import re, time, sys from Plugin import PluginManager from Crypt import CryptBitcoin @PluginManager.registerTo("UiRequest") class UiRequestPlugin(object): def __init__(self, server = None): self.user_manager = sys.modules["User.UserManager"].user_manager super(UiRequestPlugin, self).__init__(server) # Create new user and inject user welcome message if necessary # Return: Html body also containing the injection def actionWrapper(self, path): user_created = False user = self.getCurrentUser() # Get user from cookie if not user: # No user found by cookie user = self.user_manager.create() user_created = True master_address = user.master_address master_seed = user.master_seed if user_created: extra_headers = [('Set-Cookie', "master_address=%s;path=/;max-age=2592000;" % user.master_address)] # Max age = 30 days else: extra_headers = [] loggedin = self.get.get("login") == "done" back = super(UiRequestPlugin, self).actionWrapper(path, extra_headers) # Get the wrapper frame output if not user_created and not loggedin: return back # No injection necessary if not back or not hasattr(back, "endswith"): return back # Wrapper error or not string returned, injection not possible if user_created: # Inject the welcome message inject_html = """ """.replace("\t", "") inject_html = inject_html.replace("{master_seed}", master_seed) # Set the master seed in the message back = re.sub("\s*\s*$", inject_html, back) # Replace the tags with the injection elif loggedin: inject_html = """ """.replace("\t", "") back = re.sub("\s*\s*$", inject_html, back) # Replace the tags with the injection return back # Get the current user based on request's cookies # Return: User object or None if no match def getCurrentUser(self): cookies = self.getCookies() user_manager = self.user_manager user = None if "master_address" in cookies: users = self.user_manager.list() user = users.get(cookies["master_address"]) return user @PluginManager.registerTo("UserManager") class UserManagerPlugin(object): # In multiuser mode do not load the users def load(self): if not self.users: self.users = {} return self.users # Find user by master address # Return: User or None def get(self, master_address=None): users = self.list() if master_address in users: user = users[master_address] else: user = None return user @PluginManager.registerTo("User") class UserPlugin(object): # In multiuser mode users data only exits in memory, dont write to data/user.json def save(self): return False @PluginManager.registerTo("UiWebsocket") class UiWebsocketPlugin(object): # Let the page know we running in multiuser mode def formatServerInfo(self): server_info = super(UiWebsocketPlugin, self).formatServerInfo() server_info["multiuser"] = True if "ADMIN" in["permissions"]: server_info["master_address"] = self.user.master_address return server_info # Show current user's master seed def actionUserShowMasterSeed(self, to): if not "ADMIN" in["permissions"]: return self.response(to, "Show master seed not allowed") message = "Your unique private key:" message+= "
" % self.user.master_seed message+= "(Save it, you can access your account using this information)" self.cmd("notification", ["info", message]) # Logout user def actionUserLogout(self, to): if not "ADMIN" in["permissions"]: return self.response(to, "Logout not allowed") message = "You have been logged out. Login to another account" message+= "" self.cmd("notification", ["done", message, 1000000]) # 1000000 = Show ~forever :) # Delete from user_manager user_manager = sys.modules["User.UserManager"].user_manager if self.user.master_address in user_manager.users: del user_manager.users[self.user.master_address] self.response(to, "Successful logout") else: self.response(to, "User not found") # Show login form def actionUserLoginForm(self, to): self.cmd("prompt", ["Login
Your private key:", "password", "Login"], self.responseUserLogin) # Login form submit def responseUserLogin(self, master_seed): user_manager = sys.modules["User.UserManager"].user_manager user = user_manager.create(master_seed=master_seed) if user.master_address: message = "Successfull login, reloading page..." message+= "" % user.master_address message+= "" self.cmd("notification", ["done", message]) else: self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Error: Invalid master seed"]) self.actionUserLoginForm(0)