2023-09-02 07:59:34 +02:00

91 lines
3.5 KiB

class Loading
constructor: (@wrapper) ->
if window.show_loadingscreen then @showScreen()
@timer_hide = null
@timer_set = null
setProgress: (percent) ->
if @timer_hide
clearInterval @timer_hide
@timer_set = RateLimit 500, ->
$(".progressbar").css("transform": "scaleX(#{parseInt(percent*100)/100})").css("opacity", "1").css("display", "block")
hideProgress: ->
@log "hideProgress"
if @timer_set
clearInterval @timer_set
@timer_hide = setTimeout ( =>
$(".progressbar").css("transform": "scaleX(1)").css("opacity", "0").hideLater(1000)
), 300
showScreen: ->
$(".loadingscreen").css("display", "block").addClassLater("ready")
@screen_visible = true
@printLine "   Connecting..."
showTooLarge: (site_info) ->
@log "Displaying large site confirmation"
if $(".console .button-setlimit").length == 0 # Not displaying it yet
line = @printLine("Site size: <b>#{parseInt(site_info.settings.size/1024/1024)}MB</b> is larger than default allowed #{parseInt(site_info.size_limit)}MB", "warning")
button = $("<a href='#Set+limit' class='button button-setlimit'>" + "Open site and set size limit to #{site_info.next_size_limit}MB" + "</a>")
button.on "click", =>
return @wrapper.setSizeLimit(site_info.next_size_limit)
setTimeout (=>
), 100
showTrackerTorBridge: (server_info) ->
if $(".console .button-settrackerbridge").length == 0 and not server_info.tor_use_meek_bridges
line = @printLine("Tracker connection error detected.", "error")
button = $("<a href='#Enable+Tor+bridges' class='button button-settrackerbridge'>" + "Use Tor meek bridges for tracker connections" + "</a>")
button.on "click", =>
button.addClass("loading") "configSet", ["tor_use_bridges", ""] "configSet", ["trackers_proxy", "tor"] "siteUpdate", {address: @wrapper.site_info.address, announce: true}
return false
if not server_info.tor_has_meek_bridges
@printLine("No meek bridge support in your client, please <a href=''>download the latest bundle</a>.", "warning")
# We dont need loadingscreen anymore
hideScreen: ->
@log "hideScreen"
if not $(".loadingscreen").hasClass("done") # Only if its not animating already
if @screen_visible # Hide with animate
else # Not visible, just remove
@screen_visible = false
# Append text to last line of loadingscreen
print: (text, type="normal") ->
if not @screen_visible then return false
$(".loadingscreen .console .cursor").remove() # Remove previous cursor
last_line = $(".loadingscreen .console .console-line:last-child")
if type == "error" then text = "<span class='console-error'>#{text}</span>"
# Add line to loading screen
printLine: (text, type="normal") ->
if not @screen_visible then return false
$(".loadingscreen .console .cursor").remove() # Remove previous cursor
if type == "error" then text = "<span class='console-error'>#{text}</span>" else text = text+"<span class='cursor'> </span>"
line = $("<div class='console-line'>#{text}</div>").appendTo(".loadingscreen .console")
if type == "warning" then line.addClass("console-warning")
return line
log: (args...) ->
console.log "[Loading]", args...
window.Loading = Loading