import json, gevent, time, sys, hashlib from Config import config from Site import SiteManager class UiWebsocket: def __init__(self, ws, site, server): = ws = site self.log = site.log self.server = server self.next_message_id = 1 self.waiting_cb = {} # Waiting for callback. Key: message_id, Value: function pointer self.channels = [] # Channels joined to # Start listener loop def start(self): ws = if == config.homepage and not # Add open fileserver port message or closed port error to homepage at first request after start if config.ip_external:["done", "Congratulation, your port "+str(config.fileserver_port)+" is opened.
You are full member of ZeroNet network!", 10000]) elif config.ip_external == False:["error", "Your network connection is restricted. Please, open "+str(config.fileserver_port)+" port
on your router to become full member of ZeroNet network.", 0]) = True # Dont add connection notification anymore for notification in # Send pending notification messages self.cmd("notification", notification) = [] while True: try: message = ws.receive() if message: self.handleRequest(message) except Exception, err: if err.message != 'Connection is already closed': if config.debug: # Allow websocket errors to appear on /Debug import sys sys.modules["src.main"].DebugHook.handleError() self.log.error("WebSocket error: %s" % err) return "Bye." # Event in a channel def event(self, channel, *params): if channel in self.channels: # We are joined to channel if channel == "siteChanged": site = params[0] # Triggerer site site_info = self.siteInfo(site) if len(params) > 1 and params[1]: # Extra data site_info.update(params[1]) self.cmd("setSiteInfo", site_info) # Send response to client (to = def response(self, to, result): self.send({"cmd": "response", "to": to, "result": result}) # Send a command def cmd(self, cmd, params={}, cb = None): self.send({"cmd": cmd, "params": params}, cb) # Encode to json and send message def send(self, message, cb = None): message["id"] = self.next_message_id # Add message id to allow response self.next_message_id += 1 try: if cb: # Callback after client responsed self.waiting_cb[message["id"]] = cb except Exception, err: self.log.debug("Websocket send error: %s" % err) # Handle incoming messages def handleRequest(self, data): req = json.loads(data) cmd = req["cmd"] permissions =["permissions"] if cmd == "response": self.actionResponse(req) elif cmd == "ping": self.actionPing(req["id"]) elif cmd == "channelJoin": self.actionChannelJoin(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "siteInfo": self.actionSiteInfo(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "serverInfo": self.actionServerInfo(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "siteUpdate": self.actionSiteUpdate(req["id"], req["params"]) # Admin commands elif cmd == "sitePause" and "ADMIN" in permissions: self.actionSitePause(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "siteResume" and "ADMIN" in permissions: self.actionSiteResume(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "siteList" and "ADMIN" in permissions: self.actionSiteList(req["id"], req["params"]) elif cmd == "channelJoinAllsite" and "ADMIN" in permissions: self.actionChannelJoinAllsite(req["id"], req["params"]) # Unknown command else: self.response(req["id"], "Unknown command: %s" % cmd) # - Actions - # Do callback on response {"cmd": "response", "to": message_id, "result": result} def actionResponse(self, req): if req["to"] in self.waiting_cb: self.waiting_cb(req["result"]) # Call callback function else: self.log.error("Websocket callback not found: %s" % req) # Send a simple pong answer def actionPing(self, to): self.response(to, "pong") # Format site info def siteInfo(self, site): ret = { "auth_id":["auth_key"][0:10], "auth_id_md5": hashlib.md5(["auth_key"][0:10]).hexdigest(), "address": site.address, "settings": site.settings, "content_updated": site.content_updated, "bad_files": site.bad_files.keys(), "last_downloads": site.last_downloads, "peers": len(site.peers), "tasks": [task["inner_path"] for task in site.worker_manager.tasks], "content": site.content } if site.settings["serving"] and site.content: ret["peers"] += 1 # Add myself if serving return ret # Send site details def actionSiteInfo(self, to, params): ret = self.siteInfo( self.response(to, ret) # Join to an event channel def actionChannelJoin(self, to, params): if params["channel"] not in self.channels: self.channels.append(params["channel"]) # Server variables def actionServerInfo(self, to, params): ret = { "ip_external": config.ip_external, "platform": sys.platform, "fileserver_ip": config.fileserver_ip, "fileserver_port": config.fileserver_port, "ui_ip": config.ui_ip, "ui_port": config.ui_port, "debug": config.debug } self.response(to, ret) # - Admin actions - # List all site info def actionSiteList(self, to, params): ret = [] SiteManager.load() # Reload sites for site in self.server.sites.values(): if not site.content: continue # Broken site ret.append(self.siteInfo(site)) self.response(to, ret) # Join to an event channel on all sites def actionChannelJoinAllsite(self, to, params): if params["channel"] not in self.channels: # Add channel to channels self.channels.append(params["channel"]) for site in self.server.sites.values(): # Add websocket to every channel if self not in site.websockets: site.websockets.append(self) # Update site content.json def actionSiteUpdate(self, to, params): address = params.get("address") site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site and (site.address == or "ADMIN" in["permissions"]): gevent.spawn(site.update) else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) # Pause site serving def actionSitePause(self, to, params): address = params.get("address") site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site: site.settings["serving"] = False site.saveSettings() site.updateWebsocket() else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address}) # Resume site serving def actionSiteResume(self, to, params): address = params.get("address") site = self.server.sites.get(address) if site: site.settings["serving"] = True site.saveSettings() gevent.spawn(site.update) time.sleep(0.001) # Wait for update thread starting site.updateWebsocket() else: self.response(to, {"error": "Unknown site: %s" % address})