import logging import time import sys import itertools import collections import gevent import io from Debug import Debug from Config import config from util import helper from .PeerHashfield import PeerHashfield from Plugin import PluginManager if config.use_tempfiles: import tempfile # Communicate remote peers @PluginManager.acceptPlugins class Peer(object): def __init__(self, ip, port, site=None, connection_server=None): self.ip = ip self.port = port = site self.key = "%s:%s" % (ip, port) self.ip_type = None self.removed = False self.log_level = logging.DEBUG self.connection_error_log_level = logging.DEBUG self.connection = None self.connection_server = connection_server self.has_hashfield = False # Lazy hashfield object not created yet self.time_hashfield = None # Last time peer's hashfiled downloaded self.time_my_hashfield_sent = None # Last time my hashfield sent to peer self.time_found = time.time() # Time of last found in the torrent tracker self.time_response = 0 # Time of last successful response from peer self.time_added = time.time() self.last_ping = None # Last response time for ping self.last_pex = 0 # Last query/response time for pex self.is_tracker_connection = False # Tracker connection instead of normal peer self.reputation = 0 # More likely to connect if larger self.last_content_json_update = 0.0 # Modify date of last received content.json self.protected = 0 self.reachable = None self.connection_error = 0 # Series of connection error self.hash_failed = 0 # Number of bad files from peer self.download_bytes = 0 # Bytes downloaded self.download_time = 0 # Time spent to download self.protectedRequests = ["getFile", "streamFile", "update", "listModified"] def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "hashfield": self.has_hashfield = True self.hashfield = PeerHashfield() return self.hashfield else: # Raise appropriately formatted attribute error return object.__getattribute__(self, key) def log(self, text, log_level = None): if log_level is None: log_level = self.log_level if log_level <= logging.DEBUG: if not config.verbose: return # Only log if we are in debug mode logger = None if logger = else: logger = logging.getLogger() logger.log(log_level, "%s:%s %s" % (self.ip, self.port, text)) # Protect connection from being closed by site.cleanupPeers() def markProtected(self, interval=60*2): self.protected = max(self.protected, time.time() + interval) def isProtected(self): if self.protected > 0: if self.protected < time.time(): self.protected = 0 return self.protected > 0 def isTtlExpired(self, ttl): last_activity = max(self.time_found, self.time_response) return (time.time() - last_activity) > ttl # Since 0.8.0 def isConnected(self): if self.connection and not self.connection.connected: self.connection = None return self.connection and self.connection.connected # Peer proved to to be connectable recently # Since 0.8.0 def isConnectable(self): if self.connection_error >= 1: # The last connection attempt failed return False if time.time() - self.time_response > 60 * 60 * 2: # Last successful response more than 2 hours ago return False return self.isReachable() # Since 0.8.0 def isReachable(self): if self.reachable is None: self.updateCachedState() return self.reachable # Since 0.8.0 def getIpType(self): if not self.ip_type: self.updateCachedState() return self.ip_type # We cache some ConnectionServer-related state for better performance. # This kind of state currently doesn't change during a program session, # and it's safe to read and cache it just once. But future versions # may bring more pieces of dynamic configuration. So we update the state # on each peer.found(). def updateCachedState(self): connection_server = self.getConnectionServer() if not self.port or self.port == 1: # Port 1 considered as "no open port" self.reachable = False else: self.reachable = connection_server.isIpReachable(self.ip) self.ip_type = connection_server.getIpType(self.ip) # FIXME: # This should probably be changed. # When creating a peer object, the caller must provide either `connection_server`, # or `site`, so Peer object is able to use `site.connection_server`. def getConnectionServer(self): if self.connection_server: connection_server = self.connection_server elif connection_server = else: import main connection_server = main.file_server return connection_server # Connect to host def connect(self, connection=None): if self.reputation < -10: self.reputation = -10 if self.reputation > 10: self.reputation = 10 if self.connection: self.log("Getting connection (Closing %s)..." % self.connection) self.connection.close("Connection change") else: self.log("Getting connection (reputation: %s)..." % self.reputation) if connection: # Connection specified self.log("Assigning connection %s" % connection) self.connection = connection self.connection.sites += 1 else: # Try to find from connection pool or create new connection self.connection = None try: connection_server = self.getConnectionServer() self.connection = connection_server.getConnection(self.ip, self.port,, is_tracker_connection=self.is_tracker_connection) if self.connection and self.connection.connected: self.reputation += 1 self.connection.sites += 1 except Exception as err: self.onConnectionError("Getting connection error") self.log("Getting connection error: %s (connection_error: %s, hash_failed: %s)" % (Debug.formatException(err), self.connection_error, self.hash_failed), log_level=self.connection_error_log_level) self.connection = None return self.connection def disconnect(self, reason="Unknown"): if self.connection: self.connection.close(reason) self.connection = None # Check if we have connection to peer def findConnection(self): if self.connection and self.connection.connected: # We have connection to peer return self.connection else: # Try to find from other sites connections self.connection = self.getConnectionServer().getConnection(self.ip, self.port, create=False, if self.connection: self.connection.sites += 1 return self.connection def __str__(self): if return "Peer:%-12s of %s" % (self.ip, else: return "Peer:%-12s" % self.ip def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % self.__str__() def packMyAddress(self): if self.ip.endswith(".onion"): return helper.packOnionAddress(self.ip, self.port) else: return helper.packAddress(self.ip, self.port) # Found a peer from a source def found(self, source="other"): if self.reputation < 5: if source == "tracker": if self.ip.endswith(".onion"): self.reputation += 1 else: self.reputation += 2 elif source == "local": self.reputation += 20 if source in ("tracker", "local"): self.time_found = time.time() self.updateCachedState() # Send a command to peer and return response value def request(self, cmd, params={}, stream_to=None): if self.removed: return False if not self.connection or self.connection.closed: self.connect() if not self.connection: self.onConnectionError("Reconnect error") return None # Connection failed self.log("Send request: %s %s %s %s" % (params.get("site", ""), cmd, params.get("inner_path", ""), params.get("location", ""))) for retry in range(1, 4): # Retry 3 times try: if cmd in self.protectedRequests: self.markProtected() if not self.connection: raise Exception("No connection found") res = self.connection.request(cmd, params, stream_to) if not res: raise Exception("Send error") if "error" in res: self.log("%s error: %s" % (cmd, res["error"])) self.onConnectionError("Response error") break else: # Successful request, reset connection error num self.connection_error = 0 self.time_response = time.time() if res: return res else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % res) except Exception as err: if type(err).__name__ == "Notify": # Greenlet killed by worker self.log("Peer worker got killed: %s, aborting cmd: %s" % (err.message, cmd)) break else: self.onConnectionError("Request error") self.log( "%s (connection_error: %s, hash_failed: %s, retry: %s)" % (Debug.formatException(err), self.connection_error, self.hash_failed, retry) ) time.sleep(1 * retry) self.connect() return None # Failed after 4 retry # Get a file content from peer def getFile(self, site, inner_path, file_size=None, pos_from=0, pos_to=None, streaming=False): if self.removed: return False if file_size and file_size > 5 * 1024 * 1024: max_read_size = 1024 * 1024 else: max_read_size = 512 * 1024 if pos_to: read_bytes = min(max_read_size, pos_to - pos_from) else: read_bytes = max_read_size location = pos_from if config.use_tempfiles: buff = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=16 * 1024, mode='w+b') else: buff = io.BytesIO() s = time.time() while True: # Read in smaller parts if config.stream_downloads or read_bytes > 256 * 1024 or streaming: res = self.request("streamFile", {"site": site, "inner_path": inner_path, "location": location, "read_bytes": read_bytes, "file_size": file_size}, stream_to=buff) if not res or "location" not in res: # Error return False else: self.log("Send: %s" % inner_path) res = self.request("getFile", {"site": site, "inner_path": inner_path, "location": location, "read_bytes": read_bytes, "file_size": file_size}) if not res or "location" not in res: # Error return False self.log("Recv: %s" % inner_path) buff.write(res["body"]) res["body"] = None # Save memory if res["location"] == res["size"] or res["location"] == pos_to: # End of file break else: location = res["location"] if pos_to: read_bytes = min(max_read_size, pos_to - location) if pos_to: recv = pos_to - pos_from else: recv = res["location"] self.download_bytes += recv self.download_time += (time.time() - s) if["bytes_recv"] ="bytes_recv", 0) + recv self.log("Downloaded: %s, pos: %s, read_bytes: %s" % (inner_path, buff.tell(), read_bytes)) return buff # Send a ping request def ping(self, timeout=10.0, tryes=3): if self.removed: return False response_time = None for retry in range(1, tryes): # Retry 3 times s = time.time() with gevent.Timeout(timeout, False): res = self.request("ping") if res and "body" in res and res["body"] == b"Pong!": response_time = time.time() - s break # All fine, exit from for loop # Timeout reached or bad response self.onConnectionError("Ping timeout") self.connect() time.sleep(1) if response_time: self.log("Ping: %.3f" % response_time) else: self.log("Ping failed") self.last_ping = response_time return response_time # Request peer exchange from peer def pex(self, site=None, need_num=5, request_interval=60*2): if self.removed: return False if not site: site = # If no site defined request peers for this site if self.last_pex + request_interval >= time.time(): return False self.last_pex = time.time() # give back 5 connectible peers packed_peers = helper.packPeers(, allow_private=False)) request = {"site": site.address, "peers": packed_peers["ipv4"], "need": need_num} if packed_peers["onion"]: request["peers_onion"] = packed_peers["onion"] if packed_peers["ipv6"]: request["peers_ipv6"] = packed_peers["ipv6"] res = self.request("pex", request) self.last_pex = time.time() if not res or "error" in res: return False added = 0 # Remove unsupported peer types if "peers_ipv6" in res and self.connection and "ipv6" not in self.connection.server.supported_ip_types: del res["peers_ipv6"] if "peers_onion" in res and self.connection and "onion" not in self.connection.server.supported_ip_types: del res["peers_onion"] # Add IPv4 + IPv6 for peer in itertools.chain(res.get("peers", []), res.get("peers_ipv6", [])): address = helper.unpackAddress(peer) if site.addPeer(*address, source="pex"): added += 1 # Add Onion for peer in res.get("peers_onion", []): address = helper.unpackOnionAddress(peer) if site.addPeer(*address, source="pex"): added += 1 if added: self.log("Added peers using pex: %s" % added) return added # List modified files since the date # Return: {inner_path: modification date,...} def listModified(self, since): if self.removed: return False return self.request("listModified", {"since": since, "site":}) def updateHashfield(self, force=False): if self.removed: return False # Don't update hashfield again in 5 min if self.time_hashfield and time.time() - self.time_hashfield < 5 * 60 and not force: return False self.time_hashfield = time.time() res = self.request("getHashfield", {"site":}) if not res or "error" in res or "hashfield_raw" not in res: return False self.hashfield.replaceFromBytes(res["hashfield_raw"]) return self.hashfield # Find peers for hashids # Return: {hash1: ["ip:port", "ip:port",...],...} def findHashIds(self, hash_ids): if self.removed: return False res = self.request("findHashIds", {"site":, "hash_ids": hash_ids}) if not res or "error" in res or type(res) is not dict: return False back = collections.defaultdict(list) for ip_type in ["ipv4", "ipv6", "onion"]: if ip_type == "ipv4": key = "peers" else: key = "peers_%s" % ip_type for hash, peers in list(res.get(key, {}).items())[0:30]: if ip_type == "onion": unpacker_func = helper.unpackOnionAddress else: unpacker_func = helper.unpackAddress back[hash] += list(map(unpacker_func, peers)) for hash in res.get("my", []): if self.connection: back[hash].append((self.connection.ip, self.connection.port)) else: back[hash].append((self.ip, self.port)) return back # Send my hashfield to peer # Return: True if sent def sendMyHashfield(self): if self.connection and self.connection.handshake.get("rev", 0) < 510: return False # Not supported if self.time_my_hashfield_sent and <= self.time_my_hashfield_sent: return False # Peer already has the latest hashfield res = self.request("setHashfield", {"site":, "hashfield_raw":}) if not res or "error" in res: return False else: self.time_my_hashfield_sent = time.time() return True def publish(self, address, inner_path, body, modified, diffs=[]): if self.removed: return False if len(body) > 10 * 1024 and self.connection and self.connection.handshake.get("rev", 0) >= 4095: # To save bw we don't push big content.json to peers body = b"" return self.request("update", { "site": address, "inner_path": inner_path, "body": body, "modified": modified, "diffs": diffs }) # Stop and remove from site def remove(self, reason="Removing"): self.removed = True self.log("Removing peer with reason: <%s>. Connection error: %s, Hash failed: %s" % (reason, self.connection_error, self.hash_failed)) if # No way: = None # We don't assign None to here because it leads to random exceptions in various threads, # that hold references to the peer and still believe it belongs to the site. self.disconnect(reason) # - EVENTS - # On connection error def onConnectionError(self, reason="Unknown"): if not self.getConnectionServer().isInternetOnline(): return self.connection_error += 1 if and len( > 200: limit = 3 else: limit = 6 self.reputation -= 1 if self.connection_error >= limit: # Dead peer self.remove("Connection error limit reached: %s. Provided message: %s" % (limit, reason)) # Done working with peer def onWorkerDone(self): pass