HelloZeroNet eddf3eb8fc rev134, Removed ZeroMQ dependency and support, GC after every stat page, GC call stat command, Streaming files directly to socket without msgpack overhead, Use listModified to query changed content.json files, Fix urllib memory leak onolder pythons, Fix security tests, Sitemanager testsuite, Announce on site resume, Site publish serves files max 60s 2015-05-03 13:06:43 +02:00
.. rev134, Removed ZeroMQ dependency and support, GC after every stat page, GC call stat command, Streaming files directly to socket without msgpack overhead, Use listModified to query changed content.json files, Fix urllib memory leak onolder pythons, Fix security tests, Sitemanager testsuite, Announce on site resume, Site publish serves files max 60s 2015-05-03 13:06:43 +02:00 socks proxy support, disable udp connections support, http bittorrent tracker support, port opened, external ip to stats, only need zeroname site if dont have, dont try to download file that not in content.json, store external ip even if port closed, recreate uirequest class to avoid unfinished requests in some cases 2015-04-12 23:59:22 +02:00 rev125, Class statistics, OpenSSL disabled on OSX by default because of possible segfault, --disable_openssl command line parameter, Save memory on Connection, Peer and FileRequest objects using slots, Dont store modification time from the far future, Able to query modified files from peer, Allow reannounce in 30secs, Use with command in SiteStorage, Always create dir before write file, PeerCmd shell command to query specific command from peer 2015-04-29 23:12:45 +02:00 version 0.2.6, database support, dbrebuild and dbquery startup commands, connection firstchar error bugfix, log python gevent msgpack lib versions, sitestorage class for site file operations, dbquery websocket api command 2015-03-19 21:19:14 +01:00