
41 lines
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class Loading
constructor: ->
if window.show_loadingscreen then @showScreen()
showScreen: ->
$(".loadingscreen").css("display", "block").addClassLater("ready")
@screen_visible = true
@printLine "   Connecting..."
# We dont need loadingscreen anymore
hideScreen: ->
if not $(".loadingscreen").hasClass("done") # Only if its not animating already
if @screen_visible # Hide with animate
else # Not visible, just remove
@screen_visible = false
# Append text to last line of loadingscreen
print: (text, type="normal") ->
if not @screen_visible then return false
$(".loadingscreen .console .cursor").remove() # Remove previous cursor
last_line = $(".loadingscreen .console .console-line:last-child")
if type == "error" then text = "<span class='console-error'>#{text}</span>"
# Add line to loading screen
printLine: (text, type="normal") ->
if not @screen_visible then return false
$(".loadingscreen .console .cursor").remove() # Remove previous cursor
if type == "error" then text = "<span class='console-error'>#{text}</span>" else text = text+"<span class='cursor'> </span>"
$(".loadingscreen .console").append("<div class='console-line'>#{text}</div>")
window.Loading = Loading