{ "Peers": "節點數", "Connected": "已連線", "Connectable": "可連線", "Connectable peers": "可連線節點", "Data transfer": "數據傳輸", "Received": "已接收", "Received bytes": "已接收位元組", "Sent": "已傳送", "Sent bytes": "已傳送位元組", "Files": "檔案", "Total": "共計", "Image": "圖片", "Other": "其他", "User data": "使用者數據", "Size limit": "大小限制", "limit used": "已使用", "free space": "可用空間", "Set": "偏好設定", "Optional files": "可選檔案", "Downloaded": "已下載", "Download and help distribute all files": "下載並幫助分發所有檔案", "Total size": "總大小", "Downloaded files": "下載的檔案", "Database": "資料庫", "search feeds": "搜尋供稿", "{feeds} query": "{feeds} 查詢 ", "Reload": "重新整理", "Rebuild": "重建", "No database found": "未找到資料庫", "Identity address": "身分位址", "Change": "變更", "Site control": "網站控制", "Update": "更新", "Pause": "暫停", "Resume": "恢復", "Delete": "刪除", "Are you sure?": "你確定?", "Site address": "網站位址", "Donate": "捐贈", "Missing files": "缺少的檔案", "{} try": "{} 嘗試", "{} tries": "{} 已嘗試", "+ {num_bad_files} more": "+ {num_bad_files} 更多", "This is my site": "這是我的網站", "Site title": "網站標題", "Site description": "網站描述", "Save site settings": "存儲網站設定", "Open site directory": "打開所在資料夾", "Content publishing": "內容發布", "Choose": "選擇", "Sign": "簽署", "Publish": "發布", "Sign and publish": "簽名並發布", "This function is disabled on this proxy": "此代理上禁用此功能", "GeoLite2 City database download error: {}!
Please download manually and unpack to data dir:
{}": "GeoLite2 地理位置資料庫下載錯誤:{}!
{}", "Downloading GeoLite2 City database (one time only, ~20MB)...": "正在下載 GeoLite2 地理位置資料庫 (僅一次,約 20MB )...", "GeoLite2 City database downloaded!": "GeoLite2 地理位置資料庫已下載!", "Are you sure?": "你確定?", "Site storage limit modified!": "網站存儲限制已變更!", "Database schema reloaded!": "資料庫架構重新加載!", "Database rebuilding....": "資料庫重建中...", "Database rebuilt!": "資料庫已重建!", "Site updated!": "網站已更新!", "Delete this site": "刪除此網站", "File write error: ": "檔案寫入錯誤:", "Site settings saved!": "網站設置已保存!", "Enter your private key:": "輸入您的私鑰:", " Signed!": " 已簽署!", "WebGL not supported": "不支援 WebGL" }