2020-11-03 02:48:01 +01:00

628 lines
25 KiB

import time
import html
import os
import json
import sys
import itertools
from Plugin import PluginManager
from Config import config
from util import helper
from Debug import Debug
from Db import Db
class UiRequestPlugin(object):
def formatTableRow(self, row, class_name=""):
back = []
for format, val in row:
if val is None:
formatted = "n/a"
elif format == "since":
if val:
formatted = "%.0f" % (time.time() - val)
formatted = "n/a"
formatted = format % val
back.append("<td>%s</td>" % formatted)
return "<tr class='%s'>%s</tr>" % (class_name, "".join(back))
def getObjSize(self, obj, hpy=None):
if hpy:
return float(hpy.iso(obj).domisize) / 1024
return 0
def renderHead(self):
import main
from Crypt import CryptConnection
# Memory
yield "rev%s | " % config.rev
yield "%s | " % main.file_server.ip_external_list
yield "Port: %s | " % main.file_server.port
yield "Network: %s | " % main.file_server.supported_ip_types
yield "Opened: %s | " % main.file_server.port_opened
yield "Crypt: %s, TLSv1.3: %s | " % (CryptConnection.manager.crypt_supported, CryptConnection.ssl.HAS_TLSv1_3)
yield "In: %.2fMB, Out: %.2fMB | " % (
float(main.file_server.bytes_recv) / 1024 / 1024,
float(main.file_server.bytes_sent) / 1024 / 1024
yield "Peerid: %s | " % main.file_server.peer_id
yield "Time: %.2fs | " % main.file_server.getTimecorrection()
yield "Blocks: %s" % Debug.num_block
import psutil
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
mem = process.get_memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20)
yield "Mem: %.2fMB | " % mem
yield "Threads: %s | " % len(process.threads())
yield "CPU: usr %.2fs sys %.2fs | " % process.cpu_times()
yield "Files: %s | " % len(process.open_files())
yield "Sockets: %s | " % len(process.connections())
yield "Calc size <a href='?size=1'>on</a> <a href='?size=0'>off</a>"
except Exception:
yield "<br>"
def renderConnectionsTable(self):
import main
# Connections
yield "<b>Connections</b> (%s, total made: %s, in: %s, out: %s):<br>" % (
len(main.file_server.connections), main.file_server.last_connection_id,
main.file_server.num_incoming, main.file_server.num_outgoing
yield "<table class='connections'><tr> <th>id</th> <th>type</th> <th>ip</th> <th>open</th> <th>crypt</th> <th>ping</th>"
yield "<th>buff</th> <th>bad</th> <th>idle</th> <th>open</th> <th>delay</th> <th>cpu</th> <th>out</th> <th>in</th> <th>last sent</th>"
yield "<th>wait</th> <th>version</th> <th>time</th> <th>sites</th> </tr>"
for connection in main.file_server.connections:
if "cipher" in dir(connection.sock):
cipher = connection.sock.cipher()[0]
tls_version = connection.sock.version()
cipher = connection.crypt
tls_version = ""
if "time" in connection.handshake and connection.last_ping_delay:
time_correction = connection.handshake["time"] - connection.handshake_time - connection.last_ping_delay
time_correction = 0.0
yield self.formatTableRow([
("%s", connection.type),
("%s:%s", (connection.ip, connection.port)),
("%s", connection.handshake.get("port_opened")),
("<span title='%s %s'>%s</span>", (cipher, tls_version, connection.crypt)),
("%6.3f", connection.last_ping_delay),
("%s", connection.incomplete_buff_recv),
("%s", connection.bad_actions),
("since", max(connection.last_send_time, connection.last_recv_time)),
("since", connection.start_time),
("%.3f", max(-1, connection.last_sent_time - connection.last_send_time)),
("%.3f", connection.cpu_time),
("%.0fk", connection.bytes_sent / 1024),
("%.0fk", connection.bytes_recv / 1024),
("<span title='Recv: %s'>%s</span>", (connection.last_cmd_recv, connection.last_cmd_sent)),
("%s", list(connection.waiting_requests.keys())),
("%s r%s", (connection.handshake.get("version"), connection.handshake.get("rev", "?"))),
("%.2fs", time_correction),
("%s", connection.sites)
yield "</table>"
def renderTrackers(self):
# Trackers
yield "<br><br><b>Trackers:</b><br>"
yield "<table class='trackers'><tr> <th>address</th> <th>request</th> <th>successive errors</th> <th>last_request</th></tr>"
from Site import SiteAnnouncer # importing at the top of the file breaks plugins
for tracker_address, tracker_stat in sorted(SiteAnnouncer.global_stats.items()):
yield self.formatTableRow([
("%s", tracker_address),
("%s", tracker_stat["num_request"]),
("%s", tracker_stat["num_error"]),
("%.0f min ago", min(999, (time.time() - tracker_stat["time_request"]) / 60))
yield "</table>"
if "AnnounceShare" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names:
yield "<br><br><b>Shared trackers:</b><br>"
yield "<table class='trackers'><tr> <th>address</th> <th>added</th> <th>found</th> <th>latency</th> <th>successive errors</th> <th>last_success</th></tr>"
from AnnounceShare import AnnounceSharePlugin
for tracker_address, tracker_stat in sorted(AnnounceSharePlugin.tracker_storage.getTrackers().items()):
yield self.formatTableRow([
("%s", tracker_address),
("%.0f min ago", min(999, (time.time() - tracker_stat["time_added"]) / 60)),
("%.0f min ago", min(999, (time.time() - tracker_stat.get("time_found", 0)) / 60)),
("%.3fs", tracker_stat["latency"]),
("%s", tracker_stat["num_error"]),
("%.0f min ago", min(999, (time.time() - tracker_stat["time_success"]) / 60)),
yield "</table>"
def renderTor(self):
import main
yield "<br><br><b>Tor hidden services (status: %s):</b><br>" % main.file_server.tor_manager.status
for site_address, onion in list(main.file_server.tor_manager.site_onions.items()):
yield "- %-34s: %s<br>" % (site_address, onion)
def renderDbStats(self):
yield "<br><br><b>Db</b>:<br>"
for db in Db.opened_dbs:
tables = [row["name"] for row in db.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'").fetchall()]
table_rows = {}
for table in tables:
table_rows[table] = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM %s" % table).fetchone()["c"]
db_size = os.path.getsize(db.db_path) / 1024.0 / 1024.0
yield "- %.3fs: %s %.3fMB, table rows: %s<br>" % (
time.time() - db.last_query_time, db.db_path, db_size, json.dumps(table_rows, sort_keys=True)
def renderSites(self):
yield "<br><br><b>Sites</b>:"
yield "<table>"
yield "<tr><th>address</th> <th>connected</th> <th title='connected/good/total'>peers</th> <th>content.json</th> <th>out</th> <th>in</th> </tr>"
for site in list(self.server.sites.values()):
yield self.formatTableRow([
"""<a href='#' onclick='document.getElementById("peers_%s").style.display="initial"; return false'>%s</a>""",
(site.address, site.address)
("%s", [ for peer in list(site.peers.values()) if peer.connection and peer.connection.connected]),
("%s/%s/%s", (
len([peer for peer in list(site.peers.values()) if peer.connection and peer.connection.connected]),
("%s (loaded: %s)", (
len([key for key, val in dict(site.content_manager.contents).items() if val])
("%.0fk", site.settings.get("bytes_sent", 0) / 1024),
("%.0fk", site.settings.get("bytes_recv", 0) / 1024),
], "serving-%s" % site.settings["serving"])
yield "<tr><td id='peers_%s' style='display: none; white-space: pre' colspan=6>" % site.address
for key, peer in list(site.peers.items()):
if peer.time_found:
time_found = int(time.time() - peer.time_found) / 60
time_found = "--"
if peer.connection:
connection_id =
connection_id = None
if site.content_manager.has_optional_files:
yield "Optional files: %4s " % len(peer.hashfield)
time_added = (time.time() - peer.time_added) / (60 * 60 * 24)
yield "(#%4s, rep: %2s, err: %s, found: %.1fs min, add: %.1f day) %30s -<br>" % (connection_id, peer.reputation, peer.connection_error, time_found, time_added, key)
yield "<br></td></tr>"
yield "</table>"
def renderBigfiles(self):
yield "<br><br><b>Big files</b>:<br>"
for site in list(self.server.sites.values()):
if not site.settings.get("has_bigfile"):
bigfiles = {}
yield """<a href="#" onclick='document.getElementById("bigfiles_%s").style.display="initial"; return false'>%s</a><br>""" % (site.address, site.address)
for peer in list(site.peers.values()):
if not peer.time_piecefields_updated:
for sha512, piecefield in peer.piecefields.items():
if sha512 not in bigfiles:
bigfiles[sha512] = []
yield "<div id='bigfiles_%s' style='display: none'>" % site.address
for sha512, peers in bigfiles.items():
yield "<br> - " + sha512 + " (hash id: %s)<br>" % site.content_manager.hashfield.getHashId(sha512)
yield "<table>"
for peer in peers:
yield "<tr><td>" + peer.key + "</td><td>" + peer.piecefields[sha512].tostring() + "</td></tr>"
yield "</table>"
yield "</div>"
def renderRequests(self):
import main
yield "<div style='float: left'>"
yield "<br><br><b>Sent commands</b>:<br>"
yield "<table>"
for stat_key, stat in sorted(main.file_server.stat_sent.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]["bytes"], reverse=True):
yield "<tr><td>%s</td><td style='white-space: nowrap'>x %s =</td><td>%.0fkB</td></tr>" % (stat_key, stat["num"], stat["bytes"] / 1024)
yield "</table>"
yield "</div>"
yield "<div style='float: left; margin-left: 20%; max-width: 50%'>"
yield "<br><br><b>Received commands</b>:<br>"
yield "<table>"
for stat_key, stat in sorted(main.file_server.stat_recv.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]["bytes"], reverse=True):
yield "<tr><td>%s</td><td style='white-space: nowrap'>x %s =</td><td>%.0fkB</td></tr>" % (stat_key, stat["num"], stat["bytes"] / 1024)
yield "</table>"
yield "</div>"
yield "<div style='clear: both'></div>"
def renderMemory(self):
import gc
from Ui import UiRequest
hpy = None
if self.get.get("size") == "1": # Calc obj size
import guppy
hpy = guppy.hpy()
except Exception:
# Object types
obj_count = {}
for obj in gc.get_objects():
obj_type = str(type(obj))
if obj_type not in obj_count:
obj_count[obj_type] = [0, 0]
obj_count[obj_type][0] += 1 # Count
obj_count[obj_type][1] += float(sys.getsizeof(obj)) / 1024 # Size
yield "<br><br><b>Objects in memory (types: %s, total: %s, %.2fkb):</b><br>" % (
sum([stat[0] for stat in list(obj_count.values())]),
sum([stat[1] for stat in list(obj_count.values())])
for obj, stat in sorted(list(obj_count.items()), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True): # Sorted by count
yield " - %.1fkb = %s x <a href=\"/Listobj?type=%s\">%s</a><br>" % (stat[1], stat[0], obj, html.escape(obj))
# Classes
class_count = {}
for obj in gc.get_objects():
obj_type = str(type(obj))
if obj_type != "<type 'instance'>":
class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
if class_name not in class_count:
class_count[class_name] = [0, 0]
class_count[class_name][0] += 1 # Count
class_count[class_name][1] += float(sys.getsizeof(obj)) / 1024 # Size
yield "<br><br><b>Classes in memory (types: %s, total: %s, %.2fkb):</b><br>" % (
sum([stat[0] for stat in list(class_count.values())]),
sum([stat[1] for stat in list(class_count.values())])
for obj, stat in sorted(list(class_count.items()), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True): # Sorted by count
yield " - %.1fkb = %s x <a href=\"/Dumpobj?class=%s\">%s</a><br>" % (stat[1], stat[0], obj, html.escape(obj))
from greenlet import greenlet
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, greenlet)]
yield "<br>Greenlets (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from Worker import Worker
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, Worker)]
yield "<br>Workers (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from Connection import Connection
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, Connection)]
yield "<br>Connections (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from socket import socket
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, socket)]
yield "<br>Sockets (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from msgpack import Unpacker
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, Unpacker)]
yield "<br>Msgpack unpacker (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from Site.Site import Site
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, Site)]
yield "<br>Sites (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, self.server.log.__class__)]
yield "<br>Loggers (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, UiRequest)]
yield "<br>UiRequests (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
from Peer import Peer
objs = [obj for obj in gc.get_objects() if isinstance(obj, Peer)]
yield "<br>Peers (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for obj in objs:
yield " - %.1fkb: %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(obj, hpy), html.escape(repr(obj)))
objs = [(key, val) for key, val in sys.modules.items() if val is not None]
yield "<br>Modules (%s):<br>" % len(objs)
for module_name, module in objs:
yield " - %.3fkb: %s %s<br>" % (self.getObjSize(module, hpy), module_name, html.escape(repr(module)))
# /Stats entry point
def actionStats(self):
import gc
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
s = time.time()
# Style
yield """
* { font-family: monospace }
table td, table th { text-align: right; padding: 0px 10px }
.connections td { white-space: nowrap }
.serving-False { opacity: 0.3 }
renderers = [
for part in itertools.chain(*renderers):
yield part
if config.debug:
for part in self.renderMemory():
yield part
gc.collect() # Implicit grabage collection
yield "Done in %.1f" % (time.time() - s)
def actionDumpobj(self):
import gc
import sys
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
# No more if not in debug mode
if not config.debug:
yield "Not in debug mode"
class_filter = self.get.get("class")
yield """
* { font-family: monospace; white-space: pre }
table * { text-align: right; padding: 0px 10px }
objs = gc.get_objects()
for obj in objs:
obj_type = str(type(obj))
if obj_type != "<type 'instance'>" or obj.__class__.__name__ != class_filter:
yield "%.1fkb %s... " % (float(sys.getsizeof(obj)) / 1024, html.escape(str(obj)))
for attr in dir(obj):
yield "- %s: %s<br>" % (attr, html.escape(str(getattr(obj, attr))))
yield "<br>"
gc.collect() # Implicit grabage collection
def actionListobj(self):
import gc
import sys
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
# No more if not in debug mode
if not config.debug:
yield "Not in debug mode"
type_filter = self.get.get("type")
yield """
* { font-family: monospace; white-space: pre }
table * { text-align: right; padding: 0px 10px }
yield "Listing all %s objects in memory...<br>" % html.escape(type_filter)
ref_count = {}
objs = gc.get_objects()
for obj in objs:
obj_type = str(type(obj))
if obj_type != type_filter:
refs = [
ref for ref in gc.get_referrers(obj)
if hasattr(ref, "__class__") and
ref.__class__.__name__ not in ["list", "dict", "function", "type", "frame", "WeakSet", "tuple"]
if not refs:
yield "%.1fkb <span title=\"%s\">%s</span>... " % (
float(sys.getsizeof(obj)) / 1024, html.escape(str(obj)), html.escape(str(obj)[0:100].ljust(100))
except Exception:
for ref in refs:
yield " ["
if "object at" in str(ref) or len(str(ref)) > 100:
yield str(ref.__class__.__name__)
yield str(ref.__class__.__name__) + ":" + html.escape(str(ref))
yield "] "
ref_type = ref.__class__.__name__
if ref_type not in ref_count:
ref_count[ref_type] = [0, 0]
ref_count[ref_type][0] += 1 # Count
ref_count[ref_type][1] += float(sys.getsizeof(obj)) / 1024 # Size
yield "<br>"
yield "<br>Object referrer (total: %s, %.2fkb):<br>" % (len(ref_count), sum([stat[1] for stat in list(ref_count.values())]))
for obj, stat in sorted(list(ref_count.items()), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True)[0:30]: # Sorted by count
yield " - %.1fkb = %s x %s<br>" % (stat[1], stat[0], html.escape(str(obj)))
gc.collect() # Implicit grabage collection
def actionGcCollect(self):
import gc
yield str(gc.collect())
# /About entry point
def actionEnv(self):
import main
yield """
* { font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; }
h2 { font-size: 100%; margin-bottom: 0px; }
small { opacity: 0.5; }
table { border-collapse: collapse; }
td { padding-right: 10px; }
if "Multiuser" in PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names and not config.multiuser_local:
yield "This function is disabled on this proxy"
yield from main.actions.testEnv(format="html")
class ActionsPlugin:
def formatTable(self, *rows, format="text"):
if format == "html":
return self.formatTableHtml(*rows)
return self.formatTableText(*rows)
def formatHead(self, title, format="text"):
if format == "html":
return "<h2>%s</h2>" % title
return "\n* %s\n" % title
def formatTableHtml(self, *rows):
yield "<table>"
for row in rows:
yield "<tr>"
for col in row:
yield "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(str(col))
yield "</tr>"
yield "</table>"
def formatTableText(self, *rows):
for row in rows:
yield " "
for col in row:
yield " " + str(col)
yield "\n"
def testEnv(self, format="text"):
import gevent
import msgpack
import pkg_resources
import importlib
import coincurve
import sqlite3
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
yield "\n"
yield from self.formatTable(
["ZeroNet version:", "%s rev%s" % (config.version, config.rev)],
["Python:", "%s" % sys.version],
["Platform:", "%s" % sys.platform],
["Crypt verify lib:", "%s" % CryptBitcoin.lib_verify_best],
["OpenSSL:", "%s" % CryptBitcoin.sslcrypto.ecc.get_backend()],
["Libsecp256k1:", "%s" % type(coincurve._libsecp256k1.lib).__name__],
["SQLite:", "%s, API: %s" % (sqlite3.sqlite_version, sqlite3.version)],
yield self.formatHead("Libraries:")
rows = []
for lib_name in ["gevent", "greenlet", "msgpack", "base58", "merkletools", "rsa", "socks", "pyasn1", "gevent_ws", "websocket", "maxminddb"]:
module = importlib.import_module(lib_name)
if "__version__" in dir(module):
version = module.__version__
elif "version" in dir(module):
version = module.version
version = "unknown version"
if type(version) is tuple:
version = ".".join(map(str, version))
rows.append(["- %s:" % lib_name, version, "at " + module.__file__])
except Exception as err:
rows.append(["! Error importing %s:", repr(err)])
yield " - %s<br>" % html.escape(repr(pkg_resources.get_distribution(lib_name)))
except Exception as err:
yield " ! %s<br>" % html.escape(repr(err))
yield from self.formatTable(*rows, format=format)
yield self.formatHead("Library config:", format=format)
yield from self.formatTable(
["- gevent:", gevent.config.loop.__module__],
["- msgpack unpacker:", msgpack.Unpacker.__module__],