
199 lines
6.3 KiB

import hmac
import os
from ._jacobian import JacobianCurve
from .._ecc import ECC
from .aes import aes
from ._util import int_to_bytes, bytes_to_int, inverse, square_root_mod_prime
class EllipticCurveBackend:
def __init__(self, p, n, a, b, g):
self.p, self.n, self.a, self.b, self.g = p, n, a, b, g
self.jacobian = JacobianCurve(p, n, a, b, g)
self.public_key_length = (len(bin(p).replace("0b", "")) + 7) // 8
self.order_bitlength = len(bin(n).replace("0b", ""))
def _int_to_bytes(self, raw, len=None):
return int_to_bytes(raw, len or self.public_key_length)
def decompress_point(self, public_key):
# Parse & load data
x = bytes_to_int(public_key[1:])
# Calculate Y
y_square = (pow(x, 3, self.p) + self.a * x + self.b) % self.p
y = square_root_mod_prime(y_square, self.p)
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Invalid public key") from None
if y % 2 != public_key[0] - 0x02:
y = self.p - y
return self._int_to_bytes(x), self._int_to_bytes(y)
def new_private_key(self):
while True:
private_key = os.urandom(self.public_key_length)
if bytes_to_int(private_key) >= self.n:
return private_key
def private_to_public(self, private_key):
raw = bytes_to_int(private_key)
x, y = self.jacobian.fast_multiply(self.g, raw)
return self._int_to_bytes(x), self._int_to_bytes(y)
def ecdh(self, private_key, public_key):
x, y = public_key
x, y = bytes_to_int(x), bytes_to_int(y)
private_key = bytes_to_int(private_key)
x, _ = self.jacobian.fast_multiply((x, y), private_key, secret=True)
return self._int_to_bytes(x)
def _subject_to_int(self, subject):
return bytes_to_int(subject[:(self.order_bitlength + 7) // 8])
def sign(self, subject, raw_private_key, recoverable, is_compressed, entropy):
z = self._subject_to_int(subject)
private_key = bytes_to_int(raw_private_key)
k = bytes_to_int(entropy)
# Fix k length to prevent Minerva. Increasing multiplier by a
# multiple of order doesn't break anything. This fix was ported
# from python-ecdsa
ks = k + self.n
kt = ks + self.n
ks_len = len(bin(ks).replace("0b", "")) // 8
kt_len = len(bin(kt).replace("0b", "")) // 8
if ks_len == kt_len:
k = kt
k = ks
px, py = self.jacobian.fast_multiply(self.g, k, secret=True)
r = px % self.n
if r == 0:
# Invalid k
raise ValueError("Invalid k")
s = (inverse(k, self.n) * (z + (private_key * r))) % self.n
if s == 0:
# Invalid k
raise ValueError("Invalid k")
inverted = False
if s * 2 >= self.n:
s = self.n - s
inverted = True
rs_buf = self._int_to_bytes(r) + self._int_to_bytes(s)
if recoverable:
recid = (py % 2) ^ inverted
recid += 2 * int(px // self.n)
if is_compressed:
return bytes([31 + recid]) + rs_buf
if recid >= 4:
raise ValueError("Too big recovery ID, use compressed address instead")
return bytes([27 + recid]) + rs_buf
return rs_buf
def recover(self, signature, subject):
z = self._subject_to_int(subject)
recid = signature[0] - 27 if signature[0] < 31 else signature[0] - 31
r = bytes_to_int(signature[1:self.public_key_length + 1])
s = bytes_to_int(signature[self.public_key_length + 1:])
# Verify bounds
if not 0 <= recid < 2 * (self.p // self.n + 1):
raise ValueError("Invalid recovery ID")
if r >= self.n:
raise ValueError("r is out of bounds")
if s >= self.n:
raise ValueError("s is out of bounds")
rinv = inverse(r, self.n)
u1 = (-z * rinv) % self.n
u2 = (s * rinv) % self.n
# Recover R
rx = r + (recid // 2) * self.n
if rx >= self.p:
raise ValueError("Rx is out of bounds")
# Almost copied from decompress_point
ry_square = (pow(rx, 3, self.p) + self.a * rx + self.b) % self.p
ry = square_root_mod_prime(ry_square, self.p)
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Invalid recovered public key") from None
# Ensure the point is correct
if ry % 2 != recid % 2:
# Fix Ry sign
ry = self.p - ry
x, y = self.jacobian.fast_shamir(self.g, u1, (rx, ry), u2)
return self._int_to_bytes(x), self._int_to_bytes(y)
def verify(self, signature, subject, public_key):
z = self._subject_to_int(subject)
r = bytes_to_int(signature[:self.public_key_length])
s = bytes_to_int(signature[self.public_key_length:])
# Verify bounds
if r >= self.n:
raise ValueError("r is out of bounds")
if s >= self.n:
raise ValueError("s is out of bounds")
public_key = [bytes_to_int(c) for c in public_key]
# Ensure that the public key is correct
if not self.jacobian.is_on_curve(public_key):
raise ValueError("Public key is not on curve")
sinv = inverse(s, self.n)
u1 = (z * sinv) % self.n
u2 = (r * sinv) % self.n
x1, _ = self.jacobian.fast_shamir(self.g, u1, public_key, u2)
if r != x1 % self.n:
raise ValueError("Invalid signature")
return True
def derive_child(self, seed, child):
# Round 1
h ="Bitcoin seed", msg=seed, digestmod="sha512").digest()
private_key1 = h[:32]
x, y = self.private_to_public(private_key1)
public_key1 = bytes([0x02 + (y[-1] % 2)]) + x
private_key1 = bytes_to_int(private_key1)
# Round 2
msg = public_key1 + self._int_to_bytes(child, 4)
h =[32:], msg=msg, digestmod="sha512").digest()
private_key2 = bytes_to_int(h[:32])
return self._int_to_bytes((private_key1 + private_key2) % self.n)
def get_backend(cls):
return "fallback"
ecc = ECC(EllipticCurveBackend, aes)