2019-05-01 08:04:39 +03:00

169 lines
6.4 KiB

import base64
import os
from Plugin import PluginManager
from Crypt import CryptBitcoin, CryptHash
import lib.pybitcointools as btctools
from . import CryptMessage
class UiWebsocketPlugin(object):
def eciesDecrypt(self, encrypted, privatekey):
back = CryptMessage.getEcc(privatekey).decrypt(encrypted)
return back.decode("utf8")
# - Actions -
# Returns user's public key unique to site
# Return: Public key
def actionUserPublickey(self, to, index=0):
publickey = self.user.getEncryptPublickey(, index)
self.response(to, publickey)
# Encrypt a text using the publickey or user's sites unique publickey
# Return: Encrypted text using base64 encoding
def actionEciesEncrypt(self, to, text, publickey=0, return_aes_key=False):
if type(publickey) is int: # Encrypt using user's publickey
publickey = self.user.getEncryptPublickey(, publickey)
aes_key, encrypted = CryptMessage.eciesEncrypt(text.encode("utf8"), publickey)
if return_aes_key:
self.response(to, [base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode("utf8"), base64.b64encode(aes_key).decode("utf8")])
self.response(to, base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode("utf8"))
# Decrypt a text using privatekey or the user's site unique private key
# Return: Decrypted text or list of decrypted texts
def actionEciesDecrypt(self, to, param, privatekey=0):
if type(privatekey) is int: # Decrypt using user's privatekey
privatekey = self.user.getEncryptPrivatekey(, privatekey)
if type(param) == list:
encrypted_texts = param
encrypted_texts = [param]
texts = [] # Decoded texts
for encrypted_text in encrypted_texts:
text = CryptMessage.eciesDecrypt(encrypted_text, privatekey).decode("utf8")
except Exception as err:
if type(param) == list:
self.response(to, texts)
self.response(to, texts[0])
# Encrypt a text using AES
# Return: Iv, AES key, Encrypted text
def actionAesEncrypt(self, to, text, key=None, iv=None):
import pyelliptic
if key:
key = base64.b64decode(key)
key = os.urandom(32)
if iv: # Generate new AES key if not definied
iv = base64.b64decode(iv)
iv = pyelliptic.Cipher.gen_IV('aes-256-cbc')
if text:
encrypted = pyelliptic.Cipher(key, iv, 1, ciphername='aes-256-cbc').ciphering(text.encode("utf8"))
encrypted = b""
res = [base64.b64encode(item).decode("utf8") for item in [key, iv, encrypted]]
self.response(to, res)
# Decrypt a text using AES
# Return: Decrypted text
def actionAesDecrypt(self, to, *args):
import pyelliptic
if len(args) == 3: # Single decrypt
encrypted_texts = [(args[0], args[1])]
keys = [args[2]]
else: # Batch decrypt
encrypted_texts, keys = args
texts = [] # Decoded texts
for iv, encrypted_text in encrypted_texts:
encrypted_text = base64.b64decode(encrypted_text)
iv = base64.b64decode(iv)
text = None
for key in keys:
ctx = pyelliptic.Cipher(base64.b64decode(key), iv, 0, ciphername='aes-256-cbc')
decrypted = ctx.ciphering(encrypted_text)
if decrypted and decrypted.decode("utf8"): # Valid text decoded
text = decrypted.decode("utf8")
except Exception as err:
if len(args) == 3:
self.response(to, texts[0])
self.response(to, texts)
# Sign data using ECDSA
# Return: Signature
def actionEcdsaSign(self, to, data, privatekey=None):
if privatekey is None: # Sign using user's privatekey
privatekey = self.user.getAuthPrivatekey(
self.response(to, CryptBitcoin.sign(data, privatekey))
# Verify data using ECDSA (address is either a address or array of addresses)
# Return: bool
def actionEcdsaVerify(self, to, data, address, signature):
self.response(to, CryptBitcoin.verify(data, address, signature))
# Gets the publickey of a given privatekey
def actionPrivToPub(self, to, privatekey):
self.response(to, btctools.privtopub(privatekey))
# Gets the address of a given publickey
def actionPubToAddr(self, to, publickey):
address = btctools.pubtoaddr(btctools.decode_pubkey(publickey))
self.response(to, address)
class UserPlugin(object):
def getEncryptPrivatekey(self, address, param_index=0):
assert param_index >= 0 and param_index <= 1000
site_data = self.getSiteData(address)
if site_data.get("cert"): # Different privatekey for different cert provider
index = param_index + self.getAddressAuthIndex(site_data["cert"])
index = param_index
if "encrypt_privatekey_%s" % index not in site_data:
address_index = self.getAddressAuthIndex(address)
crypt_index = address_index + 1000 + index
site_data["encrypt_privatekey_%s" % index] = CryptBitcoin.hdPrivatekey(self.master_seed, crypt_index)
self.log.debug("New encrypt privatekey generated for %s:%s" % (address, index))
return site_data["encrypt_privatekey_%s" % index]
def getEncryptPublickey(self, address, param_index=0):
assert param_index >= 0 and param_index <= 1000
site_data = self.getSiteData(address)
if site_data.get("cert"): # Different privatekey for different cert provider
index = param_index + self.getAddressAuthIndex(site_data["cert"])
index = param_index
if "encrypt_publickey_%s" % index not in site_data:
privatekey = self.getEncryptPrivatekey(address, param_index)
publickey = btctools.encode_pubkey(btctools.privtopub(privatekey), "bin_compressed")
site_data["encrypt_publickey_%s" % index] = base64.b64encode(publickey).decode("utf8")
return site_data["encrypt_publickey_%s" % index]