_path_parent += "#{parent_dir}" parent_links.push( [" / ", h("a", {href: @getListHref(inner_path_parent)}, parent_dir)] ) return h("", h("", h("a", {href: @getListHref("")}, "root"), parent_links )) renderItemCheckbox: (item) => if not @item_list.hasPermissionDelete(item) return [" "] return h("a.checkbox-outer", { href: "#Select", onmousedown: @handleSelectMousedown, onclick: @handleSelectClick, inner_path: item.inner_path }, h("span.checkbox")) renderItem: (item) => if item.type == "parent" href = @url_root.replace(/^(.*)\/.{2,255}?$/, "$1/") else if item.type == "dir" href = @url_root + else href = @url_root.replace(/^\/list\//, "/") + inner_path = @inner_path + href_edit = @getEditHref(inner_path) is_dir = item.type in ["dir", "parent"] ext =".").pop() is_editing = inner_path == Page.file_editor?.inner_path is_editable = not is_dir and item.size < 1024 * 1024 and ext not in BINARY_EXTENSIONS is_modified = @item_list.isModified(inner_path) is_added = @item_list.isAdded(inner_path) optional_info = @item_list.getOptionalInfo(inner_path) style = "" title = "" if optional_info downloaded_percent = optional_info.downloaded_percent if not downloaded_percent downloaded_percent = 0 style += "background: linear-gradient(90deg, #fff6dd, #{downloaded_percent}%, white, #{downloaded_percent}%, white);" is_added = false if item.ignored is_added = false if is_modified then title += " (modified)" if is_added then title += " (new)" if optional_info or item.optional_empty then title += " (optional)" if item.ignored then title += " (ignored from content.json)" classes = { "type-#{item.type}": true, editing: is_editing, nobuttons: not is_editable, selected: @selected[inner_path], modified: is_modified, added: is_added, ignored: item.ignored, optional: optional_info, optional_empty: item.optional_empty } h("", {key:, classes: classes, style: style, onmouseenter: @handleRowMouseenter, inner_path: inner_path}, [ h("", {title: title}, @renderItemCheckbox(item) ), h("", h("", {href: href}, h("", if is_editable then h("a.edit", {href: href_edit}, if Page.site_info.settings.own then "Edit" else "View")) h("", if is_dir then "[DIR]" else Text.formatSize(item.size)) ]) renderItems: => return [ if @item_list.error and not @item_list.items.length and not @item_list.updating then [ h("", {key: "error"}, h("", @item_list.error)) ], if @inner_path then @renderItem({"name": "..", type: "parent", size: 0}) @renderItem ] renderFoot: => files = (item for item in @item_list.items when item.type not in ["parent", "dir"]) dirs = (item for item in @item_list.items when item.type == "dir") if files.length total_size = (item.size for file in files).reduce (a, b) -> a + b else total_size = 0 foot_text = "Total: " foot_text += "#{dirs.length} dir, #{files.length} file in #{Text.formatSize(total_size)}" return [ if dirs.length or files.length or Page.site_info?.settings?.own h("", h("", [ if @item_list.updating "Updating file list..." else if dirs.length or files.length then foot_text if Page.site_info?.settings?.own h("div.create", [ h("", {href: "#Create+new+file", onclick: @handleNewFileClick}, "+ New") @menu_create.render() ]) ])) ] render: => if @need_update @update() @need_update = false if not @item_list.items return [] return h("div.files", [ @renderSelectbar(), @renderHead(), h("div.tbody", @renderItems()), @renderFoot() ]) window.FileList = FileList