import logging import urllib import urllib2 import re import time from Debug import Debug from util import UpnpPunch class PeerPortchecker(object): def __init__(self, file_server): self.log = logging.getLogger("PeerPortchecker") self.upnp_port_opened = False self.file_server = file_server def requestUrl(self, url, post_data=None): if type(post_data) is dict: post_data = urllib.urlencode(post_data) req = urllib2.Request(url, post_data) req.add_header('Referer', url) return urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=20.0) def portOpen(self, port):"Trying to open port using UpnpPunch...") try: UpnpPunch.ask_to_open_port(port, 'ZeroNet', retries=3, protos=["TCP"]) self.upnp_port_opened = True except Exception as err: self.log.warning("UpnpPunch run error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err)) return False if self.portCheck(port)["opened"]: return True else:"Upnp mapping failed, please forward port %s on your router to your ipaddress" % port) return False def portClose(self, port): return UpnpPunch.ask_to_close_port(port, protos=["TCP"]) def portCheck(self, port, ip_type="ipv4"): if ip_type == "ipv6": checker_functions = ["checkMyaddr", "checkIpv6scanner"] else: checker_functions = ["checkPortchecker", "checkCanyouseeme"] for func_name in checker_functions: func = getattr(self, func_name) s = time.time() try: res = func(port) if res: "Checking port %s (%s) using %s result: %s in %.3fs" % (port, ip_type, func_name, res, time.time() - s) ) time.sleep(0.1) if res["opened"] and not self.file_server.had_external_incoming: res["opened"] = False self.log.warning("Port %s:%s, but no incoming connection" % (res["ip"], port)) break except Exception as err: self.log.warning( "%s check error: %s in %.3fs" % (func_name, Debug.formatException(err), time.time() - s) ) res = {"ip": None, "opened": True} return res def checkCanyouseeme(self, port): data = urllib2.urlopen("", "port=%s" % port, timeout=20.0).read() message = re.match('.*


', data, re.DOTALL).group(1) message = re.sub("<.*?>", "", message.replace("
", " ").replace(" ", " ")) # Strip http tags match = re.match(".*service on (.*?) on", message) if match: ip = else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) if "Success" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": True} elif "Error" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": False} else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) def checkPortchecker(self, port): data = urllib2.urlopen("", "port=%s" % port, timeout=20.0).read() message = re.match('.*
', data, re.DOTALL).group(1) message = re.sub("<.*?>", "", message.replace("
", " ").replace(" ", " ").strip()) # Strip http tags match = re.match(".*targetIP.*?value=\"(.*?)\"", data, re.DOTALL) if match: ip = else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) if "open" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": True} elif "closed" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": False} else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) def checkSubnetonline(self, port): url = "" data = self.requestUrl(url).read() ip = re.match('.*Your IP is.*?name="host".*?value="(.*?)"', data, re.DOTALL).group(1) token = re.match('.*name="token".*?value="(.*?)"', data, re.DOTALL).group(1) print ip post_data = {"host": ip, "port": port, "allow": "on", "token": token, "submit": "Scanning.."} data = self.requestUrl(url, post_data).read() message = re.match(".*
", data, re.DOTALL).group(1) message = re.sub("<.*?>", "", message.replace("
", " ").replace(" ", " ").strip()) # Strip http tags if "online" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": True} elif "closed" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": False} else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) def checkMyaddr(self, port): url = "" data = self.requestUrl(url).read() ip = re.match('.*Your IP address is:[ ]*([0-9\.:a-z]+)', data.replace(" ", ""), re.DOTALL).group(1) post_data = {"addr": ip, "ports_selected": "", "ports_list": port} data = self.requestUrl(url, post_data).read() message = re.match(".*(.*?)
", data, re.DOTALL).group(1) if "ok.png" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": True} elif "fail.png" in message: return {"ip": ip, "opened": False} else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message) def checkIpv6scanner(self, port): url = "" data = self.requestUrl(url).read() ip = re.match('.*Your IP address is[ ]*([0-9\.:a-z]+)', data.replace(" ", ""), re.DOTALL).group(1) post_data = {"host": ip, "scanType": "1", "port": port, "protocol": "tcp", "authorized": "yes"} data = self.requestUrl(url, post_data).read() message = re.match(".*(.*?)
", data, re.DOTALL).group(1) message_text = re.sub("<.*?>", " ", message.replace("
", " ").replace(" ", " ").strip()) # Strip http tags if "OPEN" in message_text: return {"ip": ip, "opened": True} elif "CLOSED" in message_text or "FILTERED" in message_text: return {"ip": ip, "opened": False} else: raise Exception("Invalid response: %s" % message_text) if __name__ == "__main__": import time peer_portchecker = PeerPortchecker() for func_name in ["checkIpv6scanner", "checkMyaddr", "checkPortchecker", "checkCanyouseeme"]: s = time.time() print(func_name, getattr(peer_portchecker, func_name)(3894), "%.3fs" % (time.time() - s))