import json, gevent, time, sys, hashlib from Config import config from Site import SiteManager from Debug import Debug from util import QueryJson, RateLimit from Plugin import PluginManager @PluginManager.acceptPlugins class UiWebsocket(object): def __init__(self, ws, site, server, user): = ws = site self.user = user self.log = site.log self.server = server self.next_message_id = 1 self.waiting_cb = {} # Waiting for callback. Key: message_id, Value: function pointer self.channels = [] # Channels joined to self.sending = False # Currently sending to client self.send_queue = [] # Messages to send to client # Start listener loop def start(self): ws = if == config.homepage and not # Add open fileserver port message or closed port error to homepage at first request after start if sys.modules["main"].file_server.port_opened == True:["done", "Congratulation, your port "+str(config.fileserver_port)+" is opened.
You are full member of ZeroNet network!", 10000]) elif sys.modules["main"].file_server.port_opened == False:["error", "Your network connection is restricted. Please, open "+str(config.fileserver_port)+" port
on your router to become full member of ZeroNet network.", 0]) = True # Dont add connection notification anymore for notification in # Send pending notification messages self.cmd("notification", notification) = [] while True: try: message = ws.receive() if message: self.handleRequest(message) except Exception, err: if err.message != 'Connection is already closed': if config.debug: # Allow websocket errors to appear on /Debug sys.modules["main"].DebugHook.handleError() self.log.error("WebSocket error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err)) return "Bye." # Event in a channel def event(self, channel, *params): if channel in self.channels: # We are joined to channel if channel == "siteChanged": site = params[0] # Triggerer site site_info = self.formatSiteInfo(site) if len(params) > 1 and params[1]: # Extra data site_info.update(params[1]) self.cmd("setSiteInfo", site_info) # Send response to client (to = def response(self, to, result): self.send({"cmd": "response", "to": to, "result": result}) # Send a command def cmd(self, cmd, params={}, cb = None): self.send({"cmd": cmd, "params": params}, cb) # Encode to json and send message def send(self, message, cb = None): message["id"] = self.next_message_id # Add message id to allow response self.next_message_id += 1 if cb: # Callback after client responsed self.waiting_cb[message["id"]] = cb if self.sending: return # Already sending self.send_queue.append(message) try: while self.send_queue: self.sending = True message = self.send_queue.pop(0) self.sending = False except Exception, err: self.log.debug("Websocket send error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err)) # Handle incoming messages def handleRequest(self, data): req = json.loads(data) cmd = req.get("cmd") params = req.get("params") permissions =["permissions"] if req["id"] >= 1000000: # Its a wrapper command, allow admin commands permissions = permissions[:] permissions.append("ADMIN") admin_commands = ("sitePause", "siteResume", "siteDelete", "siteList", "siteSetLimit", "siteClone", "channelJoinAllsite", "serverUpdate", "certSet") if cmd == "response": # It's a response to a command return self.actionResponse(req["to"], req["result"]) elif cmd in admin_commands and "ADMIN" not in permissions: # Admin commands return self.response(req["id"], "You don't have permission to run %s" % cmd) else: # Normal command func_name = "action" + cmd[0].upper() + cmd[1:] func = getattr(self, func_name, None) if not func: # Unknown command self.response(req["id"], "Unknown command: %s" % cmd) return # Support calling as named, unnamed paramters and raw first argument too if type(params) is dict: func(req["id"], **params) elif type(params) is list: func(req["id"], *params) else: func(req["id"], params) # Format site info def formatSiteInfo(self, site, create_user=True): content = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json") if content: # Remove unnecessary data transfer content = content.copy() content["files"] = len(content.get("files", {})) content["includes"] = len(content.get("includes", {})) if "sign" in content: del(content["sign"]) if "signs" in content: del(content["signs"]) if "signers_sign" in content: del(content["signers_sign"]) settings = site.settings.copy() del settings["wrapper_key"] # Dont expose wrapper key del settings["auth_key"] # Dont send auth key twice ret = { "auth_key":["auth_key"], # Obsolete, will be removed "auth_key_sha512": hashlib.sha512(["auth_key"]).hexdigest()[0:64], # Obsolete, will be removed "auth_address": self.user.getAuthAddress(site.address, create=create_user), "cert_user_id": self.user.getCertUserId(site.address), "address": site.address, "settings": settings, "content_updated": site.content_updated, "bad_files": len(site.bad_files), "size_limit": site.getSizeLimit(), "next_size_limit": site.getNextSizeLimit(), "peers": site.settings.get("peers", len(site.peers)), "started_task_num": site.worker_manager.started_task_num, "tasks": len(site.worker_manager.tasks), "workers": len(site.worker_manager.workers), "content": content } if site.settings["own"]: ret["privatekey"] = bool(self.user.getSiteData(site.address, create=create_user).get("privatekey")) if site.settings["serving"] and content: ret["peers"] += 1 # Add myself if serving return ret def formatServerInfo(self): return { "ip_external": bool(sys.modules["main"].file_server.port_opened), "platform": sys.platform, "fileserver_ip": config.fileserver_ip, "fileserver_port": config.fileserver_port, "ui_ip": config.ui_ip, "ui_port": config.ui_port, "version": config.version, "rev": config.rev, "debug": config.debug, "plugins": PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names } # - Actions - # Do callback on response {"cmd": "response", "to": message_id, "result": result} def actionResponse(self, to, result): if to in self.waiting_cb: self.waiting_cb[to](result) # Call callback function else: self.log.error("Websocket callback not found: %s, %s" % (to, result)) # Send a simple pong answer def actionPing(self, to): self.response(to, "pong") # Send site details def actionSiteInfo(self, to, file_status = None): ret = self.formatSiteInfo( if file_status: # Client queries file status if # File exits, add event done ret["event"] = ("file_done", file_status) self.response(to, ret) # Join to an event channel def actionChannelJoin(self, to, channel): if channel not in self.channels: self.channels.append(channel) # Server variables def actionServerInfo(self, to): ret = self.formatServerInfo() self.response(to, ret) # Sign content.json def actionSiteSign(self, to, privatekey=None, inner_path="content.json"): site = extend = {} # Extended info for signing if not inner_path.endswith("content.json"): # Find the content.json first file_info = site.content_manager.getFileInfo(inner_path) inner_path = file_info["content_inner_path"] if "cert_signers" in file_info: # Its an user dir file cert = self.user.getCert( extend["cert_auth_type"] = cert["auth_type"] extend["cert_user_id"] = self.user.getCertUserId(site.address) extend["cert_sign"] = cert["cert_sign"] if not site.settings["own"] and self.user.getAuthAddress( not in return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own sites") if privatekey == "stored": privatekey = self.user.getSiteData("privatekey") if not privatekey: # Get privatekey from users.json auth_address privatekey = self.user.getAuthPrivatekey( # Signing site.content_manager.loadContent(add_bad_files=False) # Reload content.json, ignore errors to make it up-to-date signed = site.content_manager.sign(inner_path, privatekey, extend=extend) # Sign using private key sent by user if signed: #if inner_path == "content_json": self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Private key correct, content signed!", 5000]) # Display message for 5 sec pass else: self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Content sign failed: invalid private key."]) self.response(to, "Site sign failed") return site.content_manager.loadContent(add_bad_files=False) # Load new content.json, ignore errors self.response(to, "ok") return inner_path # Sign and publish content.json def actionSitePublish(self, to, privatekey=None, inner_path="content.json", sign=True): if sign: inner_path = self.actionSiteSign(to, privatekey, inner_path) if not inner_path: return # Publishing if not["serving"]: # Enable site if paused["serving"] = True event_name = "publish %s %s" % (, inner_path) thread = RateLimit.callAsync(event_name, 7,, 5, inner_path) # Only publish once in 7 second to 5 peers notification = "linked" not in dir(thread) # Only display notification on first callback thread.linked = True thread: self.cbSitePublish(to, thread, notification)) # At the end callback with request id and thread # Callback of site publish def cbSitePublish(self, to, thread, notification=True): site = published = thread.value if published>0: # Successfuly published if notification: self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Content published to %s peers." % published, 5000]) self.response(to, "ok") if notification: site.updateWebsocket() # Send updated site data to local websocket clients else: if len(site.peers) == 0: if sys.modules["main"].file_server.port_opened: if notification: self.cmd("notification", ["info", "No peers found, but your content is ready to access."]) self.response(to, "No peers found, but your content is ready to access.") else: if notification: self.cmd("notification", ["info", "Your network connection is restricted. Please, open "+str(config.fileserver_port)+" port
on your router to make your site accessible for everyone."]) self.response(to, "Port not opened.") else: if notification: self.cmd("notification", ["error", "Content publish failed."]) self.response(to, "Content publish failed.") # Write a file to disk def actionFileWrite(self, to, inner_path, content_base64): if not["own"] and self.user.getAuthAddress( not in return self.response(to, "Forbidden, you can only modify your own files") try: import base64 content = base64.b64decode(content_base64), content) except Exception, err: return self.response(to, "Write error: %s" % err) if inner_path.endswith("content.json"):, add_bad_files=False) self.response(to, "ok") # Send sitechanged to other local users for ws in if ws != self: ws.event("siteChanged",, {"event": ["file_done", inner_path]}) # Find data in json files def actionFileQuery(self, to, dir_inner_path, query): # s = time.time() dir_path = rows = list(QueryJson.query(dir_path, query)) # self.log.debug("FileQuery %s %s done in %s" % (dir_inner_path, query, time.time()-s)) return self.response(to, rows) # Sql query def actionDbQuery(self, to, query, params=None, wait_for=None): rows = [] try: res =, params) except Exception, err: # Response the error to client return self.response(to, {"error": str(err)}) # Convert result to dict for row in res: rows.append(dict(row)) return self.response(to, rows) # Return file content def actionFileGet(self, to, inner_path, required=True): try: if required:, priority=1) body = except: body = None return self.response(to, body) def actionFileRules(self, to, inner_path): rules = if inner_path.endswith("content.json"): content = if content: rules["current_size"] = len(json.dumps(content)) + sum([file["size"] for file in content["files"].values()]) else: rules["current_size"] = 0 return self.response(to, rules) # Add certificate to user def actionCertAdd(self, to, domain, auth_type, auth_user_name, cert): try: res = self.user.addCert(self.user.getAuthAddress(, domain, auth_type, auth_user_name, cert) if res == True: self.cmd("notification", ["done", "New certificate added: %s/%s@%s." % (auth_type, auth_user_name, domain)]) self.response(to, "ok") else: self.response(to, "Not changed") except Exception, err: self.response(to, {"error": err.message}) # Select certificate for site def actionCertSelect(self, to, accepted_domains=[]): accounts = [] accounts.append(["", "Unique to site", ""]) # Default option active = "" # Make it active if no other option found # Add my certs auth_address = self.user.getAuthAddress( # Current auth address for domain, cert in self.user.certs.items(): if auth_address == cert["auth_address"]: active = domain title = cert["auth_user_name"]+"@"+domain if domain in accepted_domains: accounts.append([domain, title, ""]) else: accounts.append([domain, title, "disabled"]) # Render the html body = "Select account you want to use in this site:" # Accounts for domain, account, css_class in accounts: if domain == active: css_class += " active" # Currently selected option title = "%s (currently selected)" % account else: title = "%s" % account body += "%s" % (css_class, domain, title) # More avalible providers more_domains = [domain for domain in accepted_domains if domain not in self.user.certs] # Domainains we not displayed yet if more_domains: # body+= "Accepted authorization providers by the site:" body+= "
" for domain in more_domains: body += "Register »%s" % (domain, domain) body+= "
" body += """ """ # Send the notification self.cmd("notification", ["ask", body]) # Set certificate that used for authenticate user for site def actionCertSet(self, to, domain): self.user.setCert(, domain) # - Admin actions - # List all site info def actionSiteList(self, to): ret = [] SiteManager.site_manager.load() # Reload sites for site in self.server.sites.values(): if not site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json"): continue # Broken site ret.append(self.formatSiteInfo(site, create_user=False)) # Dont generate the auth_address on listing self.response(to, ret) # Join to an event channel on all sites def actionChannelJoinAllsite(self, to, channel): if channel not in self.channels: # Add channel to channels self.channels.append(channel) for site in self.server.sites.values(): # Add websocket to every channel if self not in site.websockets: site.websockets.append(self) # Update site content.json def actionSiteUpdate(self, to, address): site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site and (site.address == or "ADMIN" in["permissions"]): gevent.spawn(site.update) else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) # Pause site serving def actionSitePause(self, to, address): site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site: site.settings["serving"] = False site.saveSettings() site.updateWebsocket() site.worker_manager.stopWorkers() else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) # Resume site serving def actionSiteResume(self, to, address): site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site: site.settings["serving"] = True site.saveSettings() gevent.spawn(site.update, announce=True) time.sleep(0.001) # Wait for update thread starting site.updateWebsocket() else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) def actionSiteDelete(self, to, address): site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site: site.settings["serving"] = False site.saveSettings() site.worker_manager.running = False site.worker_manager.stopWorkers() SiteManager.site_manager.delete(address) site.updateWebsocket() else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) def actionSiteClone(self, to, address): self.cmd("notification", ["info", "Cloning site..."]) site = self.server.sites.get(address) # Generate a new site from user's bip32 seed new_address, new_address_index, new_site_data = self.user.getNewSiteData() new_site = site.clone(new_address, new_site_data["privatekey"], address_index=new_address_index) new_site.settings["own"] = True new_site.saveSettings() self.cmd("notification", ["done", "Site cloned" % new_address]) gevent.spawn(new_site.announce) def actionSiteSetLimit(self, to, size_limit):["size_limit"] = size_limit self.response(to, "Site size limit changed to %sMB" % size_limit) def actionServerUpdate(self, to): self.cmd("updating") sys.modules["main"].update_after_shutdown = True sys.modules["main"].file_server.stop() sys.modules["main"].ui_server.stop()