import logging import time import sys import gevent from cStringIO import StringIO from Debug import Debug from Config import config from util import helper from PeerHashfield import PeerHashfield if config.use_tempfiles: import tempfile # Communicate remote peers class Peer(object): __slots__ = ( "ip", "port", "site", "key", "connection", "connection_server", "time_found", "time_response", "time_hashfield", "time_added", "has_hashfield", "time_my_hashfield_sent", "last_ping", "reputation", "last_content_json_update", "hashfield", "connection_error", "hash_failed", "download_bytes", "download_time" ) def __init__(self, ip, port, site=None, connection_server=None): self.ip = ip self.port = port = site self.key = "%s:%s" % (ip, port) self.connection = None self.connection_server = connection_server self.has_hashfield = False # Lazy hashfield object not created yet self.time_hashfield = None # Last time peer's hashfiled downloaded self.time_my_hashfield_sent = None # Last time my hashfield sent to peer self.time_found = time.time() # Time of last found in the torrent tracker self.time_response = None # Time of last successful response from peer self.time_added = time.time() self.last_ping = None # Last response time for ping self.reputation = 0 # More likely to connect if larger self.last_content_json_update = 0.0 # Modify date of last received content.json self.connection_error = 0 # Series of connection error self.hash_failed = 0 # Number of bad files from peer self.download_bytes = 0 # Bytes downloaded self.download_time = 0 # Time spent to download def __getattr__(self, key): if key == "hashfield": self.has_hashfield = True self.hashfield = PeerHashfield() return self.hashfield else: return getattr(self, key) def log(self, text): if not config.verbose: return # Only log if we are in debug mode if"%s:%s %s" % (self.ip, self.port, text)) else: logging.debug("%s:%s %s" % (self.ip, self.port, text)) # Connect to host def connect(self, connection=None): if self.connection: self.log("Getting connection (Closing %s)..." % self.connection) self.connection.close("Connection change") else: self.log("Getting connection...") if connection: # Connection specified self.connection = connection self.connection.sites += 1 else: # Try to find from connection pool or create new connection self.connection = None try: if self.connection_server: self.connection = self.connection_server.getConnection(self.ip, self.port, elif self.connection =, self.port, else: self.connection = sys.modules["main"].file_server.getConnection(self.ip, self.port, self.connection.sites += 1 except Exception, err: self.onConnectionError("Getting connection error") self.log("Getting connection error: %s (connection_error: %s, hash_failed: %s)" % (Debug.formatException(err), self.connection_error, self.hash_failed)) self.connection = None # Check if we have connection to peer def findConnection(self): if self.connection and self.connection.connected: # We have connection to peer return self.connection else: # Try to find from other sites connections self.connection =, self.port, create=False, if self.connection: self.connection.sites += 1 return self.connection def __str__(self): return "Peer:%-12s" % self.ip def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % self.__str__() def packMyAddress(self): if self.ip.endswith(".onion"): return helper.packOnionAddress(self.ip, self.port) else: return helper.packAddress(self.ip, self.port) # Found a peer on tracker def found(self): self.time_found = time.time() # Send a command to peer and return response value def request(self, cmd, params={}, stream_to=None): if not self.connection or self.connection.closed: self.connect() if not self.connection: self.onConnectionError("Reconnect error") return None # Connection failed self.log("Send request: %s %s" % (params.get("site", ""), cmd)) for retry in range(1, 4): # Retry 3 times try: res = self.connection.request(cmd, params, stream_to) if not res: raise Exception("Send error") if "error" in res: self.log("%s error: %s" % (cmd, res["error"])) self.onConnectionError("Response error") break else: # Successful request, reset connection error num self.connection_error = 0 self.time_response = time.time() return res except Exception, err: if type(err).__name__ == "Notify": # Greenlet killed by worker self.log("Peer worker got killed: %s, aborting cmd: %s" % (err.message, cmd)) break else: self.onConnectionError("Request error") self.log( "%s (connection_error: %s, hash_failed: %s, retry: %s)" % (Debug.formatException(err), self.connection_error, self.hash_failed, retry) ) time.sleep(1 * retry) self.connect() return None # Failed after 4 retry # Get a file content from peer def getFile(self, site, inner_path): # Use streamFile if client supports it if config.stream_downloads and self.connection and self.connection.handshake and self.connection.handshake["rev"] > 310: return self.streamFile(site, inner_path) location = 0 if config.use_tempfiles: buff = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=16 * 1024, mode='w+b') else: buff = StringIO() s = time.time() while True: # Read in 512k parts res = self.request("getFile", {"site": site, "inner_path": inner_path, "location": location}) if not res or "body" not in res: # Error return False buff.write(res["body"]) res["body"] = None # Save memory if res["location"] == res["size"]: # End of file break else: location = res["location"] self.download_bytes += res["location"] self.download_time += (time.time() - s) if["bytes_recv"] ="bytes_recv", 0) + res["location"] return buff # Download file out of msgpack context to save memory and cpu def streamFile(self, site, inner_path): location = 0 if config.use_tempfiles: buff = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=16 * 1024, mode='w+b') else: buff = StringIO() s = time.time() while True: # Read in 512k parts res = self.request("streamFile", {"site": site, "inner_path": inner_path, "location": location}, stream_to=buff) if not res or "location" not in res: # Error self.log("Invalid response: %s" % res) return False if res["location"] == res["size"]: # End of file break else: location = res["location"] self.download_bytes += res["location"] self.download_time += (time.time() - s)["bytes_recv"] ="bytes_recv", 0) + res["location"] return buff # Send a ping request def ping(self): response_time = None for retry in range(1, 3): # Retry 3 times s = time.time() with gevent.Timeout(10.0, False): # 10 sec timeout, don't raise exception res = self.request("ping") if res and "body" in res and res["body"] == "Pong!": response_time = time.time() - s break # All fine, exit from for loop # Timeout reached or bad response self.onConnectionError("Ping timeout") self.connect() time.sleep(1) if response_time: self.log("Ping: %.3f" % response_time) else: self.log("Ping failed") self.last_ping = response_time return response_time # Request peer exchange from peer def pex(self, site=None, need_num=5): if not site: site = # If no site defined request peers for this site # give back 5 connectible peers packed_peers = helper.packPeers( request = {"site": site.address, "peers": packed_peers["ip4"], "need": need_num} if packed_peers["onion"]: request["peers_onion"] = packed_peers["onion"] res = self.request("pex", request) if not res or "error" in res: return False added = 0 # Ip4 for peer in res.get("peers", []): address = helper.unpackAddress(peer) if site.addPeer(*address): added += 1 # Onion for peer in res.get("peers_onion", []): address = helper.unpackOnionAddress(peer) if site.addPeer(*address): added += 1 if added: self.log("Added peers using pex: %s" % added) return added # List modified files since the date # Return: {inner_path: modification date,...} def listModified(self, since): return self.request("listModified", {"since": since, "site":}) def updateHashfield(self, force=False): # Don't update hashfield again in 15 min if self.time_hashfield and time.time() - self.time_hashfield > 60 * 15 and not force: return False self.time_hashfield = time.time() res = self.request("getHashfield", {"site":}) if not res or "error" in res: return False self.hashfield.replaceFromString(res["hashfield_raw"]) return self.hashfield # Find peers for hashids # Return: {hash1: ["ip:port", "ip:port",...],...} def findHashIds(self, hash_ids): res = self.request("findHashIds", {"site":, "hash_ids": hash_ids}) if not res or "error" in res: return False # Unpack IP4 back = {key: map(helper.unpackAddress, val) for key, val in res["peers"].items()[0:30]} # Unpack onion for hash, onion_peers in res.get("peers_onion", {}).items()[0:30]: if not hash in back: back[hash] = [] back[hash] += map(helper.unpackOnionAddress, onion_peers) return back # Send my hashfield to peer # Return: True if sent def sendMyHashfield(self): if self.connection and self.connection.handshake.get("rev", 0) < 510: return False # Not supported if self.time_my_hashfield_sent and <= self.time_my_hashfield_sent: return False # Peer already has the latest hashfield res = self.request("setHashfield", {"site":, "hashfield_raw":}) if not res or "error" in res: return False else: self.time_my_hashfield_sent = time.time() return True # Stop and remove from site def remove(self, reason="Removing"): self.log("Removing peer...Connection error: %s, Hash failed: %s" % (self.connection_error, self.hash_failed)) if and self.key in del([self.key]) if self.connection: self.connection.close(reason) # - EVENTS - # On connection error def onConnectionError(self, reason="Unknown"): self.connection_error += 1 if self.connection_error >= 3: # Dead peer self.remove("Peer connection: %s" % reason) # Done working with peer def onWorkerDone(self): pass