import sqlite3 import json import time import logging import re import os import gevent from DbCursor import DbCursor from Config import config opened_dbs = [] # Close idle databases to save some memory def dbCleanup(): while 1: time.sleep(60 * 5) for db in opened_dbs[:]: idle = time.time() - db.last_query_time if idle > 60 * 5: db.close() gevent.spawn(dbCleanup) class Db(object): def __init__(self, schema, db_path): self.db_path = db_path self.db_dir = os.path.dirname(db_path) + "/" self.schema = schema self.schema["version"] = self.schema.get("version", 1) self.conn = None self.cur = None self.log = logging.getLogger("Db:%s" % schema["db_name"]) self.table_names = None self.collect_stats = False self.foreign_keys = False self.query_stats = {} self.db_keyvalues = {} self.last_query_time = time.time() def __repr__(self): return "" % self.db_path def connect(self): if self not in opened_dbs: opened_dbs.append(self) s = time.time() if not os.path.isdir(self.db_dir): # Directory not exist yet os.makedirs(self.db_dir) self.log.debug("Created Db path: %s" % self.db_dir) if not os.path.isfile(self.db_path): self.log.debug("Db file not exist yet: %s" % self.db_path) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) if config.verbose: self.log.debug("Connected to Db in %.3fs" % (time.time() - s)) self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.conn.isolation_level = None self.cur = self.getCursor() # We need more speed then security self.cur.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY") self.cur.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF") if self.foreign_keys: self.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") self.log.debug("Connected to %s in %.3fs (sqlite version: %s)..." % (self.db_path, time.time() - s, sqlite3.version)) # Execute query using dbcursor def execute(self, query, params=None): self.last_query_time = time.time() if not self.conn: self.connect() return self.cur.execute(query, params) def close(self): s = time.time() if self in opened_dbs: opened_dbs.remove(self) if self.cur: self.cur.close() if self.conn: self.conn.close() self.conn = None self.cur = None self.log.debug("Closed in %.3fs, opened: %s" % (time.time() - s, opened_dbs)) # Gets a cursor object to database # Return: Cursor class def getCursor(self): if not self.conn: self.connect() return DbCursor(self.conn, self) # Get the table version # Return: Table version or None if not exist def getTableVersion(self, table_name): """if not self.table_names: # Get existing table names res = self.cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'") self.table_names = [row["name"] for row in res] if table_name not in self.table_names: return False else:""" if not self.db_keyvalues: # Get db keyvalues try: res = self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM keyvalue WHERE json_id=0") # json_id = 0 is internal keyvalues except sqlite3.OperationalError, err: # Table not exist self.log.debug("Query error: %s" % err) return False for row in res: self.db_keyvalues[row["key"]] = row["value"] return self.db_keyvalues.get("table.%s.version" % table_name, 0) # Check Db tables # Return: Changed table names def checkTables(self): s = time.time() changed_tables = [] cur = self.getCursor() cur.execute("BEGIN") # Check internal tables # Check keyvalue table changed = cur.needTable("keyvalue", [ ["keyvalue_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"], ["key", "TEXT"], ["value", "INTEGER"], ["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"], ], [ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX key_id ON keyvalue(json_id, key)" ], version=self.schema["version"]) if changed: changed_tables.append("keyvalue") # Check json table if self.schema["version"] == 1: changed = cur.needTable("json", [ ["json_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"], ["path", "VARCHAR(255)"] ], [ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX path ON json(path)" ], version=self.schema["version"]) elif self.schema["version"] == 2: changed = cur.needTable("json", [ ["json_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"], ["directory", "VARCHAR(255)"], ["file_name", "VARCHAR(255)"] ], [ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX path ON json(directory, file_name)" ], version=self.schema["version"]) elif self.schema["version"] == 3: changed = cur.needTable("json", [ ["json_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"], ["site", "VARCHAR(255)"], ["directory", "VARCHAR(255)"], ["file_name", "VARCHAR(255)"] ], [ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX path ON json(directory, site, file_name)" ], version=self.schema["version"]) if changed: changed_tables.append("json") # Check schema tables for table_name, table_settings in self.schema["tables"].items(): changed = cur.needTable( table_name, table_settings["cols"], table_settings["indexes"], version=table_settings["schema_changed"] ) if changed: changed_tables.append(table_name) cur.execute("COMMIT") self.log.debug("Db check done in %.3fs, changed tables: %s" % (time.time() - s, changed_tables)) if changed_tables: self.db_keyvalues = {} # Refresh table version cache return changed_tables # Load json file to db # Return: True if matched def loadJson(self, file_path, file=None, cur=None): if not file_path.startswith(self.db_dir): return False # Not from the db dir: Skipping relative_path = re.sub("^%s" % self.db_dir, "", file_path) # File path realative to db file # Check if filename matches any of mappings in schema matched_maps = [] for match, map_settings in self.schema["maps"].items(): if re.match(match, relative_path): matched_maps.append(map_settings) # No match found for the file if not matched_maps: return False # Load the json file try: if file is None: # Open file is not file object passed file = open(file_path) if file is False: # File deleted data = {} else: data = json.load(file) except Exception, err: self.log.debug("Json file %s load error: %s" % (file_path, err)) data = {} # No cursor specificed if not cur: cur = self.getCursor() cur.execute("BEGIN") cur.logging = False commit_after_done = True else: commit_after_done = False # Row for current json file if required if filter(lambda map: "to_keyvalue" in map or "to_table" in map, matched_maps): json_row = cur.getJsonRow(relative_path) # Check matched mappings in schema for map in matched_maps: # Insert non-relational key values if map.get("to_keyvalue"): # Get current values res = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM keyvalue WHERE json_id = ?", (json_row["json_id"],)) current_keyvalue = {} current_keyvalue_id = {} for row in res: current_keyvalue[row["key"]] = row["value"] current_keyvalue_id[row["key"]] = row["keyvalue_id"] for key in map["to_keyvalue"]: if key not in current_keyvalue: # Keyvalue not exist yet in the db cur.execute( "INSERT INTO keyvalue ?", {"key": key, "value": data.get(key), "json_id": json_row["json_id"]} ) elif data.get(key) != current_keyvalue[key]: # Keyvalue different value cur.execute( "UPDATE keyvalue SET value = ? WHERE keyvalue_id = ?", (data.get(key), current_keyvalue_id[key]) ) # Insert data to json table for easier joins if map.get("to_json_table"): directory, file_name = re.match("^(.*?)/*([^/]*)$", relative_path).groups() data_json_row = dict(cur.getJsonRow(directory + "/" + map.get("file_name", file_name))) changed = False for key in map["to_json_table"]: if data.get(key) != data_json_row.get(key): changed = True if changed: # Add the custom col values data_json_row.update({key: val for key, val in data.iteritems() if key in map["to_json_table"]}) cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO json ?", data_json_row) # Insert data to tables for table_settings in map.get("to_table", []): if isinstance(table_settings, dict): # Custom settings table_name = table_settings["table"] # Table name to insert datas node = table_settings.get("node", table_name) # Node keyname in data json file key_col = table_settings.get("key_col") # Map dict key as this col val_col = table_settings.get("val_col") # Map dict value as this col import_cols = table_settings.get("import_cols") replaces = table_settings.get("replaces") else: # Simple settings table_name = table_settings node = table_settings key_col = None val_col = None import_cols = None replaces = None cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE json_id = ?" % table_name, (json_row["json_id"],)) if node not in data: continue if key_col: # Map as dict for key, val in data[node].iteritems(): if val_col: # Single value cur.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s ?" % table_name, {key_col: key, val_col: val, "json_id": json_row["json_id"]} ) else: # Multi value if isinstance(val, dict): # Single row row = val if import_cols: row = {key: row[key] for key in import_cols} # Filter row by import_cols row[key_col] = key # Replace in value if necessary if replaces: for replace_key, replace in replaces.iteritems(): if replace_key in row: for replace_from, replace_to in replace.iteritems(): row[replace_key] = row[replace_key].replace(replace_from, replace_to) row["json_id"] = json_row["json_id"] cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s ?" % table_name, row) else: # Multi row for row in val: row[key_col] = key row["json_id"] = json_row["json_id"] cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s ?" % table_name, row) else: # Map as list for row in data[node]: row["json_id"] = json_row["json_id"] cur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s ?" % table_name, row) # Cleanup json row if not data: self.log.debug("Cleanup json row for %s" % file_path) cur.execute("DELETE FROM json WHERE json_id = %s" % json_row["json_id"]) if commit_after_done: cur.execute("COMMIT") return True if __name__ == "__main__": s = time.time() console_log = logging.StreamHandler() logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console_log) console_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) dbjson = Db(json.load(open("zerotalk.schema.json")), "data/users/zerotalk.db") dbjson.collect_stats = True dbjson.checkTables() cur = dbjson.getCursor() cur.execute("BEGIN") cur.logging = False dbjson.loadJson("data/users/content.json", cur=cur) for user_dir in os.listdir("data/users"): if os.path.isdir("data/users/%s" % user_dir): dbjson.loadJson("data/users/%s/data.json" % user_dir, cur=cur) # print ".", cur.logging = True cur.execute("COMMIT") print "Done in %.3fs" % (time.time() - s) for query, stats in sorted(dbjson.query_stats.items()): print "-", query, stats