
109 lines
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import logging
import os
import sys
from Debug import Debug
from Config import config
class PluginManager:
def __init__(self):
self.log = logging.getLogger("PluginManager")
self.plugin_path = "plugins" # Plugin directory
self.plugins = {} # Registered plugins (key: class name, value: list of plugins for class)
self.plugin_names = [] # Loaded plugin names
if config.debug: # Auto reload Plugins on file change
from Debug import DebugReloader
# -- Load / Unload --
# Load all plugin
def loadPlugins(self):
for dir_name in os.listdir(self.plugin_path):
dir_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_path, dir_name)
if dir_name.startswith("disabled"):
continue # Dont load if disabled
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
continue # Dont load if not dir
if dir_name.startswith("Debug") and not config.debug:
continue # Only load in debug mode if module name starts with Debug
self.log.debug("Loading plugin: %s" % dir_name)
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Plugin %s load error: %s" % (dir_name, Debug.formatException(err)))
if dir_name not in self.plugin_names:
# Reload all plugins
def reloadPlugins(self):
self.plugins = {} # Reset registered plugins
for module_name, module in sys.modules.items():
if module and "__file__" in dir(module) and self.plugin_path in module.__file__: # Module file within plugin_path
if "allow_reload" not in dir(module) or module.allow_reload: # Check if reload disabled
except Exception, err:
self.log.error("Plugin %s reload error: %s" % (module_name, Debug.formatException(err)))
self.loadPlugins() # Load new plugins
plugin_manager = PluginManager() # Singletone
# -- Decorators --
# Accept plugin to class decorator
def acceptPlugins(base_class):
class_name = base_class.__name__
if class_name in plugin_manager.plugins: # Has plugins
classes = plugin_manager.plugins[class_name][:] # Copy the current plugins
classes.append(base_class) # Add the class itself to end of inherience line
plugined_class = type(class_name, tuple(classes), dict()) # Create the plugined class
plugin_manager.log.debug("New class accepts plugins: %s (Loaded plugins: %s)" % (class_name, classes))
else: # No plugins just use the original
plugined_class = base_class
return plugined_class
# Register plugin to class name decorator
def registerTo(class_name):
plugin_manager.log.debug("New plugin registered to: %s" % class_name)
if class_name not in plugin_manager.plugins:
plugin_manager.plugins[class_name] = []
def classDecorator(self):
return self
return classDecorator
# - Example usage -
if __name__ == "__main__":
class RequestPlugin(object):
def actionMainPage(self, path):
return "Hello MainPage!"
class Request(object):
def route(self, path):
func = getattr(self, "action" + path, None)
if func:
return func(path)
return "Can't route to", path
print Request().route("MainPage")